cannot open imagefile "libgsl.a"

I use Xcode2 on Mac OS X 10.4, and program c++ with GSL library.
The GSL header files are in /opt/local/include/gsl/gsl_xxx.h
I also edit the settings of &Header Search Path& to be /opt/local/include
# include &gsl/gsl_xxx.h&
in my program.
But Xcode2 still cannot locate the file.
I am very sure the file is there and I didn't type it wrong. Sometimes Xcode2 can find it and build my program successfully, sometimes not. Looks completely random.
I am so tired of Xcode2. Can someone save me?Click to expand...
Try putting a trailing &/& at the end of /opt/local/include in the header search path. It sounds stupid, I know, but I've had this issue with gcc compiler flags in my makefiles before.
I use Xcode2 on Mac OS X 10.4, and program c++ with GSL library.
The GSL header files are in /opt/local/include/gsl/gsl_xxx.h
I also edit the settings of &Header Search Path& to be /opt/local/include
# include &gsl/gsl_xxx.h&
in my program.
But Xcode2 still cannot locate the file.
I am very sure the file is there and I didn't type it wrong. Sometimes Xcode2 can find it and build my program successfully, sometimes not. Looks completely random.
I am so tired of Xcode2. Can someone save me?Click to expand...
XCode 3 has been out for ages.
&these quotes& are for system header files.
&these quotes& are for user header files.
There is probably an option to use the header search path for all include files.
The usual method to get this working is to start with something that works and modify it until you get what you want. Remember that 99% of the time it is some stupid mistake or something you don't understand that keeps it from working.
XCode 3 has been out for ages.Click to expand...
He's still on 10.4, and Xcode 3 requires 10.5.
Can it be true that there are no
experts out there willing to help with this issue? Click to expand...
You'll probably need some basic debugging techniques.
Fact: You think it should work, but it doesn't work. So something is wrong somewhere. Most likely something you did, because otherwise there would be more people complaining. All you need to find is: What is wrong?
Start with something that works, then change it until it breaks, and find out why.
Start by including the full path:
#include &/opt/local/include/libxml++-1.0/libxml++/libxml++.h&.
If that doesn't work: Start terminal, type
ls /opt/local/include/libxml++-1.0/libxml++
That should list the files in the directory. If libxml++.h isn't there, that's your problem. If the directory doesn't exist, try
ls /opt/local/include/libxml++-1.0
and so on. If that's the problem, fix it.
Move the file to some source directory. Check if it works. Try a header file in some different directory. Maybe it's the unusual characters (+ and -) in the path.
#ifndef __LIBXMLCPP_H
#define __LIBXMLCPP_H
#include &libxml++/exceptions/internal_error.h&
#include &libxml++/exceptions/parse_error.h&
#include &libxml++/parsers/domparser.h&
#include &libxml++/parsers/saxparser.h&
#include &libxml++/nodes/node.h&
#include &libxml++/nodes/commentnode.h&
#include &libxml++/nodes/element.h&
#include &libxml++/nodes/entityreference.h&
#include &libxml++/nodes/textnode.h&
#include &libxml++/attribute.h&
#include &libxml++/document.h&
#endif //__LIBXMLCPP_H
So, that is my situation.
Lastly, as you all can see, my test project only has one source file as follows:
#include &CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h&
#include &libxml++/libxml++.h&
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// insert code here...
CFShow(CFSTR(&Hello, World!\n&));
How much simpler can it get?
todd-burchs-computer:cDistance toddburch$ ruby extconf.rb
creating Makefile
todd-burchs-computer:cDistance toddburch$ make
gcc -I. -I/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/universal-darwin9.0 -I/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/universal-darwin9.0 -I.
-fno-common -arch ppc -arch i386 -Os -pipe -fno-common
cc -arch ppc -arch i386 -pipe -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -o cDistance.bundle main.o -L&.& -L&/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib& -L. -arch ppc -arch i386
-lpthread -ldl -lm
todd-burchs-computer:cDistance toddburch$
I've tried adding /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib to the Library search Path as you suggested, but the link continues to fail on the external references.
I have a friend that writes Ruby extensions with Xcode, but I think he has changed his Build system to leverage extconf.rb and make.
I'm still reading up on how to do this.
I've asked for him to create a YouTube video on his setup, but that hasn't happened yet.
He said is able to use the debugger and profiler with his setup.
That would be great.
I also edit the settings of &Header Search Path& to be /opt/local/include
# include &gsl/gsl_xxx.h&
in my program.
But Xcode2 still cannot locate the file.
Can someone save me?Click to expand...
I think I can (if very late).
I had the same problem as you, and found your post via google search.
Posting this response for the next person who does that.
Make sure you are editing your Target's settings, and not your Project's or executable's settings.
I have the same version of XCode as you, and my Target inherits &User Header Search Path& from the Project, but not &Header Search Path&.
I had to enter it directly into the target.
I am betting they fixed this for newer versions of XCode (which you and I do not have).
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