Windows Server 2003 Fine Print 6 错误 fineprint怎么用办

&三、下载安装IIS下的PHP5.3.8 下载地址,下载VC9 x86 Non Thread Safe的ZIP版本,解压到所需目录,该目录需要给予user读取运行权限。 & 四、配置和修改内容 1、环境变量修改 我的电脑-&属性-&高级-&环境变量-&系统变量,在Path的最后面中加上;E:\PHP\ & 2、FastCGI安装目录内的修改(注册PHP到FastCGI) 打开C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\fcgiext.ini文件,在文件最后加上下面的语句: [Types](这个是文件原来就有的,在[Types]后面加上下面的语句就可以,要全部哦不然会报错的。)php=PHP [PHP]ExePath=E:\PHP\php-cgi.exeInstanceMaxRequests=10000 EnvironmentVars=PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS:10000 ActivityTimeout=3600RequestTimeout=36003、PHP.ini的修改 PHP5.3.8安装目录下是没有PHP.ini这个文件的,只有php.ini-development和php.ini-production,我们 把php.ini-development改为php.ini(当然如果你怕有错可以先备份一下)。注明:首先建一个文件夹命名为TMP,位置随 意,我这里放在E:\PHP\tmp。
(upload_tmp_dir会用到,upload_tmp_dir是用来定义上传文件存放的临时路径,这里可以修改并给它定义一个绝对路径,同时需要 有读、写权限)。用搜索(快捷键:Ctrl+F)的方式把下面的关键字改成现在的值: short_open_tag = Off&&& (这个它本来默认就是这样我们就不要改了。)把;upload_tmp_dir =改为upload_tmp_dir="E:\PHP\tmp"&& 把;cgi.force_redirect = 1改为cgi.force_redirect=0&&&&& 把;fastcgi.impersonate = 1;改为 fastcgi.impersonate=1;&&&&&& 把; extension_dir = "ext"改为extension_dir="E:\PHP\ext"&& 把;date.timezone =改为date.timezone =PRC(如果不修改date.timezone,打开网页的时候蛮有可能提示500错误。也有人把值改为Asia/Shanghai,我没试过你们可以试试。)&
在Windows Extensions中去除扩展前面的分号(;):; extension=php_curl.dll; extension=php_gd2.dll; extension=php_ldap.dll; extension=php_mbstring.dll; extension=php_exif.dll; extension=php_mysql.dll; extension=php_mysqli.dll; extension=php_sockets.dll; extension=php_xmlrpc.dll
4.Internet信息服务(IIS)管理器的修改(1)网站》属性》主目录》配置》添加可执行文件填写C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\fcgiext.dll 扩展名填写.php。 动作-&限制为GET,HEAD,POST。 & (2)网站-&属性-&文档-&添加默认内容index.php。这里全部配置好了,一定要把IIS服务重启一下。 & 5、测试 用文本写一段测试代码:&?phpphpinfo();?& 保存为index.php,名字随便取,只要后缀是.php就可以。把index.php放到根目录下,我这里是C:\Inetpub\wwwroot,然后在浏览器中输入就可以得到返回的信息了。 & 五、若出现如同下面的错误,说明你的电脑没有安装VC9运行库 即VISUAL C++ 2008 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) 下载地址: 下载后安装就可以了。 Html代码 &FastCGI&Error&&The&FastCGI&Handler&was&unable&to&process&the&request.&&&-------------------------------------------------------&&Error&Details:&&Error&Number:&1736b1).&&&Error&Description:&????????????????????????????&&HTTP&Error&500&-&Server&Error.&&Internet&Information&Services&(IIS)& &&&
blogTitle:'Windows server 2003+IIS6+PHP5.3 以上的安装配置',
{if x.moveFrom=='wap'}
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{elseif x.moveFrom=='android'}
{elseif x.moveFrom=='mobile'}
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{list b as y}
{list d as x}
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{list a as x}
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{if !!(blogDetail.nextBlogPermalink)}
{list a as x}
{if defined('newslist')&&newslist.length>0}
{list newslist as x}
{if x_index>7}{break}{/if}
{list a as x}
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{if x.userName==''}{/if}
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{if defined('wl')}
{list wl as x}{/list}Posted on 07. Aug, 2009 by
VN:F [1.6.3_896]please wait...Rating: 8.9/10 (12 votes cast)This document outlines the step to installing and setting up WAMP on a Windows 2003 Server.
The term WAMP stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, and is a counterpart to the popular LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL, PHP) platform.
This installation assumes a generic Windows Server 2003 installation. Make sure that you uninstall or disable IIS if running as this will cause a conflict when the apache server attempts to bind to port 80.
In this build we will be using the wampserver2.0i.exe installation package availabe at:
You could download and install each component separately, but this package was very well assembled, and will save a lot of time.
WAMP Installation
Download installer and double click to execute. Click I accept and press Next.
Enter the path where you would like to install wamp. The installer will install everything, the web server, database and php underneath this directory. In this build we will use Z:\wamp
Check the boxes if you want to create shortcuts. Press Next
Press Install
Browse to the exe of your browser. This should default to explorer.exe. Press Open
Wampserver does not come with a mail server. If you plan on sending emails from your php apps you will need to enter an smtp server. This may be a mail server on your network or an smtp server provided by your ISP.
Press Finish
Installation of WAMP is now complete. To test your server open your browser and goto
Getting Started
There is a WAMP services menu in the bottom left of your screen on the task bar. This is useful when you need to start or stop the web server and database.
There is also a shortcut to phpMyAdmin, which you can use to manage your database.
By default the web root directory can be found in the www folder under to WAMP installation folder
Just to make sure, place a test.html file in this folder and access it via the web site
This, and many more features are configured in the apache configuration file, httpd.conf. This file is found under the wamp installation directory in the folder bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\conf and can be edited in notepad. ALWAYS make a backup copy of this file before making any changes. If you accidentally enter a typo or incorrect settings, it can be very hard to get your server working again. To revert back, simply delete the bad file and rename the backup back tp httpd.conf.
Another important file to be familiar with is the php.ini file. This is where php settings are configured. This file is found under the wamp installation directory under the folder bin\php\php5.3.0, and can also be edited using notepad. ALWAYS make a backup copy of this file before making any changes.
See video:
If you have problems or questions with this build please leave a comment below.
VN:F [1.6.3_896]please wait...Rating: 8.9/10 (12 votes cast)
Thank you for the tutorial. Nothing difficult there – but for my first time – it gavbe me a little confidence :)
I was looking for some specific relationship to the windows server 2003 – this is pretty general.
Could you give more details on setting up the server and fine tuninig
Good tutorial..but after installing, I can’t access the server from other computer on the LAN
Great tutorial thank you!
could you point me in the right direction on how I actually get the website (intranet page) on the server and visible to client machines. this would be a great help, I have spent 6 months constructing my first web page but I can’t find a tut on how to actually get the page to display.
Thanks for the tutorial.
I have a question: how do the workstations of the network access to the localhost of the server?
Thanks for your answer
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