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Ubuntu 14.04 通过 PPA 安装 FileZilla - 推酷
Ubuntu 14.04 通过 PPA 安装 FileZilla
FileZilla 是一款流行的 FTP 客户端,可在 Linux,Windows 和 Mac 系统上运行。可用的最新版本 FileZilla,已于最近发布,仅有一些微小的变化和改进:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:n-muench/programs-ppasudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install filezilla
卸载 filezilla 命令:
sudo apt-get remove filezilla
Ubuntu12.10下安装FileZilla 3.5.3
FileZilla Server 0.9.45架设FTP服务器图文教程
FileZilla Client 的详细介绍
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Please don't fill out this field.解决FileZilla Client工具无法获取FTP目录的错误 - 无忧主机
关于FileZilla Client这款FTP连接工具,大家可能不会陌生,已经不止一次有人向我推荐使用这款优秀的FTP断点续传工具了。我第一次解除到这个工具,是由于使用这款软件的站长在连接无忧主机FTP服务器时忘记设置了端口21,导致无法连接。详情可以参见“”。今天我再讲讲如何这款软件如何将该软件的FTP连接模式设置为主动模式(port)。
我在以前的一篇文章“”一文中提到,将工具设置为主动模式,可以获取稳定的上传速度。同时,今天发现用户“****99855”在使用FileZilla Client连接无忧的ftp时候,提示无法获取FTP目录列表。基于上述两个原因,我特意为用户准备讲解如何将设置FileZilla Client工具设置为主动连接模式,一来解决这个无法获取FTP目录列表的问题,二来让你在上传数据的时候保持稳定,不容易发生断开现象。
FileZilla Client无法获取FTP目录时的截图:
将FileZilla Client连接FTP模式设置为 主动模式,即刻解决该工具无法获取FTP目录文件的错误。设置方法如下:
在FileZilla Client操作面板中,选择“编辑”-&在选择“设置”-&选择“连接”下面的“FTP”-&传输模式中选择“主动”-&最后,确定退出,重新连接FTP即可解决问题。如下成功连接FTP的截图:
纯Linux环境下高端免备案[香港独立IP地址] ,仅仅只需199元一年起。商务中国域名核心代理直销50元注册国际顶级域名。
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技术帮助文档分类FileZilla Client免费下载
软件属性:英文 共享软件
FileZilla 9月21日发布了最新的3.1.3 FileZilla是一个免费开源的FTP客户端软件,分为客户端版本和服务器版本,具备所有的FTP软件功能。可控性、有条理的界面和管理多站点的简化 方式使得Filezilla客户端版成为一个方便高效的FTP客户端工具,而FileZilla Server则是一个小巧并且可靠的支持FTP&SFTP的FTP服务器软件。 - FileZilla Client 3.1.3 released Bugfixes and minor changes:
1. Fzsftp no longer crashes if receiving invalid data from server and instead quits gracefully .
2. Fix crash if entering hostname with characters not allowed in internationalized domain names .
3.OS X: Fix crash if path to FileZilla contained non-ASCII characters .
4.Compatibility with yet another exotic directory listing format.&&&&
12345678910Welcome to the homepage of FileZilla, the free FTP solution. Both a client and a server are available. FileZilla is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License
Support is available through our , the
In addition, you will find documentation on how to compile FileZilla and nightly builds for multiple platforms in the development section.
Quick download links
Pick the client if you want to transfer files. Get the server if you want to make files available for others.
- FileZilla Client 3.20.0-rc1 released
New features:Added compatibility for filenames with leading or trailing whitespace if using SFTP
Building and running FileZilla now depends on libfilezilla &= 0.8.0 (
Building and running FileZilla now depends on GnuTLS 3.4.0 or higher
Bugfixes and minor changes:Fixed regression introduced in 3.19.0-rc1, reconnecting again uses the last used remote directory instead of the initial default remote directory
Fixed crash if creating a new site via the bookmarks dialog
Queuing remote directories for transfer no longer exits comparison mode
Fixed a rare crash using FTP over TLS if the control connection fails at the same time the data connection gets established
Entering invalid regular expressions in filter and search conditions now shows an error message
Fixed title of search dialog
Stricter certificate chain validation to supplement the Tofu model
*nix: Fix initial size of Site Manager dialog with some GTK versions
- FileZilla Client 3.19.0 released
New features:Building FileZilla now depends on libfilezilla &= 0.5.3 (
Bugfixes and minor changes:Fixed context menu in search dialog if not connected to server
OS X, *nix: Fix displayed text in file list status bar if selecting a single item in the file list out of multiple already selected items
- FileZilla Client 3.19.0-rc1 released
New features:In the Site Manager a background colour for sites can now be selected
Open tabs can be re-arranged using drag&drop
Bugfixes and minor changes:Fixed copying URLs of multiple selected files to clipboard
Setting remote file timestamps did not take timezone offsets configured through the Site Manager into account
- Announcing libfilezilla
Some of the core functionality from FileZilla has been moved into libfilezilla, a new cross-platform C++ library. Check out
for details.
- FTP over TLS support added to
The online FTP server tester
has been updated with FTP over TLS support. Both the modern explicit TLS negotiation as well as the legacy implicit negotiation can be tested.
The server tester can be used by server administrators and users to verify that their server has been setup correctly and in full accordance with the FTP specifications. The test tool has been specifically designed to point out even the smallest of problems, to ensure that servers passing the test are compatible with as many clients as possible.
- Advisory: Malware downloads on third-party websites
As recently published on the , modified versions of FileZilla tainted with malware are being distributed on some third-party websites.
This is by no means a new threat. While this instance is one of the largest to date, there have been many cases of modified versions spreading malware hosted on third-party websites for over a decade. We do not condone these actions and are taking measures to get the known offenders removed. Note that we cannot in general prevent tainted versions on third-party websites or prove their authenticity, especially since the FileZilla Project promotes beneficial redistribution and modifications of FileZilla in the spirit of free open source software and the GNU General Public License.
To avoid any risk when downloading FileZilla, we recommend that you only download FileZilla from
or from , the official download partner of FileZilla and many other open source projects.
To check the authenticity of your version of FileZilla, the SHA-512 hash of the unmodified FileZilla_3.7.3_win32-setup.exe is fdcfdfbb702ae69e1c7ecde54c1edd93d4993b36eabd7ff
In case you no longer have the installer, the SHA-512 hash of the installed filezilla.exe in version 3.7.3 is d6d68fba6cdf1d79cc90b4cff4fb98177bf5aac0eb22adde718e290eba8d2388bb2bcb71b785d05c2b59b037abf6d28f


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