fill with full of与 fill out 的区别

The balloon began to fill out with air.
Please fill out the tax cancellation return form with your company's stamp.
Please fill out the application form and stamp with your company seal.
Other states collect the tax in a variety of ways, some with special forms that taxpayers are supposed to fill out voluntarily.
They would have had to hollow out her body into a suit and fill it with helium.
There was a rush order to fill, and she helped out with the bridesmaids' dresses.
associate with customer to fill out
协助客户填写 work responsibilities : associate with customer to fill out credit card application forms and review customer's information , and then submit to my leader department .工作职责:协助客户填写信用卡申请表,并将客户资料进行初步审核、整理和提交。
- 基于1个网页
with customer to fill out
客户填写 work responsibilities : associate with customer to fill out credit card application forms and review customer's information , and then submit to my leader department .工作职责:协助客户填写信用卡申请表,并将客户资料进行初步审核、整理和提交。
- 基于1个网页
fill out with air
充入空气 The balloon began to fill out with air ., 充入空气 , 气球开始鼓了起来.
- 基于3个网页
fill the form out with
填写本表 note : the applicant should fill the form out with black or bland-and blue ink. please fill in the according " □ " with " √ " . all you write should be true .说明:申请人须使用蓝黑色或黑色墨水如实填写本表,表中有“□”的栏目,请在相应项划“√”。
- 基于3个网页外研版八年级英语下册课件M7-U2 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles(48张ppt)_图文_百度文库
外研版八年级英语下册课件M7-U2 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles(48张ppt)
你可能喜欢请问这三个英语词组的区别是什么?fill in , fill out , fill up
请问这三个英语词组的区别是什么?fill in , fill out , fill up
请问这三个英语词组的区别是什么?fill in , fill out , fill up
fill in:who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult) with information on a specific topic2.represent the effect of shade or shadow a substitute4.write all the required information onto a formfill out:v.1.write all the required information onto a form2.make bigger or better or more complete3.supplement what is thought to be deficient4.line or stuff with soft material5.make fat or plumpfill up :['filʌp] v.1.make full,also in a metaphorical sense2.become full3.fill or stop until one is sated是fill them out 还是fill out them 为什么那是fill them in 还是fill in them我想知道为什么,看看有没有什么特殊的_百度作业帮
是fill them out 还是fill out them 为什么那是fill them in 还是fill in them我想知道为什么,看看有没有什么特殊的
是fill them out 还是fill out them 为什么那是fill them in 还是fill in them我想知道为什么,看看有没有什么特殊的
fill them out .out 是在此副词,而them 是代词,这种情况下代词置于中间,如:see me off,take them away.但look for 就不一样了,for 是介词,这种情况代词置于末尾,如:look at them,see to it
fill them out 人称代词作介词短语的宾语,要插到介词短语结构的中间。


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