主动:John heard the music. 被动:The music had been doingheard by John.

總體上來說英語是「中心語前置」的語言,也就是說一個短語的重心在其開頭,但名詞短語是主要的例外。語序變化一般用在疑問句(Did you go to the store?)、主動被動語態變化(The car was bought by John)及詞語或語法上的強調(主題化)中。
加介係詞的短語(如to the store、on Friday)等一般放在動詞和受詞之後,有時可移至句首。
以s、x、z、ch、sh 結尾的名詞的複數形式:當單數可數名詞的詞尾是s、x、z、ch、sh 時,變為複數應加- es,例如:ass — asses , glass — glasses , inch -inches,brush — brushes,bench- benches,branch-branches,adz-adzes,quiz—quizzes。當ch 發音為[k]時,則變複數時僅加-s:monarch—monarchs,stomach-stomachs。
以o 結尾的名詞的複數形式:若單數名詞的詞尾為o,-o 前為母音字母時加-s,以-o 結尾的外來詞加-s,有的加-s 或-es 均可,其中絕大部分直接加-s,這點與傳統觀點不同。
加-es 的僅是有限的幾個名詞:antihero,bastinado,buffalo,dingo,echo,embargo,farrago,go,gusto,hero,jingo,lingo,Negro,potato,tomato,torpedo,veto。
既可加-s,也可加-es 的名詞:cargo,halo,commando,memento,mosquito,no,tornado,tobacco,volcano,zero。
buffalo 變為複數時既可加-es,也可與單數同形。pimento 變為複數時既可加-s,也可與單數同形。
有的以-o 結尾的單詞變為複數時,既可以加-s,也可以把o變為i,這類詞有:cello(celles,celli),concerto(concertos,concerti),dev - ertimento( devertimentos,devertimenti),fortissimo(fortissimos,fortissimi),glissando(glissandos,glissandi),intermezzo(intermezzos,inter- mezzi),libretto(librettos,libretti),maestro(maestros,maestri),obbligato(obbligatos,obbligati),pianissimo(pianissimos,pianissimi),pizzicato (pizzicatos,pizzicati),potto(pottos,potti),scherzo(scherzos,scherzi),sforzando(sforzandos,sforzandi),solo(solos,soli),tempo(tempos,tempi),virtuoso(virtuosos,virtuosi)。
剩下的單詞,均加-s:bamboo,solo,cuckoo,curio,embryo,two,disco,piano 等。
以f、fe 結尾的名詞的複數形式:大多數以f 或fe 結尾的名詞變為複數時,直接加-s,但也有一部分須把f 或fe 改為-ves,總結如下:
須把f 或fe 改為ves 的共有16 個:behalf,calf,elf,half,knife,bowie knife,life,loaf,leaf,midwife,self,sheaf,shelf,thief,wife,wolf。
既可直接加-s,也可把f 或fe 改為ves 的共10 個,它們是beef,dwarf,hoof,handkerchief,oaf,kerchief,scarf,staff,turf,wharf。
beef 表示「不平、牢騷、訴苦、告發」時,複數形式只用beefs;表示「養肥了的牛」時,beef 的複數形式用beeves;表示「牛肉」時,beef 一般是不可數名詞。
staff 表示「全體職員、路牌、五線譜」時,複數形式為staffs;表示「棍、柄、支柱」時,複數形式為staves。
以y 結尾的名詞的複數形式:當單數可數名詞的詞尾為y 時,而y 前為輔音,須把y 改為i,再加-es:baby-babies,city—cities,fly-flies,lady—ladies;當y前為母音時,直接加-s:day-days,key-keys,boy-boys。假使詞尾為quy,變複數時,須先把y 改為i,然後再加-es,因為 qu 的發音為[kw]:colloquy-colloquies,soliloquy-soliloquies。
拉丁語:alumna-alumnae,alumnus—alumni,apparatus-apparatus or apparatuses,appendix-appendices or appendixes,axis- axes , bacterium - bacteria , curriculum-curricula or curriculums,datum—data,erratum—errata,focus-foci or focuses,formula—formulae or formulas,index(指數)-indices,index(索引)-indexes,memorandum—memoranda or memorandums,radius—radii or radiuses,series-series,species- species。
希臘語:analysis—analyses,basis-bases,crisis-crises,criterion-criteria or criterions,hypothesis-hypotheses,phenomenon—phenomena,synopsis-synopses,thesis-theses。
法語:beau-beaux or beaus,bureau—bureaux or bureaus,corp- s-corps。
魚類:fish,plaice(鰈),flounder(比目魚),herring(鯡魚),skate (鰩),sardine(沙丁魚),salmon(大麻哈魚),roach(斜齒鯿),dace (雅羅魚),cod(鱈),mackerel(鮐魚),halibut(大比目魚),hake (狗鱈),haddock(黑線鱈),perch(河鱸),bass(鱸魚),carp(鯉魚),pike(狗魚),trout(鱒魚),crucian(鯽魚)等等。
fish 表示多種魚時加-es。
flounder,herring,skate,sardine 可用作複數,也可加-s 表示複數,用後者的情況更多一些。另外,packed like sardines 是習慣用語,不可把sardines 改為sardine。
其他動物:sheep(綿羊),swine(豬),bison(野牛),deer(鹿),reindeer(馴鹿),elk(麋鹿),moose(駝鹿),grouse(松雞),snipe (沙錐鳥),woodcock(山鷸),antelope(羚羊),buffalo(水牛),crab (蟹),duck(鴨子)等等。duck 指「家鴨」時,其複數形式為ducks,指「野鴨」時,複數形式仍用duck。
以-ese 結尾的表示民族的名詞:Chinese,Japanese,Vietnamese,Lebanese,Portuguese,Maltese,Burmese,Ceylonese 等等。Swiss 也是單複數同形。
其他某些表示人的名詞:offspring(後代),counsel(律師),kin (家屬),folk(人們),vermin(歹徒)等等。 offspring 的複數有時也用offsprings。
某些表示單位的名詞位於數詞或其他表示數量的詞之後,通常是單複數同形。常見的有:hundred,thousand,million,score,dozen,gross,stone,ton,brace,yoke,head 等等。
hundred,thousand,million,billion,dozen 等表示不確切的數字或用於習語中,其複數形式均須加-s。
score 表示「成績或分數」,stone 表示「石頭」,head 表示「腦袋」時,它們的複數均須加-s。dozen,hundred,thousand,mollion,billion 等詞前有不定冠詞、數詞或 many,several 等詞時,它們的詞尾都不加s,後面也不用介詞,直接修飾名詞。但如後面跟的是代詞,則在代詞前應有of,如five thousand of them。前面沒有數詞、不定冠詞等詞時,一般即用複數形式表示「幾」的意思,後面不能直接跟名詞,而只能跟由介詞of 組成的短語。
表示單位的名詞pound,foot 常有複數形式pounds 和feet,但有時可用單數形式代替複數形式,當它們後面有數詞時,尤其如此:
從漢語中音譯過去的表示度量衡單位的名詞都是單數和複數同形。常用的這類詞有:yuan(元),jiao(角),fen(分),mu (畝),zhang(丈),chi(尺),cun(寸),li(里)等等。
the(定冠詞):the house指一幢明確具體的房子(例:「the house I was born in」)
a/an(不定冠詞):a house只是簡單指一幢房子(例:「A house is a building for living in.」)
單數:the house指一幢房子
複數:the houses指一幢以上房子
The king's daughter's house fell.
King後方的第一個&'s&顯示這個女兒是國王的;第二個&'s&並不依附在daughter上(很多人對此是混淆的),而依附在The king's daughter整個名詞短語後。
he, she, it
him, her, it
whom (非正式:who)
his, hers, its
在第三人稱代詞上也殘留下一些陰陽性變化。性用在生物上,一般是遵循生物學上的性變化;用在事物上,則根據社會歷史傳統變化(如「船」在英語中經常當作陰性看待)。He用來指代陽性名詞;she用來指代陰性名詞;it用來指代不確定性的名詞和非生物。普遍認為用「it」來形容人類既不禮貌又不符合語法(形容嬰兒時除外);一些英語使用者願意用「they」來指代性別不明或與語境無關的人,另一些人願意用稍稍複雜一些的「he or she」。這種場合很少會引起混淆,因為説話人想要表達的意思從語境中就能夠體現出來;另外在英語當中,尚有人發明了一些的代詞系統,如、xe/xem、ve/ver、ze/mer等,詳見。
第一人稱單數:I listen
第二人稱單數:You (Thou) listen (listenest)
第三人稱單數:He/She/It listens
第一人稱複數:We listen
第二人稱複數:You listen
第三人稱複數:They listen
主動:John heard the music.
被動:The music had been heard by John.
祈使語氣用在命令、請求中。要求使用動詞原型,如「Listen!」、「Sit!」、「Eat!」等。祈使語氣在英語中僅岀現在第二人稱的情況。主語(你/你們)一般不說,因為句義中已經表達了出來。有時候也使用呼格,避免産生歧義,如「Sit, John.」
He goes to the store.
He could go to the store.(他有能力去,[而且或已經承諾要去,或還沒有承諾。])
He should go to the store.(他應該去,但還沒去。)
He may go to the store.(他已經被允許去了,[而且或已經承諾要去,或還沒有承諾。])
He might go to the store.(並不確定他是否會去,而且暗示會受到條件變化的影響。)
I am eating, so I shall sit.(事實/陳述)
Were I eating, I should sit.(反事實)
If they were eating, they would sit.(附加條件的反事實/假設)
Truth be told...(虛擬)
If I were you...(虛擬)
英語有很多動詞時態,全部這些都只是表明動作發生的時間;不過同大多數一樣,這些時態最終可以劃為四種:現在和過去的直陳與虛擬。使用「to be」和「to have」,再加上現在分詞和過去分詞,就可以創造岀各種複合時態。英語中有12個主要時態,都來自於三時(過去、現在、將來)和四體(一般、進行[或未完成]、完成、完成進行)的交叉組合。(在被動語態中,有一些組合會極少岀現,尤其是「將來完成進行時」。)下方是一些主要英語動詞時態的例子。
一般現在時:「I listen.」對很多動詞來講,這個時態用來闡述習慣或能力。
現在進行時:「I am listening.」表達現在正在進行的動作。要表達這個意思,在英語中需要用到現在進行時,但在其他大多數語言中只用一般現在時就可以。請注意,這種形式在英語中也可以表達將來時,比如「We're going to the movies tonight」。
過去進行時:「I was listening.」表達在過去某時刻持續進行的動作。
現在完成時:「I have listened.」通常表達一個動作在過去某一時刻發生了,動作已結束。
現在完成進行時:「I have been listening.」表達一個動作在過去某一時刻發生,並一直延續到現在。
一般將來時:「I shall listen」或「I will listen.」表達一個動作會在將來發生,或説話人表示要完成某個行動。3
將來進行時:「I shall be listening.」表達將來的某個持續進行的動作,此動作現在還沒有開始。(使用will可以表達主觀願望。3)
不定式:「to listen」與其他動詞連用,如「I was to listen to the story」。
一般過去時:「I listened.」在英語中表達某個動作在過去發生,而不是現在(不同於其他一些語言中的)。
過去完成時:「I had listened.」表達某個過去的動作在過去某一時刻之前已經完成。
過去完成進行時:「I had been listening.」表達一個動作在過去某一時刻發生,並一直延續到過去另一個時刻。
將來完成時:「I shall have listened.」表達一個動作會在將來某一時刻之前完成。
將來完成進行時:「I shall have been listening.」表達一個動作會在將來某一時刻開始,並一直延續到將來另一時刻。
"Do I go?" "I do not go." "I do go!"
"Did I go?" "I did not go." "I did go!"
進行形式「going to」也會用在將來時內:
"I am going to go."
"I was going to go."
Biber, D., S. Johansson, G. Leech, S. Conrad & E. Finegan. 1999. Longman grammar of spoken and written English. Harlow, Longman.
Rodney Huddleston & Geoffrey Pullum. 2002. The Cambridge grammar of the English language. Cambridge, CUP.
I meet ~ I met ~ I had met
I read ~ I read ~ I had read
I lead ~ I led ~ I had led
I swim ~ I swam ~ I had swum
I sing ~ I sang ~ I had sung
I steal ~ I stole ~ I had stolen
He is, she is, it is
He was, she was, it was
I am being
He/she/it is being
We are being
They are being
You are being
變換詞性的方法還有很多。名詞很容易就能換為動詞:先移到句子中合適的地方,再根據動詞變位規則進行變化。名詞也可以轉化為其他類名詞(&-er&、&-ist&),表達狀態的名詞(&-ness&),或形容詞(&-ish&)等。 動詞可以變為形容詞(&-ing&),副詞(&-ly&),或名詞(&-er&)。
英語的一個否定詞為not,not加在動詞前、助動詞之後,而否定句大多要加助動詞,若一個句子其相對應的肯定句形式沒有助動詞,則其否定句形式要在not前面加助動詞do或其詞形變化的形式,像Kirino likes her brother(意即「桐乃喜歡她的哥哥」)這句的否定句形式要變為Kirino does not like her brother(意即「桐乃不喜歡她的哥哥」),而非*Kirino not likes her brother之類的;同時英語的not常與助動詞縮略,像can not會縮略成cannot或can't、will not會縮略成won't、do not會縮略成don't、should not會縮略成shouldn't、is not會縮略成isn't等。
助動詞在動詞不定形或分詞形、動名詞形等前面是不使用的,在不定形中,not要加在to之前,因此to go的否定形為not to go;而going的否定形則為not going。
在中,關係子句置於其所修飾的名詞後,一般英語的關係子句藉由置於子句開頭的來標明,而有時亦僅僅藉由語序來標明。若關係代名詞在子句中為動詞受詞,它出現在子句的開頭,而非受詞在主句中慣常出現的位置,因此要表「桐乃是黑貓昨天遇見的那個女孩子」之意,在英語中用Kirino is the girl who(m) Kuroneko met yesterday,而非Kirino is the girl Kuroneko met who(m) yesterday。
若頭詞指稱的對象是人類,通常用who、whom或that等關係代名詞,如Kirino is the girl who met kuroneko yesterday(意即「桐乃是昨天遇見黑貓的那個女孩子」)、Kirino is the girl who(m) Kuroneko met yesterday(意即「桐乃是黑貓昨天遇見的那個女孩子」)和Kirino is the girl that Kuroneko met yesterday(意即「桐乃是黑貓昨天遇見的那個女孩子」)等句皆為其例;但當頭詞指稱的不是人類時,則只用that或which。
若頭詞指稱的對象非人類,且子句為非限制子句(Non-restrictive clause),則使用which,如The tree, which has fallen, is over there(意即「那棵倒下的樹在那裡」)即為其例;若頭詞指稱的對象非人類,且子句為限制子句(Restrictive clause),則that或which皆可使用(儘管有些規範語法要求限定子句的狀況必須使用that),如The tree which has fallen is over there(意即「那棵倒下的樹在那裡」)或The tree that has fallen is over there(意即「那棵倒下的樹在那裡」)即為其例。
在較正式的用法中,who用於頭詞在關係子句中的角色為主詞時(像Kirino is the girl who met kuroneko yesterday(意即「桐乃是昨天遇見黑貓的那個女孩子」)這句就是其例子);而whom用於頭詞在關係子句中的角色為受詞或前帶介詞的詞時(像Kirino is the girl whom Kuroneko met yesterday(意即「桐乃是黑貓昨天遇見的那個女孩子」)和Kirino is the girl with whom Kuroneko frequently argues(意即「桐乃是黑貓常與之爭論的那個女孩子」)這兩句即為其例);但在非正式的用法中,whom常以who取代。
We saw two puppies this morning: one that was born yesterday, and one that was born last week. The one that was born yesterday is tiny.(意即「我們早上看見兩隻小狗,其中一隻昨天出生,另一隻上星期出生,昨天出生的那隻很小」,此句為限制關係子句,此處之that亦可改用which)
We saw a puppy and a kitty this morning. The puppy, which was born yesterday, was tiny.(意即「我們早上見到一隻小狗和一隻小貓,那隻小狗很小,牠是昨天出生的。」,此句為非限制關係子句)
並不是所有人都同意that做為關係代名詞的狀態的。傳統語法將that視為一關係代名詞,但並非所有的現代語法家都持同樣的看法,像(Cambridge Grammar of the English Language)就將that給視為一從句詞(subordinator)而非關係代名詞(pp. 1056–7);而(British National Corpus)則將that視為一子句連接詞,即使在其做為關係子句開頭時亦然。一個為that尋求不同解釋的動機在於that和which之間有一定的差異性存在(人們可說in which但不能說in that,其他像這樣的例子亦存在著)。
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Spanish version single cover (1980)
"Thank You for the Music" is a song by the Swedish pop group . It was originally featured on the group's fifth studio album
(1977), and was released as a single on 6 November 1983, to promote the
compilation album
(similar compilations were released in other countries). The song "", which was originally featured on the group's seventh studio album
(1980), was the B-side. The song was simultaneously released in Ireland (as Epic were the licensees for both UK and Ireland), and later released in France (by ), with the same B-side but different artwork, and the Netherlands (by ), with "Medley" as the B-side (and again, different artwork).
"Thank You for the Music" was also the B-side to the single "" in 1978, which itself was only released in limited territories, namely , , , , ,
(though in some territories, such as the Netherlands, it was released as a double A-side). "Thank You for the Music" also formed part of . It was released as an A-side single in South Africa where it peaked at number 2 in August 1978 and became the eighteenth best-selling single of that year.
performed the lead vocals, with
joining in on the chorus. "Thank You for the Music" was intended to form part of a "mini-musical" called "" (a phrase which is featured in the song) that songwriters
included in ABBA's 1977 tour. It was the opening track in the four-song musical, which also included "I Wonder (Departure)", "I'm a Marionette" and "Get on the Carousel". The first three songs from the musical were featured on ABBA: The Album; the latter remains unreleased. "Thank You for the Music" is more well known in its own right today as it features in the musical .
The album version was recorded on 21 July 1977 at Glen Studio after a complete alternate version (known as "Thank You for the Music" ( version)) was recorded on 2 June 1977 at Marcus Music Studio. The Doris Day version was first released on the box set
"Gracias por la Música" is the
recording of "Thank You for the Music", with lyrics by Buddy and Mary McCluskey. The B-side was the Spanish-language version of "" entitled "?Dame! ?Dame! ?Dame!". The song was released in 1980 to promote the band's Spanish-language album/compilation . It was the group's seventh best-selling Spanish single, and also peaked at number 4 in Argentina.
"Thank You for the Music" was released in the United Kingdom and Ireland at the time, peaking at number 33 and number 17 respectively, despite being released in both a poster sleeve and a picture disc in addition to the regular version. The low chart placings could be attributed to ABBA's declining popularity since their last Top 10 hit in 1981. Because of the song's inclusion on ABBA: The Album and Greatest Hits Vol.2 (both of which topped the UK charts), as well as being performed by the band during their world tours, it can be said that "Thank You for the Music" had been heard by fans and the like many times up to this point. The title itself is often also taken to signal the end of ABBA, leading it to be considered a farewell song. In the Netherlands, the song peaked at number 38, but in France it could only manage number 58.
Irish siblings , who were often seen on various British variety TV programmes in the 1970s and early 1980s, recorded their own cover of this song. It is included on their album .
German eurodance group
recorded a cover of the song for their 1997 ABBA tribute album Thank You for the Music.
The 2001 compilation ABBAMetal (also released as ) features a cover by German
British vocalist Dame
recorded a version of this song for her self-titled album.
The song's chorus was included as part of a medley entitled "Thank ABBA for the Music" on the 1999 compilation , which coincided with a British TV special. It was performed by , , ,
and , and peaked on the UK Singles Chart at number 4 in April 1999.
The subsequent ABBAMania 2 album from 2004 contains a cover of the song performed with British TV actors , , ,
(of the Nolans), , , and
on lead vocals.
A cover of the song is included on the 2004 tribute album Funky ABBA by Swedish jazz musician . However, this version omits everything except for the first verse and chorus.
The German 2004 ABBA Mania compilation features a cover version performed by all the music artists who appeared in the TV special, with
on lead vocals.
American actress/singer Jan Gelberman recorded a cover of the song for her album With Love To Share.
Swedish opera singer 's cover of the song was included as a bonus track on her 2006 ABBA tribute album I Let The Music Speak.
Filipino actress/singer
recorded a cover of the song when she was a child.
A cover of the song was recorded by the finalists in the Dutch version of the music reality series
in 2006. This version includes vocals by the eventual winner of that season, .
A cover of the song by Finnish
choral ensemble
can be found on their 2006 ABBA tribute album Rajaton Sings ABBA With Lahti Symphony Orchestra.
for , the song is included as a
sung by actress . In the movie itself, it is heard in the end credits.
In August 2008, Gunilla Backman performed ' Swedish version of the song from
("Tack f?r alla s?nger") on TV show
(Sing-along at Skansen). It may be notable for the lyric which in the English version is "Thanks for all the joy they're bringing / Who can live without it" but in Swedish is "Vem beh?ver religioner? / Dom kan vi va utan" which (limited to words ending in -inging to keep the rhyme) roughly translates as "Who to faith still is clinging? / We can live without it".
The original ABBA recording features in the film
A live version was performed on TV by
on The Tonight Show hosted by , on 27 June 1978 . They first heard the song when ABBA performed it on , as the Carpenters were sharing the bill with them for that particular episode. They laid down a track for it but Richard said:
Nobody does ABBA like ABBA. I realized that, as usual, Benny and Bjorn had done the definitive arrangement and all I'd be
something I just don't do, of course. It's an outtake, never completed and in storage with the rest of the stuff in Pennsylvania.
Fans have been requesting for years that Richard Carpenter release the Carpenters' version.
The song is performed in the
musical by the characters of Sophie and Harry. However, it omits the first verse of the original song. In the context of the musical, Harry is reminiscing about his younger, carefree days. At the same time, Sophie is letting the potential fathers get to know her better. She expresses how much she loves to sing and dance. In order to coincide with the lyric, "I'm the girl with golden hair," Sophie's hair colour is usually blonde. "The Girl with Golden Hair" was a mini-musical that Benny and Bjorn wrote which ABBA performed during their 1977 tour of Europe and Australia.
American singer Deborah Boily recorded a live performance of the song for her album Thank You for the Music.
Portuguese singer
performed the song on the show
for the channel
during the early 1990s.
A live version was performed by Norwegian art band, .
The song is briefly included in the ABBA medley performed by
on his mock chat show , which is itself titled after the ABBA single of the same name. One of the show's running gags is based around the character's fondness of the band.
performed a rendition of the song on the final 6 round of hit series , in 2002.
In the 2003 comedy film
starring , it is briefly sung in the dark as an echo chant.
The song was sung on
season 6 by Teale Jakubenko during ABBA week.
In the ": Still Alive" farewell tour in 2008, both
perform the song to close the show with Dawn choosing to send herself up by making noises instead of actually singing in some parts.
Several ABBA
end their concerts with "Thank You for the Music", as a tribute to the original group.
The horror novel Little Star by
opens with a quote from "Thank You For The Music". The song is also featured heavily throughout the novel and guides the climax of the story.
This song was the last song played on music channel
before it became .
Oldham, A, Calder, T & Irvin, C: "ABBA: The Name of the Game", page 209. Sidgwick & Jackson, 1995
Sitefactory (). . Rajaton.net.
. iheu.org. .
Carpenters: Decade ; Edited by: The Carpenters.
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