范特西篮球1~4区~阵容是c钱德勒pf司机sg科比 安东尼sf安东尼pg沃尔替补有希克森,特纳,艾迪库里,诺瓦克,何塞巴

紧急啊英语口语中的缩写在线等 - 你问我答知识网
如want to写成wanna
are you ya
because 'cause/cuz
could have coulda
could not have couldna
did you didya
don't know dunno
give ne gimme
going to gonna
goodbye g'bye
got to gotta
had better betta
have to hafta
how did you how 'dya
how do you howdya
how does how's
in front of infrontof
is that s'that
leave me leeme
let me lemme
out of outta
probably prob'ly
should not have shoulena
them 'm/'em
want to wanna
what wud/whut
what are you whachya
waht did you whadya
what do you what cha
what does what's
what is the what's a
would not have wudn'a/wouldna
why did you whyd'ya
why do you why'dy'a
when's ---- he's ---- he is/
kinda ---- it's been ----
what're ---- what'll ----
that'll ---- I'd ---- I would/ I
It'd (be) ---- It would (be); wanna ----
gonna ---- I've gotta ---- I
C'mon ---- C shoulda ----
'cause ---- a lotta ----
10x ― Thanks[1]
1337 ― From the word Leet, derived from the word elite[2]
2 ― too, or to[1]
2L8 ― Too late[3]
2U2 ― To you too[3]
&3 ― a sideways heart.[4]
4 ― for[1]
404 ― I haven' from the code for the common "Not Found" error message.[3]
4GM ― Forgive me[3]
?4U ― Question for you[3]
AAMOF ― As a matter of fact[3]
ADN ― Any day now[5]
AFAICR/S/T ― As far as I can recall / remember / see / tell[1]
AFAIK ― As far as I know[6]
AFK ― Away from keyboard[6]
AKA ― Also known as[3]
AITR ― Adult in the room[5]
AIUI ― As I understand it[1]
ANFSCD ― And Now For Something Completely Different. Used to change the subject of conversation.[7]
ASAP ― As soon as possible[8]
ASL or A/S/L ― Age / sex / location[9]
ATEOTD ― At The End of the Day[7]
ATM ― At the moment[6]
ATYS ― Anything you say[3]
AWA ― As well as[3]
AWOL ― Absent Without (Official) Leave[1]
AYBABTU (also abbreviated as AYB) ― All your base are belong to us (from the video game Zero Wing)[1]
Bai ― Bye[9]
B2B ― Business to Business[6]
BBIAB ― Be back in a bit[9]
BBL/S ― Be back later / shortly / soon[9]
BCNU ― Be seein' you[6]
BF - Boy friend
BFF - Best friends forever[9]
BFFL - Best friends for life[1]
BFN ― Bye for now[1]
Blog ― Also known as web log or an online journal[1]
BOF ― Beginning of file[1]
BOFH ― Bastard operator from hell[6]
Bot ― Any type of automated software in chatrooms and web-cataloging software[10]
BRB ― Be right back[6]
BRT ― Be right there[1]
BS ― Backstab / Bullshit[1]
BSOD ― Blue Screen of Death[6]
BTDT ― Been there done that[9]
BTDTGTTSAWIO - Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and wore it out[11]
BTW ― By the way[10]
Bump ― Increment (For example, C++'s operator.)[6] or a backronym for "Bring Up My Post"[1]
BW or B/W ― Between or black-and-white.[12]
CBA ― Can't Be Arsed. A term to indicate or dictate laziness.[1]
CMIIW ― Correct me if I'm wrong[1]
Crawl ― To retrieve a web page along with the hyperlinks that reference it[10]
Crapplet ― A poorly written computer application[13]
CU ― See you (later)[6]
CYA ― See ya OR Cover Your Ass[1]
Cyber (prefix) ― A term used to connect the subsequent word loosely to the world of computers or the Internet or sex over a computer[10]
Cyberspace ― Virtual reality, the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other kinds of computer systems. Science fiction author William Gibson popularized the term in his novel Neuromancer. Gibson used the word to describe a virtual world of computer networks that his cyberpunk heroes 'jacked into'[10]
DDG ― Drop Dead Gorgeous[1]
DFTT ― Don't feed the trolls[7]
DGAF ― Don't Give A Fuck[1]
DIAF ― Die in a fire[7]
DILLIGAF/D/S ― Does it look like I give a flip / fuck / damn / shit[7]
DND ― Do not disturb[1]
DOA ― Dead on arrival. Refers to hardware that has never worked.[6]
DW - Don't Worry.[7]
EOF ― End Of File[6]
EOM ― End of Message[9]
EOL ― End of Life. Device or hardware that is at the end of its product life cycle.[9]
EQ ― EverQuest[1]
ETA ― Estimated time of arrival[1], later (especially on blogs), Edited To Add [7]
FAQ ― Frequently Asked Question(s)[6]
FFS ― For fuck's sake[9]
Flamer ― Someone who makes inflammatory, abusive or directly offensive comments. Similar to, but not quite the same as an Internet troll[6]
FMCDH ― From My Cold Dead Hands[1]
FOAD ― Fuck off and die[6]
FOAF ― Friend of a friend[6]
FTL ― For the lose / loss[7]
FTW ― For the win[9]
FU ― Fuck you[1]
FUBAR ― Fucked up beyond all recognition / repair ( pronounced "foo-bar")[6]
FUD ― Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (the purposeful spread of misinformation)[6]
FWIW ― For what it's worth[6]
FYI ― For your information[6]
GBCW ― Goodbye Cruel World[7] - a dramatic leave taking of a forum or site
GBTW ― Get back to work[1]
GF ― Great/ or girlfriend[1]
GFETE ― Grinning from ear to ear[7]
GFU ― Good for you[1]
GFY ― Go fuck yourself[1]
GG ― Good game, used at or near the conclusion of a gaming match[9]
GGF ― Go Get Fucked[1]
GIYF ― Google is your friend[1]
GL ― Good luck, often used at beginning of a contest[9]
GLHF ― Good luck and have fun[1]
GJ ― Good job[1]
GMTA ― Great minds think alike[1]
Godwin's Law ― Dictates that the longer a thread, the more likely someone will post a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler[14]
Gratz ― Congratulations[1]
GTFO ― Get the fuck out OR Get the fuck off[1]
GTG or G2G ― 'Got to go' or 'Good to go'[9]
GR ― Good Race[1]
GR8 ― Great[1]
HAND ― Have A Nice Day[6], often used with YHBT.
Handle ― Name used in online chat, (AKA nick(name), alias, screen/user name)[10]
HF ― Have fun[1]
Haxor or H4x0r (1337) ― Hacker[9]
Hit ― A request made to the web server, (noun) the results of an internet search, (verb) loading a Web page. Hits are not equivalent to visitors of a webpage.[10]
Home page ― The website's introduction page, starting point, and guide. The technical term is "index"[10]
Hot list ― A collection of publicly available URLs (World Wide Web site addresses), sometimes available as text files.[10]
HTH ― Hope this / that helps, or happy to help[6]
H8 ― Hate[1]
IANAL ― I am not a lawyer[6]
IAWTC ― I agree with that/this comment[1]
IBTL ― In before the lock[13]
IC -- I see
IK- I know
IDC ― I don't care[1]
IDK ― I don't know[6]
IINM ― If I'm not mistaken[1]
IIRC ― If I recall / remember correctly[6]
IIUC ― If I understand correctly[1]
ILY― I love you[13]
IMO/IMHO/IMNSHO/IMAO ― In my (humble / honest / not so humble / arrogant) opinion[6][10][15]
Information superhighway ― The Internet (AKA: I-way, infobahn)[10]
Inkernet ― Popularized by The Dawn and Drew Show, this alternative term for the Internet is frequently heard when Drawn Miseli signs off with "Good night inkernet."
IONO ― I don't know[1]
IOW ― In other words[6]
IRC ― Internet Relay Chat[6]
IRL ― In real life[6]
ISTR - I Seem To Recall [7]
ITYM ― I Think You Mean[1]
IWSN ― I want sex now[13]
IYKWIM ― If you know what I mean[16]
Jaggy ― Aliased computer graphics[10]
JAHOYFT ― Just ask her out, you fucking tool![17]
JAS ― Just a second[1]
JIC' ― Just in case[1]
JFGI ― Just Fucking/Freaking Google It[7]
JK or j/k ― Just kidding, or joke[1]
JSYK - Just so you know[1]
JFTR ― Just for the records [1]
JOOC ― Just out of curiosity [1]
k or kk ― OK[7]
KIR ― Keeping it real[3].
KISS ― Keep it simple stupid.[7]
KIT ― Keep in touch[3].
KMA ― Kiss my ass[1]
KOS ― Kill on sight[1]
KOTC/L ―Kiss on the cheek/lips[3].
KS(ing) ― Kill-Steal(ing)[1]
KTHX ― OK, thanks[7]
KTHXBAI or KTHXBYE ― OK, thanks, goodbye, used either to cut short a conversation or to express displeasure with being cut short[7]
KWIM ― Know what I mean?[7]
L2P ― L an admonishment to video game players who are incompetent and/or whine[1]
L8R ― Later (sometimes abbreviated to L8ER); is commonly used in chat rooms and other text based communications as a way of saying good bye.[9]
Lag ― Slang term for slow Internet speeds or high I Lag is sometimes due to a server problem, but more frequently due to the connection between client and server. A slow or intermittent connection may often be referred to as laggy[6]
Lamer ― A know-nothing, one who is lame.[6]
Leet ― Often spelled as l33t or 1337 in ASCII form. It originally meant elite[6]
LFG ― Looking for group[1]
LFM ― Looking for more[1]
LM(F)AO ― Laughing my (fucking) ass off[1]
LMIRL ― Let's meet in real life.[1]
LMK ― Let me know[1]
LOL ― Laughing out loud, laugh out loud[18]
LOTI ― Laughing on the inside[1]
LTNS ― Long time no see[9]
Lurker ― Someone who frequents a Usenet group without participating in discussions[6]
Luser ― Loser + an annoying user from the perspective of tech support or a
also spelled luzer or luzzer[19].
MCPWNAGE - same as Ownage
MMORPG, MMO ― Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game[9]
MMOFPS ― Massive Multi-player Online First Person Shooter[1]
MOO ― MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) Object Orientated [1]
MOTD ― Message of the day[6]
MS ― Microsoft[1]
MTFBWY ― May The Force be with you[7]
MUD ― Multi-User Dungeon[6]
MUSH ― Multi-User Shared Hallucination[6]
MYOB ― Mind your own business[6]
M8 ― Mate[1]
9:08 PM | Add a comment | Send a message | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) | Blog ituseful phrases
N2M ― Not(hing) too much[20]
N2B ― Not too bad[20]
NE1 ― "Anyone"[21]
Newbie, noob, or n00b ― An inexperienced user of a system or game,[6] or an annoying person.[1]
NFW ― No freaking way (polite form)[1]
NM ― (Sometimes written N/M) Not much, Never mind or no message, used on message boards or in e-mails to indicate that everything is already said in the subject line.[9][22]
NP ― No problem[9]
NSFW ― Not safe for work. Warning about content that may get the viewer in trouble with his employer or co-workers.[23][24]
NTY ― No, Thank You[1]
NVM, NVMD, or nm ― Nevermind, not much[25]
O RLY ― Oh really?[26]
OIC ― Oh, I see[6]
OFN ― Old fucking news[6]
OMG ― Oh, my God[9]
OMFG ― Oh, my fucking God[9]
OMGWTFBBQ- Oh my God, What the Fuck/Freak, Barbecue[1]
OMW ― On my way or Oh my word[1]
OP ― Original poster / Operator / Outpost[1]
OS ― Operating system[6]
OT ― Off topic[1]
OTOH ― On the other hand[6]
OTP ― On the phone or One true pairing[1]
P2P ― Peer to peer, or pay to play[1]
PAW ― Parents are watching[16]
PEBKAC ― Problem exists between keyboard and chair[6]
Ping ― From the popular network monitoring tool, used as a greeting similar to "Are you there?".[27][28]
PITA ― Pain in the arse / ass[6]
PLMK ― Please let me know[6]
plz ― Please[1]
PM ― Personal message or private message[1]
::POOF:: ― Goodbye (leaving the room) [3]
POS ― Piece of shit, or parent over shoulder.[9]
POTS ― Plain old telephone service[6]
POV ― Point of view[16]
PPL ― People[16]
PST ― Please send tell[1]
PTKFGS ― Punch the Keys For God's Sake[1]
pr0n ― Intentional misspelling of porn[1]
PW ― Persistent World (gaming)[7]
pwned or pwnd ― Owned[7]
QFA ― Quoted for accuracy. Similar to QFT[7]
QFT ― Quoted for truth. Used on internet message boards to show agreement from a previous message[7]
QT ― Cutie[3].
Rehi (or merely re) ― Hello again[6]
RL ― Real Life[6]
Rly ― Really (See also: O rly) /&
RO(T)FL ― Rolling on (the) floor laughing[6]
RO(T)FLMAO ― Rolling on (the) floor laughing my ass off[6]
RO(T)FLOL ― Rolling on (the) floor laughing out loud[6]
RSN ― Real soon now (often used sarcastically)[6]
RTA - Read The Article
RTFB ― Read the fucking binary (or book)[6]
RTFS ― Read the fucking source[6]
RTFM/RTM ― Read the (fucking) manual[6]
SCNR ― Sorry, could not resist[8]
sk8/sk8r ― skate/skater[7]
Smiley ― Another name for emoticons[10]
SMH ― Shaking my head[7]
SNAFU ― Situation normal: all (fucked/[6]fouled) up[1]
Snail mail ― Normal paper mail service[10]
SOL - Shit Outta Luck
Spider ― The program behind a search engine[10]
Sry - Sorry[9]
STFU ― Shut the fuck up[29]
STFW ― Search the fucking web[6]
Soz ― Sorry[9]
SU - Shut up
SWIM ― Someone Who Isn't Me[1]
SYM - Shut your mouth
TANSTAAFL ― There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, from Robert A. Heinlein's novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress[6]
TBF ― Time between failures[6]
TBH, TBQH ― To be (quite) honest[7]
TG ― That's great[7]
TGIF ― Thank God it's Friday[1]
TH(N)X, TNX or TX ― Thanks[9]
TIA ― Thanks in advance[6]
TINC ― There Is No Cabal, a term discouraging conspiracy theories[6]
TL;DR - Too L Didn't Read, an admonishment that a post is too lengthy or lacks worthwhile content[1]
TMI ― Too much information[1]
TOS ― Terms of service[6]
TTBOMK ― To the best of my knowledge[8]
TTFN ― Ta ta for now[6]
TTT ― To the top, used in forums to bump a thread[1]
TTTH ― Talk to the hand[7]
TTYL ― Talk to you later (also spelled TTUL, T2UL or T2YL)[6]
TTYS ― Talk to you soon [1]
TTYTT ― To Tell You The Truth[1]
Tweedler ― One who has deep love for all computer related technology and gadgets[10]
TWIMC ― To Whom It May Concern[7]
TY ― Thank you[9]
TYT ― Take your time[6]
TYVM ― Thank you very much[16]
U, Ur ― You, your[1]
UTFSE ― Use the fucking search engine[1]
VB(SE)G ― Very big (shit-eating) grin[3].
VEG/S ― Very evil grin/smile[3].
VWG/S ― Very wicked grin/smile[3].
w00t, w00T or WOOT ― First two express exuberance, the latter is a backronym for the term "We Own the Other Team".[1]
W/ or W/O ― With or without[1]
WB ― Welcome back[6]
WD ― Well Done[1]
W/E ― Whatever[1]
WP ― Well Played[7]
WRT ― With respect / regard to[6]
WTB ― Want to buy[1]
WTF ― What the fuck[6]
WTG ― Way to go[6]
WTH ― What the hell, What the hack[6]
WTS ― Want to sell[1]
WTT ― Want to trade[1]
WUG ― What you got?[1]
WUBU2 ― What (have) you been up to?[1]
WUU2 ― What (are) you up to?[1]
WUW ― What you want?[1]
WYSIWYG ― What you see is what you get[6][10]
W8 ― Wait[1]
Y ― Why[9]
YA RLY ― Yeah Really (invariably preceeded by "O RLY")
YHBT ― You have been trolled.[7] Typically used as "YHBT. YHL. HAND."
YHL ― You have lost[7], see YHBT.
YKW ― You know what?[13]
YMMV ― Your mileage may vary.[9]
YT ― You there?[1]
YTMND ― You're The Man Now, Dog[1]
YW ― You're welcome.[1]
YOYO ― You're On Your Own.[1]
YOYOW - You own your own words. [1]
ZOMG (sometimes OMGZ)― An intentional misspelling of the initials for "Oh My God/Gosh" used to indicate extreme excitement[9 回答2:Gonna,ASAP,PS,gotta,betcha,BBYF,THX
现在一个替补没有 求一整套替补搭配 多个100.200万的可以接受,谢谢各位大神了
当肉不错) JJ希克森
PF帕特森 汤普森(国王和骑士)艾德戴维斯(薪水特别低,或者高位挡拆+外线投篮。替补一个也没有,巴丁格
PG 布博瓦 杰夫蒂格 。内线 C坎特你这个阵容肯定是主打外线的阵容、皮特鲁斯;SG格林(马刺) 尼尔(马刺) 戈登海沃德 乔丹克劳福德 特纳 克雷扎, 洛里 ,尼克扬
想买佩科维奇 蒂格 海沃德 就是PF不知道怎么选
PF帕特森 汤普森(国王和骑士)艾德戴维斯(薪水特别低。替补一个也没有你这个阵容肯定是主打外线的阵容,当肉不错) JJ希克森
SF&#47。内线 C坎特、库弗斯,就是说至少要找4个替补
底薪尼克杨 麦蒂 都行
用皮特鲁斯吧 他不错
乔治 希尔,洛瑞,阿西克,布兰顿 巴斯,詹姆斯 波西。
从新手进入游戏,选择好队伍,你就会发现,自己的球队是基本由A B B C C C D D级别的球员组成的。昨晚新人任务以后,一看世界上在卖球员的叫喊。就觉得郁闷,要是我有该多好啊。接着点开他们的资料浏览一下,就会发昏。自己的球队和他们的球队该怎么打啊。这个差距可不是一点两点啊。这个过程我相信每位新玩家都经历过。我也是这样过来的。
我个人建议,打一般的比赛只为升级。而大多玩家是不会选择吃药的,所以我们的选择球员要针对那些有潜力的位置球员。一般在B B+ A左右即可。关键是要充实自己的替补席。在别人的主力下场休息时,你的替补也不会影响到你的整体战力与防守。可想而知整场比赛的控制权会在谁手上。
C:安东尼-兰多夫& 替补 亚瑟或伊巴卡
PF:刘易斯&& 替补& 米里西奇或JJ-希克森
SF:加西亚& 替补& 麦蒂
SG:本戈登&& 替补& 乔治
PG:科里森&& 替补& 吉布森
你会发现 主力加替补的工资和& 也就是一个别人手中的A+球员而已。但是实用性,试过就会知道了。
Copyright & wan网 版权所有京ICP备范特西篮球经理替补_百度知道
PF 741 考辛斯
1078 安东尼
SG 1100科比
772 欧文替补有
159 海沃德
乔丹 克劳福德还有1700W工资帽,该用哪些呢马肖恩-布鲁克斯和莱昂纳德好用吗?还有保罗-乔治
打扰了,他算比较稳定,乔丹,如果你资金允许的话可以用,别太沉迷喔  还有,出色的身体素质,现在卖不出好价钱,其它的也同时兼顾,莱昂纳德做为新秀,戈泰特,亨弗里斯,蒂格算是比较好的球员,就你上面的,那就抱歉,狼多不是很稳定  您好,之外,你的替补席,如果没有,还有多点留意nba的动态,现在就维斯比较实用,保持一种有利的竞争力,希望能对你有点点帮助,可能有点罗嗦,在步行者已经走上了首发的位置,但要考虑你的工资帽,首发来说,在市场上500卡可以买到个1340左右的了,他们的发挥都会很不错的  你的替补席很不错,能力值提升不少,他可以一场拿到大两双,但是建议你,比如给力芬,他相对其它两名球员算是比较稳定的,建议您不要使用波什,未来一定是马刺的重点培养对象,要不他的性价比真不怎么好,说太多的,而且他是双位置的  大前,是作为替补的很好选择  杰夫蒂格,下赛季用吧,在市场上都是比较值钱了,在年迈而倪坚的马刺可以迅速走上首发的位置,PG劳森,考辛斯最好放到替补席上,如果超的话,都算很底薪了,在价格上,虽然在游戏中只能打一个位置,看在我花将近一个小时的打字回答,如果他们的工资够低的话,很快就会理解里面的一些基本技巧,很开心能为你解答,现在也有很多大前好用,可以考虑蒂格换乔治,海沃德,乔丹现在受伤,但也经常拿到十几分几板,这对你选阵容很重要  就说那么多了,俗称有科比那样的潜质,耐用  你的阵容,很不稳定,拿了个月最佳,他们两的身价在游戏中未来一段日子应该都会稳定上升的,如果相比较,要慢慢玩,不过现在真没什么后卫好用的,但怎么都是外线的,欧文现在不怎么好用,还有装备,马尚,不过也算不错了,一般大前,杰弗森很好用啊,这游戏,其它方面会对你提供帮助的,球场上经常会有良好的发挥,但好贵,你看着办吧,虽然有时也不是很稳定,现在可以用,c戈泰特,劳森,有时阵容弱过对方时,与各种技能也是很重要的,在这个阶段,你才能在比赛中,安东尼也不是很稳定,海沃德,或莱昂纳德换戈泰特,考辛斯提到c的位置  其实打比赛最重要的除了有个好的轮换阵容外,留着下赛季才用,除了前几天它掉在了1560,在完善阵容的同时,sg&#47,至于保罗乔治,还是那句话,呵呵,这样就挺完美的,前途很受看好,除非你使用的是底薪砖石波什,pf考辛斯,还是戈泰特好用一点,我玩篮球经理也很久了,拜纳姆和科比挺不错,祝你游戏愉快,劳森留着,很少人用亨弗里斯;sf海沃德加保罗乔治,而且在游戏中可以打两个位置,很不稳定,韦德很好,希望我的解答能给你带来一丁点用处,你想强化你的阵容的话,罗斯又伤了,保罗,史密斯的等,但可以保持在800以上这个幅度,几乎都能保持在s+2000左右,PF的首发最好用13XX的史密斯,马尚布鲁克斯和莱昂纳德是两个很好而非常有潜力的新秀,挺不错的,挺好,可以的话就给点分吧,这几位都是很好的替补球员,战术熟练度,小玩怡情,比较稳定
而且只有三个、欧文都是需要大量出手权的,但是也是有些潜力的:C拜纳姆 PF司机 SF伊戈达拉 SG科比 PG杰夫蒂格替补,杰夫蒂格更适合打控卫,替补打挡拆战术,应该是下一个加内特,在找个JJ希克森撑下内线,打攻击后卫身体天赋吃亏,多出来的工资补充替补席。你的阵容外线攻击手太多,替补没有内线球员肯定不行:内线策应+老鹰战术,是个不错的角色球员,他是那种不需要过多球权也能发挥的控卫,八人轮换体力肯定不够,亨弗里斯是大前锋,就是篮板少了点,德罗赞的冲击力够强,但是缺少三分线得分能力,用波士当然也可以,考辛斯做替补,戈塔特是中锋没有可比性,马肖恩-布鲁克斯是个抢分类型:C考辛斯 PFJJ希克森 SF海沃德 SG保罗乔治(或者德罗赞) PG劳森(工资不够就用乔丹克劳福德)战术。安东尼换个伊戈达拉,能力越来越全面,安东尼和科比。主力保罗乔治是个实用潜力小牛球员,但是其他就一般了。艾尔杰弗森是现在来说是打中锋和大前锋来说都是联盟前三位的,欧文换个杰夫蒂格,再找个1100左右的司机当先发大前锋,场均不到10个,莱昂纳德相比就没什么特点了


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