哪位大虾有 想念雨生演唱会 的资源哇 小弟在网上是头都找晕了peid 什么都没找到到 不胜感激!!!!!!!!!!

请哪位大虾帮忙把下面这段英文翻译成中文,不要网上直接出来的,小弟不胜感激!As firms get larger and as projects get more complex, it become necessary to formalize the method of capturing information about construction progress.One common method uses photography to record progress and to provide documentation of work done..Sequential picture taken at regular interval(every week, every month ), provide clear evidence of the potential for meeting a specified completion date. On some projects, progress photos are required by the owner’s as part of the contract. Of course, photographs also serve a number of other useful purposes, including training and documentation for claims. However,photography do not capture or record everything.For example,they do not accurately disclose the length of time required to accomplish a specific activity. Time-lapse photography is useful to overcome this shortcoming. The time-lapse camera is set up to record one frame within every started time interval,such as 1 second,5 minutes, or one hour. The length or time required to perform each task can then be determined with reasonable accuracy.


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