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  Arctic fox
16 mins ago
  Now are they, like Americans and Russians, going to wonder around the Earth at 300-400 km above the surface and call it "space" too? Or are they going to higher than 600 km where the electrons and positrons eliminate each other and release to photons right in front of your eyes, which drives anyone mad, even when your eyelids are closed. Those flashes, flashes, flashes and travel to the Moon.
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23 mins ago
  the moon and the stars do not belong to private corporations. but already they are planning to put up their "no trespassing" signs, take all the minerals, and build vacation areas for their wealthy friends. will there be a 'beverly hills' and a 'compton' on the moon? will the servants live on the dark side and ride in the backs of the ships? will there be ghettos on mars?
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  A Yahoo! User
6 mins ago
  They did it without borrowing money from other countries!
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  Steven S
Rockford, Illinois
25 mins ago
  China has the money to become the leader in space over the next 20 or so years...This will be another expensive mistake for the US...
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  bertha fay
Austin, Texas
51 mins ago
  That used to be the US - making great advances on all fronts. Now we are nothing but a "has been" known for nothing but are wars and general interferance around the globe.
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  ken 39 mins ago
  You are so correct ... unfortunately
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  don 22 mins ago
  We are a has been because we only have a space station that is six times bigger than the one they are going to put in space in 2020.
  We are has beens because we have had Americans living in space for the last 11 years and china is going to start doing that in 2020.
  We are has beens becuase we have only launched human crews into space 9 times in one year and the chinese have launched 4 times in total over 10 years.
  You have a really skewed view of a has been.
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55 mins ago
  A proud day for China ... congratulations and best wishes.
  1 Reply
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  John Kesinger
Houston, Texas
24 mins ago
  Congrats China - a major accomplishment and an advance for your country. Maybe one day, we will learn to not be prejudice toward each other, but there's a long way to go.
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27 mins ago
  in other news china movie producers are working hard on the sets of this staged rocket launch
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  The Doc
Peru, Indiana
59 mins ago
  Welcome to the Club China, way to go! Hey what are your prices for hitching a ride to the ISS??
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Cranbury, New Jersey
56 mins ago
  Check with Walmart travel agency :-)
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40 mins ago
  China isn't allowed on board the International Space Station because of unilateral U.S. objections, but it would probably be the same as the Russian price hikes ($60+ million). Thank goodness for commercial companies like SpaceX, which plans to offer rides to astronauts from anywhere in the world for $20 million maximum...
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  现在中国人又里吹牛了,就在地球上空区区300到400公里走几圈就敢称之为太空了?有本事到600公里以上去,那里正负电子相互湮灭迸发出光子,足以把眼睛闪瞎的强烈光子,就算你把眼睛都闭上也挡不住。敢在那儿练练,一路一闪一闪亮晶晶的奔向月球那才算是牛逼。  ----------------------------------------------------------------  美国什么时候也在那练练,给中国看看呀?
  欢迎加入中国太空俱乐部啊。请问搭乘中国火箭飞向国际空间站的价格是多少呢?  ------------------------------------------------------------------  绝对比美国便宜!
  我看到有个新闻说中国的电影工作者这些天正在忙着制造火箭发射的场景。  ----------------------------------------------------------------  倒很想看看这个新闻~
  4users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!7users disliked this comment  StarznBarz
New York, New York
55 mins ago   Instead of America leading, we are barely following. Thanks to the boy wonder, obama has stripped the U.S. of any lead we might have enjoyed in space exploration. We will realize soon that the moon and stars belong to China. We are screwed. Thanks, barry.  美国曾经领先那么多,可是现在却只能在后面追赶。感谢奥巴马啊,那个青年才俊,你真是把美国这个远远领先的太空大国变成了一个穷光蛋。我们很快就得承认月球和其他星球属于中国这个现实,我们完了。感谢你,混蛋。  4 Replies   o
  6users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!1users disliked this comment  Dongning
Tianjin, China
44 mins ago   The SPACE belongs to NoBody! Any country can explore the space, if they have this Ability!  太空不属于任何人。任何国家都可以开发太空,只要他们有这个能力。  o
  3users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!1users disliked this comment  William
41 mins ago   Don't forget your hero Dubya, who decided to shut down the Shuttle and replace it with a project he refused to fund properly. And don't forget how your hero Bush 41 appointed Dan Goldin to the leadership of NASA, making him instrumental in numerous expensive blunders. But then, any New Yorker who... More  别忘了Duby那个混蛋是如何关闭太空舱方案,而决定采用又贵又不安全的宇宙飞船,最终导致我们破产的。也别忘记布什这个混蛋怎么任命Dan Goldin担任NASA的老大,最终把美国太空计划给搞垮了的。  o
  3users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!1users disliked this comment  Lawrence
38 mins ago   I love how you blame Obama for this. Who was it again who spent 14 Trillion dollars in two terms? But please, continue with your camouflaged racism.  你们有什么权利攻击奥巴马?是谁当初在两年花了140亿元却什么也没搞成的?请不要在这儿搞任何的种族攻击。  o
  0users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0users disliked this comment  don
30 mins ago   In 2004 President Bush presented the Vision for space exploration. It called for the space shuttle to be retired in 2010. President Obama funded two extra flights and used up all the space parts and it was not retired until 2011.  President Obama started the funding for commercial crew. Unless you are a stalinist big government space program fan.  2004年,布什总统推出宏大的太空计划。这个计划预计航天飞机在2010年退役。奥巴马总统勉强又多搞了两次发射,结果用尽了所有的零件,最终在2011年全面退役。  所以奥巴马是没钱了,无法继续下去了。他又不是斯大林那样的狂热的独裁者,可以不惜一切代价来搞。  ?
  2users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0users disliked this comment  Taky
Sydney, Australia
32 mins ago   Yahoo missed one very very important piece of information and I believe this makes China the leader in space exploration. China has assemblied a special kitchen to cook hot food in the space, they can have fried rices, GongBao Chicken, hot spring roll to eat. While the West has to eat cold can food in space ...... and also it has a very female friendly toilet Reply   这个报道忽略了一个重要的信息,我相信这个信息才能证明中国是真正的太空之王。中国已经研制出可以在太空中做中华料理的厨房,他们可以在那儿做饭,炒宫保鸡丁,还可以坐在一起烫火锅。可怜的西方人还只能吃冷冰冰的罐头。哦,差点儿忘了,中国还有非常舒适的女厕所。
  Taky ? Sydney, Australia ? 32 mins ago  Yahoo missed one very very important piece of information and I believe this makes China the leader in space exploration. China has assemblied a special kitchen to cook hot food in the space, they can have fried rices, GongBao Chicken, hot spring roll to eat. While the West has to eat cold can food in space ...... and also it has a very female friendly toilet Reply  这个报道忽略了一个重要的信息,我相信这个信息才能证明中国是真正的太空之王。中国已经研制出可以在太空中做中华料理的厨房,他们可以在那儿做饭,炒宫保鸡丁,还可以坐在一起烫火锅。可怜的西方人还只能吃冷冰冰的罐头。哦,差点儿忘了,中国还有非常舒适的女厕所。  ========================================================  我怎么没听说,开玩笑吧
  老美的没看头啊 阿三哥的呢?主要是想看三哥的或者有棒子的评论也发来娱乐娱乐
  @funnyjay1973 13楼   4users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!7users disliked this comment  StarznBarz
New York, New York
55 mins ago  Instead of America leading, we are barely following. Thanks to the boy wonder, obama has stripped the U.S. of any lead we might have enjoyed in space exploration. We will realize soon that the moon and stars belong to China. We are scre......  -----------------------------  哈哈哈 太空厨房
  Yahoo missed one very very important piece of information and I believe this makes China the leader in space exploration. China has assemblied a special kitchen to cook hot food in the space, they can have fried rices, GongBao Chicken, hot spring roll to eat. While the West has to eat cold can food in space ...... and also it has a very female friendly toilet Reply   这个报道忽略了一个重要的信息,我相信这个信息才能证明中国是真正的太空之王。中国已经研制出可以在太空中做中华料理的厨房,他们可以在那儿做饭,炒宫保鸡丁,还可以坐在一起烫火锅。可怜的西方人还只能吃冷冰冰的罐头。哦,差点儿忘了,中国还有非常舒适的女厕所  -----------------------------------  这玩笑开大了
  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skies are black, the soil is heavy with pollutants. God help us.  我是一个中国人,我希望中国赶快完蛋。因为共产党已经把中国变成了一个到处被工厂污染的垃圾场。河流是黑色的,天空是黑色的,土地也到处是污染物。上帝保佑美国。  Sorry, all industrialised countries have gone through this stage. UK, USA, Japan etc.  很遗憾,所有的工业国都曾经历过你说的那个阶段,英国,美国,日本都是这样。  Taky, still going do you remember BP oil spill?  那个中国人,你还记得BP在墨西哥湾的石油泄漏事件吗?  i've worked in china before. it's actually not the communists polluting the country, it's the typical chinese industrialist who puts profits before safety, money before environmental protection that's poisoning china. no matter how big or dictatorial a government is, it's no match for a population that thinks "the mountains are high and the emperor is far away," meaning do as you like, the government can't guard all of us. it's actually you chinese capitalists ruining the environment.  我在中国工作过。实际上并不是共产党政府在污染这个国家,而是那些唯利是图,黑心肠的资本家在污染这个国家。他们只想赚钱,丝毫不考虑环保和安全。不管政府多么强硬多么努力,他们都只当天高皇帝远。要知道,政府不可能面面俱到。所以实际上是你们那些黑心的中国资本家在毁掉这个国家。  1users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!10users disliked this comment  History Mode
47 mins ago   Well folks the Chinese / Han needs to breed though out the galaxy.  You noticed they by passed the International Space Station.  China looks out for China why don't America.  看来中国人/汉人占领整个银河系只是个时间的问题了。  你们已经注意到他们甩掉了国际空间站。  中国超越了自己,为什么美国不行?  made in china... i pray she can get back safe  中国制造。。。我祈祷他们能平安归来。  If you like everything made in USA.... I pray you can afford all of them  如果你喜欢所有都是美国制造,我祈祷你能买得起。  You get what you pay for, more $$$ = American Made Quality  Pay less in bulk=Chinese made stuff that breaks.  一分钱一分货,美国制造等于高质量。  中国的的确便宜,可都是些次品。  This kind of Mission is strongly supported by the Government and PLA. So No Problem! Hehe  这次发射是政府和军方支持的,所以绝对没有问题,放心吧。  iphones are made in china btw. China is capable of making high quality stuff, it all depends on whether you are willing to spend money  顺便说一下,Iphone也是中国制造的。中国有能力制造任何高质量的产品,只要你能买得起。  Confucius say “Better to buy one quality U.S.A. item at any price than ten Chinese junk items from Big Box Mart.”  子曰:“宁愿花十倍买一个美国制造的高质量产品,也胜于从沃尔玛买一个中国制造的劣质品。”  She will and I hope your iphone made in China will bomb!!!!! Lol  希望你的中国制造的Iphone立即爆炸。
  作者:sceslx 回复日期: 21:45:37   回复   Taky ? Sydney, Australia ? 32 mins ago  Yahoo missed one very very important piece of information and I believe this makes China the leader in space exploration. China has assemblied a special kitchen to cook hot food in the space, they can have fried rices, GongBao Chicken, hot spring roll to eat. While the West has to eat cold can food in space ...... and also it has a very female friendly toilet Reply  这个报道忽略了一个重要的信息,我相信这个信息才能证明中国是真正的太空之王。中国已经研制出可以在太空中做中华料理的厨房,他们可以在那儿做饭,炒宫保鸡丁,还可以坐在一起烫火锅。可怜的西方人还只能吃冷冰冰的罐头。哦,差点儿忘了,中国还有非常舒适的女厕所。  ========================================================  我怎么没听说,开玩笑吧  ---------------------------------------------  厕所时真的!宫保鸡丁恐是这厮理解错了,从神五就有宫保鸡丁,不过是炒好了的!
  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skies are black, the soil is heavy with pollutants. God help us.  我是一个中国人,我希望中国赶快完蛋。因为共产党已经把中国变成了一个到处被工厂污染的垃圾场。河流是黑色的,天空是黑色的,土地也到处是污染物。上帝保佑美国。  虽然我也讨厌精英,但 明显的 最后一句是 上帝保佑我们。咱成了上帝保佑美国了
21:45:37  Taky ? Sydney, Australia ? 32 mins ago  Yahoo missed one very very important piece of information and I believe this makes China the leader in space exploration. China has assemblied a special kitc.....  -----------------------------  是带了“食品加热器”,可以吃热饭,例如“什锦炒饭、咖喱炒饭、冬笋火腿炒饭”,没说有“宫保鸡丁”。你百度一下“神州九号宇航员的食谱”。也有“女厕所”,男女厕所不同。
  Yahoo missed one very very important piece of information and I believe this makes China the leader in space exploration. China has assemblied a special kitchen to cook hot food in the space, they can have fried rices, GongBao Chicken, hot spring roll to eat. While the West has to eat cold can food in space ...... and also it has a very female friendly toilet Reply   这个报道忽略了一个重要的信息,我相信这个信息才能证明中国是真正的太空之王。中国已经研制出可以在太空中做中华料理的厨房,他们可以在那儿做饭,炒宫保鸡丁,还可以坐在一起烫火锅。可怜的西方人还只能吃冷冰冰的罐头。哦,差点儿忘了,中国还有非常舒适的女厕所。——————————————————————————————————这家伙是个吃货,呵呵
  作者:@叶文洁 回复日期: 21:26:57  回复
  什么时候对接呀,关键想看对接,发射成功已经成功得没感觉了!哪位大佬知道啥时候对接透露一声。  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  两天后!  到时候会有新闻报道的,放心吧!
  Yahoo missed one very very important piece of information and I believe this makes China the leader in space exploration. China has assemblied a special kitchen to cook hot food in the space, they can have fried rices, GongBao Chicken, hot spring roll to eat. While the West has to eat cold can food in space ...... and also it has a very female friendly toilet Reply   这个报道忽略了一个重要的信息,我相信这个信息才能证明中国是真正的太空之王。中国已经研制出可以在太空中做中华料理的厨房,他们可以在那儿做饭,炒宫保鸡丁,还可以坐在一起烫火锅。可怜的西方人还只能吃冷冰冰的罐头。哦,差点儿忘了,中国还有非常舒适的女厕所。
  ============================================================  这厮是个吃货!!!呵呵
  @funnyjay-16 21:54:37  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skies are black, the soil is heavy with pollutants. God help us.  我是一个中国人,我希望中国赶快完蛋。因为共产党已经把中国变成了一个到处被工厂污染的垃圾场。河流是黑色的,天空是黑色的,土地也到处是污染物。上帝保佑美国。  Sorry, all industrialised countries have gone through this stage. UK, USA, Japan etc.  很遗憾,所有的工业国都曾经历过你说的那个阶段,英国,美国,日本都是这样。  Taky, still going do you remember BP oil spill?  那个中国人,你还记得BP在墨西哥湾的石油泄漏事件吗?  i've worked in china before. it's actually not the communists polluting the country, it's the typical chinese industrialist who puts profits before safety, money before environmental protection that's poisoning china. no matter how big or dictatorial a government is, it's no match for a population that thinks "the mountains are high and the emperor is far away," meaning do as you like, the government can't guard all of us. it's actually you chinese capitalists ruining the environment.  我在中国工作过。实际上并不是共产党政府在污染这个国家,而是那些唯利是图,黑心肠的资本家在污染这个国家。他们只想赚钱,丝毫不考虑环保和安全。不管政府多么强硬多么努力,他们都只当天高皇帝远。要知道,政府不可能面面俱到。所以实际上是你们那些黑心的中国资本家在毁掉这个国家。  这不是打人脸吗,哎
  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skies are black, the soil is heavy with pollutants. God help us.  我是一个中国人,我希望中国赶快完蛋。因为共产党已经把中国变成了一个到处被工厂污染的垃圾场。河流是黑色的,天空是黑色的,土地也到处是污染物。上帝保佑美国。  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  这哪是中国人呀?  这分明是个奴颜卑膝的奴才!  猪狗不如,数典忘祖的畜生!
Centro, Mexico
43 mins ago   Congratulations it is so sad the US choose not to share a program with the Chinese.Anybody know how much duty the US buts on Chinese imports from China? They steal our designs and intellectual property and out government does nothing.  恭喜中国。真是伤心啊,美国最终决定不和中国一起分享合作太空项目。你们知道中国从美国这儿偷走了多少东西吗?我们的技术,我们的设计,几乎一切,而我们的政府毫无办法。  Reply   ?
  0users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0users disliked this comment  Gimme Cookies!
Karachi, Pakistan
52 secs ago   We'd better learn Chinese before it's too late...They are taking on this world.....  我们应该尽快开始了解学习中国,在还不算太晚的时候。他们正在吞没整个世界。  Reply   ?
  0users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0users disliked this comment  ?
  1users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!1users disliked this comment  joe
Newark, New Jersey
24 mins ago   One month from now we will read the headline "first woman to get pregnant in space".  一个月以后,新闻的头条是:“首位太空孕妇诞生”
  这个报道忽略了一个重要的信息,我相信这个信息才能证明中国是真正的太空之王。中国已经研制出可以在太空中做中华料理的厨房,他们可以在那儿做饭,炒宫保鸡丁,还可以坐在一起烫火锅。可怜的西方人还只能吃冷冰冰的罐头。哦,差点儿忘了,中国还有非常舒适的女厕所  -------------------------------------------------------------  这是美国JY还是个中国留学生?
  @funnyjay-16 22:15:08  Bob
Centro, Mexico
43 mins ago  Congratulations it is so sad the US choose not to share a program with the Chinese.Anybody know how much duty the US buts on Chinese imports from China? They s...........  -----------------------------  最后一条。。。。。。。。
  If you like everything made in USA.... I pray you can afford all of them   如果你喜欢所有都是美国制造,我祈祷你能买得起。  
承认现实吧 兔子有时候仔细一想还是比较牛逼的
Mt Hamilton, California
9 hrs ago   Calm down guys, we are still the leader in space, and our space rocket is under developments and being tested now google orion it's build by lockheed Martin and it's quite impressive, it's had pass enginet ground testing and safety flight capsule ejection test ,and real take off and it's land in the ocean, it's takes about 5 years to build a next space ship.  大家别慌,我们仍然是太空的领跑者,我们的太空火箭正在建造中,路克西德马丁公司正在测试最新的飞船。那是最新,最高科技的,非常不错,已经完成了发动机试验,安全试验和弹射试验等,很快就能发射了。  o
  oak_conkers 2 hrs 42 mins ago   If your still the leader how come you hitch rides to the ISS on a Russian rocket??????????  如果你们仍然是太空的领导者,怎么现在沦落到要依靠俄国的火箭才能到达国际空间站的地步?  o
  Dale 21 mins ago   Chinese routinely fake space launches, is this one fake too? There are many sites that show convincing evidence of this. Much of thier economic data is faked as well. Don't believe anything you hear from China.  中国一如既往地在伪造太空发射,所以这次多半也是假的。他们在很多方面都在作假山寨,很多证据已经证实了。包括经济上的很多数据也是假的。我不相信中国的一切。  ?
Los Angeles, California
16 hrs ago   Awesome! I'm sure its gonna be a success.  天啦,这是真的吗?我相信他们一定能成功的。  o
  Lub 8 hrs ago   It will. China's rocket vehicle success rate is by far, the highest.  是的,他们会的。中国的火箭发射成功率是如今最高的。  ?
7 hrs ago   A spacecraft with made in china quality... should be funny to watch.  中国制造的火箭?真是一次可笑的发射啊,有好戏看了。  o
  Dr Mao 7 hrs ago   If it goes well then you better ready to suk on my hairy b***s.  如果发射成功了,你会不会来舔舔我那毛茸茸的卵蛋?  o
  Chris 7 hrs ago   You are chinese you lost your balls in ww2 when the japanese invaded your country and raped your women.  你这个下贱的中国狗,难道你的卵蛋不是在二战的时候被入侵的日本人强奸你的时候给砍掉了吗?  o
  T.J. 7 hrs ago   Well, today our Afro and Mexican brothers are milking your country's resources and rapping your women. Payback is hell, isn't it?  现在我的非洲和墨西哥兄弟们正在入侵你的国家,强奸你的女人。君子报仇十年不晚,对吧?
速度 啊啊啊
22:10:39  @funnyjay-16 21:54:37  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skie...........  -----------------------------  美爹轻点。。。孙子脸疼。。。
22:11:04  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skies are black, the soil is heavy with ...........  -----------------------------  我想他说的是上帝保佑我们us,而不是美国usa,应该是翻译错误。我觉得他还不至于这么奴颜婢膝。
8 hrs ago   China just wants to steal whatever resources it can. They will soon be chopping up the moon and mars as fast as they can behind the worlds back. With terrible human rights record,animal rights record, and a world polluter, and a robber of neighboring countries resources, they soon will rob the solar system as well.  中国试图抢走一切可以抢走的资源。他们很快就要吞没整个世界,月球和火星。这个强盗,人权纪录糟糕,虐待动物,到处污染世界,偷窃抢劫邻居的技术和资源,很快整个太阳系都要被他们给吞噬了。  ?
  David Chan
Hong Kong, Hong Kong-China
8 hrs ago   US objected to China's entry into G7 making it G8. We simply did not mind because we formed the BRIC and G20. G7's influence now pales into insignficance in face of G20. US again objected to China's request to join the ISS programme. We again did not mind because we are going to build our own space station.While you people are suffering from austerity measures imposed by governments to tackle the debt crises, we are embarking on space missions on our own (not by the collected efforts of 16 nations).  美国拒绝中国加入G7,结果中国搞出了金砖国家和G20,把个G7搞成不伦不类。美国拒绝中国加入国际空间站,结果中国单独搞出了更好的空间站。而美国却要依赖俄罗斯的火箭才能上得了太空。美国纠集了16个国家搞出的国际空间站,自己被弄得濒临破产,而中国独自就搞出了空间站。美国啊美国,老实说,你到底是不是中国派来的卧底?  John
Anchorage, Alaska
8 hrs ago   Myself, I think it is great China is going into space. Chinese engineers are brilliant, and this creates an environment for more future cooperation between our countries. Our cultures can learn much from each other.  我认为这是中国太空事业的一个巨大的成功。中国有非常优秀的工程师,两国之间有很多可以合作的领域。大家可以相互学习进步。  ?
San Jose, California
13 hrs ago   alright people, don't be jealous  好了好了,就别酸溜溜地嫉妒别人了。
  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skies are black, the soil is heavy with pollutants. God help us.  我是一个中国人,我希望中国赶快完蛋。因为共产党已经把中国变成了一个到处被工厂污染的垃圾场。河流是黑色的,天空是黑色的,土地也到处是污染物。上帝保佑美国。  ========================================  这厮如果确实是个中国人,请让我们一起保佑它早日投胎,投到它热爱的美国去  我真是个善良的人~(害羞)
  也来凑个热闹。  RaiderFan13  Just Win, Baby  177 Fans  20 minutes ago (10:33 AM)  I'm surprised they had a woman to spare !  This social experiment know as China is birthing 6 men to every woman.  And now they want to send the few women they have to space ?  In the future, online porn in China will be the substitute for marriage.  太吃惊了,他们竟然能找到个女人送上去!  中国的社会实验(应指计划生育)使得生6个男性才生1个女性。  而现在他们想把本来就很少的女性送上去?  未来,在中国A片将取代婚姻。
  忘 说了,评论来自huffington post.  ABQ-Mike  547 Fans  21 minutes ago (10:32 AM)  If they let her drive, I hope they taught her to use her turn signals.  ---  如果他们让她来驾驶飞船,我希望他们教过她怎么打转向灯。
  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skies are black, the soil is heavy with pollutants. God help us.  我是一个中国人,我希望中国赶快完蛋。因为共产党已经把中国变成了一个到处被工厂污染的垃圾场。河流是黑色的,天空是黑色的,土地也到处是污染物。上帝保佑美国。  Sorry, all industrialised countries have gone through this stage. UK, USA, Japan etc.  很遗憾,所有的工业国都曾经历过你说的那个阶段,英国,美国,日本都是这样。  Taky, still going do you remember BP oil spill?  那个中国人,你还记得BP在墨西哥湾的石油泄漏事件吗?  i've worked in china before. it's actually not the communists polluting the country, it's the typical chinese industrialist who puts profits before safety, money before environmental protection that's poisoning china. no matter how big or dictatorial a government is, it's no match for a population that thinks "the mountains are high and the emperor is far away," meaning do as you like, the government can't guard all of us. it's actually you chinese capitalists ruining the environment.  我在中国工作过。实际上并不是共产党政府在污染这个国家,而是那些唯利是图,黑心肠的资本家在污染这个国家。他们只想赚钱,丝毫不考虑环保和安全。不管政府多么强硬多么努力,他们都只当天高皇帝远。要知道,政府不可能面面俱到。所以实际上是你们那些黑心的中国资本家在毁掉这个国家。  ==============================  看到汉奸被打脸十分欢乐
  作者:中国明天更强大 回复日期: 22:11:04  回复
  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skies are black, the soil is heavy with pollutants. God help us.  我是一个中国人,我希望中国赶快完蛋。因为共产党已经把中国变成了一个到处被工厂污染的垃圾场。河流是黑色的,天空是黑色的,土地也到处是污染物。上帝保佑美国。  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  这哪是中国人呀?  这分明是个奴颜卑膝的奴才!  猪狗不如,数典忘祖的畜生!
  ============  离不开轮子巴子独子!
  作者:@胡無人_漢道昌 回复日期: 22:48:40  回复
22:10:39  @funnyjay-16 21:54:37  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skie...........  -----------------------------  美爹轻点。。。孙子脸疼。。。
  ====  呵呵!你妹的学的好像!
  辛苦了,翻译的很好  我想看十一区的,看他们变异没
  HUFFPOST SUPER USER  rayinprague  203 Fans  23 minutes ago (10:30 AM)  It is easy to make jokes about it, and I find it very tempting. But if you look back at the US just a couple of decades ago it was big news when there was the first female cadet in a military academy, the first female candidate for high office and so on. Now very few people would try to say a there are jobs that women can't do based on gender.  The lack of women's rights is a big issue in China. Any step in the right direction is a big step. Sending a woman into space doesn't mean that hundreds of discriminatory policies will be changed overnight. But it does show there is a possibility the door for change may be opening just a crack.  ---对此取笑很容易,而且我觉得这也很有吸引力,但如果回头看看几十年前的美国,第一位进入军事学院的女性、第一们女性高官候选人等等,这都是大新闻。现在很少有人会说对于胜任工作男女有别了。  在中国,女性缺少权利是很大的问题。任何正确的前进都是意义重大的。将一位女性送入太空并不意味着成百上千的歧视性政策就一夜消失,但这确实表明改变或许即将到来。
22:11:04  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skies are black, the soil is heavy with ...........  -----------------------------  那家伙不是轮子就是学运的人,当年被赶出国后年年唱衰中国,使劲抹黑,还满大街派传单,一看到中国成功了,那高达PH20的酸劲就使劲往外冒。
21:23:43  赶上直播了?习惯性说一句:韩国好棒呀!!!!!!  本帖发自天涯社区手机客户端  -----------------------------  棒子真好···
22:11:04  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skies are black, the soil is heavy with ...........  -----------------------------  这是为什么,在这个帖子当中美国人反倒是很支持中国,再说了,污染确实有,但是尼玛哪条河是黑的,哥没见过,至少我们那里没有
21:57:46  那个中国人真幽默!!!下面的米国人比他还幽默!!!   -----------------------------  +1
23:02:38  I am a chinese. and I want china to game over now. Because communists make chinese a living garabge dump with factories pollutions. The rivers are black, the skies are black, the soil is heavy with ...........  -----------------------------  +1
  @昭德公子 88楼   美爹轻点。。。孙子脸疼。。。  ====  呵呵!你妹的学的好像!  -----------------------------  估计就凭这个要想成为合格的JY还是不够的。。。。求更高级入门教程。。
23:08:44  HUFFPOST SUPER USER  rayinprague  203 Fans  23 minutes ago (10:30 AM)  It is easy to make jokes about it, and I find it very tempting. But if you look back at the US just a couple of decades ago...........  -----------------------------  女性因为其生理结构上太空比男人要难的多。这才是关键,不要歪曲


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