猫语翻译机一段文章 猫语翻译机机勿扰.高分

rain, windstorm, the research and development of ultra-large capacity generator transformerwill lead to the direction of higher voltage. The impact of environment and natural forces, hail and tsunami as the external factors will impact the lifetime of the transformerAt the same time, larger capacity and better quality. The necessary precaution measures need to be taken according to the actual situation, snow
rain and snow.The influence of natrual environmental and
external factors such as storm, the development of ultro-large capacity generator transformer will lead the transformer products to a higher voltage, higher quality development direction, etc can affect the lifetime of the transformerAt the same time. So we need to take some necessary precautions according to actual situation, hail, larger capacity
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也有散票;有实寄封,得到北京西站新开了一间自助邮局消息,我逐渐开始研究对比所买的票,过段时间拿出来一比较,但觉得就是邮资标签出售机出售的标签、获奖邮集《中国第一套自动化邮票》,“自1”邮票出售机突然停用,于是就想着对十年来的研究成果做个小结,“自1”邮票发行已经快十年了,但没见到是什么样的,于是就答应帮他购买。他要买的品种可不少,综合参考使用了“自1”邮票发行以来众多邮友的研究成果和邮品图案。我离北京西站不算远,逐渐对这种邮票开始有所了解,只认为是一种新的标签,分别为本书题写了书名和序,我不明白Nagler Label是什么意思。一转眼。这引起了我的兴趣。我就有意把一些带边线的票留下来,对“自1”的了解和研究逐渐深入,机器就被拆除了,他应该是个邮商、也有盖销封,过了不久,里面有台自助收寄机。当时也并没有特别地关注。在帮他买票的过程中,说是想买北京西站的标签(Nagler Label),估计大多是有客户要求购买某个品种,也算是对“自1”邮票的历史作个记录。本书在写作过程中,通过上网查询并和邮友交流。那时我还在某集邮网站工作,发现了每12枚中有两枚是带边线的。2001年7月、网络上两次有关“自1”邮票的讨论以及小说《“自1”传奇》等。抽空去了一次。这让很多集邮者错过了收集的机会,他再转过来托我购买请将下面的自序翻译成英文自 序很早(90年前后)就从报上知道香港发行过生肖电子邮票、买了几枚新票!谨以此书作为中国“自1”邮票发行十周年纪念,本书附录收集整理了国家邮政局和北京市邮政局有关“自1”邮票的文件摘录,又发现边线还有很多变化,这不仅体现了集邮前辈对普通集邮者的关怀和鼓励,一天收到一封来自德国的电子邮件。为使“自1”邮票更全面地展现在读者面前,在此一并表示感谢,有套票,研究成果是渐丰富。从他买的品种和量上看。承蒙集邮前辈郭润康先生和中华集邮联合会副会长常增书先生的厚爱。盖“牛眼戳”的玩法也是他教给我的,同时也开始对国外的这类邮票进行收集,知道这就是“电子邮票”,更体现出集邮前辈对邮政新技术和集邮发展的关注与重视,也就一直没太在意,看到还有台邮资标签出售机,就寄了几个实寄封。过了2000年元旦
再次声明 网站翻译or翻译机翻译请勿扰 先谢谢各位 还是没等到最好的 继续等高人
I heard that a self-service post office went into operation new the West Station of Beijing with a automatic mailing machine、t see what they looks like and paid no attentionAuthor’s PrefaceIt was a long time ago(around the 90s) when I first heard of Hongkong&#39.After the New Year's releasing a set of electronic ShengXiao stamps. I didn&#39, but
I didn's Day of 2000, so I bought some entire cover,翻了前两段;t cared about it too much at first and took them as only a new label.不好意思,但是发现那些集邮的专业术语太多. I took some time to visit there and found they had a machine selling postage label
China excerpts from the first set of automation, there are news self-service machine self-he the historical records of a stamp, I gradually began to study to make more fully shown in stamp collecting, also be to &quot, manifests stamp of postal stamps and the development of new technology concerned, network stamp&quot, vice President of association and Mr Books often increase. He bought from the amount and variety. It has aroused my interest, machine postage label sent several ShiJiFeng, There ShiJiFeng,Before long (1990) from the newspaper that Hong Kong had issued stamps, and took out a touchline and found many changes, & legendary &quot, through the Internet and YouY understanding and further study!In this book as China & 1 & stamps since issuance YouYou numerous research and thetwice the discussion and novel stamps since 1&quot, to this kind of stamps began gradually to1&quot, day of receiving a letter from a Ge st;1& issued stamps since January 10th anniversary.In an instant. The collector of opportunity missed collection, also has not too concerned, that want to buy Beijing west railway station (Nagler Label), also began to this kind of fo1&quot, bought a few new ticket, research is rich.I was still at a stamp electronic stamp&quot. When did not specifically concerned, has been issued stamps for almost ten years, &quot.&quot, and h1&quot, the requirements of customers buying him again turned my purchases, the machine will soon demolished, know this is &quot, and found that buy every 12 has two is the line.In the process of writing a book.In July 2001; stamp on the document collection &quot. GuoRunKang predecessors of stamp collecting stamps, then agreed to help him to buy.Thanks to Mr, which not only reflect the stamp collector of common concern and encourage. Take time to go to the first, sorting out this appendix CSPB and Beijing post &1&t know what is the meaning of Nagler Label.After the year 2000, but not zodiac electronic saw is what kind of. I not far from Beijing west railway station, also have cover pin sealing. He can buy a ticket, he should be a YouShang, &bovine eye&quot, I don'and&quot, see have sold machine, tickets. I will bring some of the line to stay over time, varieties. In the process of tickets for him, th1&quot, so he was ten years to do a research summary, but think is selling machine sell postage Label L stamp suddenly stopped selling machine, estimates that there are some varieties, thank, &the comprehensive reference 1&quot. Cover &quot, wrote this booetcSince the sequence, Beijing west railway station opened a new post office
Preface Long before (around 1990) have known from the newspapers that Hong Kong had issued animal electronic Stamp stamps, but did not see what kind of, also has not too concerned. After the year 2000, to be known that Beijing West Railway Station opened a new self-service post office, which have a self-service acceptance machine.Taking time to go,see a postage labels vending machines, then send a few franker and bought several new ticket. At that time no specifically concerned, only considered to be a new label.
I was working in a stamp collecting site at that time,
received an e-mail from Germany one day, saying want to buy Beijing West Railway Station's lable (Nagler Label), I do not understand what is meant for Nagler Label, but think it must be the lable which the
postage label vending machines sold. I am not far away from Beijing West Railway Station, so I agreed to help him . He have a lot of varieties to buy, there are packages,scattered votes,franker,cancel letters. From the variety and quantity point of view he bought, he should be a postage stamp, it is estimated there are customers required to buy most of a certain species, he asked me to sub-round to buy. Cover &bull's-eye poke,& how to play is he taught to me. In the course helped him buy tickets, I began to study comparative bought tickets gradually and found there were two pcs of 12 to bring the sideline. I deliberately put some tape on the sidelines of the votes to stay, over a period of time out of comparison, also found that there are many changes sideline. This has led to my interest, through the Internet and communicate with mail Friends ,
began to understand this stamp gradually, knowing this is the &e-stamp&, also began to collect these stamps abroad. In July 2001, &ZI 1& stamp suddenly stopped selling machine, not long afterwards, the machine dismantled. This makes a lot of collectors missed collection opportunitiesIn an instant, &ZI 1& has been issued stamps for almost ten years, the more research on&ZI 1& ,the more research results,Do a research summary for theseten years , also be to &ZI 1& the historical records of a stamp.It is a great honor that Mr. GuoRunkang(predecessors of stamp collecting stamps) and Mr ChangZengshu(vice President of ACPF ) wrote the
title and sequence respectively for this book, which reflect the elder stamp collector not only concern and encourage to ordinary collectors , but also attach importance to the development and new technology of the stamp.In order to make &ZI 1& more fully shown in stamp collecting, sorting out the appendix of Chinese State Postal Bureau and Beijing post office , Award of stamps《The first ATM in China》,twice discussion about stamp& ZI 1 & online and novel 《ZI 1& legend &》etc.During the course of writing the book,comprehensive reference of &ZI 1&stamps' most mail friends' research achievements and stamp patten.
also expressed the thanks.Dedicate this book to the 10th anniversary of China &ZI 1& stamps!
c-Irradiation and transcriptional profiling, eight male parasites were processed as above and tiled images ofEdU and DAPI labelling were captured on a Zeiss LSM 710 (Plan-Apochromat20x&#47. Parasites(d43 after infection) were0, BD) and dissociated cells were collected bycentrifugation (250g for 5 min). Numbers of EdU1 and DAPI1 nuclei were quantified using the Image-based Tool for CountingNuclei (ITCN) plugin for ImageJ35. This mixture was passed over two sets of cellstrainers (100 and 40 mm,and exposed to 200 Gy of c-irradiation using a Gammacell-220 Excel with a Co60 source(Nordion).To quantify the ratio of EdU1 to total DAPI1 nuclei in RNAiknockdowns, spotted on Superfrost Plus microscope slides (FisherScientific)These tissue fragments wereincubated in , permeabilized for 30 min with PBSTx. Control parasites were mock irradiated, and EdU was detected asdescribed above with 10 mM Alexa Fluor488 azide. Pelleted cells were fixed in 4% formaldehydein PBS for 30 min, suspended in Basch medium 169. Parasites were cultured inBasch Medium 169 and 48 h after irradiationmaleswere separated fromfemaleparasites using ethyl 3-aminobenzoatemethanesulphonate,4 ml of dissociation solution for 45–60 min at room temperature on arocker and gentle pipetting was used to break up large tissue fragments.8)
0.8),BD公司产品).这些组织碎片在室温下. Parasites were cultured inBasch Medium 169 and 48 h after irradiation males were separated from female parasites using ethyl 3-amino benzoate methane sulphonateC-照射和转录特征识别(基因表现),并用采用钴60源的Gammacell-220 Excel(Nordion公司产品)暴露于200戈瑞的c-照射下. Parasites(d43 after infection) were collected from mice, suspended in Basch medium 169, and EdU was detected as described above with10 mMAlexa Fluor488 azide。寄生虫在Basch medium 169中培养。从小鼠身上收集寄生虫(d43感染后). Pelleted cells were fixed in 4% formaldehyde in PBS for 30 min,然后点在Superfrost Plus显微镜载玻片(FisherScientific公司产品)上,但还是翻完了,并在Zeiss (蔡司公司)LSM710(Plan-Apochromat20x&#47,用抗体稀释液(PBSTx)渗透化30分钟. Numbers of EdU1 and DAPI1 nuclei were quantified using the Image-based Tool for Counting Nuclei (ITCN) plug in for ImageJ35,应该是相当靠谱的,在一个摇杆上. Control parasites were mock irradiated.为了量化在RNAiknockdowns(核糖核酸)中EdU1与总的DAPI1核的比例。对照组寄生虫受到模拟照射,将8只雄性寄生虫如上进行处理,于4毫升的裂解溶液中培养45~60分钟,4 ml of dissociation solution for 45–60 min at room temperature on a rocker and gentle pipetting was used to break up large tissue fragments,并如上所述用10mM的Alexa Fluor 488叠氮化物检测EdU。 c-Irradiation and transcriptional profiling。To quantify the ratio of EdU1 to total DAPI1 nuclei in RNAiknockdowns,悬浮于Basch medium 169(一种媒质)中。此混合物通过两组细胞滤网(100和40毫米。These tissue fragments were incubated in ,用乙基3 -氨基苯甲酸乙酯甲烷磺酸盐将雄性寄生虫与雌性寄生虫分开. This mixture was passed over two sets of cell strainers (100 and 400。EdU1和DAPI1核的数目用基于图像的核计数核(ITCN)工具用于图像J35的插件而量化。沉淀的细胞在磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)中的4%福尔马林中固定30分钟专业性很强.8)显微镜上摄取EdU1和DAPI1核标记的平铺图像,并用轻柔的吸移管(pipetting)弄碎大的组织碎片,在照射48小时后,and exposed to 200 Gy of c-irradiation using a Gammacell-220 Excel with a Co60 source(Nordion),而裂解的细胞通过离心手段(250克, permeabilized for 30 min with PBSTx, eight male parasites were processed as above and tiled images of EdU and DAPI labelling were captured on a Zeiss LSM 710 (PlanApochromat20x&#47, BD) and dissociated cells were collected by centrifugation (250gfor 5 min),5分钟)收集, spotted on Superfrost Plus microscope slides (FisherScientific)
This mixturewas passed over two sets of cell strainers (100 and 40 mm.8)拍摄了EdU的平铺图像及DAPI标记,并用吸管轻柔地将大的组织碎片破裂,并如上述用10毫摩尔的Alexa氟石488叠氮化物检测EdU。对控制寄生虫进行了模拟辐照。将颗粒细胞置于4%的甲醛PBS(磷酸盐缓冲液. Numbers of EdU 1 and DAPI 1nuclei were quantified using the Image-based Tool for Counting Nuclei (ITCN) plugin for Image J35;摇移器中.Control parasites were mock irradiated. Parasites were cultured in Basch Medium 169 and 48 h after irradiation males were separated from female parasites using ethyl 3-aminobenzoate methane sulphonate?)溶液中30分钟These tissue fragments were incubatedin,用Zeiss LSM 710(计划复消色差透镜20X/0, 4 ml of dissociation solution for 45–60 min at room temperature on a rockerand gentle pipetting was used to break up large tissue fragments, suspended in Basch medium 169;分离.C辐照和转录谱. Parasites (d43 after infection) were collected frommice。用两组细胞过滤器(100和40毫米,同上对8个雄性寄生虫进行了处理,滴到(Fisher Scientific公司的)Superfrost Plus显微镜载物片上. Pelleted cells were fixed in 4% formaldehyde inPBS for 30 min,BD)过滤该混合物并通过离心法(5分钟250克)收集解离细胞。To quantify the ratio of EdU 1 tototal DAPI 1 nuclei in RNA0, and EdUwas detected as described above with 10 mM Alexa Fluor 488 azide, permeabilized for 30 min with PBSTx,并于照射48小时后用乙烷基3-氨基苯甲酸乙酯甲烷磺酸盐将雄性寄生虫与雌性寄生虫分开&#47,悬挂在Basch 169介质中。用Basch 169介质培养了寄生虫.8),用4毫升的解离溶液孵育45–60分钟, spotted on Superfrost Plus microscope slides(Fisher Scientific), and exposed to 200Gy of c- irradiation using a Gammacell -220 Excel with a Co60 source (Nordion), eight male parasites were processed asabove and tiled images of EdU and DAPI labeling were captured on a ZeissLSM 710 (Plan-Apochromat 20x&#47,并用带Co60源(Nordion)的Gammacell-220 Excel将其暴露到200 Gy C辐照中。从小鼠身上采集了寄生虫(感染后的d43).为确定RNAi解体中EdU1对总DAPI1核的比率,用PBSTx浸透30分钟。c- Irradiation andtranscriptional profiling, BD) and dissociated cells were collected by centrifugation(250g for 5 min)。用基于图像的核计数工具(ITCN) 的J35图像插件确定了EdU1和DAPI1核的数量.将这些组织碎片在室温情况下置于摇动槽&#47
这些组织碎片wereincubated,4毫升的解离溶液45–60分钟在arocker和温和的移液温度的房间是用来把大的组织碎片。该混合物通过两套cellstrainers(100和40毫米,BD)和解离的细胞收集bycentrifugation(250克为5分钟)。颗粒细胞固定在4% formaldehydein PBS 30分钟,发现快速结霜加载玻片(fisherscientific),透30分钟pbstx,和埃杜检测巨大以上10毫米的Alexa Fluor488叠氮。量化在rnaiknockdowns总dapi1核edu1比男性寄生虫,八以上的平铺图像进行处理ofedu和DAPI标记在蔡司LSM被俘的710(plan-apochromat20x/0.8)。数字edu1和dapi1使用基于图像的工具,countingnuclei量化的细胞核(itcn)插件imagej35。c-irradiation和转录分析。寄生虫(D43感染后)收集小鼠,悬浮在豹驰介质169,和暴露于200 Gy Gammacell-220的c-irradiation Excel用钴60源(州)。控制寄生虫的是模拟辐照。寄生虫inbasch介质培养169和48 h后irradiationmaleswere分离fromfemaleparasites乙基3-aminobenzoatemethanesulphonate。双语对照
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each of which demands urgent action from various actors and agents, we tracesome of the complexities of and patterns in the publics being summoned andmediated,among whom ‘the public’ features recurrently, even if the particular guise inwhich the public is imagined and addressed varies considerablyThe present is marked by an apparent proliferation ofcrises. By exploring several examples. We are engagedby the question of how crises can work to simultaneously constrain and supportideas and formations of publicness, as they each occupydistinctive relationships to the crisis through which they are summoned. Our analysis of these examples leads us to suggest that it is usefulto distinguish between at least three types of public
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不过翻译时应该可以区分 亲是专业的话 帮忙翻译翻译,谢谢了


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