
Jane Austen was a British realistic novelist. In her lifetime, Britain was at the period of transition from the earlier Capitalism to Capitalist Industrialization. But the society developed rather slowly in the countryside. It was rather difficult for women to get education and employment. Young women of upper social class could not get money except by marrying a rich man or inheriting from someone. Although her family had a large number of fortunes, she coul few of them become governess a kind of savants.① Austen depicted the life of country clergymen, landed gentry and their families. Marriage mainly determined women’s social status. The characters in Austen’s novels have something in common with her neighbors, friends and relatives. Austen writings are all about the people and the family. At that time, the society was filled with the possession and the control of a fortune, since men inherited all fortunes. Women had to obey men and gained their happiness through marriage. Marriage has no natural relation to love, and marriage belongs to society. It is a social contrast. Other than marriage, no career or occupation was open to women. “Marriage of Austen’s time actually was a kind of foundation stone and its function was mainly the key to the connection of fortune, the decision of relation and the right of inheritance”.
Jane Austen was a British realistic novelist. In her lifetime, Britain was at the period of transition from the earlier Capitalism to Capitalist Industrialization. But the society developed rather slowly in the countryside. It was rather difficult for women to get education and employment. Young women of upper social class could not get money except by marrying a rich man or inheriting from someone. Although her family had a large number of fortunes, she coul few of them become governess a kind of savants.① Austen depicted the life of country clergymen, landed gentry and their families. Marriage mainly determined women’s social status. The characters in Austen’s novels have something in common with her neighbors, friends and relatives. Austen's works are all about the human and the family. At that time, the society was filled with the possession and the control of a fortune, since men inherited all fortunes. Women had to follow men and gained their happiness through marriage. Marriage had no natural relation to love, and marriage belonged to society. It is a social contrast. Other than marriage, no career or occupation was open to women. “Marriage of Austen’s time actually was a kind of foundation stone and its function was mainly the key to the connection of fortune, the decision of relation and the right of inheritance”.&br& 没有什么语法错误。但有的地方表达不是特别准确。但我也修行不够,不知道怎么改
外语领域专家初三期末考试动员 优秀学生代表的发言稿 帮我改一下 改好了加分 急用 (结尾没给出,字数太多)_百度知道
初三期末考试动员 优秀学生代表的发言稿 帮我改一下 改好了加分 急用 (结尾没给出,字数太多)
期末的到来,使我们猛然之间发现,一个学期又将结束; 再过193天,我校全体初三同学将在北京市 2011 年中考考场上演绎自己的人生。在剩下的短暂时间里,我们究竟该做些什么?在此,我让大家分享一下我的学习经验:一:课堂听讲:
上课时的听课效率如何提高呢?课前要有一定的预习,这是必要的,不过预习可以比较粗略,可以只是走马观花地看一下课本,这样课本上讲的内容、重点大致在心里有个印象了,听起课来就比较有针对性。上课时认真听课当然是必须的,虽然我们无法连续四十多分钟集中精神不走神,但是也不能因此不听讲,老师也不会连续讲一节课的重点,所以我们可以再老师们小作休息时适当地放松一下精神。另外,盲目记笔记有时也会妨碍课堂听课效率,只顾记笔记有时会忽略一些很重要的东西,但是不记笔记是不行的,人人都会遗忘,有了笔记,复习时才有基础,有时老师会讲得很多,在黑板上记得也很多,但并不需要全记,要记真正有价值去记的东西。否则见一条记一条,势必影响课上听课的效率,得不偿失。 二:课后作业现在许多同学不重视老师留的作业,尤其是基础知识的抄抄写写一类,只一心顾专攻难题。认为作业对自己来说写不写无所谓,反正都会,但是这种想法是大错特错。理科的基础知识是最基本的知识技能,包含运算、定理、各种基本规则等等。我们只有把这些知识牢记在心,那么对于学习新知识来说,是非常容易的而又便于理解的,就好比一条铁链一样,一环扣一环,相互之间密切相连。。文科就更显而易见了了,没有基础的支持,阅读、作文就无法的高分,只有把词语、单词等基础知识牢牢掌握住,才能在中考时如鱼得水。这些基础作业看似毫无价值,但是却能渐渐的在你脑中留下深刻的印象,不必刻意去记,但也不能不记。三:自学效率
学习效率是决定学习成绩的重要因素,或许有些同学每天学习的时间比别人少,但每次考试都能取得较好的成绩,这就是学习效率的问题。如何提高自我学习效率呢? 1、不妨给自己定一些时间限制。因为连续长时间的学习很容易使自己产生厌烦情绪,这时可以把功课分成若干个部分,把每一部分限定时间,这样不仅有助于提高效率,还不会产生疲劳感这样能帮助我们提高学习时间的利用率,例如:(1)早晨或晚上,一天学习的开头和结尾时间,可安排着重记忆的科目,如英语科等;(2)心情比较愉快,注意力比较集中,时间较完整时,可安排比较枯燥的内容或自己不太喜欢的科目;(3)零星的或注意力不易集中的时间,可安排学习自己最感兴趣的学科或做习题。这样可以提高时间的利用率。 2、不要在学习的同时干其他事或想其他事。一心不能二用的道理谁都明白,可还是有许多同学在边学习边听音乐。或许你会说听音乐是放松神经的好办法,那么你尽可以专心的学习一小时后全身放松地听一刻钟音乐,这样比带着耳机做功课的效果好多了。
Elinor is nineteen-year-old eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood. She has a great deal of common sense and is bet out of her family at dealing with people. She is a dramatic foil to her sister, Marianne, in that she tempers her emotions and judgments with good sense and discretion. Prefers to keep her troubles secret, as she is always trying to make sure that her mother and sisters are untroubled by her private woes. It is described as having “strength of understanding& and &coolness of judgment&, as well as the ability to govern and control her feelings. She modestly states that she &greatly esteems& Edward Ferrars, a remark typical of her rational, sensible attitude.
Edward Ferrars is shy, kind, and retiring, preferring a quiet life to the distinction that his mother and sister wish for him. He and Elinor become attached early in the novel, since both are sensible and good-hearted. However, he also gives Elinor mixed signals and his thoughts and feelings are very hard to read. Edward is very shy, but is a pleasant and kind person once people become familiar with him. Mrs. Dashwood is glad at the attraction between him and Elinor, more because he is nice and good-hearted than the fact that his family is very wealthy. Although his mother and sister have great ambitions for him, he is a very retiring sort, and wants a quiet life and peace instead. Mrs. Dashwood grows to admire him, and believes that the affection between him and Elinor will lead to marriage. Elinor is perfectly happy with his tastes and education.
eleanor is 19-year-old,she is the oldest daughter of Mr.and Mrs Henry.
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