我的苹果手机一开机就跳出Exitcydia safe modee,开机超级慢,谁能看看cydia里面哪个插件可以删除的,

为什么我的iphone4s突然关机然后开机了就是显示时间的地方变成Exit Safe Mode?开机后全部应用变成英文了_百度知道我是ios9.02版本,最近添加一个源,插件没有下载,导致白苹果了,过了一会开机了,cydia就是_百度知道iPhone越狱常见问题解答_iphone教程
4、当然,我们同样可以在手机上安装插件 iFile 来查看iPhone的文件系统,原理一样。
解决方法:在cydia里面添加源: 或者
解决方法:将手机用数据线连接电脑,使用红雪redsn0w 或者
3、安全模式(Safe Mode)
越狱之后,iPhone新增了一个注销功能,与此同时也有了安全模式,不知大家有没有遇到在安装某些插件过后,iPhone变成 安全模式(Safe
退出办法:点击iPhone状态栏中间Exit Safe Mode,然后会弹出一个窗口,选择Restart退出安全模式。
如何判断iPhone是否越狱? iphone最大的好处是可以安装破解的软件,这些软件都是免费的,例如一些游戏和实用程序。越狱后还可以对系统主题进行更换,这些在原版固件上是不可能实现的,还有其他诸如此类的好处也不必说全了。 下面,我们就来看看判断办法及常见问题。 一、判断办法 1、Cydia 第一个判...
很多网民反映他们的iPhone 4和4S升级iOS 7后变得更卡了,果粉一直引以为豪的iOS设备的流畅体验变得大大折扣。不幸的是,这些用户也没法回到iOS 6....对于很多iPhone用户来说,怎么样用自己的iPhone观看视频一直是一个头痛的问题。因为格式原由,很多视频在转入iPhone之前,都需要转换格式,非常的不便。...Q:通过OTA升级的系统越狱失败 A:OTA升级的系统会有诸多影响因素,如果多次尝试失败请下载官方最新固件刷机后再尝试。 Q:设备上显示&存储容量几...只传一张照片到微博?什么,多传几次?那多麻烦啊!今天小编就给椒友们介绍一款可以将多张照片合拼成一张图片上传的软件&&相格 iMageGr...iPhone6进入安全模式,首先必须要越狱。具体办法如下: 在Cydia里点击搜索SBSettings插件并安装。重启后手指在状态栏从左向右划,就会出来一排按钮...Mobile SafeMode · Cydia
Safe ModeSafe mode is a feature of
that prevents your device from entering a permanent crash cycle by giving you a chance to uninstall malfunctioning extensions without a complete device restore.Below are instructions for help on how to get your device back in working order. Only continue on to the next step if the previous one was not able to solve your problem.1: Just RestartIf this is the first time you have entered safe mode, just tap the status bar at the top of the screen and click Restart to restart your SpringBoard. If this was an isolated issue, this should be enough to get you going again.If you've already tried the above, and you're back in Safe Mode, read on.2: Remove Recently Installed ExtensionsIf you recently installed a new tweak or extension in Cydia, try uninstalling that tweak. Open up Cydia, go to Installed, tap Recent, find the tweak and tap it, tap Modify in the top-right corner, and tap Remove to uninstall it.Especially try uninstalling any extensions that may not be compatible with your device's iOS version (often the description page for an extension mentions which iOS versions it is compatible with). Also make sure you're using extensions from trusted repositories such as BigBoss, ModMyi, and ZodTTD & MacCiti.If you haven't recently installed an extension, or uninstalling it didn't help, read on.3: Determine CauseIf you are still stuck in Safe Mode, you can try to diagnose the problem using an app called . Open that up, select SpringBoard, and choose the top crash. Crash Reporter will try to provide an automated guess as to what extension caused the crash. If it finds something, try removing that package in Cydia. (Be careful about uninstalling packages you don't recognize, in case they're packages that Cydia needs.)You should also send the developer of the extension the crash log found by Crash Reporter, so they can fix the issue in an update to their package.If Crash Reporter can't find what causes the crash, or removing the tweak it finds doesn't help, read on.4: Ask for HelpIf you still can't get your device back in working order, your next best bet is to ask for help. You can ask
make sure to include a list of your installed tweaks so that other people can help make guesses about the problem.If nobody is able to provide help to get your device working again, read on.5: RestoreIf all else fails, you can always restore with iTunes, which will also automatically update your device to the latest iOS version. Before you try this, you should check
to find out whether the latest iOS version can be jailbroken. Don't upgrade to an iOS version past what is able to be jailbroken: you likely cannot come back.


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