
直排轮横穿车底 “29公分”极限挑战 - 在线观看 - 资讯 - 乐视视频 直排轮横穿车底 “29公分”极限挑战 收藏成功!同时能自动追剧。 下载到电脑 缓存至手机 我们对您的信息保密并不收取任何费用 转存到云盘 方式B免费发短信到手机 我们对您的信息保密并不收取任何费用 方式C下载APP到本机 英雄,快来抢沙发! 英雄,快来抢沙发! 乐视集团旗下网站 乐视网频道 乐视网旗下产品 Copyright & 乐视视频(le.com)All rights reserved.您当前的位置 :&&&&&&&正文 巅峰对决欢乐谷 挑战运动“极限”   北京欢乐谷的五月,第六届国际时尚文化节步入高潮,极限运动广场上演“火星撞地球“巅峰之战,国际顶尖选手轮番演绎,给这个持续升温的季节注入了新的火力!   5月份的北京欢乐谷,时尚运动展演正当时,来自海外的各路极限选手演绎欧式X-GAME风情,各类极限运动项目配合现场滑稽表演和互动挑战游戏,引得现场观众血脉贲张,大呼过瘾。   据北京欢乐谷主办方介绍,此次参加极限运动展演的选手可谓是高手云集、星光闪耀。来自智利的carlosespinosa,作为一名力量感十足的“美洲豹“却从事着细腻的BMX平地花式表演,另一名智利小轮车选手victor torres则在去年杀进了中国区CX-GAME鸟巢总决赛,而澳洲的gerardahrens作为国际知名单排轮滑选手曾受邀为奥卡斯电影剧组做录像带样本,其”老乡“khalilstenning也在2011年凭借一己之力荣获victorian title大绝招冠军。   据悉,第五届北京欢乐谷杯极限精英挑战赛即将在6月2日、3日两天正式与游客见面,此项赛事集结了北京、上海、河北、河南、山东、台湾等覆盖全国十几个省市的近百名极限高手,同时特邀了来自法国、泰国、美国等国际极限精英,现场挑战BMX小轮车、小轮车花式、直排轮滑三大极限项目,此外今年还新增了直排轮滑绝招PK单项赛,使得这一传统赛事较之以往更具有观赏性。而在6月2日, 2012年特步CX中国极限赛全国比赛启动仪式也将在北京欢乐谷拉开新赛季的大幕,届时的欢乐谷又将成为诸多极限竞赛选手梦开始的地方。 中国经济网 版权和免责声明 凡注有"浙江旅游新闻网"或电头为"浙江在线"的稿件,均为浙江在线独家版权所有,未经许可不得转载或镜像;授权转载必须注明来源为"浙江在线",并保留"浙江在线"的电头。 &&浙江在线新闻网站版权所有,保留所有权利&&求英语达人:极限运动——直排轮滑的英文介绍 直排轮滑(Aggressive Inline)简介:Aggressive Inline is a 2002 aggressive inline skating video game developed by Z-Axis Ltd. and Full Fat and published by Acclaim Entertainment. The game features professional inline skaters, including Chris Edwards, Eito Yasutoko, Franky Morales, Jaren Grob and Ta&g Khris.The gameplay focuses on completing goals given by talking to characters within each level. While some goals involve gaining a certain amount of points in a specific time, many of the goals involve doing tricks on and off of pieces of the environment (for example: one level asks the player to grind three traffic lights, each one placed at a larger distance and facing a different direction). Another innovative feature focused on a player leveling system where the player would perform better in different areas of skating skill by practicing them repeatedly. For instance, if the player does many air tricks throughout the course of the game, each successful trick would create points in the player's air trick statistics. When the points reach a certain amount, the player's air tricks will move up a level, making it easier to perform air tricks faster and more efficiently. The same actions apply to grinding, speed, wall riding, skating backward, etc.The game received praise for its wide and interactive environments, comfortable control scheme, and innovative gameplay. At the time, it was considered to be a breakthrough competitor to the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series. The game generally received good reviews for its style of play, with the average review ratio for the Playstation 2, Xbox and Gamecube, being 85%, with the Game Boy Advance version receiving worse scores than the versions on consoles (mainly because the GBA version had more of a "do these goals, hit this score, reach the finish" system than console).希望对你有帮助~ 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 以后碰到单词翻译不懂时,可以上翻译在线。那有你需要的答案。 speed roller skating 速度轮滑figure roller skating 花样轮滑inline roller skate:直排轮滑recreational/fitness roller skating 休闲轮滑extreme roller skating极限轮滑free-style roller skating自由式轮滑


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