
小编昨晚重装Office 2007时出现了&Microsoft Office 2007 Professional Plus 2007在安装过程中出错&的错误,经分析这个基本上是卸载的时候注册表没有清理干净导致的。
2.F3搜索 Office, 勾选 &项& 和全字匹配&,把搜出来的所有的Office项全删了(前提以前只装了一个2007,否则只要删除里面的12.0项)
PC软件下载站 &
  或者,也可以打开&注册表编辑器&,找到[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon]右侧窗格中的SFCQuota值进行设置,其默认大小是0xFFFFFFFF(即,400MB)。  让安装盘进驻硬盘  如果经常遇到如图1所示的提示插入Windows安装光盘的事情,总是相当麻烦的 。不过,我们只要先在非系统分区上(如D:)建立一个文件夹,如WININS,再把Windows 2000/XP的安装光盘上的所有文件拷贝到这个文件夹下。接着,安装TweakUI,然后打开&控制面板&,双击&用户接口自定义&图标,单击&我的电脑&标签,在&特殊文件夹&选项组中&文件夹名称&旁边下拉列表框,从中选择&安装路径&项目,并单击&改变位置&按钮,从打开的&浏览文件夹&窗口中选中我们拷贝安装光盘的路径即可,如D:WININS。  小提示  ★现在硬盘非常大,建议你把Office安装程序从光盘上拷贝到硬盘上再安装,这样添加或删除Office组件时将不再需要插入安装光盘。如何清空DLLCache文件夹   如果你的系统目前一切正常,没有什么问题,而由于某些原因需要腾出更多的可用空间,那么可以在&开始&运行&对话框中键入&SFC /purgecache&命令清空Dllcache文件夹,注意/前有一个英文半角的空格字符,这样将清空保存在DLLCache中的文件缓存。  不过这样一来,一旦出现问题,我们将会看到弹出的窗口,需要插入Windows安装光盘,并从上面恢复相应的系统文件。  文件保护也可以实现共享  默认情况下,Windows会从WINDOWSSYSTEM32DLLCACHE中读取保护文件,事实上,我们可以打开&注册表编辑器&,定位到[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinLogon]下,找到SFCDllCacheDir键值,将它指到一个更大的分区(如d:dllcache),或者一个网络共享文件夹中(如serversharedllcache),然后将WINDOWSSYSTEM32DLLCACHE下的所有文件(夹)移动到上述文件夹中,这样Windows将会从这些文件夹中恢复保护文件。
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本帖最后由 100lj 于
08:22 编辑
&&@a330391 @a8181811
感谢解答: )
2010发布的补丁需要office 2003 sp3,请检查sp3是否安装。
先重置浏览器设置看看,可能是禁用掉了 脚本、activeX等。
感谢解答: )
本帖最后由 100lj 于
08:23 编辑
loms126 发表于
理想家 发表于
本帖最后由 理想家 于
08:36 编辑
<font color="#0lj 发表于
理想家 发表于
loms126 发表于
2010发布的补丁需要office 2003 sp3,请检查sp3是否安装。
卡住界面的信息比较有用,比如给出了什么文 ...
<font color="#0lj 发表于
1、办公电脑用360打的补丁,应该是打全了的。第一次安装时卡在安装过程中滚动条不动,没有任何提示,卡 ...
Capture195.PNG (32.97 KB, 下载次数: 0)
09:44 上传
Capture194.PNG (29.22 KB, 下载次数: 0)
09:44 上传
另外插件可能需要flash的支持,也一并检查下。看注册表的修改,也支持火狐,试下FF下是否能工作。18:29:15:703,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & 2684:0,& & & & 2684,& & & & EXEC_create,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Desktop\UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & parent_pid:1804 cmdline:'&C:\Documents and Settings\a\Desktop\UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe& ' image_base:0x image_size:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:812,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\WINDOWS\system32\shfolder.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:812,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\WINDOWS\system32\setupapi.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:843,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_readdir,& & & & C:\,& & & & filter:'Documents and Settings' ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:858,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_readdir,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings,& & & & filter:'a' ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:858,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_readdir,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a,& & & & filter:'Desktop' ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:858,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:858,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_touch,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nsj7.tmp,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:858,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nsj7.tmp,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:858,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_remove,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nsj7.tmp,& & & & ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:858,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Desktop\UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:873,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_touch,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nsy8.tmp,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:873,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nsy8.tmp,& & & & access:0x0013019F alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:873,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_truncate,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nsy8.tmp,& & & & eof:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:873,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_write,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nsy8.tmp,& & & & offset:0x datalen:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:873,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\WINDOWS\system32\riched20.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:951,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & W32_findwnd,& & & & ,& & & & parent_hwnd:0x child_hwnd:0x clsname:'Shell_TrayWnd' wndname:'' ,& & & & 0x [],& & & &
18:29:15:966,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_touch,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:966,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_readdir,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp,& & & & filter:'nso9.tmp' ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:966,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:966,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_remove,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp,& & & & ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:966,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:966,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:966,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:982,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:15:982,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_touch,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:059,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_write,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & offset:0x datalen:0x00002C00 ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:059,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_modified,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:059,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & BA_extract_pe,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:059,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:059,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:059,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:075,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:059,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & 2684:0,& & & & 2684,& & & & EXEC_module_load,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & base:0x size:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:075,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:075,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:075,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Application Data,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:090,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:090,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:121,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:136,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:136,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_readdir,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Application Data\baidu\Baidu Uploader,& & & & filter:'npUploader.dll' ,& & & & 0xC000000F [The system cannot find the file specified.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:152,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:152,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:152,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:167,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_open,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Local Settings\Temp\nso9.tmp\System.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0xC0000035 [Cannot create a file when that file already exists.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:167,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_readdir,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Application Data\baidu\Baidu Uploader,& & & & filter:'ieUploader.dll' ,& & & & 0xC000000F [The system cannot find the file specified.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:167,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_readdir,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Application Data\baidu\Baidu Uploader,& & & & filter:'npUploader.dll' ,& & & & 0xC000000F [The system cannot find the file specified.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:167,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_touch,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Application Data\baidu\Baidu Uploader\npUploader.dll,& & & & access:0x alloc_size:0 attrib:0x share_access:0x disposition:0x options:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
18:29:16:167,& & & & UploadPlugin_2.0.0.3.exe,& & & & ,& & & & 2684,& & & & FILE_write,& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\a\Application Data\baidu\Baidu Uploader\npUploader.dll,& & & & offset:0x datalen:0x ,& & & & 0x [The operation completed successfully.&&],& & & &
感谢解答: )
本帖最后由 100lj 于
10:06 编辑
loms126 发表于
我的文件夹是C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\baidu\Baidu Uploader。
<font color="#0lj 发表于
不过你的文件夹与我的不同,我的是C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data ...
插件只对当前账户有效,我的账户名是“a”,你的是 “Administrator”,所以会有差别。
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