
所有问答皆转自全球 KJKGlobal facebook,已经询问过全球那边,可以转过来(原谅我经常闲逛KJKGlobal 的,现在才知道KJKGlobal=全球)如要转载,请@发帖人并带上下方付出劳动的亲,谢谢此次的问题是由全球组织网友,可以随便问关于钟国哥的问题,她们基本做到有问就答,但不代表金钟国本人的意思.截止到目前有200多条问题,我们过滤了一下,保留大部分的问答,实在没有营养和无关的问题就不转过来了鉴于这次的所有问答都是全英文的,而不幸的--本人的英文属于悲催型,且白天要兼顾工作,所以,不得以厚脸皮抓人帮忙翻译,因此在此 大礼 感谢以下的亲学一把字幕组,不过海报滴不会,大家见谅哈~资源:BY
BY 卷卷,就是此楼楼主(因为自己@自己好像有点奇怪)翻译:BY
BY 那个,还有一个免费的劳动力,虽不是贴吧的人,不过还是很感谢--带上小浅的表姐,多谢友情帮忙
也谢谢谷歌和有道 策划&协调:BY
BY 卷卷 校对:BY
BY 卷卷,还是我自己真正出力的是以上几位,至于我,那个,其实,也就,扒了原文资料过来而已,实在汗颜真的,非常的谢谢她们几个,光是翻译和校对就花了两天时间,整两天的时间都贡献给了我,姐在这里多谢了~翻译不到位的,请多多包涵,我会留出楼层(10个问题一个楼),欢迎纠正和补充,但请不要拍砖,因为参与翻译的几位除了小璃是英语专业的,其余都是业余的,并且这次的工作量很大,觉得看不顺的请绕道~写的有点长哈~
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Ask me a question问我一道问题1
May I ask if the release day of KJK's new album has been confirmed??? Thank you very muchNo问:金钟国的新专辑发行日期已经落实了吗?谢谢你答:没有2
if we send him a letter, i mean he wont reply or smt la but its okay if we keep sending? :)) we juz need to send it to his office address then they will give it to him?:)Yes, that's correct. He will be receiving lots of letters therefore he can't respond to all.问:如果我们寄信给他,我们是否可以一直寄给他就算他不回复我们?我们只需寄到他的办公楼地址然后他的员工就会给他了是吗?答:是的,正确!他会收到很多封信所以他没办法回复大家3
Is there any reason for why the fanclub is called Papitus?Papitus :Papi = papyrus (Flower language = Honest Love)T = togetherU = our loveS = start问:是否有任何理由为什么粉丝俱乐部被称为Papitus吗?答:Papitus:Papi = papyrus (花语 = 正直的爱)T = together 一起U = our love 我们的爱S = start 开始4
If his fan from another country give him a letter.. He certain to read the letter ? because I think there'll be more more letter for him. But how can we know that he get and read that ? :(He really reads fan letter! He mentioned to one KJK Globalers how he read her letter from Australia and asked why she hadn't sent him any letter recently.问:如果他的粉丝从其他国家寄信给他,他一定会读那封信么?因为我觉得他会收到很多封信。我们怎能知道他是否有阅读过我们寄给他的信?答:他真的会阅读粉丝寄给他的信!他曾透露给其中一位全球的会员关于他如何阅读这位粉丝从澳洲寄来的信也问他为什么最近没有寄信给他。5
What source that you can find an information about him ? because you're the best fanpage who give us many information about him :)Articles, tv shows, interviews, fan meetings, Q&A, Official Cafe (Papitus).问:有什么资源可以找到关于他的消息吗?因为你们是最棒的粉丝团给予很多关于他的消息答:文章,电视节目,访谈,粉丝见面会,问与答,官方网站(papitus)6
Is there any something special that jongkookie do to one of you when you met him ? heheHe said he read our letters and he actually rememberes the name of the book that one of us sent him.问:金钟国做了什么特别的东西当你们其中一位与他见面?答:他说他阅读了我们的信,他实际上还记得其中一位寄给他的书的书名7
how much younger do you think jongkookie would date? Back in 2006 he was a bit concerned about an 8 year age gap..but now we don't know his view on age gap for his mate.问:你认为金钟国选择约会的人会是年龄差距最多是多少?答:回到2006年,他对8年的年龄差距有点在乎,可是现在我们不知道他目前对于他的配偶的年龄差距的观点。8
Hohoho i see that kookie has a habit of twisting his tongue regardless inside or outside his mouth.... Any more habits? :]Fixing his hair.问:呵呵呵,我发现金钟国有个习惯就是吐他的舌头不管在嘴里或在嘴外。。。还有其他习惯吗?答:固定他的头发9
Any reason why he doesn't have twitter? Since he has iPhone and iPad.. HahaIpad for playing game/watching clips and Iphone for talking to someone special? LOL问:什么原因他没有推特?既然他都有苹果手机和苹果平板电脑。。哈哈答:苹果平板电脑玩游戏或看视频,而苹果手机特别的人通话10
what is the debut song of Turbo and KJK as a solo singer?Turbo - 나 어릴 적 꿈 (My Childhood Dreams). Solo - 남자니까 (Because I am a man)问:Turbo时期和solo时期的出道曲是什么歌?答:Turbo – 我年幼时的梦,Solo – 因为是男人?(应该是 一个男人 吧)
Does KJK never smokes and drinks or he used to but he's quit now?He used to smoke and drink in his early 20s but he quit to stay healthy. He has light drinks sometimes these days though (like beer).问:金钟国是否真的不烟不酒还是他曾经有但是现在戒了?答:他在早期20多岁左右有吸烟和喝酒但是他为了健康已经戒掉了。但这种天(应该指的是夏天)他应该会喝少许(如啤酒)12
If we do send a letter to him, if its in english will he understand it? + read it if he does understand? *sorry for this silly ques* thanks though^^He can understand 100% english so don't worry问:如果我们发信给他,如果是英文他能明白吗?他能读得明白吗?问这种愚蠢的问题抱歉了,但谢谢回答答:他完全可以明白英文,别担心13
What happened to his knee? :( Is it very severe?We're not sure what exactly happenned to his knees but he has been wearing knee guard on RM lately.问:他的膝盖怎么了?:( 很严重吗?答:我们不确定他的膝盖真正到底发生什么事但近期他在RM的时候一直戴着护膝14
Why is KJK so perfect? ;DBecause he is Kim Jong Kook. Our forever hannamja~...问:为什么金钟国那么完美?:D答:因为他是金钟国。我们永远的一个男人15
did he really close to other runningman cast especially Gary and Haha? did you see them hang out together?He is close with both HaHa and Gary and hang out sometime together.问:他是否和其他RM成员很密切尤其是gary和haha?你有看过他们一起外出吗?答:他和他们俩gary和haha很密切,他们经常一起外出16
What is his favourite soccer club? Is it Liverpool as i saw him wearing Liverpool jacket on Running Man. Althought Park Ji Sung was in Manchester UnitedHe said in one interview or fanmeet few year ago that his favorite team is Manchester United.问:他最喜欢那个足球队?是利物浦吗,因为看见他在RM穿利物浦的外套。虽然朴智星是曼联的。答:他前几年在一个访问中或粉丝见面会中说到他最喜爱的球队是曼联17
does he still live with his mom?Yes,he still live with his parents.问:他还和妈妈一起居住吗?答:是的,他还是和父母一起居住18
where can I buy KJK's official goodies?You can buy at his concert or join papitus cafe as paid member to get the welcome gift.问:可以在哪买到金钟国的官方物品?答:你可以在他的演唱会或加入papitus café成为付费会员得到迎新礼品19
Kim Jong Kook's signature consists of his name "KJK" and? I can't read the 2 last symbols :(It's종국+ JK Kim问:金钟国的签名包含他的名字”KJK”和什么?我看不到最后两个符号答:是종국+ JK Kim 20
Do you know what KJK does in his spare time when he doesn't have any variety shooting or song recording schedule?He goes to the gym or plays soccer.问:你知道当他没有任何综艺拍摄和录制歌曲的日程安排时金钟国在业余时间在做什么吗?答:他去健身或去踢足球
does KJK have another health problem besides his painful backHis knee, as you can see on Running Man.问:金钟国除了腰疼之外还有其它健康问题吗?答:他的膝盖,正如你可以在RM看见In variety shows, he always shouts야(Ya) when something happen against his will. Have you ever seen he shout like that in real life?No, we never seen him shout 'Ya' in front of us before.22
问:在综艺里,他经常喊야(呀)当某些事违背他的意愿。你有看过他在现实生活中这样吗?答:没有。我们没看见他在我们面前喊“呀”had u guys tried to send some gifts to KJK's office? what's the result? Did he respond sth?We bought him Ipad and saw him using it.. ;)23
in which countries were KJK's concerts held?Korea and Japan.问:金钟国的演唱会在那里举行?答:韩国和日本25
Is his dog (Ring) the one appearing in shootdori?Yes,it is. But the dog is dead now.问:他的狗(Ring)是否就是在飞吧!小射手里出现的那只?答:是的,正是那只。不过他的狗已经去世了26
does KJK live in the apartment on shootdori nowYes, he does.问:金钟国是否还居住在当时小射手拍摄的那个公寓里?答:是的27
watching jong kook oppa in family outing and running man, i realize that he has talent for acting, has he ever thought to play in a movie or drama?kekekeke...He had gotten offers and thought about it in the past but was advised by his best friend Cha Tae Hyun to focus on singing LOL.问:看见金钟国在家族诞生和RM,我发现他有潜质去演戏,他是否有想过要演电影或电视剧?答:他有被邀请过也曾经考虑过,不过被他的好友车太贤劝说专注歌唱28
What is JK lucky / favorite number ?1 and 10.问:金钟国的幸运/喜爱的号码是?答:一和十29
what is his flaws? is he hot tempered?His hot temper persona is just on RM. His flaws...we don't find anything particularly wrong? hehehehe.问:他的缺点是什么?他脾气暴躁吗?答:他脾气暴躁的角色只是在RM.他的缺点。。。我们找不到任何缺点30
I very love KooK- Ri ( Lee Hyori ) couple. But KJK oppa always seemed shy to Lee Hyori. Currently, he's in touch with her ?As far as we know KJK said that he didn't have Hyori's phone number.问:我很喜欢钟国和孝利CP,可是金钟国对李孝利很害羞,目前,他还有和他联系吗?答:据我们所知金钟国说过他没有李孝利的电话号码
Does he really very close to Yoo Jae Suk nim until he claims that YJS nim phone number is numbered one in KJK's speed dial?They are really close. They've been working together for a long time now.问:他和刘在石的关系是否很密切直到他声称刘在石的电话号码金钟国的第一号快速拨号?答:他们真的很密切。他们一起工作很久了32
Is Soya daughter of KJK's brother?She is his cousin's daughter.问:金钟国的哥哥的女儿是soya?答:soya是他的表哥/表姐的女儿33
How did he learn to speak such fluent English? Did he go for English classes or something?:)Mikey and his friends in America helped him.问:他是怎么学会说一口流利的英语?他是否有去上英文课或什么?答:Mikey和他的美国朋友帮忙他34
How did Jong Kook injured his back ??The vigorous dance moves back in Turbo days worsened his back injury.问:金钟国的腰部是如何受伤的?答:在turbo时期活力的舞蹈动作加重他的腰部受伤。35
JK rap in which songs?단념 (Let go), 하늘만큼 땅만큼 (As broad as the sky and land), 거짓말 (Lies). All of these are from Turbo songs.问:金钟国有饶舌那首歌曲?答:死心,天空左右 土地左右,谎言。这些都是turbo时期的歌曲36
Is anybody under JK Ent. besides Jong Kook ??No, only KJK.问:JK娱乐旗下的艺人除了金钟国还有其他人吗?答:没有,只有金钟国37
How many nephew and niece does Kim Jong Kook has? I mean from his older brother :)2, 1 nephew and 1 niece.问:金钟国有多少位侄子和侄女?我指的是来自他的哥哥答:总共2个,一个侄子和一个侄女38
Admins, do u khow how long did he exercise? How many years?If he's not tied up with schedules, he said he stays in the gym for a good 2-3 hours. He started exercising since his early 20s?问:管理员,你们知道他做运动多久吗?多少年了?答:如果他没有被日程安排捆绑,他说过他留在健身房锻炼2-3小时。大概在20岁时开始做运动39
do you think kookie would date a fan? seeing how he said in an interview that he prefer to date non-celebs.Possibly. People asked him this a long time ago and he said he'd be fine with dating a fan.问:你觉得金钟国会和粉丝约会吗?看见他在访问的时候说过会比较喜欢与非名人约会答:可能。很久之前有人问过他,他回答与粉丝约会他无所谓40
Does Kim Jong Kook can play any instrument like piano or guitar?He plays the piano well.问:金钟国是否可以演奏任何乐器,如钢琴或吉他答:他钢琴弹得非常好。
Besides Running Man, which variety shows are KJK participating now?Running Man is the only variety show he is on right now.问:除了RM,他现在还有参与任何综艺节目吗?答:他目前参与的综艺节目只有RM42
Is KJK really shy towards females like in RM or it's just that's he's being polite to them? :)A combination of both. He is a bit shy with new people. He is also very polite and courteous to women in general.问:金钟国在RM里是否真的对女生很害羞还是他只是对他们有礼貌?答:两者都有。他对刚认识的人比较害羞。一般上,他对女生也是非常有礼貌和多礼的人43
From the Dragon Brothers, who is the closest one to Kim Jong Kook?Cha Tae Hyun.问:龙年兄弟当中,谁和他的关系最密切?答:车太贤44
do you know why did Jong Kook oppa decided to start his own company?Most likely so he can do things that he wants to do musically without having to yield under other people's pressure.问:你知道为什么金钟国要自己成立一间公司吗?答:很大可能是因为他可以做想要做的事情,做他想要的音乐,无需在别人的压力下屈服。45
Is Jong Kook's back still okay ?? When is it goin to be completely healed ?? *worried*It is still not okay. He goes in for weekly treatments to help with the pain but his back problem will likely be something he will have forever. He said the treatment helped with managing the pain.问:金钟国的腰部复愈了吗?几时才能痊愈呢?*担心*答:还没复愈。他每个星期都会去做复健去减轻他的疼痛,不过他的腰部问题会是一辈子的。46
how was his performance during school? I read somewhere once he studied very hard I got very good rank.He used to play around and not take school too seriously until his 3rd year in high school. Around that time he studied hard and got good grades.问:他在学校的表现如何?我在某处看到他说,如果他很努力学习他会得到很好的成绩答:他惯于玩耍而不认真学习,直到他在高中第三年。在那个时候他努力学习取得了较好成绩47
Can you tell me about his education, like which univ he went to get his bachelor and in which major? Recall from one of his interview, he maybe not as smart as his brother but he still has a good mark during his high school, hasn't he?He gained bachelor degree from Hansei University (Department of Music Composition) and a Masters degree in Performance Arts from Dankook University.问:可以告诉我关于他的学历吗?比如那间大学获得学士学位和主修那一科系?回忆来自一个访问中,他可能不像他哥哥那么聪明,可是他在高中也获得了很好的成绩不是吗?答:他在Hansei大学获得学士学位主修音乐作曲系,而硕士学位在Dankook大学获得主修表演艺术48
If I send a gift to KJK's office, will he receive it directly to him?Yes, the staff there will directly pass the gift onto him.问:如果送金钟国的礼物到他的办公楼,他是否直接收到?答:是的,他的员工会直接把礼物交到他手上49
Is JK Entertainment Jong Kook Entertainment ?? Does he own JK entertainment ??Yes,it's his own agency.问:JK娱乐是不是钟国娱乐?他拥有JK娱乐?答:是的,这是他自己的机构does jongguk have any hidden talents besides sports?Drawing, writing music and lyrics, and of course who could forget his spitting water prowess as shown in Family Outing LOL50
Is JK entertainment owned by Jong Kook oppa? Why does it feel like MM is under JK ent (cuz I see them help JK out all the time) I see they are under YMC ent but it see***ike they spend lots of time with Kookie oppaYes. MM used to be in the same company as KJK and they are like brothers to him. YMC Ent and JK Ent also have good relationship.问:JK娱乐是否金钟国所拥有?为什么觉得MM是在JK娱乐旗下艺人(因为我看见他们经常帮金钟国)我看到MM是YMC娱乐旗下艺人可是为什么他们花很多时间与金钟国?答:是的。MM曾经是和金钟国同一家公司,他们的关系就好象亲兄弟似的。YMC娱乐和JK娱乐有良好的关系52
who/what are his favorite singer, artist and film?As a singer he likes a wide variety of music. He likes trot but in the past he also liked rap such as Tupac Shakur back in his Turbo days. The last time someone asked him question about movie was back in 2002 and at that time he answered he enjoyed 해적, 디스코 왕 되다 (Bet On My Disco, 2002).问:谁或什么歌曲,明星和电影是他的喜爱?答:作为歌手,他喜欢各种各样的音乐。他喜欢trot,但在过去,在turbo时期他也很喜欢饶舌如Tupac Shakur。上一次有人问他有关电影的问题,早在2002年,当时他回答说,他喜欢해적,디스코왕되다(赌上我的迪斯科,2002年)53
where is KJK's office address? I really can't find it in your previous post. Therefore could you give me once again here,please?5F, ABS BD, 60-10, Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, KoreaPOSTCODE 135-816问:金钟国的办公楼地址是什么?答:5F, ABS BD, 60-10, Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, KoreaPOSTCODE 135-81654
Do you now abot story when kjk high school and college?Some people probably already know this. He was nicknamed "Axe Kim" in high school for his fighting skill and was scouted to join a gang. Good thing he didn't join that gang!问:你是否知道关于金钟国在高中和学院的故事?答:有些人或许已经知道。高中时期他有着金斧头的称号,源自于他的武功和被发掘加入黑帮。很庆幸的是他没加入那黑帮!55
What do you think is the reason that KJK keeps postponing his album release? I remember hearing about the news since early this year I think...He always gives his best. We can only guess that he wasn't quite satisfied with the songs he recorded and even now is still fine tuning the songs on his album.问:你觉得是什么原因导致金钟国一直延迟发行专辑?我记得在年头的时候已经获得发行专辑的消息了答:他总是给予他最好的一面。我们只能猜测他是不太满意他所录制的歌曲,即使是现在仍然在微调他的专辑上的歌曲。56
is he really pissed off when the kids betray him in RM? i mean, he really angry to them?No of course not. That's only in RM. You can even see on RM he would act angry but afterwards have a stifled smile.问:在RM的时候当孩子们背叛他的时候他是否真的很生气?我的意思是他真的生气他们吗?答:不是的,当然没有。那只是RM。你可以看见他在RM里装生气但是之后却露出了微笑。57
I read that he quite often goes to USA, do you know for what reasons? Treatment for his back perhaps? or just vacation and shopping time.....hehe ^^He usually goes to USA to record songs for new albums. He's also gone there for vacation before.问:我发现他很常到美国,你知道那是什么原因吗?是治疗他的腰部吗?还是去旅行和逛街?答:他经常去美国为新专辑录制歌曲。他也去过那边旅行58
what kind of person he dislike the most?This is just our own opinion but we think he dislikes disrespectful people the most.问:他最不喜欢什么样的人?答:这只是我们的想法,可是我们觉得他最不喜欢无礼的人59
what does KJK hate the most?He hates things that are bad for his health. A bad hair day also can affect his moods.问:金钟国最讨厌什么?答:他讨厌对他身体有害的东西。不愉快的一天也会影响他的心情60
what clothes brand did he likes the most?Sports brands such as Nike,Adidas,Fila. Clothes --- D&G, Abercrombie & Fitch among many others问:他最喜欢什么品牌的服装?答:运动品牌如Nike,Adidas,Fila。服装如D&G, Abercrombie & Fitch等等
Does KJK like shopping?When he shops it is normally for sports related items. He isn't a shopaholic :)问:金钟国喜欢逛街吗?答:当他逛街时通常都是与运动有关的。他不是一个购物狂62
Will KJK come to HongKong to meet his fans or even operate a concert? Is there any fans clubs or forum of KJK for his HongKong's fans? He has no plans to come to HK for 7th album promotion but who knows maybe in the future he will. There are some HK specific clubs and forums for KJK. Hopefully some of our HK KJKGlobal-ers can help out with this. 问:金钟国会来香港见他的歌迷或举行演唱会吗?是否有任何金钟国群或金钟国论坛给他的香港的歌迷吗?答:他的七辑没有任何计划会到香港宣传,可是或许在未来他会去。有一些群或论坛是给给他的香港的歌迷。希望有一些香港的全球会员可以帮助到63
Will kjk get to know about this webpage? N which social site did he usually check out? At least we can leave msg there for his viewing?Well we hope to see more interaction with fans globally! KJK is well aware of KJKGlobal but he isn't one to go online much. He doesn't check SNS sites either. However KJKGlobal is figuring out the best way fans can leave him messages. Stay tuned..! 问:金钟国是否知道这网址?他通常会注意那些社交网站?至少我们可以留下信息让他看见? 答:我们也希望看见他和全球的粉丝互动!金钟国是知道KJKGlobal这个群,可是他很少上网。他也很少注意社交网站。然而,KJKGlobal正在尝试最好的方法让他留信息给大家。敬请期待!64
Does KJK have his own gym? Which gym does he go to? No, not that we know of. His regular gym is Stargym23. 问:金钟国有自己的健身房吗?他通常去哪家健身房?答:没有,我们不知道的。他经常在Stargym23健身。65
Since you can communicate with KJK staffs, I wonder how far would his staffs support every project that you make? How can we send a gift to KJK? Directly to his address or to you guys? Thanks a lot and keep up the good work! ^^ We usually do projects only for special events such as birthday or Christmas.For anything you want to send him in between those times you are better off sending it straight to his office address that we posted previously. 问:既然你能够与金钟国的工作人员沟通,我好奇他的工作人员到底是否支持你们每次举办的活动?我们要怎样给金钟国礼物?直接发去他的地址吗还是发给你们?万分感谢和继续加油!答:我们通常只会在特殊的节日举办活动,如生日或圣诞节。对于任何你想送他的东西在这段时间你最好把它直接送去他的办公室66
Is the "sparta" characther match with the real KJK's personality in real life (off camera)?The competitive one -- yes. But the 'mean' persona is very different from real life. He is actually very caring towards his friends.问:金钟国在RM中斯巴达的形象与现实生活中的他性格是一样的吗?答:就求胜心而言——是的。但他扮演的角色于现实生活是不同。他实际上对他的朋友很关心。 67
I know KJK's back was hurt . So ,now , it's ok?It is still not okay. He has had back problems since Turbo days. He's had multiple surgeries but his back is still not fine.问:我知道金钟国的背部受过伤。所以,现在,已经好了吗?答:还没有好。他在TURBO时背部就已经有问题了。他曾多次进行手术,但他的背仍然不是很好。68
From happy together ep.rain lee hyori. They say about all entertainers, older or younger than kjk, must be addressed first if met kjk. If not they will get into trouble. Do you now what that means? Do kjk have strength for it?LOL Rain and Hyori were joking obviously but in a way KJK is quite strict about greeting people properly. He will not hesitate to call on a junior to remind them that greeting their elders is important.问:从happy together节目中rain和李孝利口中得知,无论年长还是年轻的艺人们,如果遇到金钟国,必须得首先问好。如果不这么做,他们将会遇到麻烦。你知道这意味着什么么?金钟国有能力做这个吗?答:rain和孝利虽然很明显的在开玩笑,但是在某种程度上来说,金钟国确实是一个对问候别人相当严格的人。他将会毫不犹豫的指导新人并且提醒他们,跟前辈打招呼是很重要的69
In a interview, he said that because he wouldn't give his girlfriend any gifts, sh
In a interview, he said that because he wouldn't give his girlfriend any gifts, she shouldn't give him too, and his mother said that he is as stingy as his father. Do you think he is still single because of this reason?LOL! Fun question! Actually he is a generous man in real life. He has had longtime relationships in the past so I don't think his stinginess is the reason for him being single.问:在采访中,KJK曾说过,因为他不会给他的女朋友送任何礼物,所以他不应该给他送,而且他的妈妈也说过他像他父亲一样吝啬。所以你认为他仍是单身是因为这个原因吗?答:哈哈!有趣的问题!实际上在现实生活中他是一个慷慨的人。在过去他有长期交往过的女朋友,所以我不认为他的吝啬是他单身的原因。70
when he want to marriedIn the past he has said he wants to get married by the time he turns 38.问:KJK想什么时候结婚呢?答:过去他曾说过他想在自己38岁时结婚
Will KJK consider dating non-Koreans gers??Why not?问:KJK会考虑和非韩国人约会吗?答:为什么不呢72
do you ship kjk with any female celebrity?We used to ship him with several ladies but none for now.问:你认为金钟国和一些女艺人相处怎么样?答:我们以前习惯他和几个女艺人搭档,但现在却一个都没有了73
Where does KJK usually hang out? Like where can we usually find him if we go to Korea?He usually hangs out at the gym.问: KJK通常在哪里逛街?就像如果我们去韩国我们通常在哪里可以找到他?答:他通常是呆在健身房里运动74
What is KJK's religion?He is Buddhist.问:KJK的宗教信仰是?答:他是佛教徒75
What is KJK's favourite color?Blue or green..I can't remember exactly.问:KJK最喜欢的颜色是什么?答:蓝色或绿色的. .我记不太清了76
What is KJK's favourite food or drink?Anything that's heathy we guess :D He said he loves sashimi though问:KJK最喜欢的食物或者饮料的是什么?答:虽然他说他喜欢生鱼片,但我们猜是一些有益于健康的。77
Many celebs starting their own business such as opening a club or a restaurant. Did KJK hv one also?No. not that we know of.问:许多名人开始自己做生意,比如开一个俱乐部或一个餐馆,KJK有吗?答:木有,我们知道的~~78
Does KJK concern about his appearance (fashion)?He's not so much into fashion, and but we think he cares a lot about his hair :P问:KJK是否关心他的外貌(例如时尚)?答:他不太热衷时尚,但我们觉得他很在乎他的头发。79
when kjk come to thailand againNo plans so far but soon, we hope..问:KJK什么时候能再来泰国?答:目前为止还没有计划到,但很快,我们希望..80
Does KJK love children?He didn't use to like children so much before, but after coaching for a youth soccer team (Shootdori) he said he loves children now.问:KJK是否喜欢孩子呢?答:他以前不是很喜欢小孩子们,但是当他给FC小射手当足球教练后,他说他现在很爱孩子们。81
Is there any song that KJK wrote by himself?Yes, back in Turbo days, he composed a few songs by himself. They're called 'Let Go' (단념) and 'Only Seventeen'.问:有哪些歌是KJK自己写的吗?答:有的,回顾TURBO时期,他自己为一些歌作曲,例如Let Go' (단념 死心) 和 'Only Seventeen'.82
Is it true that he doesn't friendly with computer ? but i ever see his website. how can he access his website ? is it still active ?He's not so friendly with the computer, but he knows how to log in and write a post on his official fan cafe () & It's run in Korean and is still active.问:他真的不擅长使用电脑吗?答:他不是那么擅长使用电脑,但他知道如何登录他的官方粉丝CAFE和在上面写东西。()它在韩国运行,仍然是活跃的官方网站。83
I really want to know If
know that he have A lot of Arab fans ?! I'm on of them here In Saudi Arabia &3He is aware that there are many overseas fans supporting him, and we're sure he is grateful to all of you around the world ^^问:我真的很想知道KJK是否知道他有很多阿拉伯FANS,我在沙特阿拉伯这里。答:KJK知道他有许多海外的FANS支持他,我们坚信他很感谢像你一样,来自世界各地的都给予支持他84
It would be great if you could ask his choice for his future wife between the girl whose he close with Any idea who will come in the 1st place? ^^We can't really ask him since we're not directly associated with KJK, but in many previous interviews and shows, he did mention Yoon Eun Hye as someone close to his ideal type.问:如果你可以问他对于他未来的妻子的选择,谁将会是第一名的,那就太棒了~~答:我们真的不能去问他,因为我们没有与KJK有直接的关系,但在许多之前的采访和节目中,他确实提到了尹恩惠接近他的理想类型。85
did he have any other career other than as an Artist and his brother surgery business?No, other than being in variety shows, he has only been pursuing his singing career since his debut.问:除了作为一位艺人和投资他的哥哥医院外,他是否有任何其他职业呢?答:不,除了综艺节目,自出道以来他仅仅追求他的歌唱事业。86
will kjk come to malaysia?KJK has no set plan on going to Malaysia at the moment.问:KJK将来马来西亚吗?答:KJK目前没有去马来西亚的计划。87
Will KJK oppa reply if we send letters or gifts to him? &_&Not really. Since he gets piles of letters and gifts from his fans. It's hard for him to reply to every single one of them...问:如果我们把信件或礼物送给KJK OPPA ,他会回复我们吗?答:不完全是,因为他有成堆的信件和礼物,他很难回答每一个88
Is he a "mama's boy"?We think so... mama boy in a good way though
He takes his mom whenever he goes overseas.问:KJK是一个依赖妈妈的男生吗?答:我们这么认为.... 依赖妈妈的男生,是一个很好的相处方式,他每次去海外的时候总会带着他的妈咪89
Does he has an older or younger sibling?He has an older brother问:KJK是否有一个年长或年幼的兄弟姐妹呢?答:他有一个哥哥90
Did his brother married or single?:)He is married.问:KJK的哥哥是已婚还是单身?答:已婚
Does Kookie have an official fanclub?Yes. The fanclub is called Papitus问:KJK是否有一个官方的后援会?答:有的,这个后援会叫做Papitus
Did his father participate in Vietnam war, didn't he?Yes he did.问:他的父亲参与了越南战争,不是吗?答:是的93
Can you tell me, how many girlfriends KJK had?From TVN interview: He expressed "I've been dating 6 girls since I was born and 4 girls since I made a debut.""The shortest period is about 1 year and the longest period is about 5 or 6 years, I guess." The girl that he dated for 6 yrs was a celebrity.问:你能告诉我KJK一共谈过多少个女朋友吗?答:TVN访谈中他表示:从我出生以来交往了六个女朋友,首次登台后交往了四个女朋友。我认为最短的大约是1年,最长的大约5或6年。94
i want Yoon EunHye and Kim Jong Kook together~ please make it happen noona lol !!!!Difficult task.问:我想要尹恩惠和金钟国一起~ 请让它成真吧~~答:困难的任务95
May I know the filming location for MV - walking in one spot? The bench resort looks pretty ...It's Boracay Regency Beach Resort in Phillippines.问:我想知道原地踏步的MV拍摄地点在哪?那片沙滩看起来好美。答:是在菲律宾长滩岛丽晶海滩度假村。 96
We know that for KJK: "Han namja" is the song marked his career, "Letter" is the song he wants to sing at his wedding. Is there any song like that (have special meaning)?We'd say "Lovable" (Sarangsuruwo) as it got him winning 3 daesang awards from all Korean major broadcasting stations in 2005.问:我们都知道,对于KJK“一个男人”这首歌是他的职业生涯中的标志,“信”这首歌是他想在他的婚礼上唱的,有没有其他含有特殊意义的歌呢?答:我们会说还有“可爱”这首歌,因为这让他在2005年赢得韩国所有主要的广播电台的3大赏。97
admin, i read news about upcoming album of kjk in latest june. but its already august. kekekeke. did you know exactly when his album will come out? ? sorry for my bad english. need reply. ^^We don't know the exact date for the 7th album either, but as far as we know, he's doing finishing touches on the album now :)问:管理员,我阅读新闻kjk即将在6月发行的新专辑。但现在已经8月了。哈哈哈。你是否知道他的专辑什么时候会发行吗?对不起,我的英语很差。需要回复。答:我们也不知道第七张专辑确切的发行日期,但据我们所知,他现在正在做专辑的收尾工作。98
Before Yoon Eun Hye, did KJK had another close relationship with another ladies?He was (and is) close with Shin Ji of Koyote, Park Kyung Rim. But more like brothers :)问:在尹恩惠之前,KJK有其他关系比较好的女性朋友吗?答:和他关系比较好的有高耀太的申智,朴京林,但更像是兄弟。99
Is there anything that he afraid of?? What is it ?(besides food and thing that related to muscle) :)Ghosts. He said he had to sleep with his mum after watching a horror movie back in 2005.问:有什么是KJK害怕的吗?(除了食物和与肌肉相关的)答:鬼怪,2005年的时候他说他因为看恐怖电影不得不和他的妈妈一起睡。100
KJK has facebook account or not?No he doesn't. He doesn't have any personal SNS accounts.问:KJK有facebook账户吗?答:他没有。他没有任何个人SNS账户。
i want to know if kjk know to use computer?Of course he does know.问:我想知道KJK是否会使用电脑?答:当然他会的102
May I know KJK weight and height?178 cm and 76 kg.问:我想知道KJK的身高和体重?答:身高 178CM
I really want to have a chance seeing him in person like you guys did. How can I do that?You need luck.问:我真的很想有机会像你们一样亲眼看到他,我应该怎么做呢?答:你需要运气。104
Have you ever heard about what kind of woman KJK likes?He likes chubby and polite girl.问:你知道KJK喜欢什么样的女生吗?答:他喜欢微胖有礼貌的女生。105
does KJK have a girlfriend?He said he is not in a relationship with anyone right now.问:KJK是否有女朋友?答:他说他目前还没有106
If I'm not mistaken, KJK has a puppy right? Puppy's name? :DYes. His name is ring.问:如果我没错的话,KJK有一只小狗吧?小狗的名字是?答:是的 他叫RING107
Where do KJK lives? An apartment or a house?KJK lives in an apartment问:KJK住在哪里?公寓还是房子?答:KJK住公寓108
Through variety shows, I noticed KJK's close with all the RM members and dragon club members, is there any singers he is close with? ^^He is close with many male singers. To name some: Mighty Mouth, god, Shinhwa, H.O.T, Kim Jung Min, Park Sang Min, Kim Jang Hoon, Soya (his niece!), Super Junior, Shinee, Koyote, Tak Jae Hoon, Fly to The Sky, MC Mong, Yoon Jong Shin, LeeSsang, and many others.问:通过综艺节目我我注意到KJK与所有RM成员和龙俱乐部成员非常亲近,有没有歌手他也和他亲近呢?答:和他亲近的歌手有很多,列举一些:Mighty Mouth、 韩国组合g.o.d、神话、HOT、朴相民、金钟民、金长勋 、Soya (他的侄女) 、Super Junior、Shinee、高耀太、卓在勋、Fly to The Sky、MC梦、尹忠信、LeeSsang等,还有许多人。109
any plans for him to have thailand fanmeeting?He had plans to have a Thailand fanmeeting in the past but for some reason it feel through so we're sure Thai fanmeet is definitely something that is on his mind. Once his 7th album is released we will have better information on his plans for a Thailand fanmeeting.问:KJK有在泰国办FANMEETING的计划吗?答:他曾计划在泰国办一个粉丝见面会,但出于某种原因取消了,所以我们可以肯定,在泰国办粉丝见面会肯定是在他的计划中。当他发行七辑的时候,我们会有更好的讯息关于泰国粉丝见面会的计划。 110
Any sport that KJK good at?He is good at soccer, boxing, skiing, snowboarding, wrestling... He's an all-rounder but he's expecialy good at those...问:KJK擅长哪些运动呢?答:他擅长足球、拳击、滑冰、滑雪、摔跤……他是一个多面手,但他特别的擅长这些……
KJK car and phone???He used to drive Audi but now we don't know. His phones are samsung 2g and Iphone 4s问:KJK的车和手机?答:他曾开过奥迪,现在我们就不得而知了,他的手机是三星2 G和Iphone 4S。112
Is KJK can speak english fluently?Yes he can speak English fluently. We've had conversation with him 100% in English. He is just too shy to show them off usually.问:KJK能流利地说英语吗?答:是的,他能说一口流利的英语。我们能够100%的用英语和他交流。他通常太害羞而不去炫耀他的英语能力。113
how to build muscle like him?We don't know his specific exercise routines but he does a lot of weight lifting as well as cardio. He also watches his diet/food.问:如何锻炼出和KJK一样的肌肉?答:我们不知道他的具体的锻炼方式,但他确实做很多的举重以及有氧运动。他也很注重他的饮食管理。114
i was really surprise at how fast Kookie was when Running Man did the relay race vs the Idols. but why does he run so awkwardly & slow when he plays vs Guests and RM family?He said in an interview that he tried to be funnier and not be too focused on winning. He thinks that is he loses it will be better for the show. But sometimes he does feel tired too. :)问:当RM奥运特辑中 RM们和偶像赛跑比赛时对他的速度确实感到惊讶,但是为什么在和嘉宾还有RM成员比赛时有时会变得缓慢?答:他在一次采访中说,他尝试不太专注于赢而是变得有综艺感。他认为放弃胜负欲会对节目效果更好。但有时他确实觉得累。115
are there new news about KJK new album?We are still waiting on official news. He is doing the finishing touches on it. Once we hear more we will let everyone know.问:有关于KJK新专辑的新消息吗?答:我们仍在等待官方新闻。他正在做后期制作。一旦我们听到更多的消息我们会告诉大家的。116
how many male fans does Kim Jong Kook have?He has a big number of male fans although yes the numbers are small compared to female fans. A lot of his male fans have known him since Turbo days but he has also picked up male fans from his variety shows.问:有多少男FANS喜欢KJK?答:他有一大批的男性粉丝,虽然与女性粉丝相比数量是较小的,从TURBO时就有很多他的男性粉丝们已经知道他,但从他的综艺节目他也获得很多男性粉丝。117
If you wanted to introduce someone new to Kim Jong Gook. What song(s) would you play to them ? :)I would suggest Han Namja (One Man), Sarangseurowo (Loveable), Jejari Goreum (Walking In One spot), Turbo's Hwesang (December) to start with. Those songs are his representative songs to say the least.问:如果你想向你的朋友介绍KJK。你将推荐哪些歌给他们?答:我将从一个男人,可爱,原地踏步,TURBO时期的DECEMBER中推荐。这些歌曲可以说是他的代表作。118
why he is not fatHe works out a lot and he doesn't normally eat at night. He is so disciplined when it comes to healthy living.问:他为什么不胖呢?答:他工作很多并且通常晚上不吃饭,当涉及他的健康问题时他要求非常严格。119
Is it true Soya is her niece? Well, because some people said KJK too young to become her uncle.Soya is his cousin's daughter.问:SOYO真的是他的侄女吗?是因为有些人说,KJK作为他的叔叔太年轻了。答:SOYO是他的表哥的女儿。120
why Kookie was sad about Haha's marriage?I have a feeling Haha was just joking when he said that. I'm sure KJK is happy that his dongsaeng has found the love of his life.问:为什么KJK对于哈哈结婚很难过?答:我有一种感觉哈哈只是在开玩笑,我相信KJK 是感到开心,因为他的弟弟找到了他一生的爱。
Will he come to Hong Kong for new album promotion???Unfortunately he has no plan to come to Hong Kong to promote his next album at this time. However who know in the future? :)问:KJK会到香港宣传他的新专辑吗?答:目前为止他没有计划来香港推广他的下一张专辑。不过谁知道在未来呢?122
when do you think kookie will finally marry?Well now isn't this something we all wanna know..LOL. He has said in the past that he wants to get married by 38 so if he keeps true to his words then we should hear something within 2 years.问:你觉得KJK最终结婚会是什么时候?答:现在这并不是我们想知道的一件事. .哈哈。他过去曾表示,他想在38岁结婚所以如果他说的是真的,那么我们应该会在2年内听到结婚的消息。123
On his profile KJK's birth year is listed as 1977 but I keep hearing on shows that he is born in the year of the dragon 1976. Which one is correct?1976问:KJK的出生年被登记为1977年,但我不断听到有人说,他是在1976年龙年出生的。哪一个是正确的?答:1976年。================以上封,不喜请绕道,勿拍,最不耐烦的就是泼人冷水的================


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