fm12 门将怎么用其他队的球衣

& FM12 博客第四日 - 青年队 & 随机人(9L已翻译) ...
查看: 4264|回复: 18
雷霆o飘雪游侠元老版主『体育游戏区』游侠足球经理工作组 组长AC米兰 功勋教练 199/200游侠P.L第三届世界杯冠军★★★
UID1391935主题阅读权限100帖子精华1积分5414金钱14196 荣誉41 人气404 在线时间10234 小时评议8
帖子精华1积分5414金钱14196 荣誉41 人气404 评议8
本帖最后由 wingat 于
19:13 编辑
Hello everyone, and welcome, to the Football Manager 2012 blogs. This year we’ll have a selection of written blogs and video blogs to show you many of the new features that are in this years’ forthcoming release.
You’ll be able to find each of the blogs at
in English, and they’ll also appear in local languages at our many partner sites,
(Spain), (France), 442 (Australia), (Italy), (Denmark),
To see the initial FM 2012 feature announcements, you can find them at , but we’ll be going into more detail with the blogs here.
Today’s is about changes and new features regarding youth players and “newgens” which are the players that come into the game over time to ensure that there are a stream of players available for your whole career.
We often talk about how FM 2012 is part evolution for the series, and part revolution. So let’s start out with some revolution…
In previous editions of the Football Manager series, you didn’t have much control over the youth squad. Each year you’d find a bunch of players dumped into your youth squad at the start of the season. Not any more.
With FM 2012, we’ve given you more control over which players make it into your youth squad. Towards the end of the domestic season, you’ll get a news item in your inbox to inform you that your youth candidates are now ready to be assessed. Your coaches will already have assessed them and will be able to give you a scouting report for each one, as well as your assistant making recommendations to you on who you should, or shouldn’t, give a youth contract to.
Your staff will also arrange a match between your current youth squad, and the youth candidates so you can watch them in action, and you can also choose to have a further look at the players by allowing them to play in normal youth team matches for the few weeks when you are making your decisions on who to take on.
They are initially treated as an extra squad, so it’s easy to see who they are and scroll through them using quick flicks. After the youth candidates have played their evaluation match against your current youth team, they will stay on with your youth team as trialists for the following few weeks.
It’s a whole new level of control for those of you who want to micromanage to the lowest level– but as we know that this isn’t something that everyone will want to do, we’ve also made it so that your assistant can look after who to take on if you don’t want to go this in depth alongside the other things that you can ask your assistant to look after, such as team talks and press conferences.
One thing that we always need to balance when we’re adding in new features is that people play the game in different ways.
We know that some people will love the extra control on youth teams. But we also know that some people don’t bother with youth squads at all, just signing ready made players from other teams in the game. There are also many who manage at a lower level, and struggle to balance their finances between having a youth squad and the needs of the first team.
So we have an option for those people too.
So, for them, you can now ask your board to scrap your youth set up entirely. This will mean no new players coming through, and no need to try and get wages together to pay for the youth team. Your board may so no, of course, but if they’re looking to save money too, then it’s likely they’ll say yes.
There have also been improvements in the way that the newgens are generated, with country based positional “traits” now being used. In Brazil, for example, it’s rare that they have natural wingers in real life, with those players more likely to be wing backs, so you’ll see less Brazilian newgen wingers, and more Brazilian newgen wing backs.
The same can also be said of a players mental attributes. Players in Brazil, due to the way they grow up playing the game, are more likely to have flair. Players in Spain are more likely to play a short passing game. All of these traits are now reflected better in game.
We’ve also improved the way youth recruitment works at different clubs for their youth setup. The club’s youth recruitment network and youth facilities are not only linked to the quality of newgens produced by the youth setup, but also the scope of the recruitment. So clubs with excellent recruitment networks and state-of-the art facilities have the ability to attract youth players not just from the local regions, but from other continents as well.
There’s also been a big improvement in the way names are generated for all youth players, particularly in countries where there are lots of regions and names tend to be region specific.
So that’s it for the youth & newgens blog – there are many other improvements in this area too, but we’ll let you discover those for yourself when you’re playing Football Manager 2012 later in the year
You can discuss this blog at
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UID551046主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分261金钱1516 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间358 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 261, 距离下一级还需 239 积分
帖子精华0积分261金钱1516 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID647017主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分729金钱5503 荣誉1 人气0 在线时间1230 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 729, 距离下一级还需 271 积分
帖子精华0积分729金钱5503 荣誉1 人气0 评议0
翻译下嘛&&谁看的懂啊& && && && && &
游侠足球经理工作组【采编】曼联 主教练 110/200PS2☆零-红蝶 红魔の新手◆
UID2235453主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分9216金钱3112 荣誉33 人气820 在线时间7932 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分9216金钱3112 荣誉33 人气820 评议0
& && && && && && && &&&{:00:}鼎力支持!
雷霆o飘雪游侠元老版主『体育游戏区』游侠足球经理工作组 组长AC米兰 功勋教练 199/200游侠P.L第三届世界杯冠军★★★
UID1391935主题阅读权限100帖子精华1积分5414金钱14196 荣誉41 人气404 在线时间10234 小时评议8
帖子精华1积分5414金钱14196 荣誉41 人气404 评议8
英特尔 Core i7 870X @ 2.93GHz
华擎 P67 Transformer (英特尔 P67 芯片组)
威刚 游戏威龙 2*4 GB DDR3 1600MHz
七彩虹iGame460 烈焰战神 X(SPT超量镀银)
明基 BNQ7C04 BenQ M2200HD
先锋 DVD-RW DVR-219L
UID1934160主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分36金钱606 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间188 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 36, 距离下一级还需 164 积分
帖子精华0积分36金钱606 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
信徒一线队教练 20/20
UID2074355主题阅读权限60帖子精华0积分2163金钱859 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间38 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 2163, 距离下一级还需 3837 积分
帖子精华0积分2163金钱859 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
队医 15/60
UID1803076主题阅读权限40帖子精华1积分805金钱2547 荣誉20 人气1 在线时间326 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 805, 距离下一级还需 195 积分
帖子精华1积分805金钱2547 荣誉20 人气1 评议0
本帖最后由 用户名rome 于
08:25 编辑
Hello everyone, and welcome, to the Football Manager 2012 blogs. This year we’ll have a selection of written blogs and video blogs to show you many of the new features that are in this years’ forthcoming release.
& &&&嗨,大家好!好男人就是我,我就是MJ,又到了每天一次的FM2012博客时间.今年的BLGO中我们将文字视频两手抓,力争在游戏上市前让玩家更好地了解游戏中的新特性。
& &&&You’ll be able to find each of the blogs at
in English, and they’ll also appear in local languages at our many partner sites,
(Spain), (France), 442 (Australia),
(Italy), (Denmark),
& & 我们的英文博客会发布在上,而SI的众多合作伙伴也会推出本国语言版的博客以供大家阅读,具体链接如下:
& & (France)
& & 442 (Australia)
& & (Denmark)
& &&&To see the initial FM 2012 feature announcements, you can find them at , but we’ll be going into more detail with the blogs here.
& & 你可以在上一览FM2012的新特性,但要想深入了解嘛,我还是建议大家多多访问我们推出的博客.
& & Today’s is about changes and new features regarding youth players and “newgens” which are the players that come into the game over time to ensure that there are a stream of players available for your whole career.
& & 今天要隆重推出的新特性是关于年轻球员和“随机人”的培养和改进(随机人嘛,就是那些随着岁月的推移而由系统自动生成的一群家伙,要是没有他们,你的经理生涯也没法坚挺那么久不是……)
& &We often talk about how FM 2012 is part evolution for the series, and part revolution. So let’s start out with some revolution…
& &&&我们经常自吹自擂说FM2012将是整个足球经理系列发展中的重要一环和革命性的一代,那么现在哥就来告诉大家这款游戏进行了哪些革命性的改变……
& & In previous editions of the Football Manager series, you didn’t have much control over the youth squad. Each year you’d find a bunch of players dumped into your youth squad at the start of the season. Not any more.
& && &在之前的FM系列中,你和自己的青年队其实关系不大,大家所干的事情无非就是在赛季刚开始时看到一批小牛进入了球队梯队然后自生自灭,仅此而已.
& && &With FM 2012, we’ve given you more control over which players make it into your youth squad. Towards the end of the domestic season, you’ll get a news item in your inbox to inform you that your youth candidates are now ready to be assessed. Your coaches will already have assessed them and will be able to give you a scouting report for each one, as well as your assistant making recommendations to you on who you should, or shouldn’t, give a youth contract to.
& && &在FM2012中,我们将给予你们更多的青年队控制权.在一个激烈的赛季结束后,你将从收件箱的新信息中得知青年队的选拔工作已经准备就绪.此时你的教练们将对每个小家伙进行评估并给出球探报告,而你的助手则会向你提出建议,以帮助你决定是否为这些年轻球员提供一份合同.
& &&&Your staff will also arrange a match between your current youth squad, and the youth candidates so you can watch them in action, and you can also choose to have a further look at the players by allowing them to play in normal youth team matches for the few weeks when you are making your decisions on who to take on.
& && &你的教练会安排这些待选小牛和现在的俱乐部梯队进行一场选拔赛,你可以亲自观察每名候选正太的场上发挥.此外,在作出正式决定前,你还可以安排这些球员参加在接下来几周进行的青年队正式比赛,这一切都是为了让你三思而后行,不放走身边的任何一块璞玉.
& & They are initially treated as an extra squad, so it’s easy to see who they are and scroll through them using quick flicks. After the youth candidates have played their evaluation match against your current youth team, they will stay on with your youth team as trialists for the following few weeks.
& && &这些小牛将会被额外编做一队,因此观察所有球员和评估他们的能力并不是啥难事.在和青年队的选拔赛结束后,这些球员将在接下来的几周作为待选拔球员留在你的青年队中.
& & It’s a whole new level of control for those of you who want to micromanage to the lowest level– but as we know that this isn’t something that everyone will want to do, we’ve also made it so that your assistant can look after who to take on if you don’t want to go this in depth alongside the other things that you can ask your assistant to look after, such as team talks and press conferences.
& && &这种玩法无疑是那种那些希望事无巨细的工作狂的福音——球队的最底层也尽在你掌握了不是.但是如你所知,青菜箩卜各有所爱,鉴于不是每个人都喜欢如此事必躬亲,我们也提供了别的选择——勤勉的助教将会代替你考察哪些球员有天赋进入青年队,正如他也可以帮你进行球队训话和出席新闻发布会一样.
& &&&One thing that we always need to balance when we’re adding in new features is that people play the game in different ways.
& &&&话分两头,每当我们加入新特性时我们都会考虑游戏的平衡性,毕竟同一款游戏一百人可能会有一百种玩法.
& &&&We know that some people will love the extra control on youth teams. But we also know that some people don’t bother with youth squads at all, just signing ready made players from other teams in the game. There are also many who manage at a lower level, and struggle to balance their finances between having a youth squad and the needs of the first team.
& && &我们清楚有些玩家渴望对青年队也拥有绝对的掌控权, 但另一些更倾向于从其他球队购买成熟球员的家伙可能对培养小牛并不感冒——当然啦,那些LLM狂人也为数不少,他们恨不得把一分银子掰两半花,毕竟在青年队的培养和一线队的建设之间寻找平衡也着实不易.
& &&&So we have an option for those people too.
& && &所以我们也为这些家伙提供了新的选择.
& &&&So, for them, you can now ask your board to scrap your youth set up entirely. This will mean no new players coming through, and no need to try and get wages together to pay for the youth team. Your board may so no, of course, but if they’re looking to save money too, then it’s likely they’ll say yes.
& && &没错,你现在还可以向董事会请求完全解散自己的青年队,这将意味着不再会有新鲜血液补充到你的球队中,但与此同时你也不必再为青年队的工资和开销大伤脑筋.当然啦,你的董事会可能会从长计议,拒绝你的要求,但如果他们是像葛朗台那样的守财奴,顺坡下驴还不是很自然的事情.
& &&&There have also been improvements in the way that the newgens are generated, with country based positional “traits” now being used. In Brazil, for example, it’s rare that they have natural wingers in real life, with those players more likely to be wing backs, so you’ll see less Brazilian newgen wingers, and more Brazilian newgen wing backs.
& && &另外,对于饱受争议的随机人系统,我们同样做了很多改进.在FM2012中,每个地域产生的随机球员都会有自己国家的“位置特色”,比如巴西现实中盛产进攻性边后卫而边锋稀缺,那么系统随机出的巴西边锋恐怕也就屈指可数了,取而代之的将是成群结队的进攻性边卫.
& &&&The same can also be said of a players mental attributes. Players in Brazil, due to the way they grow up playing the game, are more likely to have flair. Players in Spain are more likely to play a short passing game. All of these traits are now reflected better in game.
& && &球员的精神属性也会以同样的方式表现出来,巴西的小牛可能会因为他们从小踢球的环境而更具想象力,而西班牙的小家伙可能会拥有更精湛的短传技术……以上的所有特性都将在游戏里更加逼真地展现出来.
& &&&We’ve also improved the way youth recruitment works at different clubs for their youth setup. The club’s youth recruitment network and youth facilities are not only linked to the quality of newgens produced by the youth setup, but also the scope of the recruitment. So clubs with excellent recruitment networks and state-of-the art facilities have the ability to attract youth players not just from the local regions, but from other continents as well.
& && &我们还对俱乐部青年球员招募网络的作用进行了一定程度的改进,每支球队青年球员招募网络的完备程度和青训设备是否完善现在不仅仅关系到你的球队中是否能刷出天赋禀异的小牛了,青年才俊的招募范围也同样受其影响.因此,那些拥有完备招募网络和优秀青训设施的球队不仅能网罗本地附近的青年才俊,其他大洲的少年英才也有可能慕名而来.
& &&&There’s also been a big improvement in the way names are generated for all youth players, particularly in countries where there are lots of regions and names tend to be region specific.
& &&&在随机产生的年轻球员的姓名方面,我们也做了大幅度的改进——特别是那些地域复杂的国家的小牛们,他们的姓名将拥有更显著的地方特色.
& &&&So that’s it for the youth & newgens blog – there are many other improvements in this area too, but we’ll let you discover those for yourself when you’re playing Football Manager 2012 later in the year
& & 好了,天色已晚,关于青年球员和随机人的博客也该到此为止了——偷偷地告诉大家,关于这块我还有很多新鲜玩意没来得及爆料呢——可是俗话说得好,百闻不如一见不是,所以敬请大家期待一个月后即将发售的FM2012,有更多的惊喜等着你哦!
UID460582主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分883金钱8381 荣誉6 人气15 在线时间5073 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 883, 距离下一级还需 117 积分
帖子精华0积分883金钱8381 荣誉6 人气15 评议0
本帖最后由 iceinblue 于
09:48 编辑
Hello everyone, and welcome, to the Football Manager 2012 blogs. This year we’ll have a selection of written blogs and video blogs to show you many of the new features that are in this years’ forthcoming release.
You’ll be able to find each of the blogs at
in English, and they’ll also appear in local languages at our many partner sites,
(Spain), (France), 442 (Australia), (Italy), (Denmark),
To see the initial FM 2012 feature announcements, you can find them at , but we’ll be going into more detail with the blogs here.
Today’s is about changes and new features regarding youth players and “newgens” which are the players that come into the game over time to ensure that there are a stream of players available for your whole career.
We often talk about how FM 2012 is part evolution for the series, and part revolution. So let’s start out with some revolution…
In previous editions of the Football Manager series, you didn’t have much control over the youth squad. Each year you’d find a bunch of players dumped into your youth squad at the start of the season. Not any more.
With FM 2012, we’ve given you more control over which players make it into your youth squad. Towards the end of the domestic season, you’ll get a news item in your inbox to inform you that your youth candidates are now ready to be assessed. Your coaches will already have assessed them and will be able to give you a scouting report for each one, as well as your assistant making recommendations to you on who you should, or shouldn’t, give a youth contract to.
Your staff will also arrange a match between your current youth squad, and the youth candidates so you can watch them in action, and you can also choose to have a further look at the players by allowing them to play in normal youth team matches for the few weeks when you are making your decisions on who to take on.
They are initially treated as an extra squad, so it’s easy to see who they are and scroll through them using quick flicks. After the youth candidates have played their evaluation match against your current youth team, they will stay on with your youth team as trialists for the following few weeks.
It’s a whole new level of control for those of you who want to micromanage to the lowest level– but as we know that this isn’t something that everyone will want to do, we’ve also made it so that your assistant can look after who to take on if you don’t want to go this in depth alongside the other things that you can ask your assistant to look after, such as team talks and press conferences.
One thing that we always need to balance when we’re adding in new features is that people play the game in different ways.
We know that some people will love the extra control on youth teams. But we also know that some people don’t bother with youth squads at all, just signing ready made players from other teams in the game. There are also many who manage at a lower level, and struggle to balance their finances between having a youth squad and the needs of the first team.
So we have an option for those people too.
So, for them, you can now ask your board to scrap your youth set up entirely. This will mean no new players coming through, and no need to try and get wages together to pay for the youth team. Your board may so no, of course, but if they’re looking to save money too, then it’s likely they’ll say yes.
There have also been improvements in the way that the newgens are generated, with country based positional “traits” now being used. In Brazil, for example, it’s rare that they have natural wingers in real life, with those players more likely to be wing backs, so you’ll see less Brazilian newgen wingers, and more Brazilian newgen wing backs.
newgens生成也有了改进,基于国家的位置特性会被启用。例如,在巴西,他们很少有天然的wings,更多的是wing backs。所以在巴西的newgens里面会有更多的wing backs和更少的wings
The same can also be said of a players mental attributes. Players in Brazil, due to the way they grow up playing the game, are more likely to have flair. Players in Spain are more likely to play a short passing game. All of these traits are now reflected better in game.
同样,球员的精神属性也会这样。像巴西球员会flair更高而西班牙球员会有喜欢play a short passing game。这些特性在游戏中体现的更好了。
We’ve also improved the way youth recruitment works at different clubs for their youth setup. The club’s youth recruitment network and youth facilities are not only linked to the quality of newgens produced by the youth setup, but also the scope of the recruitment. So clubs with excellent recruitment networks and state-of-the art facilities have the ability to attract youth players not just from the local regions, but from other continents as well.
There’s also been a big improvement in the way names are generated for all youth players, particularly in countries where there are lots of regions and names tend to be region specific.
So that’s it for the youth & newgens blog – there are many other improvements in this area too, but we’ll let you discover those for yourself when you’re playing Football Manager 2012 later in the year
You can discuss this blog at
总评分:&金钱 + 10&
UID460582主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分883金钱8381 荣誉6 人气15 在线时间5073 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 883, 距离下一级还需 117 积分
帖子精华0积分883金钱8381 荣誉6 人气15 评议0
☆最熟悉你的街·人去后夕阳斜☆游侠足球经理工作组【顾问】意甲联赛 最佳射手AC米蘭 功勛教練 200/200★★★★◆◆
UID998643主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分2680金钱4873 荣誉36 人气10 在线时间1822 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分2680金钱4873 荣誉36 人气10 评议0
UID4359767主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分882金钱7113 荣誉4 人气19 在线时间2889 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 882, 距离下一级还需 118 积分
帖子精华0积分882金钱7113 荣誉4 人气19 评议0
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UID779040主题阅读权限30帖子精华1积分352金钱850 荣誉0 人气3 在线时间433 小时评议0
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帖子精华1积分352金钱850 荣誉0 人气3 评议0
netsea 发表于
我想知道天朝足球少年会有什么特别的精神属性……难道轻则两三个月的爱鸡病会经常光顾俺滴青训营么……{:1 ...
1。 防守站位:你放心,天朝的防守站位向来是出了名的,即使对手已经带球突破了他也不会丢到他的站位。有消息指出天朝的站位和功夫中的**桩有异曲同工之妙,很多欧洲球员表示非常感谢天朝的防守球员,每次与天朝比赛他们盘带和过人指数都有很大的提升。
2。 侵略性:自从少林足球电影的面市,球员中的功夫热明显提升,作为原产地天朝自然能力更加出色。以前是泰森把毛老板纹在胳膊上才练出咬人,拒不可靠消息称上届世界杯某荷兰某巨星就是把周大神纹到了JJ上才在决赛中玩出了那么潇洒的飞踹。
4。镇定:天朝球员有名的镇定,1:0, 和10:0对他们来说完全一样,反正都是输,输几球不一样?
UID779040主题阅读权限30帖子精华1积分352金钱850 荣誉0 人气3 在线时间433 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 352, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
帖子精华1积分352金钱850 荣誉0 人气3 评议0
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UID998643主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分2680金钱4873 荣誉36 人气10 在线时间1822 小时评议0
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UID779040主题阅读权限30帖子精华1积分352金钱850 荣誉0 人气3 在线时间433 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 352, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
帖子精华1积分352金钱850 荣誉0 人气3 评议0
UID2183996主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分71金钱806 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间169 小时评议0
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帖子精华0积分71金钱806 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID3239437主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分876金钱246 荣誉1 人气13 在线时间2643 小时评议0
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帖子精华0积分876金钱246 荣誉1 人气13 评议0
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