
下面大的是 安拉上面的用艺术字呢。。看不清楚是什么词
清真言:لاالله الالله محمد رسول الله 中文含义:除真主外,绝无应受崇拜的;穆罕默德是真主的使者。也有翻译为:万物非主唯有真主,穆罕默德是真主的使者。第一种翻译最准确。
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中文翻译Ta =【化学】 tantalum.〔俚、儿〕谢谢。You must say ta. 你要说声谢谢。 Ta muchly. 多谢。TA =transactional analysis 【心理学】(行为科学中的)相互作用分析。
例句与用法1.Formation of amorphous phase in binary immiscible cu - ta system体系非晶相的形成2.Or two , compile it , and , ta - dah , it s done,进行编译,完成了。就是这么简单。 3.639 yes , i am . and you must be mr . takes * * ta是的,我就是,你一定是竹下先生吧。 4.Study on tungsten heavy alloys with ta of addition元素对钨基高密度合金性能的影响5.Besides , if she did ta the body and hasn ' t told me ,再说,就算她偷走了身体没告诉我6.Singer name : kang ta vanness kang ta vanness wu艺人名称:刘心悠郭品超柏原崇7.Besides , if she did ta the body and hasn ' t told me ,再说,就算她偷走了身体没告诉我8.Why don ' t you switch from hong ta shan to import cigarettes不弄盒外贸抽抽9.Hotel addr : no . 40 yanyin road da yan ta xi an . shanxi饭店地址:中国西安市南新街30号10.15 - hour time series of grass temperature at ta kwu ling草面温度的十五小时时间序列&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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s teeth是什么意思
中文翻译侥幸:&&&&短语和例子 the collar of S [SS, S ...:&&&&n. tooth 的复数。
例句与用法1.Johnny roth does everybody ' s teeth around here在这儿,约翰尼罗塞给所有人做牙齿2.Children ' s teeth begin forming before birth儿童的乳牙在出生前就已经开始形成了。 3.This bottie keeps my baby ' s teeth from rotting这个奶瓶可以让宝宝的牙齿不坏4.It is necessary to remove plaque by brushing one ' s teeth需刷牙以去除牙斑5.Fear or cold sometimes makes a person ' s teeth chatter恐惧或寒冷有时令人的牙齿直打颤。 6.Can you guess where crocodile ` s tooth is你能猜到鳄鱼的牙齿在那里么? 7.It ' ll be picking us out of it ' s teeth它将把我们从它的牙齿中取出。 8.- caught in what ? - friedrich ' s teeth-被什么抓过? - friedrich的牙齿9.She has her mom ' s teeth . - thanks她的牙齿长得像她母亲-真是多谢! 10.On a stormy day , taxi cabs are as scarce as hen ' s teeth在暴风雨的日子里,计程车几乎看不见。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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中文翻译百科解释n.安吉利娜〔女子名, Angela 的昵称〕。
例句与用法1.Favorite star : nicolas cage , angelina jolie爱好:读书游泳羽毛球滑雪日本茶2.That he was just waiting for angelina to come rescue him他只是等待angelina去救他3.Thanks , angelina . thank you . thanks . ask for parmesan谢谢安吉莉娜谢谢多谢要奶酪4.Because eva angelina is in the house and keeping it real本选项可以在下列的类别中找到。 5.Mm52 . com : angelina jolie pics gallery , free download安吉莉娜茱丽桌面免费下载@ cn . mm52 . com 6.Angelina found it . she called the house looking for ray安吉莉娜找到的她打电话到家里找雷7.Purchase angelina jolie s merchandises at amazon . com返回到欧美偶像8.You know , some of the guys think you look like angelina jolie我的朋友觉得你像安吉莉娜朱莉9.Mm52 . com : angelina jolie photos gallery , free download安吉莉娜茱丽照片免费下载@ cn . mm52 . com 10.Mm52 . com : angelina jolie images gallery , free download安吉莉娜茱丽墙纸免费下载@ cn . mm52 . com &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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thanks for是什么意思
中文翻译多亏了为而感谢谢谢因…而感谢:&&&&vt. 1.感谢,道谢。 2.劳驾。 短语和例子 tha ...:&&&& 1.〔表示目标、去向〕向,往。 leave [sail ...
例句与用法1.Accept my thanks for your handsome present .厚赠佳物,特此致谢。2.Who do we have to thank for this fiasco ?我们遭此惨败怨谁呢?3.You have only yourself to thank for that .你真是自作自受。4.A thousand thanks for your patronage .多谢您的大力栽培。5.Thanks for setting me straight .谢谢你使我明白过来。6.You have no thanks for it .你并不会因此而受到感谢。7.Many thanks for your kind help .感谢你的良好服务。8.Many thanks for your invitation .感谢你们的邀请。9.Thanks for buying my ticket .感谢你给我买了票。10.Thanks for we may take you up on it sometime .多谢邀请,我们改日一定应邀。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


