请问clap的现在过去进行时和过去式是clapping, 过去式是clapped吗

clap是什么词性呀?_百度知道vt.& vi.拍手,鼓掌;轻轻拍打某人;急速放置;振翼,拍翅膀n.鼓掌,拍手;拍手声;噼拍声;破裂声vi.鼓掌,拍手;啪地关上复数:第三人称单数:过去式:过去分词:现在分词:易混淆的单词:
you clap, you hit your hands together to show appreciation or attract attention.&The men danced and the women clapped...男人们跳舞,女人们拍手。Midge clapped her hands, calling them back to order...米奇拍手示意他们安静下来。Londoners came out on to the pavement to wave and clap the marchers.伦敦居民从家里涌到人行道上,向游行队伍挥手、鼓掌。2.VERB快速而有力地放置If you clap your hand or an object onto something, you put it there quickly and firmly.&I clapped a hand over her mouth.我用一只手迅速地捂住她的嘴。3.VERB轻拍(背或肩膀)If you clap someone on the back or on the shoulder, you hit their back or shoulder with your hand in a friendly way.&While Onassis might clap a friend on the back, Niarchos would extend a businesslike hand.奥纳西斯可能会拍拍朋友的后背,可尼亚尔霍斯却会公事公办地伸出手来。4.N-COUNT霹雳声;炸雷;响雷A clap of thunder is a sudden and loud noise of thunder.&clap 什么意思_百度知道美音:[klaep
n.拍手声,霹雳声 v.鼓掌,轻拍
动词过去式:clapped 过去分词:clapped 现在分词:clapping 第三人称单数:claps
近义词, 同义词
/ klaep/v (-pp-) 1 (a) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (together) strike (the palms of one's hands) together 拍(手); 鼓(掌)*She clapped her hands in delight. 她高兴地拍起手来.* They clapped their hands in time to the music. 他们随着音乐的节拍鼓起掌来.(b) [I, Tn] do this continually to show approval of (sb/sth); applaud 不断鼓掌以示赞许(某人[某事物]); 鼓掌欢迎*The audience clapped (her/her speech) enthusiastically. 听众热情地(为她[为她的讲话])鼓起掌来. 2 [Tn.pr] ~ sb on sth strike or slap sb lightly with an open hand, usu in a friendly way (用手掌)轻轻拍打某人(通常为友好地)*clap sb on the back 轻拍某人的背. 3 (idm 习语) clap/lay/set eyes on sb/sth => eye1. clap hold of sb/sth (infml 口) seize sb/sth suddenly or with force 突然或用力抓住某人[某物]*Here, clap hold of this! 喂, 抓住这个! clap sb in/into jail, prison, etc (infml 口) put sb in prison quickly (often without a trial) 迅速将某人关进监狱(常未经审讯). 4 (phr v) clap sth on (sth) (infml 口) add sth to the price of sth, esp in an unwelcome way 涨价, 提价(尤指不得人心的)*The Government has clapped an extra ten pence on a packet of cigarettes. 政府对每包香烟额外提价十便士. (be) clapped out (Brit infml 口) (of people or things) completely worn out or exhausted (指人)筋疲力尽; (指物)破烂不堪*a clapped-out old bicycle 破烂不堪的旧自行车.n 1 [sing] act or sound of clapping (clap1 1a) 鼓掌; 掌声*Let's give her a big clap, ie applaud her. 咱们给她用力鼓掌. 2 [C] ~ on sth friendly slap 善意的拍打*give sb a clap on the back 在某人背上拍一下. 3 [C] sudden loud noise 突然的巨响*a clap of thunder 雷鸣./ klaep/(also the clap) n [U] (sl 俚) venereal disease, esp gonorrhoea 花柳病; (尤指)淋病.
1. Certainly middle- the working-class audiences were more likely to clap for a character who revolted against authority,


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