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Stories from the Walking Library: Ingenta Connect
Volume 21,&Number 4
Authors: Heddon, D.;&Myers, M.
Source: , Volume 21,&Number 4, 2014, pp. 639-655(17)Publisher:
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Emelichev, Vladimir A.; Platonov, Andrey A. Measure of quasistability of a vector integer linear programming
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Bul. Acad. ?tiin?e Repub. Mold. Mat.
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201 Charles Street
Providence, RI& The Spider Roared Like a Spider
The Spider Roared Like a Spider
By Holly M., South Plainfield, NJ
the poet lay flat
on his stomach on the carpet staining his teeth with
coffee and cigerattes as he smiled at the
common house spider in the kitchen corner,
playing half-heartedly with its web.
wrinkle-eyed daytripper poet boy scribbled into his five star notepad that instead of a carpet he lay flat on top of
individual breath fragments of a dragon-- supposedly a metaphor for mankind's ability to burn itself alive and keep smiling.
when the world didn't burn,
the poet sobbed.
when the poet could only think of four words that rhymed with sob,
he decided to weep.
meanwhile the spider weaved its way
into the poet's poem at first,
but over time the spider began to
seem like slanted rhyme-- it had no place in this masterpiece.
the poet crossed out spider,
and turned the spider into a lion.
to this the spider
stopped what he was doing,
and took a few seconds to catch the poet in the web of his vengeful mind and despise him.
spiders are not lions.
they are spiders.
they are not any different,
any more special,
any more extraordinary
than anyone else.
the spider knows, he understands that no well-arranged assonance or alliteration would dare turn a common house spider into something bigger and greater than what he already is.
little girls are little girls,
war is war,
fear is fear the world is- and will almost always be- the world.
and yet at the same time
poets are,
after all, only poets
and as poets
they will without a single doubt spend their last sugar-stained slant-rhyming breath believing with all their hearts that the way their mother sobs over their fleeting, dry erase board bodies as the spider catches a mosquito in its fear-lit web
would make for great imagery, if only somebody bothered.
in this unyielding false hope of the world's capability for being extraordinary for the split second it takes the poet to die the spider will be a lion the little girl will be a mother fear will be the gulp in a throat transformed into courage and the world will actually be extraordinary exactly as it is, exactly as they see it, exactly as we can't.
Teen Ink’s 48-page monthly print edition. Written by teens since 1989.
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