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效率办公 Quickoffice Connect Mobile Suite
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Quickoffice Connect? Mobile Suite 是针对 iPhone? 或 iPod? 触摸设备的第一个也是目前唯一一个功能全面的 Microsoft? Office 工作效率套件,并且集成了对多个云服务的访问功能.
创建,编辑,与iPhone和iPod触摸连接的办公套件和共享Microsoft? Office文件的访问。包括修复的iOS5。新 - PPT?编辑器,乱堆SugarSync的访问。全新特点!高级 PowerPoint? 编辑器 – 功能和优势:? 可在 iPhone/iPod Touch 设备上使用的最全面的 PowerPoint? 编辑功能。? 第一款也是唯一一款用于 iPhone/iPod Touch 设备的 PowerPoint? 编辑器,提供图形及文本编辑。? 创建和编辑演示文稿? 丰富的文本编辑 – 字体、颜色、大小、下划线/斜线、粗体、插入项目符号列表、段落对齐 ? 在外部显示器上以幻灯片模式查看演示文稿 ? 图形编辑/操作 - 插入通用形状、文本框、来自本地目录的图像、旋转/改变对象大小、改变对象的层次顺序、改变填充颜色 ? 添加、删除和重新排列幻灯片? 以横向模式和纵向模式编辑? 幻灯片导航允许跳到某张幻灯片? 缩放范围为 50%-200%。100% 快照缩放。? 用于演示的内置激光笔? 自动校正? 支持文件:查看和编辑 .PPT、查看 .PPTX全新特点!使用 Quickoffice SmartTouch? 技术增强:? 提供移动状态下的快速编辑。? 对用户触摸快速反应,秉承 iPhone 用户界面的理念而设计。 ? 强大的编辑模式 – 使用我们的多编辑工具箱,轻松编辑整个文档、演示文稿幻灯片或电子表格。 ? 不必打开和关闭多个菜单即可快速对文本、数字、段落、背景和单元格应用格式。 ? 是高级用户和初学者的最佳选择。装在口袋里的强大移动办公解决方案Quickoffice? Pro 是您的 iPhone 或 iPod Touch 必不可少的 Microsoft? Office 生产率工具,提供直观且易于使用的用户界面,可通过集成的文件管理解决方案对 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 文件进行高级编辑,并可轻松访问包括 MobileMe、Dropbox、Google? Docs、、Huddle 和 SugarSync 在内的多个云服务供应商。 Quickoffice? Pro 可让您:? 创建、打开和编辑 Word 文档? 创建、打开和编辑 Excel 电子表格? 创建、打开和编辑 PowerPoint 演示文稿? 以电子邮件发送、查看及访问常见文件格式的附件? 通过云服务供应商对文件进行远程访问? 通过电子邮件或云服务供应商共享文件? 通过 WiFi 将设备安装为驱动器或网页浏览器以传输桌面文件? 轻松管理设备上的文件? 打开较少菜单即可对整个文件进行快速编辑Quickword? - 高级 Word 文档处理? 创建、打开和编辑 Microsoft Word 文档 ? 多种文本格式;粗体、斜体、下划线、字体大小、样式? 实现任何缩放级别的自动换行,避免重复左/右滚动? 调节项目符号/编号列表和段落的缩进量? 支持文件:.DOC/.DOCX,查看和编辑 .TXTQuicksheet? - 高级 Excel 电子表格编辑器? 创建、打开和编辑 Microsoft Excel 电子表格 ? 专业级计算引擎? 编辑字体类型和字体大小? 广泛格式:粗体、斜体、单元格背景、字体颜色、符号? 支持文件:查看和编辑 .XLS/.XLSX
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款限时降价!Hands-on with Connect by QuickOffice: A Better Cloud Solution
Hands-on with Connect by QuickOffice: A Better Cloud Solution
By Davey Alba, LAPTOP Contributor
Sure, you can email that file you were working on to yourself, but that’s a clunky solution for the technologically unsophisticated. Nowadays, one of the best ways to be productive is by storing your documents in the cloud. This affords you the freedom of using multiple devices without having to worry about whether the version you’re working on is current. But the number of mobile devices with productivity suites is steadily growing–you can add tablets to that mix, in addition to smartphones–and so are the number of cloud services you can choose from.
Connect by QuickOffice recognizes this problem of fragmentation and aims to provide an elegant solution. It’s both an app and a cloud service that lets you collaborate, share and sync important documents across all your mobile devices and your favorite third-party cloud services, including Box, Dropbox, SugarSync, Google Drive and even smaller apps like Evernote.
But how well does it really work? Here at CTIA 2012, the QuickOffice team was on the ground showing off Connect, and set us up with a pro account to let us try it out. Here’s what you need to know about getting started with the service, and whether or not it’s a tool you should consider using.
Setup with Connect by QuickOffice
Getting set up is pretty simple. We started by downloading the app onto our iPhone, logged in using our provided credentials and were greeted by a dashboard-like interface with several categories: My Folders, Devices and Online Services.
We started by adding our online services to our account. We tapped on the plus sign opposite the label, and chose from a list of services Connect supports. Among them were Google Docs (QuickOffice says that they’ll update this to Google Drive soon), Dropbox, SkyDrive, Evernote, SugarSync, Basecamp, Catch, Springpad, Box, Huddle, Egnyte and WebDAV.
Afterward, we set up Connect on our laptop. We tapped on the plus sign across Devices and selected Mac. The app then sent instructions to our email with the appropriate download link for our computer. We installed the app, and could log in from our computer as well.
Connect also has a Web portal so you can access your files from absolutely anywhere. After the program was installed onto our laptop, we launched the Web component of Connect by clicking on the icon on our Mac’s top right navigation bar and selecting “Open Connect by QuickOffice” from the drop down list.
Syncing Files Across Devices
Once we added in all the services we wanted, it turned into the matter of getting the files we wanted onto Connect. Luckily, this was pretty easy to figure out as well. Using the Web dashboard, we accessed our main folders on our computer, which Connect automatically detected. Then we clicked on the tiny sync button to the left of the label to add it to our Connect Folders.
Once synced, we could immediately access our files regardless of which device we were using.
Creating and Editing Documents
We didn’t have to look hard to figure out how to create a new document from our mobile device. Connect by QuickOffice puts these icons front and center in a permanent navigation bar across the bottom of the app. We could tap on any of these to create a Word, Excel or PowerPoint document, or a new folder.
You do have to select the folder you’d like to create the file in before Connect lets you do anything. We quickly created a simple text file and uploaded it into one of our active Connect Folders, then watched it magically appear on our desktop.
Sharing Documents
Connect by QuickOffice provides a range of options for sharing a document once you’ve finalized your edits. On our iPhone, we tapped on the arrow beside the file name, which took us into the next screen with a handy menu of functions: Publish File, Add Comments, File Versions, File Activity and File Settings. We tapped on Publish File to share it.
The app then let us choose whether we wanted to email it to a collaborator or upload the document onto various services like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Slideshare, etc.
Searching Documents
One of the best features within Connect is the ability to search across all your cloud services and devices to locate the file you need (once your devices and services are all set up with the app, of course). We simply tapped on the upper left-hand button to access the main Connect icons, then tapped on Search. We typed out “test file,” the document we had created earlier on the app, and selected the device/cloud service where we wanted Connect to look. After a few seconds, the app pulled up the file we needed.
Connect by QuickOffice works as advertised, which was very impressive. The wealth of options within the app demonstrates the thought and care that went into developing it, and it worked well across all our devices. We can imagine working intensively on a laptop, hopping into the same document for quick edits on the go with our iPhone, then maybe lounging on our couch back home with our iPad to make some final tweaks.
Connect also earns plus points for putting setup and sharing options right at our fingertips. We were complete first-timers with the app, yet creating files and dipping into and out of them on our different devices was incredibly easy to get the hang of.
Our only quibbles with the app were some responsiveness issues and connectivity difficulties. There were times when we weren’t sure whether our taps registered on our touch screen, and another time, the Web dashboard would not load our folders from our laptop and prompted us to check whether our computer was online (it was). But these hiccups sorted themselves out after refreshing the app.
Connect by QuickOffice is an undeniably good package, and is an answer to a problem that not many people have thought about how to address yet. In that sense, the app is very forward-looking. We couldn’t help but be impressed by the range of functions included in the service, from accessing your files across all your cloud accounts and mobile devices, to editing, sharing, searching and syncing them.
On the other hand, we were fortunate enough to try the app for free, an opportunity not many others would be able to get. In fact, there are several tiers to the service. The Basic, free account lets you view documents, get cloud access and five sharable folders, sync up to two devices–but cuts you off after a 5,000 file sync capacity. Connect Premium, for $44.99 a year will let you view and edit documents, execute aggregated search, get unlimited folder sharing, use remote access and sync up to four devices with a 125,000 file sync capacity. And finally, Connect Professional–the tier we tested–is $69.99 a year and lets you view and edit documents, execute aggregated search, get unlimited folder sharing and sync up to six devices (with a 250,000 file sync capacity). It also gives you a bunch of extra features including file versioning and remote access.
If you’re the kind of person who uses a lot of mobile devices and cloud services and can’t be bothered to worry about whether your active file is the latest version, Connect by QuickOffice is worth a look. It’s a powerful tool that can simplify a complicated workflow, aggregating multiple services into one hub. The only problem is picking out the tier that will work best for you.
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