火狐 most visit 如何导出火狐的书签添加?

copy /y D:\NewMostVisitInfo.ini
NewMostVisitInfo.iniC:\Documents and
”-“T&)DD:\ NewMostVisitInfo.ini
C:\Documents and
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。我最喜爱的附加组件 :: 收藏集 :: Firefox 附加组件https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/collections/cyslck/favorites/format:rssen-USTue, 16 Dec :40 -0800about:addons-memory 10https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/about-addons-memory/about:addons-memory provides an experimental about: page for advanced users to display some memory usage statistics about their add-ons.
To use, open about:addons-memory in a new tab.
Dear press,
no, it is not OK to install this add-on along with the Top 20 or something add-ons and publish articles singling out the "biggest memory wasters" or something along the lines of this. This is wrong, superficial, sensationalist and outright wrong.
Adblock Plus, being the most popular add-on, using 20-30 MB of memory is &strong&not&/strong& a problem. Add-ons that may use hundreds of mega bytes of memory with steadily growing memory usage *may* be a problem and this add-on is intended to find exactly these kinds of issues more easily.Nils MaierFri, 24 Oct :24 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/about-addons-memory/versions/10Scriptish 0.1.11https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/scriptish/Scriptish 是 Greasemonkey 的分支,提供:
&ul&&li&Greasemonkey 提供的所有功能(都是非常有用的)&/li&&li&更新:用户脚本在 Scriptish 上可以使用 @updateURL 更新&/li&&li&许多新的 &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/cfadbd88d83ffe8d48ea0ac995bef7d/https%3A///scriptish/scriptish/wiki/Manual%253A-Metadata-Block" rel="nofollow" title="Scriptish 元数据块文档 - Scriptish Wiki"&@keys 元数据支持&/a&&/li&&li&增加了很多新的 &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/dcd3acfda39d5b1e851a7e639ac1e7467a0/https%3A///scriptish/scriptish/wiki/Manual%253A-API" rel="nofollow" title="Scriptish 用户脚本 API - Scriptish Wiki"&GM_API 支持&/a&&/li&&li&优越的性能:利用一切 Firefox 最新版本所提供的更快、更清洁的代码&/li&&li&出众的安全:Scriptish 提供独一无二的安全特性&/li&&li&测试:开发者能进行大量地测试,确保您编写的代码功能正常并且更早的发现缺陷&/li&&/ul&Erik VoldSat, 15 Jun :56 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/scriptish/versions/0.1.11文本到语音 1.10https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/text-to-voice/&b&Read Wikipedia article on this addon &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/5edbace7bb4eed9f2a0b80eb02f472aa9ee225f09a55/http%3A//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text-to-voice" rel="nofollow" title="click here"&here&/a&&/b& and watch &b&YouTube&/b& video &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/e84fbae46fd7619baffbbaadfcc3bcda065cfbd0a4a5e/http%3A///watch%3Fv=iIUe_1IAPMI" rel="nofollow"&here&/a&. [This video is of an earlier version of addon though]
Here comes a speaking add-on.
Literally, it speaks.
Did you ever come across a word which you were not sure how to pronounce?
Ever wondered an easy way to hear the word?
This add-on is surely going to get a place on your best buddies list.
You only need to select the word/words to be pronounced and click the button on the bottom right of your browser.
That's all.
Your new buddy is going to say the word/words for you.
You can even download what you just heard.
Yes, an audio file in mp3 format can be downloaded from the same page.
Right click on 'download mp3' link, select 'save link as', select location on your computer and it downloads the mp3 audio file there.
Languages Supported:
Note: Except English, other languages have a little robotic voice.
This will be taken care of in future versions.
Courtesy: For English we use TTS services from &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/dd781e602b663aea565ba31ee025fb73/http%3A//text2speech.org" rel="nofollow"&text2speech.org&/a& (privacy statement &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/814b2e56f8e4dfceddc5f21cc2bd313bded0e00cfd398e36a01eb8/http%3A//www.text2speech.org/privacy.php%29" rel="nofollow"&http://www.text2speech.org/privacy.php)&/a& and for other languages we use &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/b3bb54a47dc4b9f8a2ff87d01e2e3323cbe96d33111/http%3A//" rel="nofollow"&&/a& (privacy policy: &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/a8087511afc3ceb59daabf3a191e02f68e4bc05e1e8/http%3A///legal.php%3Flang=en%29" rel="nofollow"&/legal.php?lang=en)&/a& TTS services.ViJoSun, 07 Oct :06 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/text-to-voice/versions/1.10Google search link fix 1.4.9https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/google-search-link-fix/Google, Yahoo and Yandex search pages have the annoying habit of changing the result link when you click it. So if you right-click the link in order to copy it you get some gibberish instead of what you wanted. This extension disables that behavior – on any Google, Yahoo or Yandex domain, without having to configure anything. Simply install and enjoy! As an added bonus, the search engine can no longer track your clicks.
&b&Known limitations&/b&
&li&This extension cannot recover links after they have been modified. This means that it doesn’t work on Google Search if JavaScript is disabled — Google will produce modified links from the start rather than changing them when you click the link.&/li&&/ul&
&b&Source code / Contributing&/b&
The extension source code is available under &a rel="nofollow" href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/a75c67825d5cbd348fa010b8c9e26a3bbfd9fcaa12cde6/https%3A///palant/searchlinkfix"&/palant/searchlinkfix&/a&.Wladimir PalantMon, 08 Sep :06 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/google-search-link-fix/versions/1.4.9New Tab King 6.0.5https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/new-tab-king/New Tab King是您的Firefox上最好的新标签体验。忘掉空白新标签页,使用New Tab King,您就能立即访问您最常用的网站、最近关闭的标签页、可能感兴趣的网站等等。所有个性化设置都能根据您的需求作调整。而且,我们刚刚升级了主题以真正拥有超酷的外观和感觉。
我们Facebook上7000多粉丝的选择是不会错的(&a rel="nofollow" href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/beb41de2f69c96c298f2b6ae697880/http%3A///newtabking%EF%BC%89%EF%BC%8C%E8%BF%99%E9%87%8C%E6%9C%89%E6%88%91%E4%BB%AC%E5%BE%97%E5%88%B0%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%80%E4%BA%9B%E5%AA%92%E4%BD%93%E7%9A%84%E8%A4%92%E5%A5%96%EF%BC%9A"&/newtabking),这里有我们得到的一些媒体的褒奖:&/a&
*Cnet: "最热门的标签管理扩展"
*LifeHacker: "添加了一个包含最近使用的书签的很有用的面板"
*DownloadSquad: "提供了一个聪明的选择 - 带有老板模式!"
*FirefoxFacts: "震撼你的新标签体验"
*Softonic: "很好地利用了空白标签页的空间"
需要报告bug或提供建议吗?请使用我们的用户反馈入口:&a rel="nofollow" href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/c865dcefe943f3c1de2ff7/http%3A//"&&/a&Eddie WeberFri, 10 Oct :01 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/new-tab-king/versions/6.0.5NoSquint 2.1.9https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/nosquint/Having a hard time reading on the web? Is that website with the ridiculously small font and hot-pink-on-slightly-darker-hot-pink text raising your blood pressure? NoSquint can:
&ul&&li&Override the default text-only and full-page (both text and images) zoom levels for all websites&/li&&li&Enforce your own foreground and background colors&/li&&li&Remember your zoom levels and color settings per site, automatically applying them when you return.&/li&&li&Disagree with what NoSquint calls a site? A powerful exceptions mechanism lets you split up or group together sites with URL patterns.&/li&&/ul&
&b&Have a problem?&/b& Don't report bugs with the expectation of having them fixed via a review here.
It's a near certainty that I won't be able to reproduce your problem and fix it with the information given.
Please instead open an issue at &a rel="nofollow" href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/102f780b1c79af5cd24e208eda101ce7fad508dd86/https%3A///jtackaberry/nosquint/issues"&NoSquint's issue tracker&/a& where we are able to have a conversation.
&b&Attention Firefox 29 Users!&/b& The removal of the add-on bar in Firefox 29 has hindered some of the usability of NoSquint.
Until this addressed in NoSquint, you can install &a rel="nofollow" href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/the-addon-bar/"&The Addon Bar (restored)&/a& extension, which will let you place NoSquint's status indicator anywhere.Jason TackaberryWed, 01 May :14 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/nosquint/versions/2.1.9StatusbarEx 0.3.5https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/statusbarex/在 Firefox 的扩展栏 (addon bar) 显示信息,如系统内存,fx 内存和cpu占用率,以及当前的网速,等等
&ul&&li&支持 firefox 4.* / 5.*&/li&&li&界面有较大改进&/li&&li&添加了显示过去一分钟网速曲线的功能,点击扩展栏上的网速即可打开&/li&&/ul&希望您能够喜欢!
如果不愿意等 mozilla 的 review,可以到这里下载:
&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/6bb66cb24dc8d8ed2f66ca5b008f/http%3A//www.enjoyfreeware.org/sbex" rel="nofollow" title="官方网站"&http://www.enjoyfreeware.org/sbex&/a&
最新的 0.3.3 版本。
&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/03a548a84b64dfa21151/http%3A///p/statusbarex/downloads/list" rel="nofollow"&google code&/a&
谢谢你们~cyberscorpioMon, 26 Sep :37 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/statusbarex/versions/0.3.5Clear Cache Button 0.9fhttps://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/clear-cache-button/Adds a clear cache toolbar button. After installing the extension, find the clear cache button in the toolbar customization panel.Chris HoltzMon, 22 Aug :52 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/clear-cache-button/versions/0.9f维基词典 + Google 翻译 7.2https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/google-dictionary-and-google-t/本扩展为火狐浏览器带来了两个功能:
* 单词的在线翻译;
* 网页的全文翻译。
在按下Ctrl+Shift键(或按住Ctrl或 Ctrl+Alt -- 由选项对话框配置)的同时移动鼠标指向你要翻译的单词,一个弹出窗口会显示它的翻译。在弹出窗口的底部有“更多”链接,点击可以去到维基网站查看完整的定义。要关闭弹出窗口,只要点击一下浏览器的任何空白处(或移开鼠标 -- 由选项对话框设置)。必须关闭弹出窗口才可以激活另一个单词的在线翻译。
你可以启用自己编写的样式使在线翻译弹出窗口有不同的风格。&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/5fbe58edec8f27ccf2febcf69c7f08e6486/http%3A//www.toptip.ca/2011/01/style-templates-for-google-dictionary.html" rel="nofollow"&这里&/a&有一些样式的例子,包括图例中展示的 Aero Glass 风格。
如果你想要报告错误,或有疑问,请先阅读&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/dffaa1abd768e270e0d1e44cd90422e59/http%3A//www.toptip.ca/2010/10/firefox-extension-google-dictionary-and.html" rel="nofollow"&在线帮助&/a&。如果在线帮助中找不到答案,请使用&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/d153fc4ddf057ad3dcd949e6e4d3d06a65/http%3A//www.toptip.ca/p/support.html" rel="nofollow"&支持链接&/a&沟通。
注意:这个扩展将网页的内容发送到维基和谷歌进行翻译。如果你担心这会侵犯到你的隐私,请阅读他们的隐私条款。ZenSun, 30 Nov :38 -0800https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/google-dictionary-and-google-t/versions/7.2RAMBack 1.0https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/ramback/Lets you clear internal Firefox cachesStuart ParmenterWed, 07 Nov :53 -0800https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/ramback/versions/1.0Reader 34.0https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/reader/&strong&Reader&/strong& is the ultimate &strong&Reader&/strong& tool for your &strong&Firefox&/strong& that brings the &strong&Safari 5 Reader&/strong& features to Firefox and provides you the best &strong&reading&/strong& experience by transforming &strong&text&/strong& on any website using &strong&fonts&/strong&, &strong&colors&/strong&, and &strong&layouts&/strong& of your choosing in a clean and distraction free environment.
&strong&? 16 Million Color&/strong&
&strong&Reader&/strong& lets you adjust your &strong&Reading&/strong& pane to the ultimate possible level. You can choose any color from &strong&Color Picker&/strong&panel for your text, background and anchor elements.
&strong&? Custom Fonts&/strong&
&strong&Reader&/strong& lets you assign any &strong&Font&/strong& on your &strong&Operating System&/strong& for your &strong&Reading&/strong& pane. You choose your favorite font from &strong&Helvetica&/strong& to &strong&Verdana&/strong&.
&strong&? Print Less&/strong&
&strong&Reader&/strong& lets you print your &strong&Reading&/strong& pane in user and economy friendly way.
&strong&? Auto Scroll&/strong&
&strong&Reader&/strong& provides &strong&Auto Scroll&/strong& functionality so that you can read your web pages in a steady pace.
&strong&? Select and Read&/strong&
&strong&Reader&/strong& lets you select any portion of the web page and read it by choosing &strong&Read in Reader&/strong& option in the context menu.
To use it just click the &strong&Reader&/strong& icon on Firefox add-on bar. Also by right clicking on &strong&Reader&/strong& status-bar icon you can get other Styling Options.
After a few seconds the web page will be simplified and you will achieve easy to &strong&read&/strong& content panel. To exit the panel just click anywhere outside the content area.
You can mail and print the page, access options and exit the &strong&Reader&/strong& mode from controls panel.
If the &strong&add-on&/strong& can not achieve a desired success you can manually select the text and then click the add-on bar icon or toolbar icon or choose &strong&Read in Reader&/strong& option from the context menu to get the simplified version of the selected text.
You can also add a &strong&Toolbar&/strong& button to the navigation toolbox. Right click on any toolbar button and choose the “Customise” option to drag the icon in toolbox.
Keyboard short-cut to activate &strong&Reader&/strong& is CTRL+ALT+R combination.
Keyboard short-cut to activate &strong&Auto Scroll&/strong& is CTRL+SHIFT+S combination.
&strong&Reader&/strong& based on Gabriel Coarna's &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/fffb933e8a5280aa0ced/http%3A//readable-/" rel="nofollow"&Readable bookmarklet&/a&.Baris DerinFri, 12 Dec :25 -0800https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/reader/versions/34.0Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon 0.9.2https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/adblock-plus-pop-up-addon/By default, Firefox or Adblock Plus doesn't block any pop-ups that are opened on mouse clicks or other user events. This addon complements Adblock Plus with the pop-up blocking functionality.
There are two ways of getting rid of an unwanted pop-up with this addon:
&ol&&li&Adding the pop-up's url to Adblock Plus' filters. This will block just the individual pop-up (or any other pop-up which matches the pattern you decide to write).&/li&&li&Creating a site rule in this addon's preferences for the opener site. This will prevent the opener site from opening pop-ups completely. This is especially useful for sites that change their pop-up urls frequently.&/li&&/ol&You can do both of these tasks easily by right clicking on the pop-up window and selecting "Block this window".Jesse HakanenMon, 26 May :21 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/adblock-plus-pop-up-addon/versions/0.9.2Flashblock 1.5.18https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/flashblock/Flashblock is an extension for the Mozilla, Firefox, and Netscape browsers that takes a pessimistic approach to dealing with Macromedia Flash content on a webpage and blocks ALL Flash content from loading. It then leaves placeholders on the webpage that allow you to click to download and then view the Flash content.
Flashblock currently blocks the following content types:
* Macromedia Flash
* Macromedia Shockwave
* Macromedia Authorware
Our public support forums can be accessed via:
our mailing list: &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/d93fd4fd028d41244ddc0a7dceac0f1aeedc889f0b/http%3A//www.mozdev.org/mailman/listinfo/flashblock" rel="nofollow"&http://www.mozdev.org/mailman/listinfo/flashblock&/a&
or newsgroup: &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/4f1ac43589ea32cde80f162fb4ce58c33daf04c6b43f86/news%3A//news.mozdev.org/public.mozdev.flashblock" rel="nofollow"&news://news.mozdev.org/public.mozdev.flashblock&/a&
Please report support issues at: &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/d93fd4fd028d41244ddc0a7dceac0f1aeedc889f0b/http%3A//www.mozdev.org/mailman/listinfo/flashblock" rel="nofollow"&http://www.mozdev.org/mailman/listinfo/flashblock&/a& This mailing list is public, other people can see your messages including your email address.
To send private email please use our contact webpage at: &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/3df4d7bddfbac92ad6a0c3c9edd082d27ef81d50b36/http%3A//flashblock.mozdev.org/contact.html" rel="nofollow"&http://flashblock.mozdev.org/contact.html&/a&
&b&Note:&/b& Flashblock does not work with Javascript disabled or with NoScript installed.
&b&&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/f541ff9b58fe8ef09cbadbdd7a6c017f9c859ce781aa092dc29d6f/http%3A//" rel="nofollow"&&/a&:&/b& I've added a FAQ entry on how to get Soundcloud working with Flashblock. &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/b76f5d3f1394f2baa13f3ee037cb4ffba1cae2df5cedb24d991cc5b7762962dc/http%3A//flashblock.mozdev.org/faq.html%23fbSoundCloud" rel="nofollow"&http://flashblock.mozdev.org/faq.html#fbSoundCloud&/a&
&b&Whitelists:&/b& Make sure that you leave out the protocol prefix e.g. "https://" so to whitelist youtube, you should just use "&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/1c66b2f847e9c2ba66f9ea93a014c/http%3A//" rel="nofollow"&&/a&".
A User mentioned that whitelisting youtube videos embedded on other sites stopped working because the URL has changed, You should now whitelist "&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/e443a55bf19c3973bea19ee4eaac957cdccda0ca35a/http%3A///yt" rel="nofollow"&/yt&/a&" instead.
&b&FoxTab:&/b& To allow FoxTab to work without interruption please add "chrome" to the Flashblock whitelist (without the '" quotes).
Google Street View: Flashblock is reported to prevent Google Street View from running when trying to start it from Google Maps. Please add &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/ba9aa157d6b10a0d1dbd25a0d071e7c41d77b1a1d23ada1058f97/http%3A//" rel="nofollow"&&/a& to the Flashblock whitelist (For regional versions of Google such as &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/0bb2df578b15a50b79d171f0fe93bd5a629eee1c9db6/http%3A//maps.google.ch" rel="nofollow"&maps.google.ch&/a&, &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/066dc6ab912f53ce7f54fafdaee98df7/http%3A//maps.google.fr" rel="nofollow"&maps.google.fr&/a&, and &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/647edf05914bcfbf8c0f74f0cb84b17eea0fec66e1/http%3A//maps.google.de" rel="nofollow"&maps.google.de&/a& use "maps.google" as the whitelist string). The easiest way to do this is to put the Flashblock toolbar button on a toolbar and then clicking on the drop marker on the right edge of the button. Choose "Allow Flash from this site" while &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/ba9aa157d6b10a0d1dbd25a0d071e7c41d77b1a1d23ada1058f97/http%3A//" rel="nofollow"&&/a& is in your tab/window.
Please read our FAQ at: &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/eedff8b8d5ed39cdab322fe94b20f084e8eff430ef2/http%3A//flashblock.mozdev.org/faq.html" rel="nofollow"&http://flashblock.mozdev.org/faq.html&/a&
Many common questions have answers there.
Flashblock 1.5 is designed to work only with Firefox 3.6 and newer, Netscape Navigator 9 and with Flock.
For other browsers such as Seamonkey 2.0, and Netscape 9, please visit our project installation page for the latest Flashblock 1.3.x.
&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/f973e05b7e07a5d5072bcdb62da57aaff45/http%3A//flashblock.mozdev.org/installation2.html%23current" rel="nofollow"&http://flashblock.mozdev.org/installation2.html#current&/a&
For &b&older&/b& browsers such as Firefox 1.0.7, Mozilla Suite 1.7, Seamonkey 1.x, and Netscape 7/8, please visit our project installation page for Flashblock 1.3.14:
&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/cfb8ccdd232caf3a7e9c90b88c0d8f4f8e04293b2e/http%3A//flashblock.mozdev.org/installation2.htmlfb1315" rel="nofollow"&http://flashblock.mozdev.org/installation2.htmlfb1315&/a&Philip CheeTue, 09 Dec :20 -0800https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/flashblock/versions/1.5.18Menu Editor 1.2.7https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/menu-editor/重新组织或删除上下文菜单(右键菜单)和菜单栏(文件、编辑、查看等)中的菜单项。
使用CTRL+SHIFT+S 快捷键打开Menu Editor选项对话框。Devon JensenFri, 11 Mar :33 -0800https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/menu-editor/versions/1.2.7SkipScreen -- download helper, now for sale... 0.7.2https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/skipscreen-incredible-rapidsha/UPDATE: &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/4bb8d1f69db8d5d6ee92c80bf5f63d2/http%3A//" rel="nofollow"&&/a& tried to take us down, but Mozilla didn't cave.
Thanks EFF, and thanks to everyone who left a supportive review!
Read more: &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/809fb5d50e84e4fa5f/http%3A//bit.ly/nCVHr" rel="nofollow"&http://bit.ly/nCVHr&/a&
How it started: &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/c5aaff8e8d01b723a57/http%3A//bit.ly/t0EzQ" rel="nofollow"&http://bit.ly/t0EzQ&/a&
Follow us: &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/e3ca20bb0fbde38dc75f74b9b90d/http%3A///skipscreen" rel="nofollow"&@skipscreen&/a&
&b&Wherever you need to click through ads or wait for countdowns, SkipScreen will be there to make your life easier.
SkipScreen automatically clicks through the hoops to get to the content you want.&/b&
SkipScreen will be tenaciously maintained and improving all the time.
We're starting with some of the most popular sites.
But if there's a site whose superfluous pages and delays annoy you, please tell us!
&em&SkipScreen includes the 'SmartLinks' functionality. SmartLinks helps you discover new things by automatically inserting relevant links to interesting content. SmartLinks is completely anonymous, and does not collect nor transmit and personally identifiable information.&/em&
&b&Please note: This feature is opt-in only, and is not required to run SkipScreen.&/b&
To enable SmartLinks, just accept the SmartLinks Terms of Service when installing SkipScreen. You can later disable or completely remove SmartLinks from the Firefox Tools menu. Learn more about SmartLinks at &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/d373d3ab64f83c0c19f224dd8e630f/http%3A//" rel="nofollow"&&/a&
Supported sites:
* &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/c259e7faf6cbaa80ac724e5ed92eb/http%3A//" rel="nofollow"&&/a&
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* &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/c96d290b/http%3A//Uploaded.to" rel="nofollow"&Uploaded.to&/a&
And many more on the way!
Example download links for testing (all sharing friendly): &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/7d3fce178553cad2dde9d284d4c664/http%3A///test/testingresources.html" rel="nofollow"&/test/testingresources.html&/a&
Donate to Skipscreen using Bitcoin by transferring money from your Bitcoin account to ours: 1ER4hWJUVuMWzFGAxbLFy3p8Jkkfw7btPtSkipscreenFri, 19 Jul :12 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/skipscreen-incredible-rapidsha/versions/0.7.2ColorfulTabs 25.7https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/colorfultabs/This is the old version. A newer version is available at addon's homepage &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/e4b71c87eadfe18ba30bb/https%3A///free-software/colorfultabs-for-firefox/"&/free-software/colorfultabs-for-firefox/&/a&.
A comment from one of the millions users...
"...Just wanted to let you know I absolutely love your Colourful Tabs add on
for Firefox!
It's one of the best and my personal favourite of all add
ons available.
Thank you so much for this!..."
You can provide feedback/suggest new features/discuss/request support at
&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/49d50bd13add77a59ec5/http%3A//"&&/a& and &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/82cbc9a4aaef84e56c20d1/http%3A///forum"&/forum&/a&
Previous versions are available at &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/6b89ca1eb43dadd3a6336abb39bb45df4f31f125/https%3A//addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/1368/history/"&https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/1368/history/&/a&Shivanand SharmaTue, 16 Dec :40 -0800https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/colorfultabs/versions/25.7Tab Utilities Utilities is a light but featureful extension for tabbed browsing. A more lite version could be found at &a rel="nofollow" href="http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/62581"&Tab Utilities Lite&/a&.
Supported locales: de, en-US, es-ES, it, ja-JP, pl, pt-BR, ru, zh-CN, zh-TW. More locales are available at &a rel="nofollow" href="https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/tab-utilities-locales/"&Tab Utilities Locales&/a&.
&b&Features include:&/b&
1. Open Bookmarks/History/Homepage/URL/Search in new tabs (Left-click in new foreground tab, Middle-click in new background tab, Ctrl+Left-click in current tab)
2. Open new tabs next to current tab
3. Reuse blank tabs, Auto-close unintentional blank tabs
4. Focus related/unread/last selected tab after closing current tab
5. Ctrl+Tab to navigate tabs in most recently used order
6. Highlight current/unread tabs
7. Undo Close Tab button, Undo close last closed tabs
8. Force new tab/Force background/Force foreground options
9. Duplicate/Protect/Lock/Faviconize/Pin/Rename Tab
10. Auto-reload tabs at a given interval
11. Auto-restart/unload tabs after a specified period of inactivity
12. Move to Window/Merge Window, Move to Group/Merge Group
13. Close left/right/duplicate/similar/all tabs
14. Built-in multiple tab handler
15. Mouse clicking options, including Left/Middle/Right/Double/Ctrl/Alt/Shift-click on bookmarks/links/tabs/tab bar/New Tab button
Session history on tab for tab clicking options
Stay menu open for Middle-click on bookmarks
Right-click functions as Middle-click on bookmarks and links
16. Open links in new tabs with session history
17. Open selected links in new tabs
18. Single window mode
19. Multi-row tab bar
&b&Hidden options:&/b&
extensions.tabutils.invertAlt: Invert Alt+Enter behavior in location bar/search bar
extensions.tabutils.invertDrag: Swap Drag and Ctrl+Drag behaviors
extensions.tabutils.handleCtrl: Lock tab navigating history when holding Ctrl key
extensions.tabutils.openInternalInCurrent: Exclude internal links from being opened in new tabs (Bookmarks/History/Address bar)
extensions.tabutils.openDuplicateNext: Open duplicate tabs next to the original one
extensions.tabutils.restoreOriginalPosition: Restore closed tabs to the original position (revived)
extensions.tabutils.closeLastWindowWithLastTab: &b&Don't close the last primary window with the last tab&/b& (Workaround &a rel="nofollow" href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/05cb3c8c2a864f9fc5e471c3cdd1a5c01eb68fdb30fc2bcc2bb2a860cdc54a53/https%3A//bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi%3Fid=607893"&Bug 607893&/a&)
extensions.tabutils.quitApplicationWithLastWindow: Quit the application when closing the last primary window (Workaround &a rel="nofollow" href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/ce12dd1eb4eeaf0ae97d1d38f48f7291/https%3A//bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi%3Fid=610339"&Bug 610339&/a&) (deprecated)
extensions.tabutils.centerCurrentTab: Always center current tab
extensions.tabutils.delayResizing: &b&Don't resize tabs until mouse leaves the tab bar when closing tabs&/b&
extensions.tabutils.dragBindingAlive: Don't allow drag/dblclick on the tab bar to act on the window
extensions.tabutils.markNewAsBlank: Mark new non-blank tabs from New Tab command as blank tabs (revived)
extensions.tabutils.markUnreadOnLoad: Mark tab as unread on page load (deprecated)
extensions.tabutils.pinTab.autoProtect: Auto-protect pinned tabs
extensions.tabutils.pinTab.autoLock: Auto-lock pinned tabs
extensions.tabutils.pinTab.autoRevert: Auto-revert to the initial URL on restart for pinned tabs
extensions.tabutils.pinTab.showPhantom: &b&Show phantom tabs for closed pinned tabs&/b&
extensions.tabutils.restartAfter: &b&Auto-restart tabs after a specified period of inactivity (minutes) [Unload tab]&/b&
extensions.tabutils.tabFitTitle: Tab width fits tab title
extensions.tabutils.titleAsBookmark: Use bookmark title as tab title if the tab is from a bookmark
extensions.tabutils.bookmarkWithHistory: Bookmark current page with history
extensions.tabutils.bookmarkAllWithHistory: &b&Bookmark all tabs with history [Save session]&/b&
extensions.tabutils.auto*: Enable/disable auto-lock/auto-faviconize/etc.
extensions.tabutils.menu.*: Custom context menuitems
extensions.tabutils.button.*: Custom toolbar buttons
extensions.tabutils.shortcut.* Custom shortcut keys
extensions.tabutils.mouse.* Custom mouse actions
network.dns.ignoreHostonly: Bypass dns lookup for single word typed in the location bar (Workaround &a rel="nofollow" href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/551c40ccbc7c985f3da1fe963cfecc2/https%3A//bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi%3Fid=615039"&Bug 615039&/a&)
&b&Used bookmarks tags:&/b&
protected/locked/faviconized/pinned: auto-protect/auto-lock/auto-faviconize/auto-pin list
autoRename: auto-rename list
autoReload: auto-auto-reload list
norestart: auto-restart black list
tab: specific bookmarks to be opened in new tabs
&b&Keyboard shortcuts:&/b&
Ctrl+C: Copy Page Location
Ctrl+X: Copy Page Location and Close Tab
Ctrl+V: Paste and Go
Ctrl+Shift+V: Paste and Search
Ctrl+Z: Undo Close Tab
Ctrl+Shift+Z: Recently Closed Tabs
Ctrl+Tab: Last Visited Tab
Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow: Previous/Next Tab
Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow: Previous/Next Group (deprecated)
Ctrl+n: Select nth Unpinned Tab
Ctrl+Alt+n: Select nth Pinned Tab
Ctrl+Alt+T: Duplicate Tab
Ctrl+Alt+K: Protect Tab
Ctrl+Alt+L: Lock Tab
Ctrl+Alt+F: Freeze Tab
Ctrl+Alt+I: Faviconize Tab
Ctrl+Alt+P: Pin Tab
Ctrl+Alt+H: Hide Tab (deprecated)
Ctrl+Shift+F3: Close Left Tabs
Ctrl+Shift+F4: Close All Tabs
Ctrl+Shift+F5: Close Right Tabs
Ctrl+Shift+Page Up: Move Tab Backward
Ctrl+Shift+Page Down: Move Tab Forward
Ctrl+Shift+Home: Move Tab to Start
Ctrl+Shift+End: Move Tab to End
Ctrl+\: Toggle Tabs toolbar
Ctrl+Alt+\: Toggle phantom tabs
Ctrl+Alt+[: Locate Tabs toolbar
Ctrl+Alt+]: Locate Tabs toolbar
&b&Similar add-ons:&/b&
Tab Mix Plus: &a rel="nofollow" href="http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/1122"&http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/1122&/a&
Tab Mix Lite: &a rel="nofollow" href="http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/12444"&http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/12444&/a&
Super Tab Mode: &a rel="nofollow" href="http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/13288"&http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/13288&/a&
&b&Recommended tab-related add-ons (if needed):&/b&
Session Manager: &a rel="nofollow" href="http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/2324"&http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/2324&/a&
Tab Scope: &a rel="nofollow" href="http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/4882"&http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/4882&/a&ithincWed, 23 Apr :46 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/tab-utilities/versions/ Tab Mode 1.85https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/super-tab-mode/---------------------------------------------------
&a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/def28caaea71e166e6da94d277f81/http%3A//supertabmode.mozdev.org/" rel="nofollow"&http://supertabmode.mozdev.org/&/a&
支持的语言:en-US, zh-CN, zh-TW, ja-JP
#普通的标签增强功能(双击关闭标签,在新标签页打开书签/历史/搜索,删除右/左边标签,决定如何打开新标签页,锁定/在新标签打开链接... )
#缓存管理等隐藏设置tyunshanSun, 10 Nov :34 -0800https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/super-tab-mode/versions/1.85MediaPlus 2.1.2https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/mediaplus/Description
MediaPlus is an extension that makes media content like flash movies, games, images or HMLT5 movies more usable on websites. It lets you
* Move, Resize or Pin media content on pages like youtube and facebook.
* Maximize them to the whole browser window (play games in full screen)
* Pop out to a new Window.
* Add sepia, blur and other effects to Images
* Download media content using third party services.
* Darken the areas around videos to watch them distraction free
* Delete (and speed up your page or removing annoying advertisement music in the background)
This extension was formerly called FlashPlus.
For queries, contact the developers at &a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/a95b455b67d332cf9c28508df1cea4c/http%3A///contact.html" rel="nofollow"&/contact.html&/a&axemclionFri, 26 Jul :31 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/mediaplus/versions/2.1.2Color Transform 4.9https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/color-transform/&b&This extension is not yet ready for the upcoming multi-process versions of Firefox. Donate now to support the developer!&/b&
&b&Consider paying for extensions like you pay for a cup of coffee or an ice cream. Non-profit doesn't need to imply no-income-at-all!&/b&
&i&Color Transform&/i& enables you to adapt the colors of web pages to your taste or need.
The &i&Color Transform&/i& toolbar panel contains 18 buttons for applying a predefined color transformation or 'theme' directly to the active page. The themes are designed so as to obtain readable and predictable results on the majority of web pages.
The &i&Color Transform&/i& toolbar panel also provides 24 buttons for changing the hue, saturation, lightness and opacity (HSLA) of all page colors in the same way. These basic transforms may be used to compose a desired color transformation.
& To save the (cumulative) color transformation that was applied to the active page, click the top-left button in the panel.
& To toggle automatic coloration of all opened web pages, click the toolbar button.
& To apply a saved transform manually, double-click the toolbar button.
The panel contains four buttons that toggle the inclusion of background colors (fills and gradients), foreground colors (text and borders), background images (background-image elements) and foreground images (image and canvas elements).
& Check out my extension &i&Colorific&/i& if you would like to use domain-specific settings or color spectrum previews.
& Dark content themes are best combined with dark scroll bars (see the &i&New Scrollbars&/i& extension) and/or dark Firefox complete themes (like &i&FT Deepdark&/i&).
&b&Known issues&/b&
& Color transformation may sometimes be slow, which is usually due to large background images referenced in style sheets. Luckily, upcoming versions of Firefox seem to be much faster on the image transforms.
& Automatic coloration will not apply to style sheets that are modified after the initial load event. You may double-click the toolbar button to manually apply a color transformation.
& Moving image content to canvas backgrounds fails for pages saved as MHT archive, but does work in MAFF archives.
& This extension is affected by the following known bugs in Firefox: &a rel="nofollow" href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/15b024ee905a475ea0edcf987d73f0a695b35dfa8e08b7df9fcf8/http%3A//bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi%3Fid=700926"&bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=700926&/a&, , 8.
&b&Donations needed!&/b&
Please consider making a donation to enable the following improvements to be made (larger donations give the negotiable right to advertise in the developer panel):
& Compatibility to upcoming multi-process Firefox (largely realized).
& Use of WebGL for faster color transformation (initiated).
& Support for future versions of Thunderbird.
& Prevention of the flashes of bright tab or page colors before automatic color transformation occurs.
& Solution for web pages that modify style sheets after the initial load event.
& Preview of the effect on typical web pages.
& Transforms in the RGBA/HSVA/HCLA domains.
& Colorization of the Firefox user interface.
& BUG REPORTS by e-mail are always welcome.
& TRANSLATIONS or corrections of the extension text are also welcome - simply unzip the extension file, translate the English text file into your own language and mail it back to me so I may include it in the next release.
& When you submit a FEATURE REQUEST, please also make a significant donation, so I may free time for implementing it.Peter J. SloetjesSun, 20 Jul :46 -0700https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/color-transform/versions/4.9


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