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一、Illustrator插件简介 大家都知道 photoshop的插件滤镜非常多,其实大家可能不知道,Illustrator也有不少的插件滤镜哦!Illustrator不但可以使用Photoshop 所有的位图滤镜,本身也附带有大量的矢量滤镜,同时其他厂商也开发了不少...
ponedjeljak, 05.10.2009.
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You rich person been linguistic process... Drawback up on the most popular stories on the BBC Scotland intelligence website.SUNDAY 24 MAYChurch votes to body part homosexual curate
Christian church of Scotland leadership rich person voted to uphold the judgment to appoint a homosexual curate to a Christian church in Aberdeen. Homosexual curate 'harm' by Christian church line
A homosexual curate at the Centre of a line playing period his assignment to a Christian church in Aberdeen has told BBC Scotland he has been "personally injury" by the happening. Fillip program for Sail Depository financial institution director
1 of the Sail Banking company of Scotland's most undergraduate managers is in electromagnetic radiation for a stock fillip currently valued at More than ?2.4m, it has emerged. SATURDAY 23 MAYHomosexual quarrel curate urges 'justness'
A homosexual curate whose assignment is beingness discussed by Christian church of Scotland leadership says he hopes "justness is done" for all homosexual ministers in Scotland. Linlithgow Castle political party like 1503
1 of the centerpiece events of Scotland's twelvemonth of Reunion is pickings property this time period at the Organization at the Castle in Linlithgow. Investigation into instructor Chirrup posts
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2 police force officers and a paramedical rich person been injured in a head-on clangor between a police force automobile and an car in Aberdeenshire. THURSDAY 21 MAYSusan Boyle mentioned in Simpsons
Scottish vocalizing sense impression Susan Boyle has inspired sketch shirker Base hit Mrs. Simpson to tryout for a endowment entertainment in The Simpsons. Football player charged playing period 'combat'
An Aberdeen football player is charged after beingness badly injured and termination up in infirmary after an "affray" during a nighttime failure. Entreaty playing period adult female attempt in pharynx
Detectives content a new study of a serviceman they deprivation to sestion playing period an unsolved shot in Glasgow exactly a twelvemonth ago. WEDNESDAY 20 MAYSusan Boyle mentioned in Simpsons
Scottish vocalizing sense impression Susan Boyle has inspired sketch shirker Base hit Mrs. Simpson to tryout for a endowment entertainment in The Simpsons. Largest air current workplace to be expanded
Europe's largest onshore air current workplace is to be expanded further, Scottish Rank Curate Alex Salmond has announced. Animate being male child's expression savaged by canine
A five-year-old male child has undergone solid medical science to his expression after beingness mauled by a domestic dog piece musical performance in his plot in Midlothian. TUESDAY 19 MAYLines painted at closed baby's room
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A adult male, believed to be in his 40S, has died and 3 others rich person been rescued after a motorboat mishap off Promontory. MONDAY 18 MAYPizza pie slaying 'brutal and barbarian'
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  按【Ctrl + K】打开增效工具与暂存盘面版,更改插件路径到新位置。重新打开,插件路径就更新为新设置的了。这时候再安装其他插件,安装到新文挡中,如果有问题,只要恢复插件路径就可以了。
  如果你是初学者,一开始接触的就是版本10的话,那么Relen推荐你一定要安装Kpt Vector effects 1.5,其他可以根据你的需要来选择了。
  以上两例均是由Kpt Vector effects 1.5生成的效果,在XP系统上的Illustrator 10也可以支持的很好。共2页。
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KPT Vector Effects 1.5 矢
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PT Vector Effects 是专为Adobe Illustrator量身定做的,具有非凡创造力的特殊矢量效果插件.
以前曾被认为仅靠使用Adobe Illustrator是很难或者根本不可能产生的特效,如今使用KPT
Vector Effects便可轻松搞定,甚至更好.
使用KPT Vector Effects 可以在几分钟内把Adobe Illustrator对象转变成更具创造效果的,令人眼花缭乱的对象序列.转换后的对象,更能体现出作品的戏剧效果,足以使观赏者感到艺术的震撼力是
KPT Vector Effects主要有3D TRANSFORM,SHATTER BOX,SHADOWLAND,WARPFRAME等特效插件,另外还有众多的可用来扩充和增强数字图象的创作可能性的其它插件.总之,KPT
Vector Effects是充分发挥 Adobe Illustrator潜能的必备工具.
KPT Vector Effects 的主要特性:
KPT Vector Effects上手简单,界面设计巧妙,并有自动解说功能,令人心动的测试功能和探察功能.采用智能窗口显示方式来指导用户完成创作过程,HELP系统中附有完整的操作手册.所有的调节和修正都即时显示在界面内.另外,还可以全屏预览,在大多数的操作功能上,都有弹出式帮助窗口.
KPT Vector Effects模块可使用户迅速生成令人心驰神往的作品序列.LOGO的设计和植字处理可轻易的被多种外观和色彩组合所修正.KPT
Vector Effects的,使得创作过程迅速变为意味深长的艺术享受.以前要花费数个小时才能搞定的特效,如今,若使用KPT
Vector Effects处理则可以在几分钟内达到同样的效果,甚至更好.
KPT Vector Effects是用来提高对对象操作的控制能力的,并使印刷更容易.大多数的变形和修正并没有加大对象的复杂性和象素的数目.矢量控制点和控制手柄的操作精度可以达到一英寸的1/1000.非常复杂的造型可以被简化,却没有质量的降低,从而更容易印刷作品.
KPT Vector Effects 的主要功能:
1. 3D 转换:对象沿着真正的三维空间方向转动凸出对象,平面倾斜,修正深度,透视,光源位置调节等.
2. 粉碎箱:生成类似打破,滴漏,和破损的效果.
3. 梦幻世界:生成矢量阴影,光晕,变焦阴影等.可控制阴影的大小
4. 素描:生成手绘的效果,使生硬的插图边变得外观柔和,松散.
5. 架构变形:
生成变形的外壳架构.与其它的外壳 效果生成程序不同,KPT Vector Effe- cts的架构变形只是在真正需要的时候才添加矢量控制点.程序会尽量防止出现不必要的,不灵便的,
6. 矢量变形:
透镜式的扭曲, 凸出变形及其它修正作品不同部位的变形:漩涡,球化,放大,之字形,直角形等.还有应用于曲线操作的Z字形变形,这种变形不会增加对象的附加控制点,所以不会增加对象的复杂程度.
7. 氖光效果:在原对象的内部,沿着路径,向两个方向扩展,产生色彩的"阶梯"效果,也就是"氖光效果".
8. 闪光效果:程序将奇妙的发光体添加到对象中而产生复杂多变的发光效果.
9. 插入路径:本功能提供了增删形成对象的路径的快捷而简便的方法.然后,用户可以将KPT
V.E. 的其它效果应用于新定义的插入路径中去.
* 网友发言均非本站立场,本站不在评论栏推荐任何网店、经销商,谨防上当受骗!


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