
给你两篇作文我的妈妈高高身材,不胖不瘦,额头上有几丝浅浅的皱纹,脸上常常挂着微笑。妈妈为人善良,她从小就教导我做人要诚实,待人要宽厚,从小就来培养我好的品德。记得有件事我总是忘不了。那是一个炎热的下午,太阳像个大火球烤着大地。我做在房间里,不停地扇着扇子,但汗珠还是不停地滚落下来。我对妈妈说:“妈!天气太热了,热得要命!我想吃冰棍。”妈妈说:“走,我带你去买些冰棍。”说着便拿起钱包。到了买冰棍的地方,我挑选了冰棍,妈妈从钱包里拿出了一张50元的整票递给买冰棍的叔叔,叔叔找完钱,我和妈妈便匆匆回家去了。回到家,妈妈把找回来数了数,自言自语地说:“咦?不对呀,一共是7元钱,怎么找回45元?”我一听,高兴地说:“太好了!买冰棍的人真糊涂了,找多了3元。妈妈,那2元给我行吗?”妈妈瞪了我一眼,生气地说:“多找了2元,我们应该送回去,不能贪图那些小便宜!再说,人家卖冰棍多不容易呀!”说完,妈妈冒着火辣辣的太阳,把3元钱给人家送去了。晚上睡觉的时候,我躺在床上睡不着,想起白天的事情,忽然明白了,做人要从一点一滴的事情做起,不能因为眼前的一点小便宜,做出一些对不起人的事。这件事对我有了很大的教育,我爱我的妈妈,我打心里佩她。我的妈妈今年三十四岁了,看起来还不老。瓜子脸上有一双水汪汪的大眼睛,高高的个子,身材不胖也不瘦。妈妈很爱我更重视我的学习。前段时间盖伦英语老师告诉我们有一个全国英语比赛,希望我们能积极参加,展示一下自己。我报名参加了英语歌曲比赛。大那以后,妈妈开始上网找歌曲,锁定歌曲后妈妈先自己学唱,每天哼哼呀呀的,唱会了以后开始教我。妈妈给我选的歌曲是《挥着翅膀的女孩》的英文版。那时候又正处在期末复习阶段,马上要考试了,妈妈在不耽误我复习的情况下每天抽出一个小时的时间帮我练习唱歌,纠正我的发音。工夫不付有心人,我顺利地通过了体育场分校的初赛,锦州市的复赛,进入了辽中赛区的决赛,如果辽中赛区能够取上就能进入全国总决赛了,那是我盼望以久的。妈妈非常孝敬父母。有一次,奶奶生病了,轻微脑血栓住进了医院。这可把妈妈急坏了,她每天在医院护理奶奶,给她洗脸、帮助她练习走路,忙里忙外的。奶奶出院以后回到家,妈妈又承担起家务,洗衣服、做饭、拖地……每到年节的时候妈妈都不会忘记给爷爷奶奶买些礼物。我要以妈妈为榜样,也做个孝敬父母的好孩子。每到夏天,妈妈总说自己很胖,每天只吃两顿饭,你知道她为什么这样做?因为她想减肥,穿时尚的衣服,让自己变得更漂亮。这就是我的妈妈,有的时候温柔,有的时候严厉,有的时候可爱,我爱我的漂亮妈妈!我的妈妈有着长长的乌黑的头发,红红的嘴唇,脸上总是微笑着,待人和善。妈妈是一位优秀的飞机设计师。星期六到了,妈妈躺在床上一会就睡着了,妈妈真是辛苦,一连五天都在上班,而且每天晚上都要加班。我不忍心打扰妈妈,就静静地写着作业。“丁零零”,妈妈的手机铃响了,我很疑惑,现在是午睡时间,是谁在给妈妈到电话?“喂,蔡师呀 …… 哦,原来是这样,马上到,马上到。”原来妈妈要去单位办事。我很生气,星期六那么热,大家都在休息,为什么妈妈要工作?为什么不让别人去?下午妈妈回来了,我愤愤地说出了我的不满,可妈妈和蔼的说:“为社会做贡献有什么不对么?正好我对这项工作了解嘛。”我看着妈妈憔悴的脸,心里很不好受。周末到了,我和妈妈爸爸出去玩儿。妈妈带了一大包的零食,我很馋,在休息的时候偷偷吃开了零食。妈妈好像发现我了,我快速的把零食藏在后面。“宝贝儿干什么呢?”“没 …… 没干什么啊!”“哎呀,还有3千米呢!看看吃的够不够啊,儿?”还有3千米?我第一次去飞机场,还不知道有多远。哼!骗我,这招早被我看穿了!妈妈经常对我使用这招。爸爸现在热的直冒汗,那么多水他怎么不喝呢?可能真的还有3千米,爸爸脂肪那么多,早就累得支持不住啦,他们怕我支持不住,所以给我留点水,已免我口渴了。爸爸妈妈对我真好!我乖乖的把零食放到了袋子里。大约过了十几分钟,妈妈说:“飞机场到了!”我反应过来了,妈妈和爸爸合伙来欺负我,我大喊:“好啊,你们演戏来骗我!“”好了,来吃零食吧,我知道你等不及了,在路上只是考验你一下,假如真的有3千米那怎么办?一定要学会忍耐啊!我的妈妈是世界上最好的妈妈!”我的妈妈留着一头乌黑亮丽的短发,她长着柳叶眉,一双大眼睛和一张不大不小的嘴,高高的鼻梁上面架着一副眼镜。妈妈不仅对工作兢兢业业,对我的学习、生活等方面也尤为关心。恍惚中,我的思绪回到了童年。我看见一个忙碌的身影,那是母亲在辛勤工作;我看见一个疲惫的身影,那是母亲在为我编织寒衣;我看见一个欢快的身影,那是母亲在为我学习进步而高兴。平时我住在奶奶家,只有星期六和星期天才能见到妈妈。每逢星期天我写完老师布置的作文后,妈妈总要仔细阅读,并和我一起专心致志的修改病句。改完作文后,妈妈又给我找一些类似的作文,一边读一边给我讲解,这篇作文哪些地方值得我学习,再结合着我的作文,哪些地方写得好,哪些地方写得不好。 妈妈不但关心我的学习,同时对我的生活方面也特别关心。记得有一天,天空中纷纷扬扬地下着鹅毛大雪,不一会儿,整个城市就变成了雪的海洋,雪的乐园,雪的天地。那天,我的乳牙还没有掉,恒牙却长了出来,妈妈非要带我去拔掉乳牙,我因为害怕疼,就不想去,还跟妈妈拗了好半天,妈妈最终硬拉着我向医院走去。一路上,我一直没有和妈妈说话,还拿雪球砸妈妈。心想:妈妈真不近人情,这么冷的天为什么非让我出来拔牙?不拔它自己也会掉的。到了医院,医生给我打了麻药,就把乳牙拔掉了,一点儿也不觉得疼。后来,我才知道妈妈的一番苦心。妈妈说:“拔掉活动的乳牙,恒牙才会长整齐,如果不拔掉活动的乳牙,新长的恒牙就会长歪,回来一笑就不好看啦!”果然如此,因为我下面一排中间的几个乳牙全是拔掉的,所以长出的恒牙很整齐,笑时也不拘束了,也很开心。 母亲,多么让天下儿女敬仰的字眼;母爱,多么像哺育我们成长的宁静港湾。母爱是纯洁的;母爱是无私的;母爱是伟大的;母爱是只知道给予而不企求回报的。母爱像春天的暖风,吹拂着你的心;母爱像绵绵细雨,轻轻拍打着你的脸面,滋润着你的心田;母爱像冬天的火炉,给你在严冬中营造暖人心意的阳光。母亲赋予给我的爱实在、朴实、严厉,有时还有点诗情画意。我的妈妈高高身材,不胖不瘦,额头上有几丝浅浅的皱纹,脸上常常挂着微笑。妈妈为人善良,她从小就教导我做人要诚实,待人要宽厚,从小就来培养我好的品德。记得有件事我总是忘不了。那是一个炎热的下午,太阳像个大火球烤着大地。我做在房间里,不停地扇着扇子,但汗珠还是不停地滚落下来。我对妈妈说:“妈!天气太热了,热得要命!我想吃冰棍。”妈妈说:“走,我带你去买些冰棍。”说着便拿起钱包。到了买冰棍的地方,我挑选了冰棍,妈妈从钱包里拿出了一张50元的整票递给买冰棍的叔叔,叔叔找完钱,我和妈妈便匆匆回家去了。回到家,妈妈把找回来数了数,自言自语地说:“咦?不对呀,一共是7元钱,怎么找回45元?”我一听,高兴地说:“太好了!买冰棍的人真糊涂了,找多了3元。妈妈,那2元给我行吗?”妈妈瞪了我一眼,生气地说:“多找了2元,我们应该送回去,不能贪图那些小便宜!再说,人家卖冰棍多不容易呀!”说完,妈妈冒着火辣辣的太阳,把3元钱给人家送去了。晚上睡觉的时候,我躺在床上睡不着,想起白天的事情,忽然明白了,做人要从一点一滴的事情做起,不能因为眼前的一点小便宜,做出一些对不起人的事。这件事对我有了很大的教育,我爱我的妈妈,我打心里佩她。妈妈经常穿着彩色的衣服,头发长长的,一双眼睛圆圆的,鼻子扁扁的,嘴角上常常带着微笑,看起来很温柔。妈妈从天亮一直忙到天黑,她每天起得很早。起来以后给我怎么面包,给爸爸准备粉,她是多么累呀!妈妈为人很热情。每次我带同学回家,她都会热情款待,同学们都说我妈妈好,说妈妈不光人热情,菜烧得也特别好吃,所以我的那些好朋友一有空就往我们家跑,还妈妈,妈妈的叫,我都吃醋了,不过更多的是高兴,为自己有这样一位母亲骄傲呀!妈妈的性格很开朗,和我们根本就不象长辈关系,完全是朋友关系,让我的朋友们一点也没有压力和拘束感。妈妈的性格和别人的性格极为不同,妈妈有一种坏习惯就是说话不给别人留面子.记得有一次,我的数学考试没及格,妈妈很是生气,她没有打我而是讽刺我说我是个大傻子,也许有的人和我一样有亲身经历,你们知道这对我门是多大的伤害吗!妈妈还爱唠叨,早上上学妈妈总是告诉我要慢慢走小心车,上学不要淘气......妈妈呀妈妈我都11岁了,这些事你还用和我说吗?妈妈我妈妈的优点是非常心灵手巧,她还给我织了好几件毛衣呢!妈妈很诚实,也经常教育我要做个诚实的孩子。妈妈唯一的缺点就是非常爱唠叨,一件事总是要说好几次,我耳朵都快要起茧子了,不过我的妈妈确实对我和爸爸非常好,算得上是一个称职的好妈妈。妈妈!谢谢您那么爱我、关心我,给我一个温暖的家!总之千言万语汇成五个字:谢谢您,妈妈!丁零零……放学铃响了。我走出校门,一眼就看见了我的妈妈,因为别的同学的妈妈穿着时髦的衣服。手上戴着戒指,耳朵上吊着耳环,脖子上戴着项链。而我的妈妈却穿着一身朴素的衣服,从来没穿过一件时髦的衣服,更别说戴首饰什么了。我妈妈已经五十多岁了,她一生省吃俭用,我是多么希望她穿上那些时髦的衣服啊!记得上一次期中考试的时候,我考了全年级第一名。当我把这个喜讯告诉我妈妈时,我妈妈甭提有多高兴了。她把家里的积蓄全都拿出来了,给我买了一台电脑,鼓励我好好学习。还有一次,老师让我们订杂志,我回去告诉妈妈,妈妈毫不犹豫地拿出50元钱,让我把全部杂志都订下来。啊!妈妈,您宁愿把钱投资到我的学习上,也不愿把钱用在买衣服上。还有一次,我和妈妈一起去商店里卖鞋,妈妈选中了一双好看又合脚的鞋。一问价钱,太贵了,100元!妈妈赶紧把鞋放回原处,恋恋不舍的离开商店。然后,妈妈在一家极不起眼的小店里看见了一双合脚的鞋,但是,既不好看,妈妈问了一下价钱,20元,最后 ,妈妈搞了半天价,花10元钱买下了那双鞋。买了鞋,妈妈又给我去书店买了许多书,这些书的价钱远远超过了鞋的价钱,妈妈为了我们苦了自己。出了书店,妈妈对我说:“我失去了上学的机会,你一定要好好学习,将来考上一个好的大学。”我暗暗下定决心:我绝不辜负妈妈的希望。啊!母爱是伟大的,母爱是无私的。
敬爱的***老师您好!大家都说一位好老师的恩情可以让他的学生一辈子感激不尽.是啊!我感谢您的教会了我许多许多.那一次&学做一个岐猸蒂妓郦幻垫潍叮璃文明小学生&的主题班会上,我们都要上台演讲,发表自己的感言.我那时很胆小,做什么事都缩头缩脚,羞羞答答,别说上台演讲了,听着同学们一个个精彩的演讲,我不由得紧张.终于,到我了,我硬着头皮走上讲台,我胆怯的朝下面望去,这时,您向我投来鼓励的目光,心里便有了信心.开始了自己并不精彩的演讲,您用掌声鼓励了我.上次,期中考试,我考了全班第十名,本来想着可以在全年级前三十名可能会有名次的,可是,我落榜了,没有进入前三十名,您这时特地为我去了解情况,问学校有没有弄错,问过后才明白,原来我只与第三十名只差1.5分.您安慰了我并鼓励我要好好努力,下次争取得到名次.随着知识的增长,我和班上的一些同学一样,爱上了作文,我们虽爱作文,但作文水平仍是个问题.于是,您每天早早的来到了学校,给我们看昨晚写的日记,从中抽取一二本写得很好的日记,给我们朗读并进行点评,这样一日复一日,我们的作文水平也提高了不少,每次,要写课堂作文,您也总是很认真的指导我们.我们原来写的平淡无奇的作文变成了内容丰富,生动有趣的文章,这简直是天壤之别!啊!我觉得老师就像春天的仙子,使我们的作文开放了小花小草!啊!老师,我感谢您!老师,也许您忘记了这些,因为您为学生做得太多太多,有如春雨般点点入地,数也数不清,老师,您就像那无私奉献的蜡烛,燃烧了自己,而照亮了我们的未来;老师,你就像辛勤的园丁,哺育着我们这些祖国的花朵;老师您就像春雨染绿了世界,而自己却无声地消失在泥土中.老师,您就是我们心田的春雨,您就是我们心中的蜡烛,我们将永远感谢您!花儿以它馥郁的芳香,作为哺育它的大自然的回报,我就以我学习上的进步向您表示感谢吧!祝您 :青春常在,万事大吉.您的学生:***
尊敬的老师: 您好! 我站在阳台上,听风葱阕搬酵植寂邦檄鲍漏从我耳边吹过,我想远方眺望,看到小学生在校园中欢笑。不禁想到了自己已经从这所小学中走出,开始我的初中生活了。小学生活,怀念…… 老师:在忙碌的生活中别忘了抽个时间,让自己轻松一下,永远保持一颗年轻快乐的心。 老师:人世间最珍贵的,莫过于真诚的师生情,深切的怀念,像幽香的小花,开在深谷。风是透明的,雨是滴答的,云是流动的,歌是自由的,爱是用心的,天是永恒的,您是难忘的。 老师:还记得您给我留的言吗?这张同学录,将是我生活的影子,它真诚的记下我的所有值得回忆的事。美丽人生是机遇和汗水的结合,是勇敢和智慧的结晶。 老师: 小学6年就像一场梦 ,当梦醒时,才懂得珍惜 ,才懂得需要告别,当我梦醒时 ,想要挽留 ,可是一切都不会在重来 ,我只希望能再次走进那个美丽的梦中 。似乎是在弹指一挥间 ,我告别了天真烂漫的童年, 开始迈向充满无数遐想的花季——美好的少年时代 ,过去的6个春秋将成为我永恒的纪念. 老师:流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有师生情永存心中。老师,再见!老师,珍重! 此致 敬礼! 敬爱您的学生:xxxx
给的分太少了 50分就要10篇。。。。我给你我初中时候写的吧!
1.Olympic Games volunteer
The Olympic Games will be held this year.I am so excited and I think the games will be interesting and also fascinating. But now, the important is,how should we do with the Olmpics if I am a volunteer? To solve the problem will be extremely difficult,because nowadays lots of people devote themselves to society and you can not hold an opportunity easily.So just try my best...
We can go to the English Corner to help them to send some DIY newspapers and go to the neighborhood to tell the stories or history about Olmpics to the people who are curious to learn. Also,we can go on the streets to find the problems such as putting away the trash anywhere,saying out the impolite words.That will be meaningful.I am sure that I will succeed.Believe it,do it!
2.My e-friend
have an e-friend. His name is Jeanie. I call him Nick Brown. He is studying in Class 1, Grade 7, too.
He is a nice boy. He is neither too tall nor too short. He has short hair and small eyes. He wears a pair of glasses all the year round. He is good at chatting. He has a sense of humor. I like to chat with him. He likes singing, but he doesn’t sing well. He says he needs practice. He loves basketball, but he can’t run fast. So he seldom wins the matches. But he really enjoys it. He says basketball is really good exercise and it helps to build his character. He is interested in playing computer games and he spends a lot of his free time playing them. I don’t think it’s good for his eyes.
Nick’s favorite festival is the Chinese New Year. Do you know why? Because he can get some red packets from his grandparents, his parents and his relatives. Also he can have a long holiday. He can play lots of games during the holidays. He often says, “ I want to be a designer when I grow up.”
On weekdays, Nick works very hard. He listens to the teachers carefully. He is good at his lessons. All the teachers and students like him.
3.Never Give Up
“Every night in my dreams, I see you. I feel you, that is how I know you go on, far across the distance and spaces between us. You have come to show you go on…”
What a nice song the radio is broadcasting! You’re right, it’s the song named “My Heart Will Go On”. It was sung by the Canadian singing star Celine Dion for the film Titanic. Titanic is such a wonderful film. It received my prizes. I was once moved to tears by it.
It’s a film about how the ship Titanic sank into the sea. It is very exciting. But I was more interested in the stars of the film, Jack and Rose’s story. We can learn some deeper things from it.
After the ship hit an iceberg and sank into the sea. Jack and Rose, and many other people fell into the cold sea water. As the weather was getting colder and colder, they were stepping into death. Jack still asked Rose to promise him not to give up the hope of life. At last, Jack was dead, but Rose had a narrow escape, because she listened to Jack and didn’t give up.
“Really? It seems so hard to believe,” you may think.
Maybe once there were many successes just behind you, and if you hadn’t given up, you would catch them easily. But you lost them, because you didn’t hold on.
So never give up, even though there are many more difficult things waiting for you. Just face them heroically, and you will surely win.
4.I Like English
I have learnt English for more than five years. At first, I was very excited. But I was afraid I couldn’t learn it well, because I didn’t like to talk to my classmates. Now, I am not afraid to do so. The lessons are not as hard as I think. Instead, it is so easy that I can remember many sentences and words. And I can speak English well.
My parents often ask me some questions in English, and I can answer them quickly. I can talk with my English teacher in English, too. Now I write “English Diary” every day. I hope I can write better and better.
Please write to me, dear friends.
5.I Love Winter
Although winter means cold weather, I love it all the same. I think winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows. Snowflakes fall down naughtily. They fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields. Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white. Everything is shining in the sun. Every time it snows, I will remember an old saying, &Winter has come, can spring be far away?'
6.How to Succeed in Life
Everybody is eager to be a successful person in his life. But not all people can always succeed. People who are lazy and want to succeed only by daydreaming can hardly succeed. A successful person must possess some good characters, such as diligence, strong will, perseverance, etc. He must keep on learning and make himself a capable person. Sometimes he should be more flexible to change with the situations. All in all, serf-confidence is thefirst step on the road to success. And hard work is the key element of success.
7.The Ways of Reading
We may obtain knowledge by reading. The more books we read, the more we accumulate the knowledge. Is it right? I don't think so. It's not wide reading but useful reading that leads to excellence. And only good books can benifit us.
So choosing books is very important for reading. Many students spend a lot of time reading legends and swordsman novels.It's a waste of time. Some students even read some bad books and it is harmful for them. So be as careful of the books we read, as of the company we keep, for our habit and character will be as much influened by the former as by the latter.
8.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Dictionary
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Dictionary
Dictionaris are of great use and help in learnig English.They are just like teachers when we need help.When we meet new words,just turn to them for help.They will never refuse to offer great to us.They can tell us how a word is pronounced,what it means and how it is used.Some people even like to use electronic dictionaries.Because electronic dictionaries can not only tell us the sound and meaning of words, they can also pronounce the words out like real people,they are easy to carry and use.
We have to use dictionaries properly and we needn't look up every word in the dictionaries.Sometimes we havt to guess the meaning out according to the context
初中写的 文笔有点稚嫩
作文题目(What qualities should a good friend have?)作文是问你的朋友应该拥有什么品质?不要太长,60到80个单词就可以了,也不要写太好哦,在线等候答案,紧急
Before-class activityRead the following news report and answer the questions:How many countries are mentioned to aid quake-hit Japan?Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.What can you learn from the passage?World aid to quake-hit JapanThe international community keeps sending aid and assistance to Japan in various ways as the country is still facing aftershocks and radiation leaks after Friday's 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami.
China's Red Cross Society said on Tuesday that it had donated 6 million yuan in emergency aid to Japan following last Friday's destructive earthquake and tsunami. The Chinese government on Monday announced to provide about $4.6 million to support disaster relief in Japan, while China's 15-member rescue team arrived in the country on Sunday.
Meanwhile, South Korea is offering boric acid(硼酸) to Japan to help it cope with its nuclear crisis.
The Singapore government announced on Tuesday that it is donating 500,000 Singapore dollars (395,257 U.S. dollars) to Japan. A Singaporean rescue team has been in Japan and Singaporean Foreign Minister has said that Singapore would do what it could to help with the relief efforts.
Canada will provide about 25,000 wool blankets in response to Japan's request, Canadian International Cooperation Minister Beverley J. Oda said Tuesday.
The United States has mobilized its warships, including aircraft carriers(航空母舰), to join relief work in Japan.In-class explorationTeaching aims:to comprehend the passage as a whole.to develop the students’ reading abilityTeaching methods:Task-based ApproachDiscussion ApproachTeaching steps:I. Pre-reading:Talk about two groups of pictures and show the theme of the pictures---friendship. And then ask the students to have a free talk:1. What is a true friend? 2.What qualities should a good friend have?II. While reading
Fast readingTask: Judge the following statements:1. Daniel felt happy in his new school.2. Besides Roy the other students in his new class were kind to Daniel.3. Roy changed after his father died.4. Last week the school raised about £500 for Roy.Careful reading:Task 1: Fill in the blanks according to the time clue


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