
我的老师(17分)①让我终生难忘的老师是个男的。其实他只教过我们半个学期体育,算不上“亲”老师,但他在我最臭的时候说过我的好话。②这个老师名叫王召聪,家庭出身很好,好像还是烈属,这样的出身在那个时代真是像金子一样闪闪发光。一般的人有了这样的家庭出身就会趾高气扬、目中无人,但人家王老师却始终谦虚谨慎,一点都不张狂。他的个子不高,但体质很好。他跑得快,跳得也高。我记得他曾经跳过了一米七的横杆,这在一个农村的小学里是不容易的。③因为我当着一个同学的面说学校像监狱、老师像奴隶主、学生像奴隶,学校就给了我一个警告处分,据说起初他们想把我送到公安局去,但因为我年龄太小而幸免。出了这件事后,我就成了学校里有名的坏学生。他们认为我思想反动、道德败坏,属于不可救药之列,学校里一旦发生了什么坏事,第一个怀疑对象就是我。为了挽回影响,我努力做好事,冬天帮老师生炉子,夏天帮老师喂兔子,放了学自家的活儿不干,帮着老贫农家挑水。但我的努力收效甚微,学校和老师都认为我是在伪装进步。④一个夏天的中午——当时学校要求学生在午饭后必须到教室午睡,个儿大的睡在桌子上,个儿小的睡在凳子上,枕着书包或者鞋子。那年村子里流行一种木板拖鞋,走起来很响,我爹也给我做了一双,我穿着木拖鞋到了教室门前,看到同学们已经睡着了。我本能地将拖鞋脱下提在手里,赤着脚进了教室。这情景被王召聪老师看在眼里,他悄悄地跟进教室把我叫出来,问我进教室时为什么要把拖鞋脱下来,我说怕把同学们吵醒。他看了我一眼,什么也没说就走了。事后,我听人说,王老师在学校的办公会上特别把这件事提出来,说我其实是个品质很好的学生。当所有的老师都认为我坏得不可救药时,王老师通过一件小事发现了我内心深处的良善,并且在学校的会议上为我说话。这件事,我什么时候想起来都感动不已。⑤后来,我辍学回家成了一个牧童,当我赶着牛羊在学校前的大街上碰到王老师时,心中总是百感交集,红着脸打个招呼,然后低下头匆匆而过。后来王老师调到县里去了,我也走后门到棉花加工厂里去做临时工。⑥有一次,在从县城回家的路上,我碰到了骑车回家的王老师,他的自行车后胎已经很瘪,驮他自己都很吃力,但他还是让我坐到后座上,载我行进了十几里路。当时,自行车是十分珍贵的财产,人们爱护车子就像爱护眼睛一样,王老师是那样有地位的人,竟然冒着轧坏车胎的危险,载着我这样一个卑贱的人前进了十几里路。这样的事,不是一般的人能够做出来的。⑦从那以后,我再也没见到过王老师,但他那张笑眯眯的脸和他那副一跃就翻过了一米七横杆的矫健身影经常在我脑海里浮现。(作者莫言,选自《读者》2013年第1期)【小题1】请概括文中叙述的两件主要事情。(4分)【小题2】请说说你对下列句中加点词的理解(4分)但他在我最臭的时候说过我的好话。我本能地将拖鞋脱下提在手里,赤着脚进了教室。【小题3】第⑦段在全文起什么作用?(4分) 【小题4】文中的王老师是一个怎样的人?(3分)【小题5】 文章作者是2012年的诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,他在瑞典学院发表文学演讲的主题为“讲故事的人”,本文即属于他讲的故事,他讲的这个故事有的特点。(2分) - 跟谁学
在线咨询您好,告诉我您想学什么,15分钟为您匹配优质老师哦马上咨询&&&分类:我的老师(17分)①让我终生难忘的老师是个男的。其实他只教过我们半个学期体育,算不上“亲”老师,但他在我最臭的时候说过我的好话。②这个老师名叫王召聪,家庭出身很好,好像还是烈属,这样的出身在那个时代真是像金子一样闪闪发光。一般的人有了这样的家庭出身就会趾高气扬、目中无人,但人家王老师却始终谦虚谨慎,一点都不张狂。他的个子不高,但体质很好。他跑得快,跳得也高。我记得他曾经跳过了一米七的横杆,这在一个农村的小学里是不容易的。③因为我当着一个同学的面说学校像监狱、老师像奴隶主、学生像奴隶,学校就给了我一个警告处分,据说起初他们想把我送到公安局去,但因为我年龄太小而幸免。出了这件事后,我就成了学校里有名的坏学生。他们认为我思想反动、道德败坏,属于不可救药之列,学校里一旦发生了什么坏事,第一个怀疑对象就是我。为了挽回影响,我努力做好事,冬天帮老师生炉子,夏天帮老师喂兔子,放了学自家的活儿不干,帮着老贫农家挑水。但我的努力收效甚微,学校和老师都认为我是在伪装进步。④一个夏天的中午——当时学校要求学生在午饭后必须到教室午睡,个儿大的睡在桌子上,个儿小的睡在凳子上,枕着书包或者鞋子。那年村子里流行一种木板拖鞋,走起来很响,我爹也给我做了一双,我穿着木拖鞋到了教室门前,看到同学们已经睡着了。我本能地将拖鞋脱下提在手里,赤着脚进了教室。这情景被王召聪老师看在眼里,他悄悄地跟进教室把我叫出来,问我进教室时为什么要把拖鞋脱下来,我说怕把同学们吵醒。他看了我一眼,什么也没说就走了。事后,我听人说,王老师在学校的办公会上特别把这件事提出来,说我其实是个品质很好的学生。当所有的老师都认为我坏得不可救药时,王老师通过一件小事发现了我内心深处的良善,并且在学校的会议上为我说话。这件事,我什么时候想起来都感动不已。⑤后来,我辍学回家成了一个牧童,当我赶着牛羊在学校前的大街上碰到王老师时,心中总是百感交集,红着脸打个招呼,然后低下头匆匆而过。后来王老师调到县里去了,我也走后门到棉花加工厂里去做临时工。⑥有一次,在从县城回家的路上,我碰到了骑车回家的王老师,他的自行车后胎已经很瘪,驮他自己都很吃力,但他还是让我坐到后座上,载我行进了十几里路。当时,自行车是十分珍贵的财产,人们爱护车子就像爱护眼睛一样,王老师是那样有地位的人,竟然冒着轧坏车胎的危险,载着我这样一个卑贱的人前进了十几里路。这样的事,不是一般的人能够做出来的。⑦从那以后,我再也没见到过王老师,但他那张笑眯眯的脸和他那副一跃就翻过了一米七横杆的矫健身影经常在我脑海里浮现。(作者莫言,选自《读者》2013年第1期)【小题1】请概括文中叙述的两件主要事情。(4分)【小题2】请说说你对下列句中加点词的理解(4分)但他在我最臭的时候说过我的好话。我本能地将拖鞋脱下提在手里,赤着脚进了教室。【小题3】第⑦段在全文起什么作用?(4分) 【小题4】文中的王老师是一个怎样的人?(3分)【小题5】 文章作者是2012年的诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,他在瑞典学院发表文学演讲的主题为“讲故事的人”,本文即属于他讲的故事,他讲的这个故事有的特点。(2分)我的老师(17分)①让我终生难忘的老师是个男的。其实他只教过我们半个学期体育,算不上“亲”老师,但他在我最臭的时候说过我的好话。②这个老师名叫王召聪,家庭出身很好,好像还是烈属,这样的出身在那个时代真是像金子一样闪闪发光。一般的人有了这样的家庭出身就会趾高气扬、目中无人,但人家王老师却始终谦虚谨慎,一点都不张狂。他的个子不高,但体质很好。他跑得快,跳得也高。我记得他曾经跳过了一米七的横杆,这在一个农村的小学里是不容易的。③因为我当着一个同学的面说学校像监狱、老师像奴隶主、学生像奴隶,学校就给了我一个警告处分,据说起初他们想把我送到公安局去,但因为我年龄太小而幸免。出了这件事后,我就成了学校里有名的坏学生。他们认为我思想反动、道德败坏,属于不可救药之列,学校里一旦发生了什么坏事,第一个怀疑对象就是我。为了挽回影响,我努力做好事,冬天帮老师生炉子,夏天帮老师喂兔子,放了学自家的活儿不干,帮着老贫农家挑水。但我的努力收效甚微,学校和老师都认为我是在伪装进步。④一个夏天的中午——当时学校要求学生在午饭后必须到教室午睡,个儿大的睡在桌子上,个儿小的睡在凳子上,枕着书包或者鞋子。那年村子里流行一种木板拖鞋,走起来很响,我爹也给我做了一双,我穿着木拖鞋到了教室门前,看到同学们已经睡着了。我本能地将拖鞋脱下提在手里,赤着脚进了教室。这情景被王召聪老师看在眼里,他悄悄地跟进教室把我叫出来,问我进教室时为什么要把拖鞋脱下来,我说怕把同学们吵醒。他看了我一眼,什么也没说就走了。事后,我听人说,王老师在学校的办公会上特别把这件事提出来,说我其实是个品质很好的学生。当所有的老师都认为我坏得不可救药时,王老师通过一件小事发现了我内心深处的良善,并且在学校的会议上为我说话。这件事,我什么时候想起来都感动不已。⑤后来,我辍学回家成了一个牧童,当我赶着牛羊在学校前的大街上碰到王老师时,心中总是百感交集,红着脸打个招呼,然后低下头匆匆而过。后来王老师调到县里去了,我也走后门到棉花加工厂里去做临时工。⑥有一次,在从县城回家的路上,我碰到了骑车回家的王老师,他的自行车后胎已经很瘪,驮他自己都很吃力,但他还是让我坐到后座上,载我行进了十几里路。当时,自行车是十分珍贵的财产,人们爱护车子就像爱护眼睛一样,王老师是那样有地位的人,竟然冒着轧坏车胎的危险,载着我这样一个卑贱的人前进了十几里路。这样的事,不是一般的人能够做出来的。⑦从那以后,我再也没见到过王老师,但他那张笑眯眯的脸和他那副一跃就翻过了一米七横杆的矫健身影经常在我脑海里浮现。(作者莫言,选自《读者》2013年第1期)【小题1】请概括文中叙述的两件主要事情。(4分)【小题2】请说说你对下列句中加点词的理解(4分)但他在我最臭的时候说过我的好话。我本能地将拖鞋脱下提在手里,赤着脚进了教室。【小题3】第⑦段在全文起什么作用?(4分) 【小题4】文中的王老师是一个怎样的人?(3分)【小题5】 文章作者是2012年的诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,他在瑞典学院发表文学演讲的主题为“讲故事的人”,本文即属于他讲的故事,他讲的这个故事有&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&的特点。(2分)科目:难易度:教材: 初中语文人教版最佳答案【小题1】第一件事:当所有老师都认为“我”坏得不可救药时,王老师通过一件小事发现了“我”内心的良善,并在学校的会议上为我说话。第二件事:辍学后,路上碰见王老师,他用自己状况不好的自行车载“我”走了十几里路。【小题2】(1)“臭”字形象地写出“我”当时不好的形象,也突出了下文王老师为“我”说话的勇气。(2)“本能”指自然而然、不是出于外力作用而产生的行为,突出地表现了“我”的善良。【小题3】结构上照应开头;内容上深化主题,表达了“我”对王老师的怀念、感激和赞扬之情。【小题4】文中的王老师是一个正直善良、爱护学生、实事求是的人。【小题5】示例:情节真实,人物形象丰满,引人入胜,语言通俗(有两点即可)解析【小题1】试题分析:试题分析:阅读全文,了解故事内容,分析情节结构。注意表示情节转换的时间、地点的词语,比如本文中“一个夏天的中午”“有一次”,以人物的行为活动为中心加以概括,即什么人做了什么事。考点:归纳内容要点,概括中心意思。能力层级为分析综合C。【小题2】试题分析:找到句子所在文中的位置,根据上下文的内容人表现人物行生或心理特点表达人物感情这个方面来理解。考点:理解文中重要词语的含义。能力层级为理解B。【小题3】试题分析:结尾段的作用,一般可从结构上总结全文的作用和内容上表达文意主题突出作者某种情感的作用两方面来概括。考点:理解文中重要语段的作用。能力层级为理解B。【小题4】试题分析:分析人物形象,要了解与人物有关的事件,抓住其言行表现,从性格、精神品质方面用短语概括。考点:考点:欣赏作品的形象,领悟作品的艺术魅力。能力层级为鉴赏评价D。【小题5】试题分析:从语言的特点和人物形象的塑造两方面概括即可。考点:对作品进行个性化阅读和有创意的解读。能力层级为探究F。知识点:&&&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
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战士们跳入江中堵漏 现代快报/ZAKER南京记者 马晶晶 摄
&&光着脚站在水里疏导交通的交警,顾不得穿鞋开车将病情危急的孩子送医;派出所民警冒着失聪的危险,冲进雨中抢险救灾:垂危老人急需血透,民警抬轮椅蹚过近百米“长河”…… 南京近日遭受大暴雨连环侵袭,河道湖泊水位暴涨,部分区域出现内涝。民警奋战在防汛抗洪一线,演绎了一个个温情故事。现代快报记者了解到,连日来,南京警方1.3万余名民警全警在岗,投入各项防汛抗灾工作。
通讯员 秦公轩 鼓公宣 宁公宣 赵柏恋茹 丁筱蒙
现代快报/ZAKER南京记者 王瑞 顾元森 陶维洲
快报讯(记者 丁晟 通讯员 周盟)经过一夜暴雨,昨天凌晨,南京长江三汊河主堤坝渗水的险情再次出现,十余名解放军战士深夜跳入江中封堵渗水点。中午,舟桥旅6名战士再次入江截水,封堵漏点。目前,渗水的情况得到了基本的控制。
快报讯(记者 葛小林 通讯员 常消轩 张波)7月5日凌晨,金坛指前东风圩破,指前镇受淹严重。95岁的抗战老兵陈根林被困家中,常州消防战士接到求助消息后,将老兵背到了安全地带。
热门阅读排行Global Chinese Affiliate Network - China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Asia
What websites can become a Publisher website of ChineseAN?
ChineseAN welcomes websites of any size, whether they are commercial or personal in nature. The Publisher needs to have the right to operate the website. As our network is based in Greater China, we require our Publisher websites not to violate the relevant laws in the following regions: Hong Kong and China (PRC). We cannot admit websites that contains obscene.
Is there any fee to join the ChineseAN network?
It is absolutely free. Signing up and using any service of the network is free. Publishers, or website owners, will receive commission but will not need to pay any fee.
How long will it take to confirm my application for becoming a Publisher?
You can become a Publisher right after you sign up. This does not require any approval process. You will receive a confirmation email immediately after you complete the sign-up process.
How long will it take to approve a website?
ChineseAN will approve a website in 2 business days and will notify the Publisher by email. The Publisher can view the latest status of the submission under the “Website Management” interface.
If a website stays in “Pending” status for a much longer period, this may imply that there is no suitable ad program for this website for the moment.
How long will it take for an application for joining a Program to get approved?
The time needed for the approval of such an application to a Program varies from Program to Program. First, it depends on whether the Program has opted for Automatic Approval, which means that no manual process will be involved. It will just take less than a minute to receive the confirmation. Other Programs which are set for Manual Approval need to go through the Advertiser. The time taken by different Advertisers varies from 1 day to 2 weeks.
Some Advertisers may not reject websites right away during their screening process, to make open the option of accepting the website in the future.
So if the status remains as “Pending” for over 2 weeks, the chance for it to get approved for a Program is relatively low but there is still a chance for it to get approved in the future.
What should be filled in for “Daily Unique Visitors” during website registration?
“Daily Unique Visitors” is the average number of visitors who visit a website in a day, without counting the same natural person twice for repeat visits or opening of multiple pages.
Normally, this data can be available from website statistical tools in the market.
If you do not have accurate data, please fill in a rough estimate.
What ad formats are supported by ChineseAN?
ChineseAN offer a number of advanced ad display formats:
T-Box with automated update and optimization functionality (Please refer to specific Q&A below)
Crazy Ad, a ad format with special zoom-in and enlargement effect (Please refer to specific Q&A below)
Basic ad formats (such as GIF, JPG and Flash banners, text links, etc)
Link Generator (a generator of URL which links to specific landing page of a particular
it allows much flexibility with the format of the creative)
Other resources (e.g. high-resolution images, advertorial copies)
All the above tools can be downloaded from ChineseAN platform.
Different Programs may have different restrictions on the means and channels of promotions.
Publishers are advised to pick the appropriate means and tools according to the requirement of the particular program.
For example, some Program just accept banners (including T-Box and Crazy Ad) but do not allow text links and link generator.
How can Publishers learn about latest information of promotion programs?
Latest information of promotion programs can be found on ChineseAN frontpage and Publisher's frontpage. As the information is updated daily, it is advised Publishers sign into ChineseAN website frequently. Also, we will use emails to send news to Publishers from time to time so that they won't miss any opportunities.
What is T-Box?
T-Box is an ad code which updates banners automatically. “T” stands for “Target”, which represents the advanced targeting technology being used. Once the Publisher copy and paste the T-Box code onto the webpage, T-Box will automatically select the most suitable portfolio of programs for the tr it will also automatically use the most up-to-date banners for each program. So T-Box is a tool that helps Publishers to get the best results and the most commissions, with the least effort.
How to set up T-Box?
Please following the following simple steps for setting up T-Box:
1. Click on the “Programs” tab, and at the “Create T-Box section”, select the size of the T-Box you need to fit into the space on your webpage.
2. Fill in the basic information for the T-Box on the “Create T-Box” page. The Name of the T-Box is for reference by the Publisher only. Choosing an easy-to-remember name will help to differentiate among various T-Boxes.
3. After successfully creating the T-Box, please get the code of the T-Box from the “Manage T-Box” Page. Please copy and paste the code of the T-Box you're your webpage, as in the case of normal ad codes. The setup is completed once you see a banner is being displayed at the designated ad spot on your webpage.
Can I use the same T-Box on more than one webpage?
The same T-Box, or the same code, can be used on various pages under the same website domain. However, different T-Box codes must be used for different websites. Different pages of the same website may contain very different content. By using different T-Box codes for them, each will be able to display ads for programs that best fit each page. T-Box will be able to give better results.
Why does the T-Box (or Crazy Ad) on my website shows only the Ad for ChineseAN?
An ad will only appear in a T-Box only if your website has applied to the Program and the application has been approved.
The latest ad creative of that Program will be used and updated.
If the T-Box on a website shows only an ad about ChineseAN, the reason is probably that the website has not successfully joined any Program or previous Programs have expired.
Another reason is that the region you are in is not suitable for the Program you have applied.
You can choose to skip the process of picking Programs individually by choosing to use our automated function to “join suitable programs automatically”.
Please refer to separate Q&A below.
What is Crazy Ad?
Crazy Ad is an innovative ad format created by ChineseAN.
The banner enlarges upon mouse-over to create a larger-than-life impact.
As ChineseAN Publishers, you may obtain a line of codes from ChineseAN platform and paste it onto your websites.
In just a few minutes, you can achieve the same kind of effect as you sometimes see on big portals.
How to implement Crazy Ad?
Please follow the following simple steps to implement Crazy Ad:
1. Go to “Programs > Creative Management”.
You will find a section Create New Crazy Ad where you can select the ad format you want.
You can use preview to understand about how the ad will eventually be displayed.
2. Press “Create” link, and get the codes on the next page.
Insert the codes onto your website as if they are codes of normal ad banners.
The implementation is successful if you see the banner on your website.
How should I select Programs?
Different Programs are suitable for different websites.
Publishers may make use of the “Filter Options” on the “Program Search” page to classify programs by “Region”, etc.
How to make ad serving fully automated?
If you want ChineseAN intelligence system to pick suitable ads for you and to save time on managing your ad, you only need to do 2 settings:
1. Set your website to join Programs automatically: When you register your website, choose “Yes” under “Do you want your website to join suitable programs automatically?”.
If you have already registered your website, you may still go to the “Website” interface to make the change with the option “Automatically Join Program”.
2. Place a T-Box onto your website: Create a T-Box and choose “All Suitable Programs” under its “Program Options”.
You only need to place the T-Box codes onto your website, ad will automatically be served.
For more details on the setup of T-Box, please refer to the specific Q&A.
How can I learn about my results and commissions?
ChineseAN provides advanced reporting features. On the Publisher frontpage, you can look at a summary of every aspect of your results. They include the results and commission of the past week, commission that can be withdrawn, etc. Charts are also used to help you visualize the results. More details can be found under “Reports” in various reporting interfaces that present results according to dates, Programs, etc. In the “Event Details” interface, you can look at the exact detail of each individual event, such as transaction time, amount and referral link.
Why are some events not being approved?
ChineseAN will display the tracked performance (known as “events”) in the reports.
These events will need to be approved by the Advertiser before they are finally confirmed as “Approved”.
For example, the approval of an event of a CPS Program depends on the payment received for the order shipment.
The CPA event of a registration campaign will wait for the Advertiser to verify the quality of the registration.
All the ratio of approval will be displayed on the “Approval Summary” report.
How can Publisher withdraw the commission earned?
Publisher can withdraw commission, using the “Commission Application” interface under the “Commission” menu, if the balance of the account exceeds the minimum withdrawal level (the level for RMB is RMB100). We will verify the requests submitted by Thursday within the same week and release the commission according to the “Payment Method” chosen by the Publisher. The minimum withdrawal level is there to avoid paying out extraordinarily small amount which would otherwise lead to wastage of administrative charges.
What are the payment methods and currencies supported by ChineseAN? What are the&&&&&respective minimum withdrawal levels?
We support different payment methods to suit different regions. The following table lists the supported currencies, payment methods and minimum withdrawal level for different regions:
When can a Publisher withdraw the earned commission?
We adopt a weekly settlement process. As long as the Publisher's account exceeds the minimum withdrawal level, he or she can request for commission withdrawal at any time. Commission requested on or before Wednesday of each week will be paid out by the weekend (Friday or Saturday). Advertisers usually confirm commission on a monthly cycle. They need to bring up any adjustment needed before the clearance day of each cycle. All commission that has passed through the cycle will be regarded as “Approved” and will be shown in the Publisher's account as pending for withdrawal.
Does withdrawal of commission involve any charge?
No. Withdrawal of commission is absolutely free. ChineseAN will not impose any charge on this.
Do I need to pay tax for commission earned?
ChineseAN will not pay any tax on behalf of any Publisher. We will not deduct any kind of tax from the commission earned. All Publishers will need to report and pay tax according to their domestic requirement.
If the Program is being run in a foreign currency, can the Publisher receive commission in&&&&&his or her local currency?
ChineseAN supports RMB, Hong Kong Dollar and US Dollar for Publishers in different regions. Commission will be calculated for the Publishers according to the region. If the Programs involve other currencies, the commission will be converted to the Publisher's currency according to the current reference foreign exchange rate before it is deposited into the ChineseAN account of the Publisher. The value of the commission will not be changed although the foreign exchange rate may fluctuate with time. The reference foreign exchange rate is fixed based on the market rate at that moment. Please refer to the foreign exchange .
Step-by-step guide on various topics
Detailed instructions on setting up a ChineseAN ad on each particular blog


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