I'm happy to visit the Great H( ) of the people.It's near tianxinyiyi'an Men Square.

Attention:Get 16 Incredible Blessings (Value: $251.50) for FREE!
Including The Opportunity To Earn Passive Income Every Month!
Each month, TrulyRichClub Gold Members receive 2 of Bo’s PowerTalk on Downloadable MP3’s, WealthStrategies Newsletters, GodWhisper Emails, and a Sign-Up Bonus of his How To Be Truly Rich Audio Seminar
My name is Bo Sanchez.
For twenty years, I was a poor missionary.
It helped that I was single then.
I had no babies that needed diapers or a wife to romance on dates or a house mortgage to pay.
So poor was okay.
I didn’t need money.
I was happy preaching, writing, and doing ministry work among the poor.
I really thought that to love the poor, I had to become poor.
I also used to think that to be close to God, I had to be poor too.
I had this subconscious belief that money was evil.
But over ten years ago, I began to change my beliefs.
(Which by the way is where all radical changes start.
As the Bible says, “By your faith, it shall be done unto you.”)
Today, I’m a Truly Rich missionary.
I chose to become an entrepreneur.
I now run businesses, invest in real estate properties, and invest in stocks and other paper assets.
As of this writing, I have 16 income streams flowing to my life.
Yes, I’m still a missionary. I still preach, write, and work among the poor, lifting them out of poverty.
And the impact of my ministry has multiplied a hundred times more.
But in case you’re asking, I don’t drive a luxury car or own a mansion.
Oh yes, I can now afford to buy them.
But as a personal choice, I’ve decided to remain simple in my lifestyle. Why?
Not because it’s wrong to own them.
I repeat: It’s a personal choice. But I believe that the ultimate purpose of wealth is to love others.
And I’ve made a choice to use a lot of my wealth to make this world a better place.
I’m Truly Rich because of two reasons: My passive income is much more than my monthly expenses—and so I’m able to tithe to God and give sacrificially for the ministry and the poor.
And that’s what I want you to experience.
Friend, I want to stop talking about me and start talking about you.
I want you to enjoy the same blessing in your life.
And the key is to change your beliefs and thinking…
But I know it isn’t easy to change.
Believe me.
For many years, my terrible beliefs have kept me trapped in poverty.
Here’s what I realized: After years of helping people grow financially, I realized it’s more important to change financial mindsets than just merely increasing financial literacy.
Because a person can be very wise in money matters, but if he has a poverty mindset, nothing much will happen.
To change your life, you need to get rid of your poverty mindset and gain a wealth mindset.
And I’ve also learned how to change mindsets: Through the simple act of repetition.
Because repetition is the mother of all skill.
By constantly immersing one’s mind with a new way of thinking, a new mindset is formed.
That’s why I created my TrulyRichClub Gold Membership.
It’s a private group of individuals that I support in their financial and support growth.
It’s for people who are serious in changing their beliefs and thinking—to gain the abundance mentality they need to change their lives forever.
I also provide Gold Members with the right tools, principles, and strategies to grow in their financial and spiritual life.
If you become a Gold Member of my TrulyRichClub, you’ll receive 16 big blessings, 4 of these are FREE Bonuses:
Each Month, You Receive Two (2) of My
MP3Ready for Download
Every month, I’ll help you achieve your dreams.
Each month, I’ll select 2 of my very best, most powerful inspirational messages, and make it available for your listening pleasure. These monthly messages will encourage you, build you up, and enrich your soul.
In the privacy of your home, you can listen to these practical messages again and again.
Remember that the secret to changing anything is constancy.
Month after month after month, you can listen to something uplifting, positive, and encouraging messages.
Each month will be like a surprise—where I cover various areas of your life.
Sometimes, I’ll address your spiritual life.
Sometimes, I’ll speak about your family life.
And obviously, I’ll build on your financial life too.
And when your beliefs and thinking will change, so will your life.
That’s not all…
Every 3 Months, You Receive a Bonus:
My "Success Mentors Collection" On MP3 Ready for Download
I’ll let you in on a secret on why I’m successful. I’m successful because I’m a great modeler. That’s a fancy word for, “I copy a lot”. I simply do what other successful people are doing. It’s the great shortcut to success.
As a Gold Member of the TrulyRichClub, you will receive my Success Mentor Collection where I interview the best of the best. You’ll eavesdrop on my conversation with these very successful people, experts in various areas of life. I’ll pick their brains for you and you’ll learn stuff that you wouldn’t learn from other people. For one year, this quarterly interview is your shortcut to success.
But there’s more…
Each Month,You Receive
"WealthStrategies"from Me
I promise that each of the WealthStrategies will be brief, to the point, and applicable to your life.
They will be life-changing principles and practical “action plans” on how to grow in your financial life.
We’ll cover everything—from the universal principles of abundance, to the nitty-gritty stuff, like where to invest and grow your money, to how to protect your wealth, etc.
But there’s more…
Everyday, You Receive a
"GodWhisper" From Me, Absolutely Free
This is so good, I’m betting this will be the favorite feature of being a TrulyRich Gold Member. I call it GodWhisper.
Every day, I’ll email you a very short, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, but always insightful personal message from God to you.
It will be a treat for your soul.
I’m sure you’ll be looking forward to these GodWhispers.
For some people, I bet this alone is already worth their Gold Membership!
But wait a minute.
There are more blessings I want you to receive…
You Receive My Powerful "How To Be Truly Rich
Audio Seminar" Ready For Instant Download,
My FREE Gift To You Just for Signing Up!
When you listen to this seminar, you’ll change the way you think, enlarge what I call your “psychological wallet”, and prepare you to receive abundance into your life.
And through this powerful seminar…
You’ll discover the invisible prisons of your mind that have kept you in financial bondage all these years—and how you can finally break out of those internal prisons!
You’ll discover the negative, emotionally-charged, beliefs that have kept you stuck in your financial level all these years—and how you can face them and change them.
You’ll conquer the common external obstacles that have always prevented you from moving forward on your road of material abundance.
You’ll learn to take 100% responsibility for your financial life, no longer blaming others for your money problems—thereby giving you the power to solve them!
You’ll learn how to be spiritually open to the Pacific Ocean of God’s blessings around you waiting for you to claim them.
You’ll learn the powerful secret of how to attract wealth to your life.
No doubt about it.
The How To Be Truly Rich Audio Seminar will free you from financial stagnation and rescue you from years of financial misery.
The last time I gave this half-day seminar to a company, I charged $210 per person, and without giving the giant bonuses that we’ll be giving you in this fantastic offer.
But right now, you can get this seminar FREE when you become a Gold Member of Bo’s TrulyRichClub.
But that’s not all…
You Receive My inspiring Ebook,
7 Keys To Overcome Every Problem That Prevent You
From Reaching Your Dreams
Absolutely FREE!
I’m giving you my Ebook, HOW TO CONQUER YOUR GOLIATH, 7 Keys To Overcome Every Problem That Prevent You From Reaching Your Dreams.
You’ll be filled with hope and strength to face whatever problems you’re facing now.
This powerful Ebook will “speak” to you.
You’ll be very blessed because you’ll learn how to overcome any obstacle in your path.
Here’s what you’ll find inside this Ebook:
Table of Contents
Book One: The Pebble That Crushed The Mountain
Book Two: 7 Keys of a Champion’s Life
Key 1. Follow Your Dream With Passion
Key 2. Focus On Your Core Gift
Key 3. Believe In Yourself When Others Don’t
Key 4. Build Your Team
Key 5. Take Action
Key 6. Fail Forward
Key 7. Shine Your Light
Epilogue: Win In All Areas
You’ll Receive My inspiring Ebook,
"How To Turn Your Thoughts Into Things"
Use The Law Of The Harvest
To Fulfill The Desires Of Your Heart
From Reaching Your Dreams
Also, Absolutely FREE!
My friends who read this book say there’s something special about it.
Hey, I believe them.
One of the most difficult things to overcome in our lives is a scarcity mentality.
That there’s a limited amount of blessings in the world.
In this book, you’ll be delivered from this mental prison.
You’ll meet again the God of abundance, not the God of scarcity.
And I don’t believe in luck.
I believe in blessing.
Luck is based on chance.
But blessing is 100% sure.
What people define as luck, I define as getting ready to be blessed.
My belief is simple: When the soul is ready, the blessing will appear.
Right now, you’re swimming in an ocean of blessings.
You don’t see this ocean, but it’s there all around you.
If you lack blessings, it simply means you lack readiness to receive the blessings.
There’s no shortage of blessings.
There’s only a shortage of your readiness.
I know you’ll be very inspired by this book.
It’ll empower you to change your life!
Once you subscribe to the TrulyRichClub, I’ll email to you your FREE Ebook, How To Turn Your Thoughts Into Things.
Enjoy this book and be blessed!
But that’s not all…
Table of Contents
Foreword: A Fable With Two Endings
Chapter One: The Operating System of the Universe
Chapter Two: How To Have A Breakthrough
Chapter Three: Quit Often To Succeed In Life
Chapter Four: How To Be A Superstar
Chapter Five: How To Enjoy Heaven On Earth
Chapter Six: Are You A Giver Or A Taker?
Chapter Seven: The Embrace Of Heaven
Chapter Eight: The Greatest Reward Of Giving
Chapter Nine: The Best Investment In The World
Chapter Ten: The Life Of Abundance
Chapter Eleven: Want More Miracles?
Chapter Twelve: My Highest Award
Epilogue: A Simple Strategy
Now, You Can Earn Passive Income Every Month
“A Whopping 20% PLUS
5% Commission!”
Through The "TrulyRichClub"
I know this is a huge surprise to you.
You never expected to earn from the Club, right?
But as long as I’m here, be used to surprises!
Because I’ll continue to cook up new ways to bless you.
And yes, I figured a way for you to earn money!
And it’s passive income: You earn while you sleep.
You earn even if you’re vacationing in an island, sipping orange juice atop a hammock.
How? You Can Be My Affiliate.
Very simple: All you have to do is email your friends and tell them of your great experience in the TrulyRichClub.
(Or just put a TrulyRichClub link in your Blog or Facebook account.)
For every person that joins the TrulyRichClub because of your invitation, you get 20% of his or her monthly subscription fee every month PLUS a 5% commission for all the subscribers this person gets.
So you get 20% on your first line and 5% on your second line.
For as long as a person is a member, you’ll receive your commission month after month after month…
That’s not all…
You Can Also Earn From My Other Internet Work
If you become my Affiliate in the TrulyRichClub, you’ll be my Business Partner in all my Internet Businesses.
Let’s say some of your friends don’t like to join the TrulyRichClub.
They don’t like to read about financial stuff.
(Perhaps they have too much money already.)
That’s fine.
Perhaps they want to join the GodWhispersClub.
You’ll earn passive income from that too!
Or perhaps they want to buy an Ebook from an Ebook Bookstore I’ll be launching very soon.
You can earn 20% commissions for every sale too PLUS 5% commission for every sale referred by your first downline. The point is that you’ll be earning from all my future internet businesses.
You'll Receive My Very Practical Ebook,
"My Maid Invests In The Stock Market...
And Why You Should Too." (Full Version)
Also, Absolutely FREE
This little book has been long overdue.
I’ve been planning to write this for the longest time.
But I felt it wasn’t the right time.
Because I was still in the process of teaching my 3 house helpers how to invest. My theory was this: If I can teach them how to invest, I can teach anyone.
Do you know the problem with the Stock Market world?
They don’t speak English. Honest.
They speak in some strange dialect that is spoken only in the second moon of the planet Uranus.
But I’ve solved that problem. If my maids can understand me, then anyone can understand me.
Today, my helpers are investing in the Stock Market and they’re very happy.
Read this Ebook and you'll also learn how to create your own personal Retirement Fund through the Stock Market.
Table of Contents
Preface: Take Charge Of Your Financial Future
Chapter 1: Everyone Ought To Be Rich
Chapter 2: Follow A Simple System
Chapter 3: Repeat The Vision
Chapter 4: Own A Great Company
Chapter 5: How To Retire A Millionaire
Chapter 6: Open An Online Account
Epilogue: See You In The Next Stocks Update
Each Month, You'll Receive My"Stocks Update".
Also, Absolutely FREE!
In my Stocks Update, I'll tell you how I invest
Here’s another thing I’ll do for you.
Each month, I’ll send you a very short “Stocks Update”. I’ll tell you what companies I’m investing in and how they’re doing.
Why will I give this “Stocks Update” monthly report? To give you guidance and inspiration.
Especially when there’s a crisis, my “Stocks Update” will be crucial. It will prevent you from selling your Stocks because of your panic—and lose your money. And it will encourage you to do the very opposite—buy great companies when the prices are very low.
In one single page, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about your Stock investments.
I’ll remind you to invest each month. I’ll urge you, push you, beg you to be faithful to your monthly investments.
I’ll tell you when it's time to sell the Stocks I wrote about in my Ebook above.
I’ll tell you the new undervalued Stocks that you can buy.
I’ll tell you what I’m doing with my own Stocks.
I promise: In plain, simple English. No financial jargon you won’t understand.
Term Life Insurance
Term Life Insurance of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000) for members who have been with TRC for one year, or have paid a 1 year membership.
You shall also receive the following benefits:
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Family Assistance Benefit
Accidental Daily Hospital Income
International SOS (iSOS) Travel and Medical Assistance
Newly-improved TrulyRichClub Mobile app with financial calculators
Access your TRC account anytime and anywhere through your mobile phone. Check the updated SAM stocks table and compute for your retirement goal in real time.
Exclusive Facebook Group
Join our “for members only” group and ask our expert #mentors anything about finances, investing, entrepreneurship, and a lot more topics that will help you become truly rich!
Monthly Mastermind Meeting
Meet other TRC members by join our Monthly Mastermind Meeting in Metro Manila, Cebu, Cagayan De Oro and Davao. Join this fantastic and inspiring fellowship, learn from each other, and hear tips directly from business experts.
TRC affiliate page with email swipes and banners
Want to promote TRC and earn commission? Head over to our Affiliate Page and copy and send our email swipes and banners.
Get Wowed Or YourMoney Back Guaranteed!
Let me take all the risk. I want you to experience the blessings of an exclusive Gold Member in Bo’s TrulyRichClub.
If during the first month of your membership, you didn’t find the material I sent you a powerfully inspiring Wow experience, then simply tell us—and we’ll return your money.
No questions asked.
And you can keep all the great stuff I sent you (worth $251.50 value) as my FREE gift to you for just trying.
Here’s a review of the 16 big Blessings you’ll receive when you become a Gold Member of
Blessing #1 Receive 2 PowerTalks every month (instant access via MP3)
Blessing #2 Receive Bo’s Success Mentors Collection (1 every 3 months for 1 Year)
Blessing #3 Receive WealthStrategies newsletters every month
Blessing #4 Receive Daily GodWhispers Email
Blessing #5 Receive How To Be Truly Rich Seminar
Blessing #6 Receive How To Conquer Your Goliath Ebook
Blessing #7 Receive How To Turn Thoughts Into Things Ebook
Blessing #8 Earn Passive Income by being Bo’s Affiliate in the TrulyRichClub
Blessing #9 Earn Passive Income with Bo’s other Internet Work
Blessing #10 Receive My Very Practical Ebook, My Maid Invests In The Stock Market...And Why You Should Too.
Blessing #11 Receive My Stocks Update.
Blessing #12 Term Life Insurance of One Hundred Thousand Pesos
Blessing #13 Newly-improved TrulyRichClub Mobile app with financial calculators
Blessing #14 Exclusive Facebook Group
Blessing #15 Monthly Mastermind Meeting
Blessing #16 TRC affiliate page with email swipes and banners
To receive all these 16 big Blessings, click on the link below.
“Yes, I Want To Grow My Financial Life& Get The 16 TrulyRichClub Blessings!”
To Grab This Offer, Click the option Below:
Here's What Members Say About The TrulyRichClub ...
I used to find the stock market very confusing, scary and complicated. But thanks to Truly Rich Club, I am now very confident all the time whenever I invest a portion of my monthly income in the stock market using the SAM strategy. More importantly, Truly Rich Club helps me get closer to God!
AB, Canada
From Poverty mindset into a Truly Rich mindset. Thank you to the Truly Rich Club, I'll retire Young and Happy millionaire.
Koi DiazOFW, Italy
Thank you TRC for teaching us how to secure our daughter's future through stocks investment.
Marites P. Rojas Internal Auditor
Being a Truly Rich Club member gives me and my husband the confidence that we will retire as young millionaires and will soon go back to the Philippines to be with our family for good.
Allan & Janet
OFW, IT Consultant Singapore
I was raised to be prudent in my finances & careful with whom I associate with. Thus far, Bro. Bo's Truly Rich Club is one I'm happy to be part of and is of the very few whom I confidently can count on for stock market and life advice.
Allan Ngo Entrepreneur
Thanks to the Truly Rich Club's superb stocks updates, I was able to grow my investments by an average of 20%.
Argel Tiburcio Personal finance advocate
Growing old together will be easier for us- big thank you TrulyRichClub for opening our eyes to Financial Freedom, on the road on taking one egg basket at a time for our passive income in the years to come.
Rochelle & JermainOFW Nurses,UAE
With Truly Rich Club, I enjoy the true blessings of my family, friends, faith, health, finances and my job.
Phil. Air Force
We are family member of TRC based in Doha, Qatar. TRC had continuously improved our financial strategies, outlook in life and our relationships. TRC guided us in investing and earning our 1st One (1) Million pesos in 17 months at 21% gain in stocks. Maraming salamat TRC.
Noel & Minda Hernandez
Doha, Qatar
I already earn passive income in my 20's and I also teach other people how to do this. The Stocks Update and Wealth Strategies are my guides to achieve my financial goals. These are blessings! Thank you very much TrulyRichClub for the inspiration and practical wisdom!
Kein ChitoAuthor, Speaker and Entrepreneur
Thank you Truly Rich Club! You got me PEACE OF MIND. I have discovered a TREASURE that I can pass on to my next generation to come - BUILDING A FAMILY WITH HAPY MULTI-MILLIONAIRES.
Nelsa M. RosalesAuthor, Speaker and Office Manager, Cebu
Truly Rich Club taught me how to invest in the stock market back in November 2010. My P24,000 grew to P300,000 in just 3.5 years. Now I am sharing my experience to my friends. Investing is fun & doable!
Rona Bartolini I.T. Quality Analyst
Through the guidance of Truly Rich Club, I started investing in the stock market and my investments helped me make my dream of travelling to Europe come true.
Sha Nacino Writer & Speaker
With the help of TrulyRichClub we can now invest in the stock market and still have time for the kids.
Pao and Xand Abadesco Super Parents
Spenders-turned-investors, now achieving our First l Million in the Stock Market in just THREE years! With now things in order, our family is happier with good relationships maintained. God is Generous. Life is Great. With TrulyRichClub, there is Hope!
Chris & Anna Business Owner Canada
Courage and Knowledge is what TrulyRichClub gave me! Thanks for the guidance of the stocks update, I am now regularly investing on the companies recommended by SAM and I'm pretty sure to retire a millionaire!
ArmidaSales & Mktg , QC
Being a member of the Truly Rich Club is life changing. I would say it's the best thing I've ever learned in my 29 years. The only regret I have is why I did not take it seriously for years when I've heard about Truly Rich Club the first time. I can't believe I delayed myself from becoming a mutimillionaire. Thank God I am now sure that I'm on the right direction and confident that I will be a multimillionaire in few years and will be able to help more people change their lives just like I did.
Crestine Registered Nurse, New Zealand
I am an OFW and my simple dream is to be with my family. But I need to be financially abundant to support them. TrulyRichClub is helping me achieve my dreams. It gave me hope that I can do it!
RodeliaOFW, Dubai
I was raised with an employee's mindset. Thru the club wealth strategies, the spirit of being an entrepreneur inside of me was rekindled. Today, I am juggling between being an employee and entrepreneur but in 10-15 years' time I will be a full time entrepreneur.
FerdieOFW Engineer, Qatar
Thank You TRULY RICH CLUB for teaching me how to achieve my financial goals early thru investing in the stock market, direct and indirect investment. I am happy to be a member of the Truly Rich Club, because I have a Peace of mind that we are financially free when I retire. Being a member now I know that I am not rich person, I am Truly Rich Person Now! In Jesus name.
Frederick "Aye" Buncayo Ferrer
It does not matter how slowly you can go as long as you don't stop.' Truly Rich Club taught me that. Like Marathon my investment journey was painful and boring yet I did not stop. Now, I'm making new Personal Records both financially and physically.
Jason BarrientosRunner, Philippines
Through the guidance of truly Rich Club, our investments have multiplied over the years. From having zero savings back in 2010, we now have several stock investment accounts will COL Financial and Sunlife of Canada. The future, particularly our kids, looks so much brighter coz we know we will all retire as multi-millionaires. Thanks to Truly Rich Club for keeping its promise to provide us with Financial Wealth and Spiritual Abundance at the same time.
JMJ Family
Thanks to TrulyRichClub for expanding my perspective on becoming wealthy with my purpose. I am surely on the road in becoming a Lifeaholic Millionaire Missionary. Through the lessons and wisdom from the newsletters, being part of TRC is truly a life changing decision.
Jeric Junior Buyer, Dubai UAE
Thank you TrulyRichClub for teaching and guiding us on how to invest wisely in Stock Market. I learned a lot on how to make our money works for us. This September 2014 is our first year of stock investing and I can see how my money grows rapidly. TrulyRichClub really helps us not to worry on our early retirement and financial needs of our children education someday.
Morata Family
Thanks to the Truly Rich Club, me and my husband were introduced to a money making machinge, the Stock Market! Our financial mindset used to be confined with having a bank-savings account. Now, through the recommendation in the Newsletterof the TrulyRichClub, we have earned about 17% of our capital in less than a year of investing. We can't possibly earn that through the bank. We feel we have a brighter future ahead of us and we have tremendously learned about making our every peso count! Bro. Bo has truly been an inspiration to us- he taught us how to make money for our son's college education, our retirement and for helping more people. It was the best decision we made last year!
Young Family
Thanks TrulyRichClub for teaching me how to invest in the Stock Market. Now I'm sure I'll retire as a multi-millionaire.
JojieOFW Nurse, Saudi
To receive all these 16 big Blessings, click on the link below.
“Yes, I Want To Grow My Financial Life& Get The 16 TrulyRichClub Blessings!”
To Grab This Offer, Click the option Below:
Download our Official App!
Write your name and email below to watch an inspiring 11-minute video by Bo Sanchez on how to transform your financial life.
Note that when you type in your name and email address here, you're NOT YET joining Bo's TrulyRichClub. This is simply to sign up to watch the video AND to also receive Bo's FREE ebook, My Maid Invests In The Stock Market... And Why You Should too. (This will be emailed to you.)
Copyright (C) Bo Sanchez Inc. 2016


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