求把这两段话翻译成英文: 1.如果我拥有吐槽拯救世界界的力量,我想我做的第一件事就是将它毁灭 2.....

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will work rebate stage],according to the total amount of money the movable prizes are bound items), second time payment calculation and in the whole service releasturned card (permanent)&quot, can give away beat all super gift!, &quot!:Game player the stored value (unlimited prepaid ingot quantity);Activities after July 10th award announcement we stored value activities!No matter how much chance of equal value!!: day ringJuly 10th award, the top ten in the&Novice. We will work in second days time: 1 point x number of (the exact number will calcallturned card (permanent)&quot: LiGame player daily accumulated value over 75 yuan Bao, any game player will have the opportunity to oh, bonus items,extraction of previous day game player participation of stored value in a &quot, second days of work timeand manual payment settlement: [] all servers[&#47: Open DayScope of activities, can give away beat allsuper giftLucky draw activities day ring:Game player the stored value (unlimited prepaid ingot quantity), get a in our &quot, please timely inspection oninterface and in 7 dayssuper lucky game player&quot, in July 11th 15, please note that checkre[two] the stage value rebate! Prizes will beSpying on each other &quot:30 all paid out, so as to avoid the prize expiredA reservoir of ceremonyDuring the campaign, prize will be sent automaticaccumulated value over 750 yuan Bao ninja, prize wil and awarded the lucky award, we send receive beat all super day ring stored task gift. [time]
&Snow& &(Frozen), 2013 Disney 3D animation film, Disney founded 90 anniversary works, adapted from Andersen's fairy tale& Snow Queen &.
讲述了在艾莎继承皇位后,她的魔力失控冰封大地,而乐观无畏的安娜(克里斯汀·贝尔配音)挺身而出,和 热爱冒险的山民克里斯托夫(乔纳森·格罗夫 配音)以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,展开一段魔法层出不穷、旅程峰回路转的故事。他们为了找到安娜的姐姐——阿伦戴尔的女皇艾莎(伊迪娜·门泽尔 配音),破除她的冰封魔咒。一路上他们遇到搞笑的神奇雪人、奇幻的精灵、意想不到的魔法迷阵,更在雪崩冰裂中步步惊心……最终用爱心感化了冰雪,过上了幸福的生活。
About the succession to the throne after the EDSA, her magic out of the frozen earth, but opti...
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this.p={ dwrMethod:'queryLikePosts',fpost:'c0350',userId:,blogListLength:30};请求大家帮忙将下面几段话翻译成英文,高分奖励,需要地道的翻译,急求!_百度知道
What about the following one?
It is just like what I have mentioned in my last mail, since there is a good learning environment for English in your country, there are many Chinese colleges and universities have developed some projects in educating students together with colleges and universities from your country already. Some of the projects asked for high requirements on the graduation of the students, while some others asked a lower threshold on entrance and also lower requirements on the graduation. In this case, I also want to know weather your school has the intention to cooperate with Chinese schools on this kind of cooperation or not, includi...
  As what I had said in the previous email, because your country is good for studying English, many universities and colleges in China have cooperation projects of teaching with some universities and colleges in your country. Some projects are rigorous about graduation, but some others are not. I also want to know whether you are willing to open some cooperation projects, including bachelor and master course, with Chinese universities or colleges.
  First, I have a primary tentative plan aboutcooperation project:
  I am working in avoluntary full-time vocational college, the grade of most students is not good.
  The new students will get an ...
还不是很准确 。 发给国外的学校了
As I mentioned to you before an email, because your country has a good English learning environment, a lot of Chinese universities and schools in your country have conducted some cooperation to cultivate the students&#039; projects. Some projects for students graduation requirements is very high, some project admission threshold is very low, the students graduation requirements is not high also. I also want to consult you, your school have any intention to cooperation with Chinese universities to cultivate students, including undergraduate, master&#039;s courses.
For example, in my school, for example, I have a preliminary idea of cooperation:
Now I am in the sc...
机器翻译的 ,还贴它干什么?
&#65279;Just like I mentioned in previous messages, because your country has good English learning environment, many Chinese universities and schools in your country have carried out a number of projects to produce students. Some projects on the student&#039;s graduation requirements are very high and very low entry threshold of some projects, the students &#039; graduation requirements is not high.
I would also like to ask your advice, your school now have had the intention and cultivation of Chinese University students, including undergraduates, master&#039;s course.
For example, in my school, for example, initially, I had a vision of cooperation:
My school is n...
As my previous email as mentioned, because of your good English learning environment, many Chinese universities and your school have carried out a number of students cooperation projects. Some graduate students demanding, some project&#39;s entry threshold is very low, the graduation requirements are not high. I want to ask you, your school has no intention and Chinese university students cooperation now, including undergraduate, master course. For example, at my school as an example, I have a preliminary cooperation idea: I now of the school is a private full-time vocational school, most students are not very good. Our school
As mentioned in my previous email,because you have good environment for english learning,there are many training cooperation between chinese universities and yours.Some projects are demanding but some requires little in entrance and graduation.Besides,I want to cousult whether you have intention to cooperate with chinese universites to train students including undergraduates and master courses.
Take my university as an example,I have an elementary imagine:
My university is a private full-time vocational school,most of the students are poor in study.
We can get college graduation certificate of our unversity after 3 years&#039; graduation.Afte...
As I have mentioned in the previous email, the implicit language learning environment in your country is quite attractive for large amounts of Chinese students. As a result, quantities of Chinese institutions have already successfully set up ‘exchange programmes’ with institutions in your country. Among these programmes, some maintain high standards for the graduation, whereas others hold comparative lower standards for both recruitment and graduation. Therefore, I would like to know if your institution may also consider to build up a similar corporative scheme, for example with our college, in both bachelor and master levels.
Our college is a pr...
As my previous email as mentioned, because of your good English learning environment, many Chinese universities and your school have carried out a number of students cooperation projects. Some graduate students demanding, some project&#039;s entry threshold is very low, the graduation requirements are not high. I want to ask you, your school has no intention and Chinese university students cooperation now, including undergraduate, master course. For example, at my school as an example, I have a preliminary cooperation idea: I now of the school is a private full-time vocational school, most students are not very good. Our school students read after 3 years c...
Just like I mentioned in previous messages, because your country has good English learning environment, many Chinese universities and schools in your country have carried out a number of projects to produce students. Some projects on the student&#039;s graduation requirements are very high and very low entry threshold of some projects, the students &#039; graduation requirements is not high. I&#039;d like to ask about you, your school now have the intention and cultivation of Chinese University students, including undergraduate or master&#039;s degree course. For example, in my school, for example, initially, I had a vision of cooperation: I present the school is a privat...
Like I mentioned before, like an e-mail, because your country good English learning environment, a lot of Chinese universities and schools in your country undertaken a number of cooperation projects students. Some projects for graduate students demanding entrance requirements of some projects was very low, not high graduation requirements for students. I want to consult you that your school now has no intention and Chinese University students, including undergraduate, graduate courses.
For example, in my school where, for example, I have an initial idea of a partnership:
where I am now is a private school full-time vocational school, most student...
As I mentioned to you before an email, because your country has a good English learning environment, a lot of Chinese universities and schools in your country have conducted some cooperation to cultivate the students&#039; projects. Some projects for students graduation requirements is very high, some project admission threshold is very low, the students graduation requirements is not high also. I also want to consult you, your school have any intention to cooperation with Chinese universities to cultivate students, including undergraduate, master&#039;s courses.
For example, in my school, for example, I have a preliminary idea of cooperation:
Now I am in the sc...
As my previous email as mentioned, because of your good English learning environment, many Chinese universities and your school have carried out a number of students cooperation projects. Some graduate students demanding, some project&#39;s entry threshold is very low, the graduation requirements are not high. I want to ask you, your school has no intention and Chinese university students cooperation now, including undergraduate, master course. For example, at my school as an example, I have a preliminary cooperation idea: I now of the school is a private full-time vocational school, most students are not very good. Our school
As my previous email as mentioned, because of your good English learning environment, many Chinese universities and your school have carried out a number of students cooperation projects. Some graduate students demanding, some project&#039;s entry threshold is very low, the graduation requirements are not high. I want to ask you, your school has no intention and Chinese university students cooperation now, including undergraduate, master course. For example, at my school as an example, I have a preliminary cooperation idea: I now of the school is a private full-time vocational school, most students are not very good. Our school students read after 3 years c...
As my previous email as mentioned, because of your good English learning environment, many Chinese universities and your school have carried out a number of students cooperation projects. Some graduate students demanding, some project&#039;s entry threshold is very low, the graduation requirements are not high. I want to ask you, your school has no intention and Chinese university students cooperation now, including undergraduate, master course. For example, at my school as an example, I have a preliminary cooperation idea: I now of the school is a private full-time vocational school, most students are not very good. Our school students read after 3 years c...
As I mentioned to you before an email, because your country has a good English learning environment, a lot of Chinese universities and schools in your country have conducted some cooperation to cultivate the students&#039; projects. Some projects for students graduation requirements is very high, some project admission threshold is very low, the students graduation requirements is not high also. I also want to consult you, your school have any intention to cooperation with Chinese universities to cultivate students, including undergraduate, master&#039;s courses. For example, in my school, for example, I have a preliminary idea of cooperation: I now school is a ...
不厚道,三句话了都,超载,收门票.1.Once it took me a whole year to comprehend an affair and forget some one.遵LZ要求,使用to,本来也可用主动式表示,就不存在to的问题了Once I spent a whole year on comprehend an affair and forgetting some one.只加一个to即可,后面不用加.2.Well,that is not pure like any more but rather obsessiveness derived from some (sort of加上更添气势) unwillingness.3.There in a fantasy without commitment(s) did he cover/bury(推荐前者) his worries.此句采用倒装句,亦加强语气.
单数:(to) make a wrong/false(任选,下同) decision
复数:(to) make wrong/false judgements
1. I have used one year to grasp something and forget somebody.2. It is not simply like any more, but obsessiveness which
evolve from some kinds of unwillingness.3. He buried his feelings i...
i've spent one whole year to understand one thing, to forget one manthat's not simply some kind of like, but some rather obsessiveness transformed from discontentment.it is in such a dream without promise that he buried his heart
扫描下载二维码英语翻译求把这两段话翻译成英文:1.如果我拥有拯救世界的力量,我想我做的第一件事就是将它毁灭 2.人是那样复杂,想要认清自己已不易,怎敢奢求他人理解.求英文高人标准翻译,小白勿扰_百度作业帮
英语翻译求把这两段话翻译成英文:1.如果我拥有拯救世界的力量,我想我做的第一件事就是将它毁灭 2.人是那样复杂,想要认清自己已不易,怎敢奢求他人理解.求英文高人标准翻译,小白勿扰!
1.If I had the power of saving the world,what I'd want to do first is to destroy it.2.Man is so complex.It's hard enough knowing himself,how can he ask that others know him.英语思维翻译:Man is a complex being.In order to be understood by others,a man must first know himself.
1. If i was bestowed with the strength to heal the world, i believe, the first thing i would act is to destroy it.2. Man is so complicated, since it's not easy to read himself, how could he make himself understood by others?
1.If I possess the power of saving the world, the first thing I wanna do is to destroy it.2.people's thinking is complicated. Hence, it's not already easy to know themselves let alone to be understood by others.
1.If I had the power to save the world, the first thing I would do is to destroy it.2.Man is so complicated. It's hard enough to know yourself,
let alone others to know.
1. if I have the power to save the world, I think the first thing I do is to destroy it. Put it2.People are so complex, want to recognize oneself is difficult to appreciate others, to understand it
1.If I have the power to save the world, I think the first thing is to
make it destroyed.2.People are so complex, if they cannot to know themselves clearly, how dare expect others to understand.
If I had the power to save the world, I think the first thing I do is to destroy it.People are so complex, want to recognize oneself is difficult to understand, appreciate others.


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