ubuntu11.04 用u盘安装xp系统求助

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UBUNTU 11.04: 安装期间的麻烦与安装后的印象
UBUNTU 11.04 安装时的一系列麻烦真是让人头疼啊!!你是否也遇到了与本文作者一样的麻烦呢?读下去吧,一起找找对UBUNTU 11.04最终发布版的最终结论
Ubuntu 11.04: Installation stumbling block and post-install impressions &UBUNTU 11.04: 安装期间的麻烦与安装后的印象 By Jack Wallen &作者:杰克·沃伦 May 2,
AM PDT &日 下午8:37 PDT Takeaway: Jack Wallen is surprised with a bit of a glitch during the Ubuntu 11.04 installation. Have you had the same experience? Read on to see his final conclusion with the final release of Ubuntu 11.04. & 引言:杰克·沃伦对UBUNTU 11.04安装期间出现的一系列问题惊讶不已。你是否也有相同的经历呢?读下去,看看对UBUNTU 11.04最终发布版的最终结论。 Well, it has finally arrived. Probably the single most controversial Linux release to date. Ubuntu 11.04 — Natty Narwhal. The distribution that dared to buck the trends and go with it’s very own desktop that everyone said would fail. Rumor has it that even as near as a month prior to release, the Ubuntu developers wanted to can Unity and go back to standard GNOME — but the board voted them down. & 呃,它最终还是来了。也许它是到目前为止唯一最具争议性的LINUX发行版——NATTY NARWHAL (敏捷的独角鲸)。这个发行版决定逆潮流而动,一意孤行地上马自己的桌面环境了,虽然每个人都说它会失败。流言说甚至在发布前一个月,UBUNTU开发者们还想废弃UNITY退回到标准GNOME——但是理事会(董事会?)的投票拒绝了他们这种想法。 “Controversy,” as Prince sang. & &正如PRINCE唱的那样:“争议。” I had plenty of testing under my belt with the alpha and beta releases and decided Natty should be labeled (to that point) a huge success. There was so much to love about the new desktop. The whole idea behind Unity was to unify the desktop so that everything was seamless and made every aspect about simplicity. And Unity succeeded in doing just that. But how did the transition from beta to full release turn out? If the state of the beta was any indicator as to how well the full release would perform, the Ubuntu audience was in for a real treat. Did it deliver? & 我通过对alpha和beta测试版的充分测试确定Natty可以称为(在某种程度上)一次巨大的成功。新的桌面有太多的东西让人爱不释手了。Unity背后的整个创意就是把桌面统一起来,这样所有的东西都是无缝的,每个方面都简单易用。Unity成功的做到了这一点。但是从beta版到全面发行版有什么转变呢?如果说beta版的状态是全面发行版表现良好程度的某种指标,那么Ubuntu用户可就幸福了。它成功了吗?
No. &没有。 There’s your answer. In its simplest form. But why? How could something go from doing so well in beta form to not doing so well in the full release? In a word — installation. &这是你们的答案。最简单的形式的答案。但是为什么呢?为什么某种东西在beta 版的时候表现良好而到了全面发行版的时候却不是那么良好了呢?两个字——安装。
Installation problems &安装问题 I had planned on migrating from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 on my primary desktop. I was all prepared. Everything was backed up to an external drive, I had the standard list of applications that had to be installed immediately (GnuCash, OpenShot Video Editor, The GIMP, Chromium Browser, Claws Mail, Lucky Backup, and guvcview). I was ready. So I downloaded the ISO, burned it onto disc, and rebooted my machine. &我计划好在我第一台电脑上从ubuntu10.10迁移到11.04上去。所有的都准备好了。所有的东西都在外部驱动里进行了备份。我列好了一个应当立即安装的应用程序标准名单(GnuCash, OpenShot Video Editor, The GIMP, Chromium Browser, Claws Mail, Lucky Backup, and guvcview)。我准备好了。这样我下载连ISO镜像文件,刻录到光盘里,重启了我的机器。 Generally, I run the Live version of the distribution and then install from there. For Ubuntu you can choose to try it out (run the Live CD) or just immediately install the distribution. I decided to go my usual route and clicked the Try It Out button. &一般来说我先运行发行版的 Live版然后再进行安装。对 Ubuntu来说你可以选择尝试它(运行liveCD)或者立即安装它。我决定按照我平常的步骤来,点击了“尝试它”(Try It Out)按钮。
Nothing. 什么也没发生 The initial screen just sat there, doing nothing. I thought that odd, so I rebooted (thinking it was just a fluke). When the initial screen popped up again, I clicked the Try It Out button and, once again, was greeted with a big squadoosh. Thinking maybe it was a bum disc or ISO, I downloaded a second copy, burned it again… &初始化屏幕还在那儿,什么也没发生。我很郁闷,所以重启之(我以为这只是一个偶然事故呢)。当初始化屏幕再次淡出的时候,我点击了“尝试它“之后,再一次猪头在冲我微笑。考虑这可能是刻录的光盘的问题或者是ISO镜像文件的问题,我又重新下载了ISO文件,重新刻录。 And had the same results. &产生了同样的结果。 So, I tried it on another machine (both machines are Shuttle PCs. The main machine is beefier, with a better NVidia graphics chipset.) with the same results. This is interesting seeing as how my secondary machine was already running Kubuntu 11.04 flawlessly. But I am never one to give up. I rebooted the secondary machine one more time and, instead of pressing the Try It Out button, I clicked the Install button. That worked fine and moved on to the next step. But I (being of the curious nature) wanted to find out something. Instead of clicking the Forward button, I clicked the Back button, which returned me to the original screen. This time I clicked the Try It Out button and, can you imagine my surprise when, it worked! The Live CD booted up and Ubuntu 11.04 was running. 这样我选择了另外一台机器(两台都是Shuttle PC。主机是beefier,带有较好的NVIDIA图形芯片。) 结果却是一样。看到我的辅机没有任何缺憾地运行着KUBUNTU 11.04,事情变得有意思了。但是我不是一个轻易说放弃的人。我重启了辅机,这一次我不是点击“尝试它”按钮,而是点击了“安装”按钮。这次产生了应有的效果,进行到了下一步。但是我(本质上是个好奇的人)想弄明白到底为什么。所以我没有点击“下一步”(Forward),而是点击了“上一步”(Back)按钮,这样又回到了原来的屏幕。这次我点击“尝试它”按钮,然后你可以想象我的惊讶,这次操作生效了!LiveCD 启动了,Ubuntu 11.04运行了。
Curious. 真奇怪。
I decided to try the same thing with the main machine. It worked…but…when the desktop booted, it booted to the standard GNOME. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t get Unity to run. I know, with 100% certainty, the main machine has the hardware to run Unity 3D (It runs Compiz perfectly), so it wasn’t a hardware issue. But try as a might, Unity would not run on the primary machine (at least not with full installation.) & 我决定用主机重来一次。这次成功了...但是...当启动桌面时启动的是标准GNOME桌面。不管我怎么鼓捣,就是不能运行Unity。我百分之百地确定我的这台主机配有运行Unity 3D的硬件(Compiz运行良好),所以这不是硬件问题。但是作为一个可能的尝试,Unity可能无法在主机(primary machine)上运行(至少无法完全安装)。 Now, here’s why I say Ubuntu 11.04 doesn’t deliver. Most users who want to try Ubuntu or Linux for the first time aren’t going to jump through the hoops that I did to get it running. In fact, if a new-to-Linux user had the experience I had, they might well have already run back to Windows or OS X. I realize this might well just be an NVidia issue, since I have Ubuntu 11.04 running fine on an Intel-based laptop. But NVidia is a fairly common chipset, so a lot of users are going to have these same issues. Imagine if all NVidia users run into the same issue as I had…will they even bother? &现在你知道我为什么说Ubuntu 11.04无法实现期望了。很多第一次想尝试UBUNTU或LINUX的用户根本无法逾越我经历的这个障碍让系统运行起来。事实上,如果一个Linux新手经历了我经历的这些问题,他们可能会立马回到Windows或OS X 的怀抱。由于我在英特尔的笔记本上运行Ubuntu 11.04是非常顺利,我认为这可能仅仅是NVIDIA的问题。但是NVIDIA是非常普遍的芯片组了,所以肯定有很多的用户也会经历相同的问题。想象一下如果所有的NVIDIA用户都遇到了与我经历的相同的问题... 他们还会自找麻烦么? Another tiny issue (which won’t affect that many users) is the encrypted home directory. I really like this feature, but after adding it to the installation the request to enter the encryption key is far from obvious. In fact, it’s quite easy to over look this. Forget to create an encryption key and things are going to get dicey. &另外一个小问题(这个问题不会影响那么多用户)就是加密主目录。我非常喜欢这个特性,但是在安装是勾选了这个设置后,输入加密密钥的请求却无从找寻。事实上很容易忽略这个东西。要是忘了创建加密密钥事情可就危险了。 What has been your experience with Ubuntu 11.04? &你在使用UBUNTU11.04时的经历是怎样的呢? (译者注:下面是个投票,嗯~~译文中无法设置成投票系统。)
So far so good &到目前为止还不错
So far so...meh &到目前为止... 唉
So far so bad &到目前为止很糟糕
Haven't tried it yet &还没试过呢
Will not be trying it &我不会去尝试之 VoteView Results &投票/查看结果 Post install &安装后 Once the installation was complete, things went back to the normal, smooth Ubuntu experience. But up until that point, things simply weren’t what I had expected. I have to admit, I have done my fair share of waffling on the whole Ubuntu Unity issue, but that is not where my problem is for the final release of Ubuntu 11.04. Once running, Ubuntu Unity is a really great desktop. But if these installation issues aren’t ironed out, Ubuntu is going to find itself losing ground. &一旦安装完成,一切又都回到正常的、平稳的Ubuntu体验上去了。但是直到这会儿,事情还是没有像我想象的那样顺利。我不得不承认自己对Ubuntu Unity的全部问题都充分进行了胡言乱语。但是对我来说这不是Ubuntu 11.04最终发布版的真正问题之所在。一旦运行起来,ubuntu unity还是非常棒的桌面的。但是如果不理顺这些安装问题,Ubuntu就会节节败退。 Also, for anyone expecting to configure any desktop effects, you’re going to have to install some software. It was said that Unity would be using Compiz as a compositor, but by default there is no way to configure Compiz. To do this, the Compiz Configuration Settings Manager (ccsm) package must be installed. Also, don’t expect to run the Compiz Cube, as it can not be loaded so long as the Unity plug-in is running. &另外,对任何希望配置任何桌面效果的人来说都得安装一些软件。据说unity 会使用Compiz作为合成工具(compositor),但是默认状态下无法配置compiz。要配置compiz,得先安装Compiz配置设置管理器(Compiz Configuration Settings Manager ,CCSM)。此外,不要奢望可以运行Compiz Cube,因为只要Unity插件在运行,你就没法下载它。 Other than that (and the that being an incredibly minor issue), once the desktop is up and running it is quite good. So for those that do make it through the installation woes, the final result is well worth the trouble. Ubuntu 11.04 is an outstanding platform for all levels of user. For a first “official” release, Ubuntu Unity might well be the only desktop worthy of production desktop at such an early age. Unity makes you feel like you’re using a GNOME-like desktop, with the speed of a much lighter-weight environment (like Fluxbox or Enlightenment.) &除了以上问题(难以置信的小问题),一旦桌面运行起来,确实很给力。这样对于那些战胜了所有安装灾难的童鞋们来说,最终结果表明经历这些麻烦是值得的。UBUNTU 11.04对于所有层次的用户来说都是非常出色的平台。对于首个“官方”发布版,UBUNTU UNITY可能是在如此短时间出品的唯一值得一试的桌面。UNITY让你感觉自己正在使用类似Gnome的桌面,而其速度更接近轻量级桌面环境(如Fluxbox 或Enlightenment)。 At this point however, I would make the case that the overall experience with Kubuntu 11.04 has been far and away better. So, if you’re looking for a new release that is easy to install, and offers an amazing desktop experience, go with Kubuntu 11.04. If you’re looking for something a bit different, that might well be the future of the PC desktop (as well as the most likely candidate for Linux tablet interface) go with Ubuntu 11.04. Either way you can’t lose (unless you can’t get beyond the Try It Out button of course.) &然而对于这一点,我会用事实证明KUBUNTU 11.04的整体体验更加非常给力。所以,如果你在寻找一种新的易于安装并提供令人惊叹的桌面体验的发行版的话,尝试下Kubuntu 11.04吧。如果你想尝试些属于个人电脑的未来的新鲜东西(同时也很可能是候选的Linux图形界面),尝试UBUNTU 11.04吧。两者都不会让你损失什么(当然除非你不能解决“尝试它”按钮的问题)。 Get IT Tips, news, and reviews delivered directly to your inbox by subscribing to TechRepublic’s free newsletters. &要从邮箱直接获得IT小贴士、IT新闻和评论,请订阅TechRepublic&免费新闻邮件。
同意。我直接重装了ubuntu 10.10坚决不升级。
新的桌面没有说得那么不好&&还行&& 适应了&&还是不错的&&&&就是还不稳定啊&&&&继续改进
昨晚我又重新下载了11.04制作成usb启动盘,点击&try ubuntu&老半天没反应。重启却没法再进入usb安装模式了
(C) 2015 yeeyan.org
问题一:11.04 安装完成,启动后只有背景画面,没有状态栏或其他东西。
先用/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p 检测一下,看看自己的卡是否在黑户名单中。主要是部分go,便携的110m(代表性的是dell d620等),在使用最新的n卡驱动时,会导致界面僵死。so,把这些显卡列入黑名单,不启用unity界面。解决办法,就是安装173系列的显卡,在附加驱动中,选择安装173系列的驱动。并在/etc/environment中增加:
解决:打开U盘下 syslinux/syslinux.cfg 这个文件 ,default vesamenu.c32 这句前面加#;改成#default vesamenu.c32就可以引导了。
问题四:10.10版本升级1104的,升级前/var/www 里面有一堆文件 /var是挂在一个独立的分区的;升级后 /var/www这个文件不见了;用extendelete试了下 也没发现以前的文件 。
------分隔线----------------------------ubuntu11.04 U盘安装求助_百度知道
ubuntu11.04 U盘安装求助
最后又用grub,iso和一些文件放了U盘里.我先是用wubi..lst,难道是我下的ISO的问题...我到底应该怎么装啊啊啊,于是又用ISO自带的Usb creator还不行.又用ultraiso弄到了U盘里下载了一个I386的ISO,结果无法引导,但是最后说找不到文件.,又用etbootin弄了U盘依旧不行,并弄了menu?还有其他方法可以装吗.但是引导时显示没有这个分区?,选livecd,先进入演示
还可以用daemon tools lite(DTLite)试试
出门在外也不愁ubuntu11.04桌面版硬盘安装-linux-电脑编程网ubuntu11.04桌面版硬盘安装作者: ilfmonday 和相关&&【原因】
&&& 之前使用了网络安装的方式安装了11.04,使用的是alternate的iso镜像,结果安装时没有注意,将bootloader安装的MBR了,LGG认为MBR里安装windows的bootloader是比较合适的,因此尝试了硬盘安装的方式。(好像因果不对应)
&&& 网上搜索了很多硬盘安装方法,有对有错吧,最明显的就是ISO镜像是可以放在NTFS分区下的。
&&& 1 11.04桌面板ISO镜像
&&& 2 grub4或者wingrub
&&& 1 镜像重命名,越简单越好。LGG修改为ubuntud.iso
&&& 2 将ISO文件中的文件夹cer提取出来,放到根目录下,例如C盘下。
&&& 3 将cer文件夹中的vmlinuz以及initrd.lz复制到根目录下。
&&& 4 windows下安装grub。(使用grub4或者wingrub)
&&&&5 编写相应启动项,并编写menu.lst文件增加如下:
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/ubuntud.iso&& //boot=casper表示使用livecd方式启动
initrd /initrd.lz
&&& 在安装过程中,系统可能提示无法卸载/isodevice,这时候要ctrl+alt+f2进入控制台,然后把这个设备umount掉,再ctrl+alt+f7返回,继续进行安装即可。相关资料:|||||||ubuntu11.04桌面版硬盘安装来源网络,如有侵权请告知,即处理!编程Tags:                &                    


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