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Ten Most Annoying Things About Parents - Top Ten List - TheTopTens&
Ten Most Annoying Things About Parents
The Top TenXW
1They always think you're lying even when you're telling the truthThis happens to me alot, so annoying!
Lol I think I wrote this when I didn't have an account on here yet. Surprised by how many likes it got. - NikBrusk
Me too, even if I'm telling the truth they always say "your getting the wrong message" I mean danmed I'm right!
This happened to me today I was writing stories in my notebook when I went to the living room and my brother was using my tablet without permission. So I went and just snatched it from him. So he almost got on my back he was trying to get it from my hands. I holded it tightly so he won't get it. I told my mom about it and she told my brother to give it back to me cause it is mine. But my brother wants to still use it so my mom told me the stupidest thing to let him use it. I got his damn tablet it was already gonna be dead so I slammed the tablet on my bedroom floor like an idiot. My brother acts like if he never used a electronic device before. I went to the room my brother was using my tablet at and I tried to snatch it from him but he was holding on it so tight I couldn't grab it. He did the stupidest thing he kicked me all over my body. I thought he was gonna bite me numerous times. I told my mom right away but she said go tell your dad. My foolish mother is lazy and does'nt want ...more
I am so sorry for you does this always happen to you if it does well I hope some day it will change.
2When having an argument or just talking, they say you're getting an attitude when it's really just you trying to be neutral about it.Seriously! This has been happening to me since forever! They always say I'm getting an attitude, but it isn't true. I'm just trying to keep my emotions under control.
So I'm 13 and I was at volleyball practice (my mom is my coach) and we were doing this drill for ball control where 3 people stand in front of the net with their backs to the net and there is a line in front of the outside hitter position the first person at the net passes the ball to you and you pass once to yourself and then to the next person at the net and so on and then you pass/set the ball to yourself all the way around the other side of the net and back to the line so anyways I was in the line and it was my turn so the first person passes me the ball and then the next person and finally I get to the 3rd person at the net and I kinda bump set it you know like. It was a pass but it would've been a good set and the girl at the net spikes it back to me and of course it goes over my head (always swing down! ) and I miss the ball but you aren't supposed to hit/spike the ball in this drill so I would've been the first person to make it all the way around and this girl (we'll call her ...more
My mom always thinks I'm having an additude when I'm just trying to be real...
3When you say all the other kids are doing it or have it they tell you that you're not other kids...but when they compare you to other people it's okay&Mom please can I have call of duty? All of my friends have it! &Mom-&Well they have a different family than us. Don't compare you with your friends. &*A few weeks later*&Mom can I go to the mall with my friends? &Mom-&Does so-and-so's mom let him go to the mall without supervision? &*Facepalm*
My mom threatened to hit me because I was playing Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto... what is life?
OH. MY. GOOD. THIS IS SO TRUE! I try every argument I can to get them to buy me an iPhone, including the &everyone else has one too&...Me: Can I please please PLEASE have an iPhone 4s?Dad: AND I'm GONNA GUESS YOU'RE ASKING BECAUSE YOU SAW OTHER PEOPLE WITH ONE?Me: Well yeah and I like iPhones too so please?Dad: NO. You are NOT them and you are my kid so you must do what I say and I say NO.***months later***Dad: WHY can't YOU BE LIKE you're FRIENDS AND GET ABOVE 100 GRADES LIKE THEM?!Me: *using their argument against them* Well its because, oh I don't know... I'm NOT THEM.Dad: that's NOT THE POINT!
Abby can go there whenever she wants. I just want to go one time! Yeah, but there are many kids who can't. Yes, because their parents are narrow-minded. Unlike you. *asskisser-moment*
4Because I Said SoI also hate everything eles on this list especially:6) Turning nothing into something 8) They always think you're lying even when you're telling the truth 9) Their singing 10) They die 11) They think that they hold your future 13) Making your bed 20) Very talkative and gives you lots of commands even if you can't do it 22) They choose what is the best for you but actually its the worst 25) They choose your name
Almost everything in this list I hate I love my parents singing I ESPECIALLY LOVE MY NAME and I hate making my own bed so I let them make it
I don't care what kind of authority figure you are, this will never EVER be a valid reason for anything. If you have a good reason for telling your kid to do/not do something then why not just tell them? And if you don't, why would you tell them to do it? You can't be a good example for your kids if you keep your motives a big mystery, so just explain stuff. It won't kill you.
They don't understand me. they even don't like noticing me on very iMum I'mMum, Dad please buy a new laptop
5They are big liarsWhen my brother decided to study music as a major and a career, my mom was supportive of him. She said, &quotI'll let you chase your dreams&quot and that &quotI'll let my kids decide their future&quot. Thus, I had a conversation about my aspirations, and it went like this:Me: Mom, I want to be an artist. (I'm in tenth grade by the way)Mom: No. That'll never happen. You MUST become a dentist. Art will just be a hobby for you.Me: Why?Mom: You'll just starve and live as a beggar if you are an artist.Me: But you let my brother pursue his dream of becoming a musician. Why won't you support my dreams? I don't want to become my dentist. I'm not interested in it. I love art, so I want to make it my career. Wouldn't it be great if my career would be something that I love to do? I have no interest in being a dentist.Mom: Look. Dentists have high salaries. That's why you MUST become a dentist. Since you're my child, you have to listen to me. You ...more
I feel so sorry for you dude. Don't let your mom get in the way of your dreams. Ignore her. - Pegasister12
Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus. Need I go on?
=( My dad told me the boogyman would eat me when I went to sleep if I was a bad boy I was scared from about 4 - 6 years old
Intentionally or not, it is no surprise for them to -try- and act like they know stuff about something they know absolutely nothing about.
6They get mad when you prove them wrongmy mom just shuts up and sits there, I asked her why once and she said it was because I win every argument. - -aholic
I feel bad for your mom if she always loses the arguments, she might start thinking she's stupid and start being depressed, that happened to my mom once
sounds just like my mom except my #1 would be &NO& - Nu_Metal_rocks
My mom just sits in one corner and listens to stupid music and when I tell her she's the one not doing her mother-job she just says I play my computer games too much. Oh really? I don't. And sometimes when she sees something interesting on her phone she smiles and I try to be nice to her (It's hard to see her smiling when you're unhappy) but she just says "Oh I'm not smiling. Probably I did it by accident." And then I said, "Can you please use your earplugs to listen to music, Mom. I don't like your music." Then she gets angry and she says "Then you cover your ears! " I mean like what, whose Mom is as stupid as mine?!She always try to get on her smartphone to chat with friends or look up stuff but then I sit in a corner always doing my homework. Sometimes I get really fed up. What's more when I complete my homework I get no game-time. Or free-time.I'm really angry and it's luck I can post this here without my mom seeing I'm using the computer.
7They always want you to be honest but when you are they get angryComing home after she made me come shopping with her:Mom: "What's wrong? "Me: "Nothing"Mom: "Something is wrong. Tell me! "Me: "I don't want to say"Mom: "I want to know! "Me: "Well, I heard you gossip about me while I was in the dressing room. You told the cashier that I'm a really grumpy kid."Mom: "Look at you! You ARE grumpy! Don't get mad at me! "She might as well have said, "I'm the perfect parent and you're just the stupid teenager."
When I have a mom like that I will gossip about the bad things that she do in the social media I mean that the meanest mom I heard she said "perfect parent" nobody's perfect what she is the parent 0% sin an 100% good - lovestarlist
So true. Although tact helps a little bit, it won't help if the parents don't expect you to actually be right about something that pertains to the &real world.& It comes across as being a smart-ass even if you're not. And if you aren't saying like a smart-ass, you're guaranteed to sound even MORE like a smart-ass.
My dad recently joined church these past 2-3 years and changed. He turned from getting angry and shouting all the time to being angry and then having sudden moments of smiling and niceness afterwards (which is harder to deal with and more confusing! ). This month, he started to have us have family meetings every Saturdays to talk about rules (don't like it but unwillingly agreed), but before that we must listen to him pray before we review our household rules. I'm 17 and I've been raised an atheist (besides going to church for Christmas and such days) my whole life. We are an Asian family so we're not allowed to talk back to parents no matter how wrong they seem to be. So, for Saturday meetings, he said we can speak freely---whatever we want. I spoke honestly and told him I wasn't comfortable with him speaking about religion because I wasn't raised like that here and at school either and then had a fit. I literally had a panic attack, but afterwards both of my parents got angry and ...more
8They call it arguing but you call it explainingMy sister started an argument and so I argued back and my mom told both of us to shut up and I said I shouldn't get the same punishment as my sister because she was the one who started it when she said not to say anything else I said fine but I was just saying that since my sister started it... You're not going to (place)! I didn't even want to go so I said I didn't even want to go anyways and she said not to say anything about else I said fine but I'm just saying you should choose something else because I didn't want to go to... You're getting a spanking!
Today my sister was making soup and forgot about it but I saw the pot was boiling and I said &you forgot about your soup& so she walked over and I walked away. After a few minutes I noticed that the soup was still sitting in a pot on the stove (the stove was off) so I said &why aren't you eating your soup? & And she said &I didn't know what to do&. Really? How can she not know how to put soup into a bowl, grab a spoon, and eat the soup! I said &How can you possibly not know how to eat soup& and when I said that my mom yelled&GIRLS STOP FIGHTING I'm SO SICK OF HEARING YOU TWO ARGUING ALL THE TIME, BOTH OF YOU JUST BE QUIET! I'm DONE WITH THIS CRAP! & Are you freakimg kidding me were weren't fighting, we weren't even mad at each other I was just asking her a question. I didn't say that to her though because last time I did she made ME apologize to my little sister for 'yelling' I even asked my sister if she really needed an ...more
I can say something and my mom says she doesn't understand. When I explain it to her, for some odd reason, she'll come out of no where be offended by it and yell at me saying "why do you always start arguments with me? " It doesn't matter if I was talking about SpongeBob riding and elephant, she's still gonna get mad.
9They dieOh I'm gonna miss them when they die. You never appreciate things until they r gone. :(
Damn those other comments. We've been naughty we've been naughty. This is a real and true comment. - bluecameron
Parents try their best... It's sad how while they watch you grow up, putting so much love and effort when they raise you, you hate on them and later watch them age... It's so sad, which reminds me that I have to try my best for them the way they do for us, and try not to stress them out too much.
10They always think they are rightLook, I know my parents might think they know everything because they're adults, but COME ON! Just the other day I was talking to my mom and my dad comes storming into the kitchen yelling at me like "Rachel! You're supposed to be taking the garbage out! Not sitting around the house! " And then I realized it WAS garbage day, so I just went to go put the garbage near the road. But that's when the problem began: I asked him what garbage had to go out, and he answered saying the blue bin, the compost, and the garbage. I wasn't sure if that was correct, because I looked outside and everyone had their black bins and garbage out, so I looked it up on my tablet and told my dad it actually was the black bin and the garbage that had to go out. And guess what he did? He threw a hussy fit right there on the spot! He kept on telling me "No! You're wrong! It's the blue bin instead of the black bin, and blah, blah, blah." So of course my response was to correct him, and he continued with his ...more
Ok I am thankful of my parents but whenever I disagree with them they don't respect my opinion. Today when I was eating dinner I told them uniforms should be banned. This is how it went.My point:No one I know gets bullied by the clothes they wear and I asked my non uniform friends if anyone does and they all said no, they cost a lot of money for parentsMy mom's point:Everyone wants the latest clothes even though parents can't afford themMe: (sits up straight and tries to start the discussion)Family all laugh at me because I look so serious and all that crap. Even when I tried to make a point they just laughed at me. I felt like punching a wall. So my parents flat out disagree with everything I say and my brother who I absolutely hate continues to laugh and annoy me. I want to throw him off a cliff. Just because he's my family it doesn't mean I have to like him. I try to convince my parents that uniform is a waste of money but my mom gets angry at me for ...more
When my dad was in school he went through tech and helped design a fake video game and a few days ago he asked me where he could see the updates when I tried to show him me just said I was wrong and sat by the computer for hours so I went to my computer and went to where I was downloading a game (can't think of the game) when he came up and asked for help seeing that I was on the download file I once again tried to show him but halfway through he said " no you have to go" takes computer " here then here then here and there wait why is nothing there" he backtracked to the the point where he had clicked on so many different files he had opened up a file directory but when I showed him what he had done wrong he stormed put of the room
The Newcomers
?They break promises all the timeWe are going to the football match tonight ( dad) (me. Two hours later) dad we have to go in ten minutes. (Dad) were not going
?They insult you, then when they realize you don't like yourself they go "oh my god why do you not like yourself?? You're beautiful you're amazing you're smart you're the complete opposite of all the insults I called you"My mother likes playing the so called "word game" where she says words that have the same meaning of insult and words that don't she says them in a way where they are to be used as an insult and she does this so when she is accused she can say that she didn't say that word but she used words that have the same meaning to it and it makes me feel really stupid,lazy,and fat and I hate it
V1 Comment
The Contenders
11They let your little brother get away with things and don't believe youThat REALLY gets annoying. My brother does something, I get mad at him, and he's SEVEN. And my parents always say "he's younger than you are", or "He's little" or some crap like that. He's in second grade, I mean come on! Just ' believe me for once! He CAN hurt me, dad. Just because I'm a 6th grader I'm not invincible.
It's just plain unfair. They stick to whichever side of the argument they think is more feasible. They're still doing this when my younger brother's 13, for God's sake! One time, I dropped the iPad and they used MY money to repair it! When HE broke it, they used their own money! He's not 3 anymore, and I'm not some charity or insurance company! It is so unfair! - PositronWildhawk
I agree. The only reason I didn't have to do that was because I was bankrupt because I did chores for free - Enderninja327
Yup 100% agree brother punches me across the face for not giving me game go show mom my swelling cheek and bloody mouth she says in blaming my brother like what why would I Make a few teeth crooked and bloody just to blame my brother who said he didn't do it with a bloody knuckle or two and later after my brother had punched me again on the pter side of the face and my mom saw it she said you made him do it I'm sitting there moving my jaw hurts and when I got to the dentist he asked who punched me and I said my brother he told my mom and said she saw him punch me but didn't beloved me still so yeah I have a fractured jaw and a chipped tooth I can't eat vey well and no one will help me and only my friend at school helps me eat I'm 18 and I'm thinking of running away to a small house I had built In the woods with some sticks a tarp from my house and I'm staying there until I find a place to live
12They think that they hold your futureabout the parents who told that they want a doctor, scientist, teacher, businessman, nurse, lawyerwhat if he wants to be an athlete, actor, musician, soldier, computer gamerthe world will be filled with boring individuals who doesn't enjoy life if thats the case - ronluna
I hate when this happens. My mom is even trying to pick a college for me. I can't have the right to choose my career that I want. Worst part is when you tell your parents you want to be (career you like), they get all negative about it.
It's your life, you gotta tell your mom that. When you graduate high school, tell your mom you are about to be 18, and that you gotta live life
My parents are Christians and they stand against secular music. I create beats and I love to sing too, both gospel music and secular music. M especially my Dad, would forbid me to go audition for a secular show to be in a secular music industry so I can finally have a life to live and get out my parents home. I made too many excuses why I didn't do this sooner but this time this year, I'm gonna go after my dreams and I don't care what they have to say about anything. It's my life, and I'm gonna live it. - Johnny1991
Same, luckily my parents are chill with me wanting to be a Marine. But if I told them I wanted to be a gamer or game developer or something, they'd freak out. You're not alone bro.
13When they find something out they tell EVERYONE they possibly knowYes! I remember when I got my period for the first time my mom went and blabbed it to everyone in the family after I told her not to!Worst part? We had a family party that night (distant relatives and friends too) so I came to the living room to say hi to everyone and my cousin yells out that I got my period just in case some didn't know even though everyone knew and then the whole night everyone was telling me how proud they were that I got it! :$ so embarrassing!
That happened to me and I was so mad. She told my grandma before I went to her house and my grandma told me how to work a pad even though I already knew how to. I just wanted to go die in a hole.
Yeah... SOMETIMES... Like when I fell in a river... And she told EVERYONE. I was so embarrassed. All the people are laughing at me!
I tripped on my little brother's baseball, my mom had to tell every single person she met that whole entire week! I got so angry, and she was like: "Oh, so now I can't talk to my friends, or about my daughter? " and then yelled at me.
14Who are you texting?I HATE IT WHEN THEY DO THAT! Its none of your business stay out of my life please!
Very recently. My Mother noticed that I always seem to be looking at my phone and tapping out a message. Does it really matter? - Britgirl
OH MY GOD I want to punch my dad in the face when he asks that!
15They restrict my freedomI'm 15 years old! I have never stayed the night at a freinds house, I never gone out with my freinds, none I of my freinds are allowed to come to my house.i'm not allowed to wear any make up what so ever, and I have no privacy and I never had a phone.Also I'm not allowed to have a Facebook, Twitter, or instagram! :(
Almost like mine, they let me have social media and have friends over and a phone. I can relate to the "no makeup" and "no sleepovers" thing. - Pegasister12
This is like story of my life. I cannot wait to be out of the house
I'm 12 she goes through my phone history always asks what I'm on and she says I can't go to a friends house unless she knows the parents. She won't even let me text to my friends (even though I don't have any... ) and I'm gonna have to delete my history after being on here. She says I can't go outside without asking because someone might "take me away." I'm super smart and can run fast I have watched so many I survived episodes so if anything like that does happen I'll be prepared. Two years ago I had to ask her before eating something. I mean seriously! I'm in perfect health!
Well my parents always trust me and I always clear my search history, even if I have an account on this site. Though I'm not allowed to have social media until I'm 14, even if the FOURTH GRADERS have Instagram pages. Six more months, ugh! Though I still love them. - Anonymousxcxc
16They stop you from having privacySometimes they repeatedly insist that they want to see my diary.
My mom tries so hard to find out why I'm "acting funny". She actually went to school and asked my teachers, the principal, the vice principal, and the office what have I been talking and doing there. When I'm in my room reading a magazine or picking out and trying on school clothes, she'll either yell and say "what are you doing" and start yelling at me that I'm not doing the laundry, cleaning the kitchen or bathroom, or any other room in the house. Or she'll just walk in and and ask the same things. Uh, hello, all you ever do is try to see what I'm up to and if I'm not doing what you want me to you ask why aren't I working. You alway make a mess and throw a big fit that I should clean this and that. well excuse me, but aren't you supposed to do that and I have chores to help you out... Is that too much to ask for, we have other things in mind that we'd like to do other than be your made.
Sometimes, my parents try to look up the history on MY PERSONAL ipod NOT an ipod that I share with them, MY PERSNONAL IPOD! I don't even look at anything bad but they don't believe me :(
17Your decisions don't matter but theirs doDon't even get me started on this one. Sometimes when we go out to eat, my mom lets us choose where we want to eat. But when me or my sister suggest somewhere like Burger King, Steak And Shake, Pizza Hut, Chick Fil A, etc, my mom is like "No, I want some 'real' food." And when she or my brother decides where, we go there even if we don't want to go. What was the point of asking us where to eat if your going to shoot down ALL of our ideas?! - NikBrusk
Our house was for sale, and I didn't want to move. My parents asked me if I still wanted to move. I said no (I was madly in love with someone in my school). They told me my descision mattered 2 months before and now they tell me it doesn't matter how you feel. The parents make the rules around here.
What our opinions should matter more
V2 Comments
18Turning nothing into somethingMy mother does this all the time. I make a simple statmemet and then she suddenly has an urge to turn it into some huge conversations about the meaning of life, or a life lesson, or something like that. CAN'T I JUST TALK!
MY DAD DOES THAT he used to be this very cool, down to earth guy now he's like IN EXTREME BABY PARENTAL MODE VERSION 5000
One time I left my jacket at my friend's house, and my mom suddenly lectures me about how I lose everything and freaks out because it's winter and I don't have a jacket and I'm like "Mom it's no big deal, I'll just go over to her house and get it back, and THEN my mom lectures me about how I shouldn't walk down the street alone and that I could get kidnapped, even though my friend's house is down the street from mine and that I walk to school every day and it's further away from my friend's house. Just a tiny little problem that could have been solved in 10 minutes, turned into a massive situation
I want to wear shorts in winter but I only walk a tiny bit in a weather that isn't that cold. My mom wears three shirts and a heavy coat in 50 degree weather and she expects me to do that too. Shorts are so comfortable to me. Mom yelled at me and told me someone would kidnap me since they would think my mom doesn't care about me, mom said I would get sick even though I'm out there for less than a minute. She even told me I look ridiculous and said she is in charge of me and kept nagging me. I just want to wear shorts, why the hell do you get to decide what I wear?
19They deny half of what you say even when they know it's trueYa, pretty much. They think they always know what's best, but they don't. I'm missing school tomorrow and I don't want to do my homework. My mom thinks I need to for some nonexistent reason. I can turn it in next week without having it marked late. She won't listen though. Whenever I ask her why, she says, "because I'll ground you if you don't." And also, "so you don't lose points" hello?!?! I already told her I wouldn't lose points. Then she told me it wasn't her fault if I didn't care about my grades. It wasn't my fault that she was too busy planning out her next argument that she didn't listen, like she always is. She needs to actually listen to other people. It's really rude!
So true. They avoid the blame for everything just because they're the adults. This is a minor example but they have done it in more serious situations too: I was at the mall and my dad got me pretzel bites. Since we had just watched a movie I asked if I could bring the pretzel bites in the van. "No," my mom said, "I still need to talk to your dad." Something like that. Then when I finished my pretzel bites I asked "Can I get some more, to-go? " And my mom said, "You should have asked to go to the van if you wanted them in the van." Excuse me!?!?!? I DID ask for that, but nooo, you were so busy talking that you didn't listen to me! Then she blamed ME for not being able to eat pretzel bites in the van. Apparently it's my fault that she talks too much. No, she's just trying to avoid the blame for it, just because she's the adult and parent and I'm just a stupid minor. Grrr...
I am always lying and I am always wrong. They just don't want to listen
V28 Comments
20They shout at you for a slight mistake even if you didn't mean to do itI've stepped on my mom's foot once, and I got grounded even though I said sorry. But when she steps on my foot, I forgive her. One day I stepped on her foot in public, and then she began too yell at me. After she was done yelling, I yelled at her back about her getting made when it was an accident, and me forgiving her when she did it too me. She was really embarressed and turned red. She never yelled when something dumb like that happened again.
Wow, I feel bad for you about getting grounded for stepping on your mom's foot. - mayamanga
I was in my room and my sister was visiting me and my family from California. Then the phone rang. My sister and my mom were both in the kitchen (closest to the home phone) but none of them answered. My room is far from any home phone we own and then I completely hear my dad yelling at my name and I got up quickly and went out my room and he told me in a loud yelling voice to pick of the phone and ran to the home phone only to find it was too late to answer so my dad quietly cursed the d word. He started yelling at me for the whole house to hear and made me cry and embarrassed since my sister was there and she was an adult and I'm only 11 years old. The day before that he yelled at me probably 2-3 times for something I didn't even do. And there was even more people at my house. My 5 year old niece was in my room and she banged something against the wall several times under my bed and I was about to get under my bed and tell her to stop until my dad came into my room and yelled at me ...more
Story of half my life. My mother refuses to apologize for any of it, too. For example, I own a small speaker for my phone to listen to music. I'm in the basement, listening at a semi-quiet volume. Mind you, my mom is upstairs doing laundry and you can't hear yourself think in there. She supposedly yells at me 3 different times to help her. You CANNOT hear a damn thing between the upstairs and the basement. So, instead of coming downstairs and simply asking for my help, she screams at my lazy ass step dad to get me out of my room. So he yells at me because, instead of finding the facts first, they assume I'm ignoring them. I tried to explain the problem and what really happened, but then they just sat there and ignored me. Even though all day I cleaned the ENTIRE 5 bedroom 3 bath house for them, and not even because I was told to. I did it to be nice. But they still tell me I'm being an arrogant prick because I couldn't hear my mom ONCE. I can't wait to find a job and leave. I'll ...more
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List StatsUpdated 24 Jul 2016
6,000 votes637 listings7 years, 174 days old
Top Remixes (23)
1. Your decisions don't matter but theirs do
2. They think that they hold your future
3. They take your things regardless of your permission.
1. They are big liars
2. They always want you to be honest but when you are they get angry
3. They always think you're lying even when you're telling the truth
1. Because I Said So
2. They call it arguing but you call it explaining
3. They always think they are right
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