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Unit1-1Do you agree with the authors about the meaning of authentic love?which elements do you think are essential?A:morning everyone,our topic is the essential elements of love.B:hello A,after finish reading Some Meanings Of Authentic Love,do you agree with the authors about the meanings of authentic love?A:Of course I do,and I guess that western people are more rational than us when they were in love. B:maybe. But which elements do you think are essential?A:I think the responsibility toward the person I love is more important. Because we need responsive to major needs of the person we love,we should promise something to her in order that she can trust of staying with me.B:eh!that’s right,but sometimes we hurt our lover because of excessive regard,and we may feel tield of responsibility.what do you think about that?A:I think the responsibility does not mean we have to do everything what she are capable of doing for herself, just means that help you when you need and stay with you to face the difficulties together.love is freeing,love is freely given so I don’t think the responsibility as a cloth-wrappers. B:excellently.you are a master of love.but I think we need tolerate imperfection and trust the person I love.A:Yes, Of cause, you are an another master too.we need compare notes each other as usually. B:My pleasure.thanks for your cooperrtion.Together:that’s all,thank you. Unit 1-3.What seems to be the only one adequate way to overcome the failure of love?A:Hello everyone,my name is ××.B:My name is ××,our topic is What seems to be the only one adequate way to overcome the failure of love?A: Hi, ××,have you ever experience the failure of love ?B:Yes,I have !A:How do you feel like about it?B:I find It’s a terrible thing to experience the failure of love . I can’t describe my feeling. My heart was broken in that times!A:oh,really?It seems that you are very happy everyday now.I wonder how
you overcome the
failure of love?B:You are a clever boy ,yes,I have overcome it. I think it is very important to establish your confidence .There are various ways, here I suggest that you should do something you are good at either in work or in study . Divert
you mind on it ,work hard and finally get your success .A:Oh ,I know!When someone experience the failure of love!he can
do something interesting to divert his attention。B:Yes,once you are successful ,you find a kind of peace as well as proud in your heart. This will be important for you in future times . As long as you carry on ,you will come across someone you really love at last.A: ××,I find you are an expert on love!I think all of us need to learn from you at these aspects!My classmate ,if someone experience the failure of love!Welcome to ask question with ××!Thank you!That's all! Unit 1-4do you share the belief that love only profits the soul ,but is profitless in the modern sense?Explain your ideas.A:Hello everyone,my name is ××.B:My name is ××,our topic is do you share the belief that love only profits the soul ,but is profitless in the modern sense?Explain your ideasA:Hi, ××, do you share the belief that love only profits the soul ,but is profitless in the modern sense?Explain your ideas.B:I do not agree with this view.I think we should not contact love with profit.I think love profit the soul,but not only !Also it profit us in the modern sense !A: Can you tell me why?B: The first thing we have to learn is that love is an art, just as living is an art. Mature love is union under the condition of preserving one's integrity, one's individuality. Love is an active power in man,love makes us overcome the sense of isolation and sepateness . In modern times, without love ,our soul will become empty and the human sense will not keep alive and colorful .so we must trust love is exsiting and priceless .We should spend our energy running after love.
A:Bravo! Your opinion about love is very reasonables.ok ,that’s all.Thank you! Uint 2-1.The author suggests that the future & will not be unrecognizably exotic & because human nature remains constant. Do you agree that human nature will remain constant? And is the future world imaginable? Support your ideas with examples.A:
Hey! I have been waiting for you for ten minutes!B:
Oh. I am sorry. Right now I am reading a essay about how the future life oflike.A:
Sound interesting. It must be an unimaginable future and more exciting tnow.
human looks han we havewill B:
I think you may feel disappointed about the essay. The author suggest that the
futurenot be unrecognizably exotic because human nature remains
It's ridiculous! Human nature? Yes, Human nature maybe remain constant IBut what is the nature of human? It doesn't mean to get in a groove.
Yah...I say, me too. The human beings keep chasing faster, higher and stronger.
Whole generations are keeping explore and practice constantly, making
continuous progress of human civilization.A: Sure. We have computer, cellphone, spaceship and so on. Does the people 1000years age can image them? No! Just like it. The future world is unimaginable. It's
clearly. B: But I can image one things.A: What?B: Our descendants must be having a better world than our. Don't you think we
enjoying a more comfortable life than our ancestors?A: Ha-ha. Yes, it does! Just for example, they had never watched a 3D movie.
Look! Ihave two tickets. Go with me?B: Of course! I like watching moving. Let's go! Unit 2-2As for education,what changes do you expect?Why?A:In current China, many people questioned our education system.Most people believe that there are too many shortcomings in Chinese education system,what's your opinion?B:In my opinion,compared with the Western education system,Chinese education system is too rigid.In China, education does not pay enough attention to the cultivation of interest,student often choose the major which he is not interested in .At the same time, our traditional culture is disappearing.A:Yeah,These problems which you mentioned is really exist.If you want to improve our education system,what changes do you expect ?B:As I said before,We should follow the example of
the Western education system and not only concerned about the student's Achievement of the curriculum but also paying our attention to the pursuit of knowledge .A:In a sense ,the credit can reflect partly the level of knowledge ,it is not the key.Schools should take advantage of the characteristics of every student,use individualized way to teach different students.How to improve the general quality of students has become an important issue.B:Yeah,the purpose of education is to improve the level of the public and then to promote social progress.China is in a period of reform, I think our education system has a bright future.A:what the future of education in China will be like,I agree with you. Unit 2-3It’s true that computers have infiltrated our lives. In what way have computers changed our life? Cite examples to support your ideas.A: Hi, B. Have you read the book called life in the fourth millennium (千年期)?B: Yes, I have. it's a really good book! And, I find the future is really unimaginable!A: I agree with you, just like the computer! In recent years, computers have increasingly infiltrated our lives and at the same time our lives have changed significantly. Can you list example of this?B: As we all know. There are multiple ways that the computers change our lives, but I think the most important way is the information transmission .Fast information transmission makes our lives more facilitated. For example, when you want to buy something, you can look for the merchandise on line, what is more, you can order the merchandise straight on line. To your surprise, the merchandise can be sent to your home directly, that is to say, you stay at home, and can get the merchandise you want.A: Yes, you are right! Nowadays, the computer is playing a more and more important role in people’s daily life. Computers really have a lot of advantages. There is another example. You may find a job through the network as long as you send your resume to the enterprises which want to employ new workers. And, nowadays education has been played a very important role in the development of young people and the nation. We can receive education from the Internet. There is a lot of net-school online.B: As you said, It's true that computers make our life convenient in some ways, but it still bringsome bad impact to our lives.so we need treat computers carefully. Unit 2-4What do you think may influence the quality of life? Do you prefer the government of laws or men? Why?A:hi,B,long time no see. You have to buy a new mobile phone?B:yes,this is iphone 8,the APPLE’s
latest products.A:o so cool.B:,you know, I can't leave my mobile phone.A:I see,what do you think may influence the quality of life? Your phone.B:I think, Three points affect the quality of life a lot. They are education level, relationship with community,technology. In particular,technology has shrunk the globe and stretched our lives and our minds.Like iphone (hahha..) what about you?A:I think the human relationships
are very important.Many leaps in our quality of life came from the recognition of universal human needs,such as life ,liberty and the of happiness.B:so,you prefer the government of laws or men?A:yes,what about you?B:I agree with you,I think technology will enrich rather than dominate human lives. Unit 3-1A:Hi,What is your opinion about high-tech farming?B:I think high-tech farming may not only be cruel to the animals but hazardous to those who eat the meat as well.For example,a veal calf will spend its 16 weeks of life in a darkened stall 24 inches around,Unable even to turn around.A:Yes,I also hear that laying hens are kept bright 18 to 20 hours a day to prevent dozing.They produce an egg every 32 hours(more than 200 a year) with no time out to sit on them and brood as normal chickens do.Do you think it is inhumane and dangerous?B:I think it is inhumane and dangerous.Fully 80 percent of penicillin,tetracycline and other wonder drugs are not administered to humans but are mixed with animal feed----both to prevent disease and to accelerate livestock growth . But the result use of such widespread use has been the development of bacteria resistant to many of the antibiotics.Animal populations have become vulnerable to bacteria once easily controlled and , in turn , so may the humans who eat.A:In a word, by using millions of tons of this damn stuff,We’re creating a situation where,in a couple of decades,none of these antibiotics will be effective for human therapy. Unit 3-2A:Hi,Do you have time?B:Yes,What’s wrong?A:I want to ask you some questions.As we all know,China is a large agricultural nation ,how much do you know about the government’s policies in agriculture?B: Agricultural problems is mainly the problem of the industrialization of agriculture.Do you know
agricultural subsidies?A: Yes,I know a little.Government is couraging farmers to farm.In my hometown , As long as you farm,you will get the corresponding subsidies .B:Oh,good!This is a good policy.A few years ago,there are many lands wasted.Nowadays, Lands are basically got the full use. Unit 3-3A: hello,B!B: hi,what are you doing these days?A: oh,noting.you konw,but recently,i search some news on the intenet.what surprised me is that some food-borne diseases are getting more difficult to treat.so do you know the reason?B: yeah,i also see these news,as i konw some experts say it is beacause that peple using too much antibiotics in farming.A: oh,this is true.and they use them not to pretect against disease but as a cheap and easy way to speed up animal growth.so what is you opinion about this?B: i think it is inhuman and dangerous.not only to the animals but also people who have eaten these animals feed with antibiotics.A: me too. i think people are creating a situation where,in a couple of decades .none of these antibiotics will be effective for human therapy.B: that sounds really terible.we should ao sth to avoid it,if so,maybe food poisoning also be hard to control and happen easily.A: i agree with you. our humans should realize the importance,this maybe harmful to every one,even cause the death of people.B: yeah,just like US,they have banned the use of antibiotics needed in human medicine in farming. this policy can ensure our food healthy on some degree.A: but it can not be banned all the way,we can also use antibiotics in farming in control not overuse.beacause antibiotics can prevent some diseases that may have on the animals.B: you are right,it should be used under the guidance of veterinary .A: in this case,maybe we can live in a heathy food supply again.B: i hope so.and the government should take some measures to help the farmers to improve animals' feeding environments.A: Protection of animal rights is imporment.B: so we must respect them,treat them better.A: yes,let's do our best to advertise the importance of antibioticsB: and potential dangerous of overuse Potential danger in farming?A: make it is Reasonable on using of antibiotics .B: yeah,we hope so.have hope of it! Unit 4-1 What are the chief tasks of education?A: Have you read the reports that a large number of senior high school students give up the College entrance examination in our country ?B: YES,i Have .it's a really different from days of ours. I remember we were Scrambling for the exam to get a opportunity to the University .But now is totally
different!A: so you think what brings about this Phenomenon? The future or some new choices?B:Maybe ,both. They could find many new methods to bring up ,such as Study abroad or to work without the college life. They think other way is more easy make their dream come true ,so they choose the different road.包含各类专业文献、专业论文、幼儿教育、小学教育、中学教育、生活休闲娱乐、应用写作文书、高等教育、文学作品欣赏、50中南大学硕士研究生期末英语口语考试对话全集等内容。 
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