你的报价已经接近我们的成本 怎么说英语 急用钱怎么办 感激

英语高手来!急~~麻烦 哪位高人 给我说下 下面那五道英语题,是在 不胜感激!
用所给单词的适当形式完成句子.1.The ancient Olympic Games ________
(begin) in Greece in 776 BC.2.The________(modern) Olympic Games started in Athens Greece in 1896.3.We read APril 20th as April the ________(twenty).4.At the Beijing Olympic Games Guo Wenjun won a_______ (golden) medal in
shooting.5.What_______ (event) do you know in an cient Olypic Games?
1. began2. modern3. twentieth4. gold5. events
扫描下载二维码成本超过收入 英文怎么说地道一点的说法,关键是动词用surpass,overpace还是什么?见过一种说法是overweight对吗?
The costs exceed the incomesexceed ,金融中的“超过”用这个词一般没错.surpass 是超越;胜过,优于的意思,不能用在这里;overpace 应该是 outpace,赶过;超过…速度,可以用,但是意思不一样.The spending outpace the incomes 是说支出的速度比收入快.
cost exceeds incomehowever, income goes with labourr u talking about company/industry?or cost of society as a whole?
Cost exceeds an income
Costs more than revenue
We must hold on and try our best to do anything,otherwise we could never be successful achieving any goals .
通过给别人留下好印象,罗成功地改变了他的外表。 by: 通过. 方式,不知道原文是不是有提到罗这个人的外貌怎么样,呵呵,这句话可能理解成罗长得不太
翻译结果(中 > 英)复制结果We must clench one's teeth, go to all len otherwise, we will be without a single success
We must clench one's teeth, go to all len otherwise, we will be without a single success
and presents an information and language structure: teachers may allow students to conduct the same language in different contexts using different language to perform the way and consider a variety of situational factors affect the form of language behavior: the students do not accidentally spilled coffee at a friend&#39. If a teacher can give students to design a context, and then ask students to perform according to the information provided. Another way is that teachers enable students to perform the same words in the expression of different situations and different situational factors to consider implications of the same words. Such as. Step in this teaching, but the most important thing is to teach students how to express the right of teachers to guide students to practice oral pragmatic competence, of course, teachers to students to design a context, students can understand the context of different languages will not only affect the behavior of an apology, an apology and will affect the content to be explained, language proficiency is limited, we can also take other forms of teaching, teachers should set out more words and sentences, teachers should provide students with some guidance to help students complete the exercise task. These are just three examples of controlled practice, if the students at the primary level, showing how to apologize. These different contexts by the pragmatic contrast. One way is to role play. ;s body. Students to be considered given the current situation of English proficiency level andThe next task is to activate these materials so that students in a certain context in proper use of their language knowledge
The next task is these materials to activate, so that students in a certain context appropriate to use the language knowledge. In the teaching steps, teachers should provide students with some guiding exercises to help students to complete the task. One way is to role-play, teachers give students to design a situation, and provides an information and the structure of language, then require students to perform according to the information provided. The situation given to consider student existing English level and proficiency, if students at the primary level, language level is limited, the teacher must list more words and sentences. If teachers can giv...
The next, task is to activate these materials so that students in a certain context in proper use of their language knowledge. Step in this teaching, teachers should provide students with some guidance to help students complete the exercise task. One way is to role play, teachers to students to design a context, and presents an information and language structure, and then ask students to perform according to the information provided. Students to be considered given the current situation of English proficiency level and, if the students at the primary level, language proficiency is limited, teachers should set out more words and sentences. If a teacher...


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