Counter-counter strike gtalobal Offensive怎么玩不了

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - PC - IGN
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Game Editions
MSRP: 14.99 USD
: Blood, Intense Violence
Minimum Requirements
OS: Windows 7/Vista/XP
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X3 8750 processor or better
Memory: 1GB XP / 2GB Vista
Hard Disk Space: At least 7.6GB of Space
Video Card: Video card must be 256 MB or more and should be a DirectX 9-compatible with support for Pixel Shader 3.0
Supported Functions
Number Of Players: 1-20
Online - VS Number Of Players: 20
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【XBLA】《反恐精英:全球攻势(Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)》【快传】
在线时间374 小时
猥言大义 Lv.5, 积分 1007, 距离下一级还需 993 积分
本帖最后由 可怜的猫ex 于
17:27 编辑
论坛终于正常了,发个新游戏:CS GO
在线时间301 小时
猥言大义 Lv.5, 积分 1151, 距离下一级还需 849 积分
在线时间249 小时
猥服出巡 Lv.4, 积分 785, 距离下一级还需 215 积分
在线时间676 小时
猥人师表 Lv.6, 积分 2317, 距离下一级还需 2683 积分
在线时间345 小时
猥服出巡 Lv.4, 积分 944, 距离下一级还需 56 积分
在线时间480 小时
猥然不动 Lv.7, 积分 8885, 距离下一级还需 1115 积分
在线时间73 小时
猥不足道 Lv.2, 积分 147, 距离下一级还需 53 积分
在线时间245 小时
猥服出巡 Lv.4, 积分 797, 距离下一级还需 203 积分
在线时间4221 小时
在线时间456 小时
猥服出巡 Lv.4, 积分 865, 距离下一级还需 135 积分
随便玩玩就拿到这么多了,SO EASY,妈妈再也不用担心我的成就 (获得累计超过10个成就--不包括负面成就)
一朵,两朵,三朵,呵呵呵… (累计获得1000朵浮云)
你已经踏上了成就收集的不归路,5个成就怎么可能满足你的需求,继续努力吧! (获得累计超过5个成就--不包括负面成就)
Powered byCongratulations to SK Gaming on winning the The ESL One Cologne 2016 Championship! They take home $500,000 of the $1,000,000 prize pool. This is their second consecutive Major title.
SK Gaming won the best of three against Team Liquid, winning on Train(16-7) and then on Cobblestone(16-6). If you missed any of the matches or want to watch the highlights, you can download all the games from the ESL 2016 tab in the WATCH menu.
We’d like to thank all the teams, everyone at ESL, and most of all the Counter-Strike community for making this tournament possible.
Two teams remain. Team Liquid have fought their way through to make it to the Finals for the first time. They will take on SK Gaming whose players are looking to repeat their win at the last Major. Watch on
as they compete for their share of the $1,000,000 prize pool and the title of CS:GO Major Champion in the sold out LANXESS arena. The grand final starts at 5:00 PM CEST(8:00 AM PST).
The best CS:GO teams face-off at ESL Cologne 2016. Kick-off is at
While you’re watching ESL Cologne 2016, you’ll have a chance to receive a souvenir package commemorating the event. Each souvenir features a weapon from the collection of the map being played, golden stickers of the teams who were playing, and a golden signature of the MVP from the round where the souvenir dropped.
To be eligible for a souvenir package, all you have to do is watch the event. If you’re watching in GOTV or in the main menu, you’ll automatically be eligible for souvenirs. If you’re watching on an , make sure you link your Steam account!
And don’t forget, you can support your favorite players and teams by purchasing ESL Cologne 2016 team stickers or autograph capsules. 50% of sticker proceeds go directly to the players and organizations. You can also use the stickers to make your picks for the
each day for your chance at this event’s trophies!
is fast approaching, and it’s time to support your favorite teams and players!
Team stickers and stickers autographed by professional CS:GO players are now available for purchase in-game, or from the Steam Community Market, with 50% of the proceeds going to players and organizations.
Stickers can be placed on your weapons to show support for your favorite player or team, and they can be used as game pieces in one of the two Cologne 2016 tournament games: the Fantasy Team Game, and the Pick’Em Challenge.
With just over a week to go, the
are making their final preparations. Clear your schedule and get ready for ESL One Cologne 2016!
Today’s update includes some new sounds, the Gamma Case (featuring community designs and knives with the all-new Gamma finishes), and adjustments to the Prime Account Matchmaking beta.
In addition, we’re extending Operation Wildfire for one month so you’ve still got time to finish up your missions and upgrade your Challenge Coin!
Prime Account Matchmaking Beta
Over the past few weeks we’ve been running tests in the Prime Account Matchmaking beta and today we’re making a couple of adjustments.
First, we’re changing the eligibility requirements. In order to qualify for an upgrade to Prime Status you still need a qualifying phone number, but you’ll also need to reach Lieutenant Rank 21. If you were previously upgraded to Prime and have lost that status, all you have to do is continue to play and earn XP.
If your account has Prime status, you may notice a new option when you queue for a match. You can now choose whether matchmaking will exclusively search for Prime matches, or instead prioritize Prime matches and allow non-Prime matches after queuing for a while.
Additionally, new CS:GO players will receive an XP boost as they progress through the Recruit and Private ranks, and will gain access to competitive matchmaking sooner, when they reach Private Rank 2.
Sounds Good
Today we’re shipping the first in a series of planned updates to sound in CS:GO. The goal of these updates is to improve overall sound quality while addressing feedback about ear fatigue and distortion.
We’ve started with a few weapons in the Heavy category (specifically the Negev, M249, and Mag7), and will progress through the rest of the arsenal over time. Additionally, the smoke grenade sound has been reworked to ensure that it can be heard separately from other game sounds (e.g., defuse sounds).
Have a listen, and let us know what you think!
Kedden néhány jelent?s játékmenet-változást adtunk ki a CS:GO-ban, k?ztük az R8 revolvert, és a játékosok jogos aggályokat tettek szóvá a fegyver egyensúlyával kapcsolatban annak kiadott állapotában.
Bár jellemz?en t?bb id?t vesz igénybe egy frissítés alapját képez? elég adat generálása (és a játékmenet-frissítések kicsit mindig zavarók), ebben az esetben nyilvánvaló, hogy a sebzést elrontottuk, és azonnal tudunk reagálni.
?gy ma frissítjük az R8 revolvert, hogy értékeit kicsit a t?bbi fegyver k?zé ill?bbre vegyük: egyéb változtatások k?z?tt cs?kkentésre került sebzése és kissé tovább tart elsütni.
Mint azt más új fegyverekkel (pl. a CZ75a és az M4A1-S) kapcsolatos tapasztalataink megmutatták, hosszabb id?szak alatt végzett t?bb módosítás lehet szükséges azon stabil értékek megtalálásához, amelyek érdekes stratégiai d?ntéseket hoznak létre a játékosok számára. Elk?teleztük magunkat a használat nyomon k?vetése mellett, és szükség szerint állítunk az értékeken.
A keddi frissítés számos más játékmenet-változtatást is tartalmazott (k?ztük a pisztolyok és puskák újraegyensúlyozását). Még túl korai megállapítani hatásukat, de ugyanilyen elk?telezettek vagyunk az új állapot nyomon k?vetésére és annak biztosítására, hogy mik?zben a CS:GO tovább fejl?dik, szórakoztató, ügyességet k?vetel? és kiegyensúlyozott marad.
We launched the Merchandise Workshop a few months ago, and the first batch of community items are ready to go! Check out the new items below, all available right now at .
Speaking of community artists, have you seen the ongoing CS:GO mapping contest at ? Reddit and Mapcore have identified the finalists, but the winner has yet to be revealed. Give the maps a try and send the mappers your feedback as they iterate on their designs.
And don’t forget, you can still find lots of new CS:GO Merch at the Valve Store!
恭喜 Fnatic 三次蝉联 CS:GO 特锦赛冠军!
我们在此向科隆 ESL One 上的所有战队及工作人员,以及《反恐精英》社区表示感谢,是你们让这场锦标赛变成了可能。
照片由 Helena Kristiansson 提供。
又到了由春转夏的神奇时刻;在艳阳下玩耍、度假、约伴的时刻,当然… 也是 CS:GO 全新大行动推出的时刻!
全新的模型、战役和吹嘘的资本正等着你… 欢迎来到“血猎大行动”。
全球攻势瞬息万变,全新的冲突和全新的战斗地点… 你都可以*免费*体验到。
伐木工厂 – 被砍倒的可不仅仅是树,这个伐木设施里还爆发了拉锯战。
铁路站场 – 在这场夜间激战中,破旧的铁路站场变成了可怕的万人冢。
度假村 – 奢华的爱丽舍度假村曾经是—个富足和奢侈的宫殿,如今却变成了高风险的交战之地。
动物园 – 恐怖分子已经抵达了湾区动物园,他们可不是来看海豚表演的。
除了地图,所有玩家现在可以通过获取经验值来提升个人资料军衔。随着个人资料军衔的提升,不仅您的 CS:GO 个人资料会不断进化来展示您的全新头衔和图标,而且这也是首次给予您通过每周提升军衔获得武器掉落的机会。
和之前的大行动一样,“血猎大行动通行证”会带有一枚挑战币和追踪您进度的日志… 但是个人资料军衔的出现也带来一些额外的特殊玩意。通过购买通行证,您获取的武器掉落将从独家的血猎武器收藏品(古堡激战、死城之谜、死亡游乐园、神魔、旭日和解体厂收藏品)中获得。
通行证还内含两个全新的战役:神枪手和革命军… 每个战役都有着独特的剧情、独家的合作挑战任务,并且为你带来大量获得经验值的机会。
每个弯曲猎手武器箱都含有着获取 16 把社区制作的武器涂装其中之一的机会,同时还有机会让你拿到一把匕首家族中的新玩物(致命的玩物):弯刀。你只能在本次大行动的独家武器箱中发现这把邪恶的利刃。
本周末,四支顶尖的欧洲 CS:GO 战队将对阵来自北美的另外四支强队,他们将共同向 ESEA 第 18 赛季线下总决赛的 20 万美元团队奖金发起冲击!
比赛将于北京时间周四 22:00 开始,并且整个周末都会有。点击查看完整的日程安排表。
Unique players last month


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