ASP求改错,我对vbscript 语法语法不熟,谢谢

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ASPCMS后台图片上传不能,出现Microsoft VBScript运行错误,错误 &800a0046& 没有权限
很多用虚拟主机的用户都会有碰到这个问题。这个问题的正确解决办法是:1. IIS启用应用程序池的32位模式 。2. 如果空间不支持水印功能,请关闭图片水印的功能。3.找到/admin/editor/upload.asp,行313(并不是所有版本都是313的,搜索到以下内容)&将:fs.movefile Server.MapPath(oldfile),Server.MapPath(newfile)改:fs.copyfile Server.MapPath(oldfile),Server.MapPath(newfile)这是因为有些服务器安装了杀毒软件,用movefile时,这个文件正好被杀毒软件扫描中,所以会出现有时能上传,大部分不能上传的情况。而且改为copyfile时就不会再出现这情况了。并不是目录权限问题
Visual&Basic&Scripting&Edition news:
Welcome to the Community Site for the ASP.NET technology preview code-named “Atlas”
ASP.NET “Atlas” is a package of new Web development technologies that integrates an extensive set of client script libraries with the rich, server-based development platform of ASP.NET 2.0. “Atlas” enables you to develop Web applications that can update data on a Web page by making direct calls to a Web server — without needing to round trip the page. With “Atlas”, you can take advantage of the best of ASP.NET and server-side code while doing much of the work in the browser, enabling a richer user experience.
ASP.NET “Atlas” includes:
Client script libraries that provide a complete solution for creating client-based Web applications. The client script libraries support object-oriented development, cross-browser compatibility, asynchronous calls to Web services, and behaviors and components for creating a full-featured UI.
Web server controls that provide a declarative way to emit markup and client script for "Atlas" features.
Web services, such as ASP.NET profiles, that can add useful server-side features to an "Atlas" application.


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