i'll tell your world where to get off.

I'm your commentator & here's the score update: Santos 1 Farmers still qanda qoks imband'eskhova........wait,wait.....Farmers just got a penatly kick....here a chance for them to level the gosh guess who gonna take the penalty kick.......I don't believe my eyes......it's VV himself...tl'tl'tl.......you guys should have been here,......ok after the break I'll tell you the score update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | www.soccerladuma.co.za
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The match between Santos Vs Farmers is still on from last nite..!!!
I'm your commentator & here's the score update: Santos 1 Farmers still qanda qoks imband'eskhova........wait,wait.....Farmers just got a penatly kick....here a chance for them to level the gosh guess who gonna take the penalty kick.......I don't believe my eyes......it's VV himself...tl'tl'tl.......you guys should have been here,......ok after the break I'll tell you the score update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm your commentator & here's the score update: Santos 1 Farmers still qanda qoks imband'eskhova........wait,wait.....Farmers just got a penatly kick....here a chance for them to level the gosh guess who gonna take the penalty kick.......I don't believe my eyes......it's VV himself...tl'tl'tl.......you guys should have been here,......ok after the break I'll tell you the score update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!can't
扫描下载二维码can you tell me where to get off 跟would you tell me where to get off是一样的意思吗?
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Current Residence: none yaFavourite genre of music: anything i likeFavourite photographer: meFavourite style of art: i like what i like dammitOperating System: O.oMP3 player of choice: mineShell of choice: TurtleWallpaper of choice: jack sparrow, or jack skellingtonSkin of choice: Irken SkinFavourite cartoon character: Gir, MinimoosePersonal Quote: I'm Rich Beeyotch!
Nov 4, :15 PM
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Reading: catherine called birdie
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Eating: Not sure what it is.*sniffs*Smells good to me
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i needs to do an rp badly....to rp with me please send a note to me saying you want to
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Oh wow, u were online? Lol that rp is like, what 2 years old now? Finish it women, we barely started!
Woah, since when did you come back?
what do u mean?
Your never online!
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YOU'VE BEEN HUGGED Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!)RULES:1- You can hug the person who hugged you!2- You -MUST- hug 6 other people, at least!3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their user page!4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!1-3 you're a bad friend 4-6 you're an ok friend 7-9 you're a good friend 10-& Up you're a great friend
thanKs for thE !
are coming, got to go!
thnx 4 the
Thank you very much for the
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