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  Directions: You&re allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying, &Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I&ve done it hundreds of time. &You&d write at least 120 words
  but no more than 180 words.
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Way to Success by commenting on Abraham Lincoln&s famous remark, &Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.& You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic It Pays to Be Honest。You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese。
  1 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象
  2 诚实利人利已,做人应该诚实
  The volunteer spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years, especially among young people. Volunteer is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society .
  In the past years, the extraordinary contributions of Chinese volunteers have been seen everywhere, from responding to the May 12 earthquake to other big international events..
  (Take the WenChuan Earthquake as an example. After the devastating earthquake hit southwest China&s Sichuan Province, more than one million volunteers plunged into relief work within days. They went all out to save the victims, provide psychological counseling and donate money and materials.)可以省略
  Besides, volunteering would be beneficial to the volunteers themselves. Getting involved in volunteering, volunteers will be exposed to a new environment, and they can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve their interpersonal skills and organizational skills, all of which are critical for their professional growth.
  A sound social volunteer service system with frequent activities and full participation should be established and &Learn from Lei Feng& activities should be held on a regular basis to create a social atmosphere of altruism.
  The volunteer service system will also help to build a harmonious environment for our society. As a college student, I sincerely hope that everyone would join the volunteer work.
今晚何凯文的四六级作文预测讲座刚刚结束,持续时间是一小时40多分钟,内容很多,由于我有点事情耽搁了,在讲座开始25钟后才进入腾讯课堂,有部分内容可能错过了,但是后面的内容都细心做了笔记。虽然我考过四六级已经有一年半了,好像和我没有什么关系,但是老师已经说明内容兼顾了考研,所以我还是认真地听了。作为总结,现在分享给即将在两天后参加四六级考试的学弟学妹。如果不知道何凯文是谁的,可以去他空间()和微博(@何凯文)看看这个男子的实力,以前是专门辅导四六级的,现在算得上是考研英语辅导界的“一哥”。下面进入笔记正文:何老师预测四六级作文的切入点有两个:个人话题和社会话题。(可能有部分内容我没听到)个人话题:成功品质、成绩和品质哪个更重要、幸福话题一、描述“成功品质”的万能句子引用名人例子阐述: Instances like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk,and Mark Elliot Zuckerberg(脸书创始人) could be easily muttiplied,but these will suffice(能够) to show that the trait(特性,这里可以根据话题代入相关描述成功的单词如坚持,insitence)discussed here is primarily essential to the.....(这里还有10个左右单词,没来得及抄下来,脑补吧)关于互联网方面的:Jack Ma(马云),with his glorious(壮丽的、宏伟的) achievement,has proved one case point——critical thinking(批判性思维) and innovation(改革创新) is the bedrock(基础) to the generation of personal success and business wealth.关于个人可能涉及找工作改变自己:Job-hopping'succeed'的替代表达(这个非常牛逼 是考研辅导班出现的句子)accumulate wealth,establish career,fit into society and even attain social status.(写上去秒杀那些写succeed的同学吧)二、描述“成绩和品质哪个更重要”的万能句子morality and education are'the right and the left hands'of a nation.Education alone is not sufficient.It should go side by side with morality.The absence of either makes success impossible.Education without morality is dangerous.Morality without education is useless.三、描述“幸福话题”的句子To large extend,we are complled(驱使) by the topic mentioned here to reflect the conventional successes that take up an inappropriately large share of our energy and time. It inspire us to explore the real essence of life and derive guidance from the ever-lasting moral values that truly matter.We are required to ponder(细心思索) the limits of old beliefs(信仰) of success,which carries much less value than the immortal(永恒的) values that indeed carries weight to a man's life.社会话题1、环境(节约)话题2、科技对生活的影响3、文化传统和文化交流4、诚信(社会角度)文体议论文(论点+论据,论点由一句话引入,“某某话题引起了人们的广泛关注”),出题的提纲:谚语、图画或者图表。一、描述'环境(节约)'话题万能句子出题角度:haze,smog (雾霾);E-汽车污染,taffic jam;毕业季浪费现象(饮食);No smoking in public place(北京禁烟令热点)。神句:These days the topic of smog or haze has constantly captured wide media attention,occupying the newspaper headline,sparking heated disscussion on the web and wreaking horror among people.这句话大概说的就是雾霾现象引起了社会广泛关注,占据了各大媒体头条,在网上和民间激起了热烈的讨论。这是考研写作例句,写得非常装,但这正是写作需要的。Environment protection(可以换成其他名词) is the steel that forges(锻造) the supporting structure of the society,and the society can not grow steady,if this invaluable(珍贵的) asset is ever neglected(忽视) in any possible manner.
毕业季食物浪费现象描述:When dinning out,we tend to orde more food than we can eat to show our generosity or hospitality, wich causes plenty good food into the trash.Moreover,these days,the routine office work has to be discussed in a banquet. And the rondom feasting,more often than not paid by the government,lead to the great deal of food waste.上面两句话阐述了两个现象,下面的句子是对这种现象作出结论:We Chinese place a high value on the saving,a traditional virtue,and wasting food will be regarded as vulgar taste and the lack of social responsibility.另外,何老师说,对于网络影响这个话题,因为去年6月考了,如果今年再考,可能的出题角度是online education的优势。以上都是万能的句子,所谓万能就是只要把句子里的关键词换掉就能套用在许多话题的写作里。对于六级来说,'节约'这个话题很重要;对于四级来说,'礼节'很重要;'成功的品质'四级可能会靠,对应六级的是其他品质,如诚信;而环境话题对四六级,考的可能性都有。使用方法:万能句子+具体句子,论点摆出+论据+结论句子,主题对于论据来说很重要(个人还是社会)下面老师给出了一个具体描写成功方面话题的例子——珍惜时间Life is cherished by everyone,but time by few to the loss of an hour or of a day, forgettingg that our life is the sum total of the days and the hours we live.Especially for the youth,if we allow these morning hours of life to slip away, we shall nerver be able to recoup the loss.As we grow oloder,our power of acqusition gets blunted(迟钝的), so that some skills which are not acquired in our prime(最佳的) years will never be acquired at all.整段话大概意思可以理解吧,最后一句话是说随着我们慢慢长大变老,我们获得知识的能力慢慢变迟钝,所以一些在我们最美好的年华里未曾学到的技能将永远无法再学会。我只能说,背过这样的有水平句子,其他的句子都会变成将就。下面是另一个角度,具体说什么因太卡了当时没听到,我猜测是说朋友之间相互帮助的,落了一句,只抄写到两句:A single hand that wipes your tears to comfort your failure is much better than cuontless hands that come together to cheer your success.大意是:失败是给你安慰的双手比成功时给你喝彩鼓掌的双手更重要。Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly bright and brilliant.何老师在讲座末尾说的话:不要怀疑这些句子能不能再考场上帮你提分,更不要担心如果照搬上去阅卷老师会不会反感,阅卷老师不反感作文背句子,反感的是写的句子和主题不符,这就需要我们在写的时候灵活套用就行了,就是换主题词,所有句子都去背,还有两天时间,就背这些句子吧,到考场上就不用担心作文字数不够了,背了只会刹不住车,不存在字数不够的问题,分数至少提升30——40分。最后我说几句,我大一下学期过四级,当时还没有改革,考了550多,算是中等分数,大二上学期六级少一点,因为没有像四级那么认真复习,也因为改革了。四六级只要认真花一个月时间复习做题,大概就能过了,当然要多去网上多听那些公开课啊,沪江网等到处都是资源,只做那几套真题有用?你以为你做的时候是认认真真分析的吗?然而我现在说这些好像并没有什么卵用,因为大后天就考了,所以,这些句子是你的救命稻草,一个字,背,喂,就说你呢,赶紧背几句再睡觉啊。下午我在空间说会发一篇关于PPT修改案例的文章在公众账号里面,后来问了下当事人,因为它还没有进行比赛演讲,所以现在发可能有点不太好,所以推迟到下周。今天也是黄家驹的生日,我白天构思好了写一篇笔记纪念一下偶像,所以等会继续码字写文章,从7点半听课到现在一直在码字,手酸了。最后安利一下凯文老师微博里关于四六级翻译和中国传统文化作文预测的帖子,干货哦。四六级翻译:四六自从上一次改革以后,加大了翻译的比重;目的就是为了配合国家英语教学的改革战略。过去的三十年英语教学的目的是为了把世界介绍给中国,而接下来三十年的重点应该是把中国介绍给世界。汉译英的重点就是在于介绍中国给世界,那么应该介绍什么就成为了我们备考的重点,其实无非就是:优秀的传统中国文化和当代中国建设的成就以及面对的一些问题。所以根据今年的热点,结合中央编译局和人民日报发布的一些资料给同学们总结以下的必考重点:第一部分:今年热点1.
电子商务网站:E- E-2.
A成为网络消费的热点:A has been in thespotlight of online consumption.A leads onlineconsumption.3.
网民: Internet surfers,传统实体店不得不调整销售策略,以便与在线对手竞争。Brick-and-mortar shops have had to regulatetheir sales strategies to compete with online rivals. 在线教育:online education4.
A预计将于..达到… :A is expected toreach…by +时间5.
与…相比,A的增长速度为…: A has grown atthe rate of…, compared
with …信息技术的在…中的广泛使用不仅能够…而且有助于…The extensive application ofinformation technology in … not only…,but also facilitates…绿色循环低碳系统:green, recyclableand low-carbon system6.
全世界人民渴望准确深入的了解中国:People from all over the world are eager tohave an accurate and deep understanding of China.7.
独生子女: 集体主义:互助友爱:be friendl应该教会孩子与人分享的好处:Children shouldbe taught the benefits of sharing with others.8.
A variety of chronic diseases have becomethe major threat for Chinese people.9.
服装设计师将传统和现代的观点融合在一起,创造出了新的时尚元素。Fashion designers use a mixture oftraditional and modern ideas to create new fashion elements.10. 经济发展进入新常态,精神面貌要有新状态。China’s economic development has entered anew normal, meaning we must adopt a new mindset.11. 打造大众创业,万众创新和增加公共产品,公共服务双引擎。Weneed to develop twin engines -- popular entrepreneurship and innovation, andgreater supplies of public goods and services – to drive development.12.
众多创客脱颖而出We have seen great numbers of makersgiving expression to their talents.13.
从制造大国转向制造强国,TransformChina from a manufacture of quantity to one of quality.14.
为公平竞争搭好舞台,Levelthe playing field for fair competition. 15.
提供更多优秀的文艺作品,倡导全民阅读,建设书香社会。We will ensure that more outstandingworks of literature and art are created for the people to enjoy, and encouragea love of reading in all our people to build a nation of avid reader. (Shereads avidly. 她如饥似渴地读书)16.
生活从不眷顾因循守旧,满足现状者,而将更多机遇留给勇于和善于改革创新的人。Life never favors those who always followthe beaten path and content themselves with the status quo. Instead, life savesopportunities for people who are willing and able to reform and innovate. 17.
苟日新,日日新,又日新If one can make thingsbetter for one day, he should make them better every day.18.
礼尚往来-Courtesy demands reciprocity.19.
随着城市交通和汽车工业的发展,以及人们生活节奏加快,汽车逐渐成为人们的最爱,私家车的数量也以惊人的速度增加。 The development of urban transportationand auto industry, coupled with theincreasingly fast lifestyle, makes the car the favorite of ordinary people, and theprivate car grow at anastonishing rate.20.
经过多年的努力,中国已经在…领域取得了可喜的成就,中国已经成为一个…强国,赢得了世界范围的尊重。 Withmany years’ efforts, the gratifying efforts have been made in…,making china apower nation of … that wins respect from all over the world.
第二部分:经典话题1.Sth gradually developed a style which featured …某物形成了以…为特色的风格;2.Sth can be classified into several categories:…某物可以被分为以下几类;3.Industrious
Chinese laboring people勤劳的中国人民4.China has made great headway in narrowingthe gap among different social classes.中国在缩小不同社会阶层间的差距方面也在努力。5. The core of “harmonioussociety” is“human-centered,” which means theimprovement of people’s livelihood.和谐社会的核心是以人为本,这就意味着要促民生。6.We not only aspire to build China into aprosperous, strong and modern socialist country, but also into a democratic,culturally advanced and harmonious one. 我们不只是希望把中国建设为现代,繁荣和富强的社会主义国家,而且使中国成为文化先进的,民主的和和谐的国家。7.During the long course of history, theChinese people have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautifulhomeland where all ethnic groups live in harmony, and developed a great anddynamic culture在漫长的历史进程中,中国人民依靠自己的勤劳、勇敢、智慧,开创了民族和睦共处的美好家园,培育了历久弥新的优秀文化。8.Chinese nation has made an indeliblecontribution to the progress of human civilization. 中华民族为人类的文明进步作出了不可磨灭的贡献。9.sth has become one of the most popular ……成为了最受欢迎的…之一
Sth has been regarded as one of …被认为是…之一10.We can see…, enjoy…and learn of the legendand anecdotes about…我们能看到…享受到…而且了解到关于…的传奇和轶事。11. sth is a combination of …, dating back to…某物是…的结合,其起源可以追溯到…12.
There are some branches of sth , of which Ais one of the most famous.Sth 有好些分支,其中A是最有名的。13.
Sth,with a history of… years and anumber of …branches/ styles , is animportant part of Chinese traditional culture.… 已有..年的历史,有好多分支/风格,是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。14.High speed railroad is introduced in 2004.With the generous funding from the government, it is rapidly expanding.2004年,高铁被引入;政府大力支持,发展很快。15.sth is familiar to everyone, about whichhowever people’s opinions differ.大家都很熟悉…,但是对于…仁者见仁。16.Honor the aged of other famil Care for the children of other family as we care for our own.老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。17.Respecting the aged and loving the young,a the traditionalChinese virtue,
has been regarded as thesocial responsibility and behavior norm for thousands years.千百年来,尊老爱幼这一中华民族的传统美德,被当做是社会责任和行为规范。Filial Piety, a Chinese traditionalvirtue, is central to Confucian role ethics.孝道是中国的传统美德,被认为是儒家角色伦理的核心。18.
Learning without thinki thinking without learning ends in danger学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。19.Chinese characters evolve from pictures andsigns. The style of the calligraphers symbolize their age.汉字由图画和符号演变而来。书法家的风格代表了他们的时代。20.
China is the birthplace of ..中国是…的故乡(信K哥,不挂科!)名人,民族,食物,名胜,节日,中医,戏剧,书法,美德中国传统节日介绍(作文)(我其实一直担心四级又考记叙文体或书信,不考那种典型的三段论,文章所以才有这样的布防,这段语料可以帮助大家写书信和介绍。)The Mid-autumn Festival is celebrated on the night of the fifteenth day of the eight lunar month. It is, in a sense, the Chinese moon festival.On this night, people walk in the streets to enjoy themselves. They eat moon cakes, which are so called because they are shaped like the moon. These cakes are also set on a table in the open air, meant to be eaten by the goddess of the moon.It is generally believed that the moon is at its brightest on this night. Many poems have been written about it. Poets never tire of reading and writing such poems, in which the moon has been compared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, etc. It seems that Chinese literature is far more concerned with the moon than with the sun.同时:今年北京市高考语文的微作文是:“乱涂乱贴、违禁吸烟、赛场京骂等不文明的现象,与首都形象极不相称。请针对社会上的某一种不文明现象,拟一条劝说短信。要求态度友善,语言幽默。文体不限。”这个话题和我之前预测的礼节的问题不谋而合,所以我觉得今年四六级考察礼节的可能性非常大!在我家的书柜里放着一本1996年由北京大学出版社出版的一本《英文模范作文新词典》这本书影响了好几代人,里面收录的范文就有关于礼节的,行文风格简洁明快特别适合这样的话题。People all over the world set great regard on good manners. To certain degree, good manners indicate a person’s good education and breeding. In schools, it is part of students’ moral training to develop good manners. A person with good manners always wins praise. On the contrary, people will frown on him if he behaves roughly and impolitely.There are good manners in which we behave in public places. It is a good manner to offer help to the young, the old and the physically-challenged when they are in need of it. So is it to conduct ourselves politely and keep away from foul language. Besides, we should guard against such minor offences as making a loud noise, casting peels and shells, smoking, and spitting.If everyone has developed good manners, people will form a more harmonious relationship. If everyone behaves considerately towards others and follows the social ethics, people will live in a better world. With the general mood of society improved, there will be a progress of civilization.So , always
follow the golden rule: Do as you would be done by. Be polite.Rude words, face-to –face quarrelling , unreasonable fighting , turning a deaf ear to lectures, no thanks for others’ help,etc. could mean nothing but ignorance or ill behavior.A friendly greeting, a keen invitation, or a short “thank you” reveals one’s internal spiritual world.
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