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出门在外也不愁  I must throw in a good word for my son, today he came home from school earlier than usual,and he began to do his school work.
  though I must throw in a good word for my little Lizzy  ----------楼主开始边学边用了
  默写:  "I desire you will do no such thing.Lizzy is not a bit better than the others.I am sure she is not half so handsome as Jone,nor half so good humoured as lidya,but you are always giving her the performence."
  "I desire you will do no such thing.Lizzy is not a bit better than the others.(;)(and)I am sure she is not half so handsome as Jone(Jane),nor half so good(-) humoured as lidya(Lydia),(.)but (But)you are always giving her the performence(preference)."
  默写:  "I desire you will do no such thing.Lizzy is not a bit beand I am sure she is not half so handsome as Jane,nor half so good-humoured as Lydia.But you are always giving her the preference."
  to 蚂蚁将军9981   希望能有能力越写越长。
  一直告诫自己慢些慢些再慢些,但不自觉还是越来越加大了学习的力度。这几天感觉状态很不好,很疲惫。前儿个见了几个朋友,都说我脸色煞白,我没当回事,今天仔细看了看,真的是脸色雪白,白的怕人。半夜起来扮鬼不用化妆。  我知道都是睡眠不足引起的,还有为了增加学习时间连锻练也几乎停顿。这都是非常短视的行为。  以后一定要保持正常的睡眠时间,坚持锻练,另偶以后要学会每天用一点腮红,比较保险一点。
  今天翻字典,遇到这样的句子,看了几个来回,不知道我的理解对不对:  The treat to internal security.体检。体内的安全检查,不是体检是什么?  The judge took the only course of action open to him.  法官采取的唯一的举措是展开对他的调查。这里的open作动词调查讲,不知道对不对。
  Mr.right has two grown up sons ,I don't think that his eldest son is a bit better than the little son,but he always giving him the preference.
  默写:  "They have none of their been to recomend them,"replied he,"they are all silly and ignorent like other girls.But lizzy has something more of quickness like her sisters."
  "They have none of their(them) been(much) to recomend them,"replied he,(;)"they are all silly and ignorent(ignorant) like other girls.(;)But(but) lizzy has something more of quickness like her sisters."
  默写:  "They have none of them much to recomend them,""they are all silly and ignorbut Lizzy has something more of quickness like her sisters."
  to 无猫时代  那可真是很多人推崇的经典,不知你背得怎么样了?
  默写:  "Mr.Bennet,how can you abuse your owne children in such a way!You take a delight in vexing me.You have no compassion with my poor nerves."
  "Mr.Bennet,how can you abuse your owne(own) children in such a way!You take
delight in vexing me.You have no compassion with(on) my poor nerves."
  默写:  "Mr.Bennet,how can you abuse your own children in such a way?You take delight in vexing me.You have no compassion on my poor nerves."
  默写:  "Mr.Bennet,how can you abuse your own children in such a way?You take delight in vexing me.You have no compassion on my poor nerves."
  Yesterday I went shopping with my friend Miss.liu. She take delight in vexing me.I'm not very happy about that.I think her do not suit me.Be a friend ,just stop calling.
  Yesterday I went shopping with my friend Miss.liu. She took delight in vexing me.I'm not very happy about that.I think her do not suit me.Be a friend ,just stop calling.
  This will keep your dressing from separating.  天啦,差点把这句话理解为:这样会让你的裙子分开。这时偶在想像衣橱里的裙子一件件分开挂在那里。解释的虽然很勉强但也过得去。  幸亏多翻了下字典。原来这句话的意思是:这样会让你的调味汁不沉淀。真是一个天上一直地上嘛。所以在学习过程中不能想当然。dressing这里做调味汁讲。汗呀哗哗的。
  默写:  "You mistake me,my dear.I have a high respect for your nerves.They are all my old friends.I have heard you mention them consideration these twenty years at least."
  "You mistake me,my dear.I have a high respect for your nerves.They are all ()my old friends.I have heard you mention them (with)consideration these twenty years at least."
  默写:  "You mistake me,my dear.I have a high respect for your nerves.They are my old friends.I have heard you mention them with consideration these twenty years at least."
  I didn't mean it.I have a high respect for your family.
  楼主真的好强大呀  这样每天大概能背多少
  默写:  "Ah,you do not know what I suffer."  "But I hope you will get over it,and live to see many young man of four or five thousand a year come into the neibourhood."  "It will be no use to us if twenty such should come since you will do not visit him."
  "Ah,(!)you do not know what I suffer."  "But I hope you will get over it,and live to see many young man(men) of four or five( ) thousand a year come into the neibourhood(neighbourhood)."  "It will be no use to us if twenty such should come since you will do( ) not visit him(them)."
  "Ah!you do not know what I suffer."  "But I hope you will get over it,and live to see many young men of four thousand a year come into the neighbourhood."  "It will be no use to us if twenty such should come since you will not visit them."
  此番背诵不是目的,主要是为了增加词汇量,所以不讲进度。见到有疑问的词必查英英辞典,释意和例句里还有生词继续查,这样查的过程中就会增加词汇量和阅读能力。  至于背课文也真的是掌握单词的好方法,一篇文章背下来,里面的生词也会写了,会背即会写。从默写情况来看,有些单词根据读音拼写有出入,但问题不大,纠正一下就能记得很牢。  没有想过会把这本书完全背下来,能背多少背多少吧。就算背上一半我肯定是赚了,词汇量会大增。  现在历时不到两个月,只背了第一章。
  My friends think that I have something wrong.They always says to me:"you are crazy to learn English.It will be no use to you since you won't be a English teacher."  I don't think so.I'm just enjoying it.
  坚持做一件事不容易,正因为不容易,所以更显的珍贵和有意思。不知道你是筛选过还是偶遇之,现在发现pride and prejuice文字简洁清晰,有场景有对话,还真是很适合英语学习。
  默写:  "Depend upon it!My dear,when there are twenty,I will visit them all."  Mr.Bennet was so odd mixture of a quite parts,sarcastic hourmored,severe,and caprice,that the experience of three and twenty years had been inciffitiened make his wife to understand his character.
  "Depend upon it!(,)My dear,(that) when there are twenty,I will visit them all."  Mr.Bennet was so odd (a) mixture of a( ) quite(quick) parts,sarcastic hourmored(humour),severe(reserve),and caprice,that the experience of three and twenty years had been inciffitiened (insufficient) (to)make his wife to( ) understand his character.
  默写:  "Depend upon it,my dear,that when there are twenty,I will visit them all."  Mr.Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts,sarcastic humour,reserve,and caprice,that the experience of three and twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character.
  呵呵,是偶遇之,如何手边正好有一本圣经,可能就从圣经开始学起了。因为偶听说教材不是最重要的,重要的是态度,有人凭一本英译本的毛选也能学会英语,那个该有多枯燥啊。  你是说pride and prejudice简单吗,我看到后面都是长难句,生词连篇。
  Yesterday my sister came to see me from another city.We spent the entire night gossiping.She told me a lot of thing about her marriage.It seems that there are something wrong with it.my brother_ in_low is a man of short ,dark and urgly,that's not the point.The thing is he has no job for many years,and entirely depend on his wife,my sister.She said she felt very tired,and want to divorce him.I have nothing to say about that.I just said to her:"consider your son,only think what an unfortune it would be for him. and in any way my brother_in_low is not a bad man."  In the end,"this is strictly between us.Nobody else must know.""of coures."
  默写:  Her mind were less difficult to develop.She was a woman of mean understanding,little information,and uncertain temper.When she was discontented she fancied herself nervous.The business of her life was to get her daughters married,its solace was visiting and news.
  Her mind were(was) less difficult to develop.She was a woman of mean understanding,little information,and uncertain temper.When she was discontented she fancied herself nervous.The business of her life was to get her daughters married,(;)its solace was visiting and news.
  默写:  Her mind was less difficult to develop.She was a woman of mean understanding,little information,and uncertain temper.When she was discontented she fancied herself nervous.The business of her life was to get h its solace was visiting and news.
  I see no accasion for that .You and the girls may go ,or you may send them by them thelves(themselves),www.,which perhaps will be still better.(,)For(for) as you are as handsome as any of them.(,)Mr.Bingley might like you the best of the party."
  怎么快速提高英语水平?  /blogger/post_read.asp?BlogID=4217634&PostID=   口语:看电影,带字幕的,每个你看上去酷的句子都多听几遍,然后重复两三遍,你就记住了,一个人晚上即便上完自习回来,你都可以自言自语的给自己讲英语,这样对记住生词也很有效。  至于词汇量:最笨的方法就是死记硬背,但这只符合应付考试,我的方法就是多做阅读,把所有的生字生词旁边标注意思,尽量用你已经记住过的英文去记,实在不行再用中文记,把整篇文章的意思理解完了后,第二次看的时候不要看你标注的意思,而是根据你记住的意思尽量先自己猜那个生字的意思,这样对记生字生词很有帮助,而且速度也很快!同时阅读能力,语法能力都一起提高了!  以上是我学习的方法,说实话我刚进大学的时候因为之前没学过英文所以很愁结果通过努力,居然大二上学期就过了6级,呵呵,所以这个学习方法真的很有效!
  I went to the park to do morning exercise,and I met two friends of mine.  "Hey,guys,morning."  "morning."  "we want to buy something vegetables at the morning market, then go shopping.will you go with us?"  "Thank you.I just want to walk for a while and go to work."  "Then we'll call you later."  "See you."  I dislike stay with them both.The business of their life were to get more faits solace were visiting and news.
  Chapter1的背诵与默写已经完成,Chapter2还没有开始,抄的第一章的笔记还没有弄完。keep on doing.  但每天尽量零零碎碎写点日记。前日看一个学习帖提到,中国人学英语应特别重视写,如果连写都不会,怎么能说出来。偶觉得有道理。虽然一开始会写的很chinalish,但假以时日,随着阅读量的增加一定能写得越来越地道。  越是地道的英语,越是用小词。
  已故大师辜鸿铭也是这么建议的,学英语靠记诵,lz的精神可嘉啊。  参考资料:/jj/ky/lao/Kwh/5845.shtml
  I usually get up at six a.m,and go to bed at
half past ten
in the evening.I'm very busy everyday, go to work,do housework,and look after child and so on.It's not easy task combining family responsibilities and a full time job.I still remembered that I work overtime again last time.Someone accused me:"How can you turn your back on your own child."  But,any way,I have a busy and happy mode of life that suits me well.
  我下载了BBC 80版的Pride and Prejudice,边看书边看电影,这样也提高下口语。我已经把part1分解成MP3文件放到MP3上播放,这样就不需要每次都开电脑
  有毅力,但不是个好办法  除非你继续想成为标准哑巴英语的传人  听,说,读,写  学习语言,客观规律,万万不可违背。
  "中国人学英语应特别重视写,如果连写都不会,怎么能说出来。"  根据我的经验,  完全是相反的  小孩子学语言会写字吗?  楼主不要人云亦云。
  想起我们的读书工程也是傲慢与偏见,看着满眼的鸡肠实在是头晕脑胀  那个会不会太过难了。。
  很抱歉打断了你的学习方向,但我以为,语言是用来交流的。你的方法有效果,但投入产出比太大了。下面是一段我和网友的交流,我是Alex,希望对你能有所启发:  淡水鱼 11:00:50   英语怎样才能开口说呢?   淡水鱼 11:01:13   您的英语很不错吧?   Alex 11:01:18   先多听   Alex 11:01:22   还行吧   Alex 11:01:29   基本交流没问题   淡水鱼 11:02:11   是吗?大概要听多久,才能基本交流   Alex 11:02:30   选一小节(20分钟)你最喜欢的剧情,反复听,知道完全记得,但不要背   Alex 11:02:51   直到完全记得,可以脱口而出的程度   淡水鱼 11:02:54   还有要有几千的词汇才行?   淡水鱼 11:03:30   您的意思是指只听一小节?   Alex 11:03:44   闭上眼就可以回忆出情节,人物说话的表情,口气等等   Alex 11:03:45   是的   淡水鱼 11:03:59  够吗?  Alex 11:04:19  单词量(应该是听力单词量2000就差不多了)  Alex 11:04:48  不要问我够吗,  我问你能做到吗?  淡水鱼 11:05:14  如果有用,就能做到  Alex 11:05:24  选类似friends的对话情景剧  淡水鱼 11:05:37  老友记?  Alex 11:06:09  如果没有用,我为啥要这样说?  骗你我没有任何好处,  你说是不是这个道理  淡水鱼 11:06:15  我背过新二的课文,感到背下来不难,但很快忘了  淡水鱼 11:06:54  现在张嘴还是不能说出来   Alex 11:07:14  i've said,don't recite  Alex 11:07:27  不要背,只看  Alex 11:07:29  听  Alex 11:07:32  模仿  Alex 11:08:04  听,练耳朵  模仿,练口腔  淡水鱼 11:08:20  每天听VOA 这些有用吗  Alex 11:08:35  没有用  Alex 11:09:18  盯住一个听,模仿,说,锻炼口腔肌肉  要开口,口腔肌肉必须训练  Alex 11:10:42  而训练过的肌肉是有记忆的,像游泳,弹钢琴,骑自行车,学会了就不会忘记  口腔肌肉练多了,就能准确而快速的发出你想发出的音  淡水鱼 11:10:47  我认为您所说的是正确的,现在很多中国人学英语都是缺乏正确的方法  Alex 11:10:52  不是说记住单词  Alex 11:10:58  是记住发音方式  Alex 11:11:08  口腔肌肉可以记住  Alex 11:11:18  这样开口就顺其自然了  淡水鱼 11:12:26  您认为每天要用多少时间来学英语  Alex 11:14:20  这要看你想达到了程度了  Alex 11:14:58  回到最开始的问题,  你为什么学英语,想要达到何种程度  淡水鱼 11:17:02  我想达到能基本交流的程度,我认识一外国朋友,是个女士,但我们没法交流.我的英语还不行.  淡水鱼 11:18:12  最初学英语是想看懂TVB 的节目  淡水鱼 11:20:06  如果您能指导一下,能帮助我提高下,就太感谢了!   淡水鱼 11:20:23  Alex 11:20:33  按照我的办法,先练3个月,每天听1小时20分钟的,1小时看美剧啥的,先看双语的。其他每天利用上下班时间,在手机上装个有语音的字典,背20分钟新单词。  做到了再来找我。
  一步步提高 现在我就在看零基础英语教学/j_jasmine/blog/static//
  楼主认准一个文本,一个词一个词解决,使用英英词典,佩服楼主。  The judge took the only course of action open to him.  法官采取的唯一的举措是展开对他的调查。这里的open作动词调查讲,不知道对不对。  ——————————————————————————————————  我觉得这里的him是不是指judge?“法官采取了对他来说唯一可行的举措”?
  好热闹,偶先把昨天的日记补上来,就像欠人钱似的,心不安。  Six Fish is the pen name of my son.From this time,I'll just call him Six Fish here.  When I came home from work in the night.Six Fish came and said to me as usual:  "Mom,I'm hungry."  "Ok,honey.I'm going to cook and you to do homework first."  Six Fish is a good boy.I loved him a lot.He likes reading and painting,but it seems he's not study hard,and always do not hand in his homework on time.  So I often recieved massages from the teachers.Then I ask him to do everything he should do well everyday.  Six Fish was very unhappy about this,he cried to me:  "Don't be so severe with me!"  "The time will come when you'll thank me for this."
  Actions speak louder than words.
  to 釜形斝  恭喜您。  to millystar   谢谢您,其实我也是看了辜鸿铭的故事才动了这个心思,但如果我的基础很好,我就可以不管什么书直接背了,但我的基础太差了,现在是恶补阶段,一个一个词的查。pride and prejudece只是个引子,背诵不是目的,我只是为了增加词汇量。每天背课文的时间也就几分钟,主要就是查英英词典。进度那么慢,两个月一章,想不会背也难。  to alex_fisk   灰常的感谢您。您的办法学口语是最好的了,每个人学习的目的其实都不一样,如果我现在要出国或工作中交流需要用到英语,我一定是用不一样的学习方法,但我的生活中没有多少机会开口说英语,工作也完全于英语无关。偶学英语只是个人爱好,想读外文原著,所以目前的学习方法是最适合我的。  to 蚂蚁将军9981   您真是有心人。是的,我也相信我不会学成哑巴英语,虽然目前侧重点是阅读,但听、说同时也在兼顾,每学到一个词,我都会把英文释意和例句读一读,字典中其实有蛮多鲜活漂亮的句子,无论是书面语还是口语都是可以拿来用的。至于听,friends 作为生活中背景音在听,貌似可以听懂的情节越来越多,有时也能跟着剧中人会心一笑。friends最适合我目前的水平,用词简单,情节搞笑,娱乐的同时也能学点东西。  to 台北的风信子and 灰哒哒狼   广告帖伤不起。  to mldmld   偶觉得这里有疑问的就是open这个词,别的应该不是问题。  to 我不混了  牛人。偶对考试高分的都很佩服,因为偶念书的时候貌似英语从来没及格过,虽然花了不少时间背单词还是没有用。那时主要是不懂英语怎么学。如果能穿越,偶现在回去重学当牛人。
  to 哪里都难注册   不喜欢的事就不要做了,真的好难。六条鱼就不爱英语,所以偶从来不勉强他,只要保证他能及格就行。  to   谢谢您,一看就是过来人,打基础阶段偶不会赶脚 。
  零基础学英语 一天一点 我就是这样慢慢学习的。。/j_jasmine/blog/static//  这里有单词剖析 定冠词解析
。。 一天懂得一点点 ,, 慢慢就累积成堆了。。
  I have had a good time this day.I went shopping with my friends.She was woman of fat and short, and she selection a dress took a long time,she said to me :"I wish I were as slim as you."
  I enjoyed reading the most.This afternoon I went to a bookstore.I red a book named &&The Last Kong Fu Master in the Republic of China&&.It's a very interesting novel.The auther gave us a vivid account of the stories of the Republic of China.The bookstore closed at 8 p.m. Then I went out of there and walked home .What a fina day for me!
  My sister,Helen,is thirty five years old this year.She was tall and thin with dark brown long hair.I like her very much. Unfortunately
,her marriage is on the rocks.She's always struggling to bring up a family on a very low income.Now she felt very tired.She said she didn't call this a life, it's an existence.I'm quite sympathized with her,but divorce is very painful,especially when children are conerned.She wants to divorce his husband.No amount of persuasion could make her change her mind.I could only give my blessings to her .I wish her happy in coming years.
  Six Fish is very lazy.  He doesn't do a thing to help around the house.  Today I really let rip about the state of his room.  "to make up your bed,the table,and floor."  "Why don't you do that for me? You're mother.It's your duty to cleaning my room."  I can't deny his remarks hurt me.  "If you had any brains you'd know what I meant.You already grown up,and have to do what you should do.The time will come when you'll thank me for this."  His temper is more and more bad.  His behaviour is causing me a lot of problems.  Sometimes the best cure is just to let nature take its course.
  学习正常进行中,但每天用英语写日记让我很痛苦,主要是不知用英语如何表达自己想要的意思。所以停了几天没写了,今天又看了狗不拿耗子的天涯名帖,虽然是03年写的,现在看来还是很有启发,我只看了开始的一点,他也有提到每天要有写的时间。我想还是继续吧,我已经听了不止一个人说到每天要写日记,信等。不听英语前辈的经验怎么能行。  每次写日记不到一百个词的文章,先一口气写完,再逐句修改大概需要一个小时时间。其实也蛮笨的。  好多牛人都提到每天学习多少个小时。可我做不到啊,就得细水长流,我得每天保持充足的睡眠和适当的娱乐时间。如果头一天学得时间太长,第二天就对英语倒了胃口,不想再拿起英语书。每天二三个小时的学习时间对我比较没有鸭梨。
  It's a fine day today.  I went shopping with my friend,Marry.  She's got a lovely easy_going nature.  We went into a shop named Girdar.  I like the dress style there,simple and graceful.  The dress are available in a wide variety of colours.  At last I choose the black one,and check the dress carefully before I buy it.  It's really perfect,then I bought the dress.  John will go mad when he finds out how much I paid for that dress.  By the way,John is my husband.
  英语对于每个人都不一样  所以学习起来的方法也会不同的。。  不过,对于一般来讲,学英语必修具备一下几点:  首先兴趣是最好的老师,如果你对英语没有兴趣的话不管什么办法对你都没有用的,所以首先你要告诉你自己英语很重要,你喜欢他。   其次不要去刻意掌握语法,要知道英语最重要的是读写说这三样,所以 从这三方面下手吧。   再次,每天早上去读英语,算你做了很正确的一件事了,坚持下去吧,至于从哪里开始,你可以就读你们的课本啊,同时把课文的听力下载下来,读的时候听下,模仿他的读法,语调啊这些,这样能培养你的语感的,只要你做好了这点就没问题了,听力就多听了,每天30分钟,贵在坚持,不要刻意去背单词,单词放在课文里面背就好了,而且很有效率的哦。  写作也重要,窍就是平常的话,我每天写英语日记,把每天的心情用英语记下了,很有帮助的,你不妨试一下吧。  /j_jasmine/blog/static//  零基础学习英语入门
  to 小小ula  虽然是广告帖,但您说的还蛮有道理的,我很认同。  语法不用刻意去掌握,单词不用刻意去背,我也这是这样认为的。刻意去弄语法会让学习变得索然无味。  多谢。
  这几天应酬太多,要学会拒绝。  You can't combine studying Ehglish
with a wild social life.
  默写:  Chapter 2  Mr.Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr.Bingley.He had always intended to visit him,though to the last always assuring his wife tand till the evening after the visit was paid,she had no acknowledged of it.It was then disclosed in the following manner.Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat,he suddenly adressed her with,
  Chapter 2  Mr.Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr.Bingley.He had always intended to visit him,though to the last always assuring his wife tand till the evening after the visit was paid,she had no acknowledged(knowledge) of it.It was then disclosed in the following manner.Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat,he suddenly adressed(addressed) her with,
  默写:  Mr.Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr.Bingley. He had always intended to visit him,though to the last always assuring his wife t and till the evening after the visit was paid,she had no knowledge of it.It was then disclosed in the following manner.Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat,he suddenly addressed her with,
  默写:  "I hope Mr.Bingley will like it,Lizzy."  "We are not in a way to know what Mr.Bingley likes,"said her mother resentfully,"since we are not to visit him."  "But you forget,Mom,"said Elizaboth,"that we shall meet him at the assemblies,and that Mrs.Long has promised to introduce him."  "I do not believe Mrs.Long will do any such thing.She has two nieces of her own.She is a selfish and hypocriticle woman, and I have no oppion of her."
  "I hope Mr.Bingley will like it,Lizzy."  "We are not in a way to know what Mr.Bingley likes,"said her mother resentfully,"since we are not to visit him()."  "But you forget,Mom(Mama),"said Elizaboth(Elizabeth),"that we shall meet him at the assemblies,and that Mrs.Long has promised to introduce him."  "I do not believe Mrs.Long will do any such thing.She has two nieces of her own.She is a selfish and(,) hypocriticle(hypocritical) woman, and I have no oppion(opinion) of her."
  默写:  "I hope Mr.Bingley will like it,Lizzy."  "We are not in a way to know what Mr.Bingley likes,"said her mother resentfully,"since we are not to visit."  "But you forget,Mama,"said Elizabeth,"that we shall meet him at the assemblies,and that Mrs.Long has pormised to introduce him."  "I do not believe Mrs.Long will do any such thing,She has two nieces of her own.She is a selfish,hypocritical woman,and I have no opinion of her."
  默写:  "No more have I,"said Mr.Bennet,"and I am glad to find that you do not depend on her serving you."  Mrs.Bennet deigned n but unable to contain herself,began scolding one of her daughters.  "Don't keep coughing so,for heaven's snake,have a little compassion on my nerves,you tear them to pieces."
  "No more have I,"said Mr.Bennet,(;)"and I am glad to find that you do not depend on her serving you."  Mrs.Bennet deigned n but unable to contain herself,began scolding one of her daughters.  "Don't keep coughing so,(Kitty,)for heaven's snake,(!)have(Have) a little compassion on my nerves,(.)you(You) tear them to pieces."
  默写:  "No more have I,"said Mr.B"and I am glad to find that you do not depend on her serving you."  Mrs.Bennet deigned n but unable to contain herself,began scolding one of her daughters.  "Don't keep coughing so,Kitty,for heaven's snake!Have a little compassion on my nerves.You tear them to pieces."
  默写:  "Kitty has no discretion in her coughs,"said her father,"she times them ill."  "I do not cough for my own amusement,"said Kitty fretfully.  "What is your next ball to be? Lizzy."  "to_morrow fort'night."  "Aye,so it is,"cried her mother,"and Mrs.Long does not come backso,it will be impossible for her to introduce him,for she will not know him herself."
  "Kitty has no discretion in her coughs,"said her father,(;)"she times them ill."  "I do not cough for my own amusement,"said(replied) Kitty fretfully.  "What(When) is your next ball to be?(,) Lizzy.(?)"  "to(To)_morrow fort'night."  "Aye,so it is,"cried her mother,"and Mrs.Long does not come backso,it will be impossible for her to introduce him,for she will not know him herself."
  默写:  "Kitty has no discretion in her coughs,"  "she times them ill."  "I do not cough for my own amusement",replied Kitty fretfully.  "When is your next ball to be,Lizzy?"  "To_morrow fort'night."  "Aye, so it is,"cried her mother,"and Mrs.Long does not come backso,it will be impossible for her to introduce him,for she will not know him herself."
  默写:  "Then,my dear,you may have the advantage of your friend,and introduce Mr.Bingley to her."  "Nonsense,Mr.Bennet,nonsense,when I am not acquainted with him myself.How can you be so teasing!"
  "Then,my dear,you may have the advantage of your friend,and introduce Mr.Bingley to her."  "Nonsense(impossible),Mr.Bennet,nonsense(impossible),when I am not acquainted with him myself.(;)How(how) can you be so teasing!(?)"
  默写:  "Then,my dear,you may have the advantage of your friend,and introduce Mr.Bingley to her."  "Impossible,Mr.Bennet,impossible, when I am nothow can you be so teasing?"
  默写:  "I honor your circomspection.A fortnight's acquaintance is certainly very little.One cannot know what a man really is by the end of a fortnight.But if we do not venture, and after all,Mrs.long and her neices musand therefore,as she will think iif you decline the office,I will take it on myself."
  "I honor(honour) your circomspection(circumspection).A fortnight's acquaintance is certainly very little.One cannot know what a man really is by the end of a fortnight.But if we do not venture, and after all,Mrs.Long and her neices(nieces) musand therefore,as she will think i(,)if you decline the office,I will take it on myself."
  默写:  "I honour your circumspection.A fortnight's acquaintance is certainly very little.One cannot know what a man really is by the end of a fortnight.But if we do not venture, and after all,Mrs.Long and her nieces musand therefore,as she will think it an act of kindness,if you decline the office,I will take it on myself."
  说到翻译,我对新三的中文翻译灰常的佩服,只看中文就觉得文采菲然,。现在看的这一世图版的《pride and prejudice》的中文翻译有一些不敢苟同的地方。  and after all,Mrs.Long and her nieces musand therefore,as she will think it an act of kindness,  被翻译成:而且话说回来,朗太太和她的侄女一定不肯错过这个良机;所以啊她会觉得这是一番好意,  窃以为这样翻译更妥贴些:而且终久,朗太太和她侄女一定会得到这个机会(把她们引见给宾利先生的机会);~~~~~~~~~~
  默写:  The girls stared at their father.Mrs.Bennet said only:"Nonsense!nonsense!"  "What can be the meaning of that emphatic exclamation?"cried he,"do you consider that the forms of instruction,and the stress that is laid on them,as nonsense?I cannot quite agree with you there.What say you,Marry?for you a young lady of deep relection,I know,and read great books,and make extracts."
  The girls stared at their father.Mrs.Bennet said only:(,)"Nonsense!(,)nonsense!"  "What can be the meaning of that emphatic exclamation?"cried he,(.)"do(Do) you consider that( ) the forms of instruction(introduction),and the stress that is laid on them,as nonsense?I cannot quite agree with you there.What say you,Marry?for you a young lady of deep relection(reflection),I know,and read great books,and make extracts."
  默写:  The girls stared at their father.Mrs.Bennet said only,"Nonsense,nonsense!"  "What can be the meaning of that emphatic exclamation?"cried he."Do you consider the forms of introduction,and the stress that is laid on them,as nonsense?I cannot quite agree with you there.What say you,Mary?for you are a young lady of deep reflection,I know,and read great books, and make extracts."
  默写:  Marry wished to say something very senseble,but knew not how.  "While marry is adjusting her ideas,""let us return to Mr.Bingley."  "I am sick of Mr.Bingley,"cried his wife.


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