各位帮忙想想这道gre issue模版该如何写吧,以及有什么例子可以用,拜托啦!!

------------------------------183. &As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious.&随着我们获得越来越多的知识,事情并没有变的更加透彻,相反是变的更复杂更神秘。As our knowledge of the world accumulates, we arrive at a higher stage of civilization although the world may appear more complex and more mysterious.1. The world in the eyes of primitive tribes was much simplerand thus more “comprehensible” in a sense and certainly more backward.2. If we compare the known part of the world to the spacewithin a circle, the unknown part of the world around the circle grows as the circle of our knowledge expands. 3. There is no need to feel frustrated about the increasinglymore complex and more mysterious world that we confront because our knowledge in total keeps growing and correspondingly we are becoming better equipped to cope with the problems that emerge. ------------------------------200. &The most elusive knowledge is self-knowledge, and it is usually acquired through solitude, rather than through interaction with others.&Elusive: Abstruse, hard to comprehendSelf-knowledge: knowledge or understandings of one??s own capabilities, character, feelings, or motivations
Solitude: alone, seclusion最艰深难懂的学问都是自知之明的,这些学问通常都是独立发展起来的而不是通过和其他人的交流。Both solitude and interaction with others contributes to self-knowledge.1. To lead a happy life, the first thing is to know ourselves. “Anunexamined life is not worth living.”2. One way to know ourselves is to examine ourselves alone. 3. However, interaction with others can also help us see moreclearly who we are. 少数和多数之自知之明的学问204. &We learn throu to accept a theory without experiencing it is to learn nothing at all.&我们通过直接经验来学习,如果没有通过体验来接受一个理论就等于根本没学。
Disagree1. Even though experience is a most lively and vivid way thatwe learn things, it is by no means the only way.2. Admittedly, by putting a theory into practice, we can eitherimprove it or prove its truth.3. However, there is no need for us to experience every theorybefore accepting and benefiting from it. 直接经验和间接经验
------------------------------217. &In order to produce successful original work, scholars and scientists must first study the successful work of others to learn what contributions remain to be made.&为了创作出成功的原创著作,学者和科学家们必须研究别人的著作以了解这些著作仍然保持着哪些贡献。Naturally, to make new contributions in any field of study, scholars and scientists should first master the existing work done by their fellow scholars and scientists.1. No one can produce any original work without firstassimilating the contributions of former generations in his or her field. 2. The defects of the work of other scholars and scientists arewhere we can possibly make our contributions.3. In a large sense, what is called “original” work is usually butan improvement on the work done by previous scholars and scientist.他山之石可以攻玉,科学是承前继后的过程
-----------------------------229. &The best way to learn a new subject or skill is to study small segments or details in great depth rather than to start by trying to develop a sense of the whole.&学习一门新学科或者新技术的最好方法是深入的学习某一个小的部分或者细节,而不是一开始就试图去从整体来把握。To learn a new subject, one should start by developing a sense of the whole rather than focusing on segments or details. 1. A sense of the whole subject enables us to identify thespecific areas where we can make original
contributions. 2. A sense of the whole subject provides necessary backgroundknowledge for any in-depth exploration into particular areas of that subject.3. Studying small segments or details in great depth would inturn contribute to our understanding of the whole subject. 整体和局部的关系 ------------------------------ 第六类 政治8. &It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.&对于政治领导者来说,向人民大众隐瞒信息通常是必要的,甚至有益的。Agree1. In order to gain the opportunity for effective publicleadership, a would-be leader must first gain and maintain political power. In the game of politics, completeforthrightness is a sign of vulnerability and naiveté, neither of which earn a politician respect among his or her opponents. 2. Fully disclosing to the public certain types of informationwould threaten public safety and perhaps even national security.3. Nevertheless, legitimate political leadership indeed requiresforthrightness with the citizenry as to the leader’s motives and agenda.少数和多数的关系之true lies, the truth is out there.
------------------------------24. &People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in the use of that power.&当掌握权力的人们试图小心而节制的使用权力时,他们是最有效率的。1. People without caution and restraint tend to abuse the powergranted to them.2. Caution and restraint help people have better understandingand make better use of the power.3. Leaders should not be tied up by too much caution andrestraint.
过犹不及------------------------------43. &To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.&一个公仆如果想成为一位杰出的领导者就必须保持最高的伦理和道德标准。1. In the business realm, successful leadership is generallydefined as that which achieves the goal of profit maximization for a firm’s shareholders or other owners.2. In the political realm the issue is no less complex. Definitionof successful political leadership and of ethical or moral leadership are tied up in the means a leader uses to wield his or her power and to obtain that power in the first place. 3. Personal morality is unrelated to effective political leadership.45. &Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carrying out the will of the people whom they serve.&政府官员应该依靠自己的判断而不是不管三七二十一的遵从However, public morality and successful leadership are more closely connected. 政治家题目------------------------------44. &Government should not fund any scientific research whose consequences, either medical or ethical, are unclear.&政府不应该资助任何后果不明的科学研究,无论是医学方面还是伦理方面的。
Disagree1. Financial support is to the uncertain scientific research whatsteam is to locomotive.2. The consequences of uncertain researches may turn out to beas substantial as those with clear perspectives.3. Admittedly, there are some dangers or wastes when the resultof a scientific research is unclear. 政府和科研------------------------------人民的意愿。
Disagree1. Admittedly, it is hard to get a good rapport of all the people. 2. However, in a democratic society, government is elected bythe people, and therefore should take the responsibility to serve for the people and realize their will.3. Without the support of the people, government is bound toperish. 少数和多数,政府
------------------------------56. &Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.&政府应该把更多的注意力放在解决当务之急,而不是试图解决将来预期的问题上。Whether solving the immediate problems of today is more important than solving the anticipated problems of the future depends on the nature of the problems to be solved. 1. To win the favor of the general public, governmentsthroughout the world tend to focus on solving the immediate problems of today.2. However, a government’s failing to prepare for futurechallenges will cause disasters to its country in the long run. 3. Furthermore, a government should always take intoconsideration the possible future effects of the actions it takes today.时间之当务之急和百年大计
------------------------------79. &Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts, who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public.&主要的决策权应该全部交给政治家和其他的政府专家,他们更加见多识广并且比一般的老百姓具有更好的判断能力和洞察力。The title statement goes against the basic tenets of modern democracy. 1. In some cases, politicians and other government expertsmight be more informed and have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public. 2. However, there is no guarantee that the politicians andexperts would always put the interest of the public before their own selfish interests.3. Furthermore, empirical evidence also indicates thatpoliticians and government experts do make grave mistakes that harm the interests of the public.少数和多数之决策权
------------------------------83. &Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people.&政府应该保留国家领土中公共拥有的荒凉地区,即使这些地区往往人迹罕至。When our environment is under growing threat from human civilization, government should take action to preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state.1. Even a few people could cause serious damage to a remotewilderness area.包含各类专业文献、生活休闲娱乐、中学教育、应用写作文书、文学作品欣赏、幼儿教育、小学教育、行业资料、专业论文、各类资格考试、高等教育、91GRE作文题库所有244道Issue题目的写作提纲等内容。 
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赞助商链接还有八天要考GRE AW 了 可是一点底都没有,求助帮忙改一下吧谢谢!就一篇ISSUE 说我财富过低我尽量多给分_百度知道
还有八天要考GRE AW 了 可是一点底都没有,求助帮忙改一下吧谢谢!就一篇ISSUE 说我财富过低我尽量多给分
TOPIC: ISSUE191 - &Education should be equally devoted to enriching the personal lives of students and to training students to be productive workers.&WORDS: 347
TIME: 00:36:27
What's the education's main aim?The speaker asserts that education should be equally devoted to enriching the personal lives of students and to training them to be productive workers. I agree with what the speaker asserts, but I stronly recommend that the aim of education should vary in different subjects and be not equally devoted to both the speaker mentioned above. Education should be placed different emphasis on different subject with different objection.In the realm of social science, such as history and art, education can be devoted to enriching the students lives. With so many artists in different era and different countries, the study of arts can provide the impetus to making the students better at appreciating all kinds of masterpieces and broaden their eyes. And also, by studying history, one can learn a lesson from the past, which will help people today to avoid the same mistakes. But education in social science usually would not make you a productive worker rather than a person who is good at how to get on with people and how to deal with the relationship between people and people, or people and the society.While considering the scientific field of education, especially those academic dicipline of technology would shape you a productive worker in your future's employment. Mastering a certain type of technology, you will be either good at solving problems or creating profits. Unlike those who is good at thinking, productive workers are often reasonable and realistic.That is to say that as a student of social science, one should be taught mainly as a person full of ideas and wisdom to be in a position of manager, while some as a student of science, he or she usually should be cultivated as an woker or engineer full of techniques and have the ability of solving the technological tasks.In sum, education should not be equally devoted to enriching the personal lives of students and to training students to be productive workers. Education should base on different situation of different students, then let their talents fully come out.
1.同学,还剩8天,你就不要写低频题了(对issue191这个极低频,考试时如果不是人品太差的话,碰到的可能性为零),抓紧时间死磕高频才是王道啊。前80甚至是前40好好准备就行了。(鉴于你时间比较紧,咱还是得高效备考嘛。)2.字数:issue大于500比较好。字数少了分数必然不会高。3.整体思路没有问题,但是对于2各分论点的论述太简单空泛。如technology为什么会重productive worker,如相关课程设置不需培养人文素养,多论述一下它的practical的特点,然后最好能举个例子,和你专业相关的例子更好。同样,人文学科humanity也可以再这样多论述一些。所以说服力不太足。不过整体写得已经不错了。4.个别地方有一些语法错误,但是不太严重。比如主谓并列,句子成分不清什么的,自己应该可以检查出来吧。有问题可以百度上联系我。 ps: 8天能干很多事的,加油~
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