
  Keun-Ho Lee shoots straight at Akinfeev from 25 yards but the Russian stopper inexplicably juggles it over his own line
  Aleksandr Kerzhakov came off the bench to earn Russia a 1-1 draw after a goalkeeping blunder had threatened to hand South Korea victory in their Group H opener in Cuiaba。
  这里说到的goalkeeping blunder(门将失误)指守门员扑到球之后又让球从手中溜走,造成对方进球的状况,也就是球迷们常说的“黄油手”。在英文中,“黄油手”用butterfingers表示。
  Butterfingers refer to a clumsy person, especially one who tends to drop things. During the World Cup, the term refers ironically to those clumsy goalkeepers prone to let shots slip through their hands as if they had applied butter to their fingers。
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bloopers轶事innocuous没有威胁的penalty点球soloist单干者teamwork团队配合province专有领域circa大约nobble下阴招dead leg足球运动员常见的一种腿伤benchmark基准,标杆
Defensive perfection exposes blunderers
By Simon Kuper
Published: June 14
| Last updated: June 14
Simon Poulsen laughed in horror. The Denmark left-back had just added to the lengthening bloopers’ tape of this World Cup. Trying to clear an innocuous Dutch cross at Soccer City yesterday, he headed it into his teammate Daniel Agger, whereupon the ball looped into Denmark’s own net. One mistake in effect gave Holland the match.
Just four days into the tournament, blunders have decided several games. Zdravko Kuzmanovic, the Serbia midfielder, gave Ghana a penalty and thus the match when he decided practically to catch a cross on Sunday. Earlier that afternoon Algeria’s keeper Fawzi Chaouchi had given Slovenia victory with one slip. And Chaouchi’s England counterpart Robert Green, who let an USA shot through his hands, has already entered the rich cult history of the England team.
Either blunders or brilliant soloists could decide this World Cup. That is because the traditional way of scoring goals – outplaying a defence through teamwork – is ceasing to work. Defensive perfection, once the province of west Europeans, has now spread to almost every country.
Only the Australians have yet to learn. Against Germany on Sunday they defended like a mediocre English club team circa 1987. But everyone else knows the basics. Defend 30 metres from your goal, to avoid accidents in the penalty area. Do not foul much, because referees are stricter and free- instead, foul sparingly, to nobble the opposition’s best forward. That is why Argentina’s Javier Mascherano gave Nigeria’s Chinedu Ogbuke Obasi a dead leg, and why Serbia’s Branko Ivanovic taught Ghana’s Asamoah Gyan a lesson.
Ghana, South Korea, Japan, the USA and even South Africa now defend almost like west Europeans. They have absorbed best practice thanks to two modern developments: cable television and the internationalisation of the market in footballers. Many of their players belong to a middle class of footballers earning a decent living at European clubs, where they master the basics even if they rarely play. Surely there can’t have been many games in the World Cup’s history where both goalkeepers were reserves at Wigan Athletic, but it happened at Serbia-Ghana.
These emerging teams have no superstars. The USA or South Korea would look mediocre in the Champions League, which has replaced the World Cup as the benchmark of good football. But organisation is a decent substitute for quality.
There is just one position where improved fitness and tactics can take you only so far: goalkeeper. A keeper still needs to stop the ball. The teams with the best keepers may go furthest. That bodes badly for England but well for currently unfancied France (who have Hugo Lloris) and Italy (who have Gianluigi Buffon himself).
The other accessory no modern team can be without is a soloist. The best way to undo an organised defence is to dribble past people. When the young winger Eljero Elia came on as a substitute for Holland, the first thing he did was to backheel the ball, spin around one Dane, tap through the legs of another, and cross. Elia changed the game and created the second goal. After he hit a post, Dirk Kuijt nailed the rebound.
“Niet pingelen!” (“Don’t dribble!”) was the ritual cry on the wet playing fields of the Netherlands, a nation that worships collective play. But today an Elia or Lionel Messi or Robinho can find holes when teamwork cannot.
Which of the following would the author agree?
Ghana, South Korea, Japan, the USA and even South Africa now defend almost like west Europeans. They have absorbed best practice thanks to two modern developments: cable television and the internationalisation of the market in footballers.
South Korean players are better than English players.
Teamwork doesn't matter any more in football.
Almost all teams are better at defence in the World Cup 2010.
Goal keepers as a whole perform dreadfully in the World Cup 2010.
Why is Messi so valuable to Argentina, according to the author?
The other accessory no modern team can be without is a soloist. The best way to undo an organised defence is to dribble past people...an Elia or Lionel Messi or Robinho can find holes when teamwork cannot.
He's a team player.
He's the spiritual leader.
His dribbling can break an organized defence.
He doesn't make silly mistakes.
Why did the author mention Simon Poulsen?
To explain that Netherland isn't as strong as people think.
To show how an occational blunder can be decisive.
To show how Denmark has slipped in term of defensive play.
All of the above
According to the author, who is the worst goal keeper among the following?
A keeper still needs to stop the ball. The teams with the best keepers may go furthest. That bodes badly for England but well for currently unfancied France (who have Hugo Lloris) and Italy (who have Gianluigi Buffon himself).
Italy's Buffon
France' Hugo Lloris
England's Green
They are equally good
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