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无法为员工因私出国提供组织机构代码证原件或复印件等相关材料信息尊敬的签证官,其他信息以在职证明为准,给您的工作带来不便,不要拿翻译器的话,谢谢,深表歉意,于XXXX年X月X日至XXXX年X月X日赴法国旅游,并予以办理为盼,护照号为XXXXX,自己翻译的那种,该员工确为我单位正式员工,需办理贵国签证,特此证明。求这段话的英文翻译,因我单位性质所限。 请使馆签证处见谅:
We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience caused, we cannot provide the original copy or photocopies of some materials:Dear visa officer. All related information can be found on the employment certificate that we attached, for employees going abroad for private business手工翻译. We hereby confirm that this employee officially works for our organization, an employee of our organization, as constrained by the nature of our organization, with the passport number of XXXXX, needs to enter France for tourism, which requires France visa.We sincerely expect the visa office of the embassy to excuse us and issue the visa to Ms. However, including
those of the Organization Code Certificate. XXX. Thank you,Ms. XXX
in XXXX years X months X days to XXXX years X months X days to France tourism, the staff is my formal employees. the relevant material informationDear visa officer, other information in the proof of service shall prevail, unable to provide staff abroad for private organization code certificate original or copy etc, give your work to bring inconvenience: I have my unit staff MS XXX, need to apply for your visa, limited because I unit properties. Please forgive me for the visa office of the embassy, and to handle the hope, hereby certify that, apologize, passport number is XXXXX
which facilitates the ensuing activities. A successful conversation is a sound beginning for bilateral cooperation. Therefore. When having business conversations in different countries and cultural backgrounds. Business English has been playing a critical role in international communications with the rapid social and economic developments. This text highlights the characteristics of business English, business English has its unique characteristics and requires special translation techniques. Distinct from ordinary English study, in the process of globalization in particular, our business activities are also getting more globalized, the negotiators will show different views and understanding每段对照原文的一个句子. Business English is more professional and purposive in international business activities, has to learn the characteristics of business English and its translation skills in order to lay a solid foundation for their study and work. Due to its importance for foreign study and international trade, it is most imperative to learn business English and its translation。With our domestic market becoming more open to the world in recently years, or someone engaged in foreign trade, and talks about the translation skills in corresponding examples,
everyone, either a college student
In recent years, our country has been accelerating the opening up, at the same time, trade activities is becoming globalized.
With the quick development of social economy, especially pushed by the globalization, commercial english has played an vital role in international communication.
Commercial English, different from ordinary study of English, has its own unique features and translation techniques.
nowdays,our country further open our door to overseas and its globalization of commerce.Fllowing the growth of social economy,business english play a key role in
international environment with the trend of globalization in paticular.With its unique features and translation skill ,business english are different from other english subjects in learning.Business english are more professional
with more purposiveness,what is more,with different suggestions ,negotiant will negotiate with others in english under the various of nations and cultures.A successful negotiation means a good begining of mutual cooperation while facilitating to commercial business i...
In recent years, increasing the intensity of China's opening up to, while trading activities are increasingly globalized. With the rapid economic development of society, particularly under the trend of globalization, business English in international exchanges played a pivotal role. Business English is different from General English study, it has its own special characteristics and translation skills. Business English in international business activities in the more professional, more has purpose, and in different country in the, culture details the different, using Business English for business talks Shi, negotiations who will has different of views a...
In recent years, as China has been more open to the world, there has been a trend of increasing globalization of her business activities. With the rapid development socially and economically, especially under the trend of globalization, Business English has become of crucial importance in international business. The study of Business English is different from that of Common English not only in translation skills, but also in some other aspects. Business English, if properly mastered, will help demonstrate more professionalism, and will serve the international business better. People from different countries or cultures could hold different opinions whi...
In recent years,the intensity of China's opening is up to, while trading activities have been globalized increasing.With the rapid economic development of society, particularly under the trend of globalization, business English in international exchanges played a pivotal role. Business English is different from General English study, it has its own special characteristics and translation skills. Business English in international business activities in the more professional, more has purpose, and in different country in the, culture details the different, using Business English for business talks Shi, negotiations who will has different of views and vie...
In recent years, increasing the intensity of China's opening up to, while trading activities are increasingly globalized. With the rapid economic development of society, particularly under the trend of globalization, business English in international exchanges played a pivotal role. Business English is different from General English study, it has its own special characteristics and translation skills. using Business English for business talks Shi, negotiations who will has different of views and views, one success of negotiations is both cooperation of good began, will for future of business activities provides facilitate, requirements regardless of is...
物品丢失成为了日常生活中最头疼的问题。总结科技使社会进步,有的有大人看管,所以我们将拥有庞大的市场,遇到缺乏责任心的警察可能就会错过最佳时间。优点 1快速定位 ,所以不会损耗太多电量。在一些小区记者发现,增加了犯罪的成本,求大神帮忙开场,短时间的通话描述歹徒的外貌特征及附近标志性建筑关键时候很有用,今天,而宠物丢了警察根本不会受理于是我们开发了这么一件产品(类似手表的可穿戴设备)特点 gps定位能迅速地确定位置.当你的孩子和宠物跑到距离你半径约25英尺(约8米)范围以外,增加了社区环境安全,你可以看到产品携带者整个的运动轨迹,因为有这么多人的需要。不少孩子的爷爷奶奶告诉记者,查看使用者的移动轨迹,这些问题都会消失,急急急,最后他还具备追踪查看,它有100米防水)。同样每年也有很多的宠物丢失孩子丢失家长找不到只能报警,看孩子确实很费心,发出刺耳的警报声提醒妈妈注意小孩和宠物 如果绑匪抱着你的孩子或宠物就跑,拆掉带子还可以放在任何对你重要的东西上。改变降低了儿童宠物的丢失率,但是有了我们这个产品,经常会忘记钥匙钱包放在哪,超长待机(因为是基于蓝牙和无线之间的设备,放水功能(下雨天不怕被淋湿,它将改变我们的生活过度按照不同的统计数字,每年全国有20万儿童走失,我们给大家介绍一个新的产品,手表端带有求救按钮让使用者能快速求救,你又追不上这时(你不用担心,经常会看到孩子宠物走失,新发明解决生活中的问题,我们的轨迹跟踪精准至5米范围,找回的不到千分之一,报警器即会启动,不给绑匪时间2众多的家长形成一个安全网络 3可以用在宠物孩子身上,迅速报警求助,基本上都是孩子的爷爷奶奶看管,与传统的防丢器一样,并且迅速报警并吧信息发送给警方方便他们调查,院子里跑来跑去有很多小孩,现在孩子们的父母由于工作太忙,这样再也不用担心坏人消失在人群中)我们的产品就会向附近装有同款app的使用者需求帮助,有的跟前也没有大人。 原理 这款产品支持通过蓝牙与手机端app连接,拥有超长待机)再过几个小时就要用了,降低了犯罪率价值随着生活质量的提高
For pets owners who lost their pets. Water-proofness allowes the watch to go 100t help with looking for animals. Solution of problems makes the world a better place.AdvantagesInstant tracking and alarmParent communityOn children. Many would leave the children to their grandparents.The problem of getting lost is rife with pets, the alarm goes off alerting the user to look out for his&#47. In interviews.Worrying parents who lost their children could do nothing than to call the police, safer community, the police cannot act fast enough missing the best opportunity for finding the lost kid, new inventions solve more and more problems in our lives.It a kidnapper should run away with your baby,000 and the percentage of the ones found afterwards is even less than one in a thousand.TransitionStatistics show that every year the number of children going missing in China can be as high as 200.SummaryWith the development of modern technicologies, but often.This is why we have developed this product.How does it workThe device is connected to the smart phone app through bluetooth.FeaturesGPS which enable finders to instantly locate the watch, and the app would send a message to the police as well as other users for help, yet the emergence of such product will solve the problem once and for all. Long working time and trackability. Emergency button which allowes a short-time voice call for the user to brief the situation to the outside, they would have to be on their own.When your child or your pet is more than 25 foot away from you, lower crime rateValueLosing items can be a headache for modern people, young parents are under a lot of pressure and are too busy to take care of their children, pets and any thing you valueImpactLess missing children, you can use the watch to track themOpeningToday: police won&#39, too. Today, some grandparents admit that looking after kids is truly a burden for them, unsupervised, it is observed that in many communities children get to playing in the neighbourhood on their own. However, I will introduce a new product to you which is sure to change our lives, the same as aher child or pet
there are two billion children get lost and cannot be found even one in a thousand. Thus, there are also many pets get lostToday we are going to introduce you a new product which can change our life. And some reporters find out that many children playing in the neighborhood are without being watched by adults. Parents can only call the police when they lost their children.According to the statistic. Meanwhile, police does n however, the kids may not be saved if they meet a irresponsible police. And for losing pets, we invent this product that can be wore like a watch.Because the parents are busy on their jobs. And many grandparents say that it's hard to look after the kids, grandparents often take care of the kids
FeaturesThe GPS can locate your position quickly and the botton on the Watch can let the user ask for help from decribing the appearance of the robber and the architecture around the user in a short time. The functions to prevent water from detroying the watch and the long period of time to be used can make the parents see where the user is.Basic InformationThis product can connect with the app on the phone by blue tooth. And when the user goes about eight meters away, the phone will alarm the adults to watch out the kids and pets.And when you cannot chase the one who take your children or pet away, the product will automatically call help from the product users and the police and will continuously show you the track they are going.
不是幸福太少。 10成功是你梦寐以求的那朵红玫瑰,怎能体会到胜利和成功的喜悦;有人说;爱心是一泓出现在沙漠的泉水,成了我们的忧伤,哪能知道阳光大道的可贵;漂泊的船儿,所以海洋广阔无边。 5金钱可以买来名贵的手表;也有人说,善读可以医愚”,都在我面前打开了一扇窗户”,不一定就是真的拥有了幸福,静静听歌,你就必须多一份心灵的创伤,我懂得了作为女性的自尊,但买不来宝贵的时间。 3在经受了失败和挫折后:“每一本书;然而我要说,幸福是高档舞台厅里动人旋律中的翩翩起舞,它使贫病交迫的人分外感到人间的温暖,是因为有引导它的铁轨,幸福是星级宾馆里山珍海味间的觥筹交错,但买不好的胃口,留下粼粼波纹;列车奔驰千里,它使濒临绝境的人重新看到生活的希望,幸福是教室里莘莘学子憧憬未来的动人笑脸。18人生就像一座山,哪能体会风和日丽的可爱:“不在沉默中爆发,你就必须放弃到手的蔷薇;如果你在灯下读着朋友的来信;当白朗宁说,我学会了坚韧:“读过一本书;要获取一枝玫瑰,我懂得了珍惜,那就是幸福,希望生活美满幸福,散到世上。 6是一丛秋菊,理想和信仰就是人生列车上的铁轨,始终的惦记是港湾。12当简爱说,而在于及时;在经历了失落和离别后,心存温馨,品味友情;是一眼古井;书是益友;是一片秋叶,不论其贫富,我懂得了作为人的价值,只是我们不懂生活,刘向说;如果你独坐一隅,重要的不是它的大小,也要散发芳香,你就必须倒掉已有的陈水。 4不是苦恼太多,幸福是实验室里科学家又有新发现时的舒展眉头。15未经历坎坷泥泞的艰难;未经历挫折和磨难的考验,所以天空宽阔无边;未经历风雪交加的黑夜!17远去的飞鸟。大地拥抱每一寸土地,也要装点大地,悲伤正是那成熟前的秕粒;当鲁迅说:“若为自由故,理想和信仰就是人生航船的罗盘。幸福是奋斗的结晶,幸福是端座奥迪,想说恨你不容易……16幸福,我懂得了为他人奉献爱心的重要,成了撒旦的魔杖。如果你从母亲手中接过饭碗,高尔基说,两者皆可抛”,勤劳的丰碑。19要装进一杯新泉。 8信念之于人,是因为有坚强的支柱,理想和信仰就是人生大厦的支柱;金钱可以买来美味的食品,信念是飞翔的翅膀;是一株古柏:“书犹药也。 11天空收容每一片云彩;人生就像一场雨,却常常有旋涡和急流;航船破浪前行,像交了一位益友”。 2天使的翅膀碎了,挫折正是那遍及周围的针刺。有人说,还是家,就在沉默中灭亡”,不论其大小。快乐是你辛勤耕耘获得的果实;要多一份独特的体验,我不是无感情的机器”,心中千丝万缕,重要的不是它的高低。 7书是良药,所以大地广袤无垠,不论其美丑、宝马车于人流如潮的大街上招摇过市,那就是幸福、时时惦念的地方,臧克家说。海洋接纳每一条河流,只是我们不懂把握。14什么是幸福,犹翅膀之于鸟,幸福是领奖台上运动员仰望国旗冉冉升起时的莹莹泪光;诚信的被囊抛了,时时刻刻围绕在你身旁:“拿走爱,无论是匆匆夜归还是离家远去,却常常有悲伤和忧愁;在遭受到误解和委屈时,我懂得人应具有反抗精神。20风从水上走过,那就是幸福,永恒的牵挂是故林:拥有这些,凝神遐思,世界将变成一座坟墓”,幸福是待在密室里数着成叠的百元大钞。挫折。希望江河一泻千里,我学会了宽容,也要流出清泉;有人说;书是窗户,而在于灵秀,是因为有指示方向的罗盘:“我们是平等的。13大厦巍然屹立,落到人间;当裴多菲说?幸福是果园里果农望着压满枝头果实的满脸喜色,也要撑起蓝天,却常常有狂风和恶浪1希望大海风平浪静。 9爱心是一片照射在冬日的阳光;奔波的旅人;阳光从云中穿过
we just don&#39: &quot, happiness is the laboratory scientists have found new stretch eyebrows, sad is that mature before the blighted grain: &quot, good reading may cure foolishness &quot. 13 buildings stand as firm as a rock, because t when P, but often there is sorrow and grief, you have to throt understand life, happiness is the podium player looking at the flag rising jade-like stone jade-like stone of tears, because of that indicates the direction of the compass, I know the value of, it makes the person suffering from both poverty and sickness is felt the warmth of the world, frustration is that throughout the surrounding acupuncture, and wings are to a bird, it is so desperate to , Satan has become a magic wand, scattered into the world. Tomorrow, le the bookt break out in silence, but in time, not t buy valuable time1 hope the sea be in smooth water, I understand that as a woman &#39, Liu said, happiness is the classroom students look forward to the future of a touching smile. Some people say. 18 life is like a mountain, Zang Kejia said! 17 away birds, fall to the world. 19 to be put into a cup of the new spring, happiness is the end A the book is friend, als the sun through the clouds, is not necessarily true happiness, into our sorrow, that is happiness. 11 the sky clouds accept every one, important is not its size,s compass,s not level. 9 love is a shining in the winter sunshine, just death &quot, always thinking is harbor, happiness is the high-grade stage hall melody in the rise and d not through a snowstorm is raging.; we are equal, but can&#39, G is a ancient well, so the ocean vast. The 8 belief in people, regardless of beauty and ugliness. 20 the wind from the water through, in the light taste of friendship. The 7 book is medicine, be warm, but often a vortex and jet, I understand the dedication of love for rush travelers.. 14 the book is a window, faith if it is for freedom, they can throw &quot. 3 under the f when subjected to the misunderstanding and grievance, you dream of. Happiness is the crystallization of hard struggle: with these. The 2 angel wings broken, I learned tolerance, it&#39, always around you, because ther in the silence, quietly listening to music, how can experienc;s self-t understand grasp, have all kinds of connec when Lu Xun said, regard love is a clear spring water in the desert, but we don&#39, how can know the value of sunshine Avenue, I have to say, whether it is a night or away from their homes by the heart, always miss: & is a Cooper: &quot, pillar of ideal and belief is the ; after the loss and departure. Night: &quot, you will have more of a psychological trauma. 4 is not worried too much, can realize the joy of victory and success, the eternal care is therefore forest. 10 success is the red rose, ideal and belief is the life on the train tracks, he thought. Happiness is your hard
some people say, I know one should have the spirit of rebellion, that is happiness. 15 without b the ship plough when browning said, I learned perseverance. 12 when Jane love said: & money can buy delicious food? Happiness is the orchard fruit looked at the pressure over the branches of the fruit with pleasure. If you are from the mother took the bowl, but can not buy a good appetite, I k to take a more unique experience, all in front of me open the door the window &quot, BMW car in the street swagger through the
some people say., also want to decorate the earth., happiness is a star hotel Lishanzhen seafood , hope and ha is an autumn leaf, happiness is to stay in the room a few hundred dollars bills stacked, also wan if you read a
train run thousands of miles, you must give every book. H drifting boat, want to say hate you is not easy , like a friend &quot: & to obtain a rose, the monument. Marine accept each river, I am not a heartless machine & not experienced setbacks and tribulations of test, so broad boundless sky. The earth embrace every inch of land, the integrity don&#39, regardless of their size, or home, ideal and belief is the life the ship&#39. . 5 money can if you are sitting in a corner. 16 happiness. 6 is a cluster of chrysanthemum, the world will become a tomb &, often have strong winds and storms
Abstract library management system for a modern library in the normal operation are always faced with a large number of readers information, two books of information and interaction between the charging information, book information. Traditional management methods is not only a waste of manpower, financial and material resources also easily lead to mistakes happening. Faced with tens of thousands of library books, the complicated readers information, through frequent turnover of book information, The traditional method of direct management not only be extremely inconvenient, but there are loopholes vulnerable, causing incalculable damage. Therefore to ...
1 hope the sea calm, but often there came a great wind and storm. Hope the rivers bold and flowing, but often have vortex and rapids, hope life happiness, but often have sadness and sorrow.
2. The wings of the angel broken, fell to earth, h The integrity of capsule cast, spread to the world, and became satan's wand.
(3) from the failures and setbacks, I When a misunderstanding and wrong, I After lost and leave, I learned to cherish.
4. Not too much bitterness, we just don' Happiness is not too little, we just don't understand grasp.
5. Money can buy expensive watches, b...


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