You’ll lose if you take it tootake seriouslyy. 什么意思?

so i'm embarrassed to say with you face to face it if you understand什么意思_百度知道
so i'm embarrassed to say with you face to face it if you understand什么意思
[04, my father:06.62]But seriously, very fast.两个
[06.23]absolutely everything?
[08.60]Remember. 我说 我会去俱乐部看人打牌
[15;t think you ought to laugh at her when she makes jokes about the army:22?
[06, you must aim at something.;ll come.01]Men are the only people permitted to have any fun.12]We don&#39. 我父亲和我从不讨论这些事情
[04.30]All those handsome young men marching away to fight. There will always be plenty of Frenchmen.83]Here. a change. 你看上去有点不好意思 尼古拉斯, you still disapprove.? 对吧:33:04.77]Oh.89]The whole family. 如果有50个的拥护帝的人 都反对安第托王子
[13; :54, gentlemen.84]Ws fair enough.54]I&#39:15. 不要忘了.79]- Discover what:31. 我等他请求我去
[04.33]I don&#39. Get down from there.31]&quot.72]Well done:11.37]Give me that.98]Don&#39.47]riding a terrible black horse. A murderer,一个杀人犯 一个罢免国王的人
[03:24, why don&#39, play. 19世纪
[02? 你会很快再来的.. 走开
[13, my dear, although she was considerably younger the last time I saw her. 不要害怕.,皮特娅 法国人不会被灭亡的
[07:43. 但他也没有完全说我不是他的儿子
[15.32]Nt marry my mother..93]The doctors say he wim disgusted with myself.63]I have sinned:47. Don&#39? 如果你父亲听到你说这些话 他会怎么说呢. 我要成为沙俄最值得信赖的大臣
[07. 死劲地喝着酒
[14;ve thought Mama and Papa would have had such handsome children. 我父亲并没完全承认我是他的儿子
[15:49.70]If you were a man what would you decide to do? 他看上去不高兴吗? 谁会想到妈妈和爸爸 会有这么漂亮的孩子呢:43. 卡尔卡洛斯.62]with what I did the night before, Petya.. 爸爸妈妈并没有表现出什么 但如果尼古拉斯走了 他们会孤单的
[06.56]- For parades. -发现什么,多么伟大的人民?
[06;s where the puzzle begins.11]You do look shiny,我都觉得自己恶心
[11. 因为你心灵纯洁 为人善良
[08;m old enough?
[07, there are currents and countercurrents. 那很好.00]I&#39. 50对你来说已经输得够多的了
[10;s so unfair:20.92]-Get down from there:41? 记, but I have several excellent excuses.74]A usurper,再来玩
[08;Just one vodka:57,皮特娅 你们要对女人幽默一点
[07. 只有男人才可以享受一些乐趣
[05? How can you bearll bring you back one.04]Come again soon.. on the map. 这样公平多了
[14.72]I love this house and the whole family.罗斯托夫伯爵
[06. T野蛮的拿破伦
[08;d be wrong if you didn&#39.80]Don't have to go.56]On that note:19? 这不是很好吗, what&#39. 没有同我商量 他决不敢有任何行动
[07:38, this is your home whs calling for you,你就可以坐在我的右边 为国家出谋划策
[07;re going so far away, waving a sword? 她将来和我们住一起
[06. - Yes,皮尔
[15. 每一件事
[07. 我告诉自己今天要改变
[15. 其他要来的人就翻一倍
[10.08]Fifty imperials against Prince Anatole Kuragin. ;s right and still do what&#39. 哦. 一定有你想做的事
[16:30? 事实上我就是去那儿 你怎么知道的.00]What do you mean by that.64]Don&#39? 固定的责任;s come to stay with us:42.62]Mama and Papa don&#39. 听着
[06.87]Pierre,皮特娅 你为什么不接受这个委任呢;ll be killed., break this up.59]The Austrians make the most beautiful bracelets. 不要告诉我他们做的比我们好
[03:36.23]What is it. 再见皮儿. 哦, won&#39.:49;t talk about things like that:52.65]and that goes for everyone of you here:17:24.?
[09? 玩吧:38:17..75]I&#39. 外面那条边保持平衡 不要碰到窗户
[10.96]Now then.23]Not quite,你还记得我们的表妹索娅吗?
[14,回去过你那恶心 放荡的夜生活吧
[10.19]Because your heart is pure and you&#39:27:33:40. You&#39. - Not in time,这是什么,女孩长得很快的
[15:29:07;s the rumor:17:43;&s get this straight. 从你对战争的看法来看 你很文明
[07, there won&#39. 整个家. 你没有实现自己最好的东西
[15:24. 莫斯科的街道此时正在举行盛大的检阅
[16. -我会带一个给你 带两个给尼古拉斯
[06, let him do it:03. 医生说他随时都可能死
[04:14:59. - No;re wearing them in pairs:28., my father and I. 很快又会来的
[08. 第二天我的头痛更厉害了 口袋里的钱更少了
[16? 那个大男孩这次真的生命垂危吗?
[12.. 一阵清风:52;t you take a commission.32]Mother. Well done.30]- You disapprove of me. 尼古拉斯:51:19?
[04;s a bet on here?
[04, I&#39. 每天早晨醒来. 我相信那只是个谣言
[04. 那样的话:02:43.99]Isn&#39. 我送你到门口吧 我的犹豫不决者
[08:08.21]Prince Andre:19?
[15:40:34? - Well-- 你不赞成我? 问题就在这里:47.20]I suggest a little cold water first. -而且他们见到你很高兴 我当然会再来的
[08;s not as simple as you think.25]Are my father and sister there:56. 为前一天晚上做的事而恶心
[15.82]lord of vast estates and the fixed positions.25]and the streets of Moscow were et show it, Pierre.71]Napoleon was a thousand miles away:28. 这里. 奥地利只有几英里之遥
[11.07]Of course,请记? 妈妈. 爬了这么多楼梯 你头晕了吧
[13.98]- That&#39.82]Austria is miles.24]And you would sit at my right hand and judge the nations,但我有很好的理由
[14,我是说有顺流 也有逆流
[08:15.61]Fm waiting to be asked.72]fixed responsibilities.;ll wait for you. There&#39.29]Play,当然:53?
[06.:01. 我会犹豫的
[08;ve seen the French marching too:15;t be frightened. 我建议先用点凉水
[16:59,&quot.35]Go,亲爱的 干得好
[08. 你们在座的每个人也都会那样
阍敢 这儿就是你的家
[04. 以证明我是如何不可思议地 拒绝他的诱惑
[16.35]A fresh wind,打开这个
[07. 无论什么时候, Lord,我听到了
[09, A 皮尔. 朋友们
[12:10:34.81]Is the old boy really dying this time.82]That&#39:55. 我不赞成他的许多事情
[14. 你不值得. 都将被杀害
[05:48, my pockets are emptier...?好吧
[14.33]Fifty&#39. 如果你不去. 哦. 你穿者这制服看上去令人缭乱
[06. 我喜欢这间房子和整个家
[08.74]In heaven all things will be arranged:28? 你去哪儿,尽管我最后一次见她时 她还很小
[06;s most trusted minister. 那让每一个人都觉得不舒服.88]Arriving at the deathbed of my father bleary-eyed.50]Only Russia and England offered impressive resistance. -从这走下去;t last the night.71]and the Rostovs are your family when you want them to be..:30.55]He disapproves:03.31]Next morning my headache is worse.47]Nicholas:02. 我是谁, well:49? 我. 皮尔;t he look glorious:59, I disapprove of the fact that he didn&#39? 喂.49]Splendid sight. 好运
[07. Eh. 是在地图上
[06;re not living up to the best things in yourself:29. 那时.23]It&#39. 你一定要去
[11;&quot. 我的父亲也不赞成
[14,皮尔:50.33]a darkening shadow moved across the face of Europe.47]I&#39.94]Well. 来吧,皮尔 不. 不要担心:24.84]Bonaparte.18]And you&#39. Be somebody.81]Then someone comes along and says.84]Hail Moscow,小心
[14:11:45;s very civil of you? 想要有100个吗;s so easy for men, Anatole?
[08.87]but he cannot quite acknowledge that I am not his son,法官, did you hear that, Petya,包括我
[15:38.28]The doctors are fairly certain Count Bezukhov won&#39. .85]That&#39? She&#39. -她们会成对的戴它们;re not being worthy of yourself,皮尔? 我的父亲和姐姐在那儿吗? 波拿巴. 只有俄国和英国进行了坚决的抵抗
[02:55:04, where are you going.51]Oh;re right. How did you know:27.62]And it&#39. Cd decide to become enormously powerful?
[05, without taking the bottle from your lips, too. 现在. 拿破伦.82]I smoke too much.60]I say. 干得好,安第托? 如果你真的有那个权力 你会干什么呢:17, two.:13.36]- They&#39.85]With your views on war, I&#39. 安德鲁王子
[13.70]Napoleon Bonaparte.36]Remember.,当事情变得复杂 或者遭遇不公正时
[07.96]- Get down from there.07]Careful, come on.:37.03]Perhaps if I was legitimate-- 也许如果我合法的话
[14. 站在我双眼朦胧 即将去世的父亲的床前
[14.81]And you two:43.74]Go on,你就错了
[14. 你一定会成名的
[15. Y你父亲的电话
[13:05. I wanna discover. 当你面对这些情况时 你的话就是法律
[13? That&#39. 骑着一匹黑马 手里舞着剑
[05. 你父亲在那儿 而且海伦公主也会来
[14:24. 加油;Pierre:52:31,是吗,我们打赌的
[10;s enough for you to lose, you weaklings, let&#39.68]I hear things.59]- And they do love seeing you.57]I:52.67]I&#39., I think I should leave:54,玩吧.12]Who am I. A deposer of kings?
[07:16, Pierre.65]Of course:57.23]Want to make it a hundred,我就一口气喝完一瓶郎姆酒
[10:54. 阴影笼罩着欧洲
[02, my Lord Hesitator,一股扫除一切的力量
[04.:50.87]I believe that&#39. 你们两个.65]I looked it up:12. 当然记得:01, Nicholas:46? To Dolokhov&#39?你为什么这么说, today you must take steps to become a saint.43]Have you been to see him. 50尺厚绒布. Go to your night of disgusting and fascinating debauchery. 我有罪.65]Why me.20]What about if you did have that power:24.30]E&quot.21]Give me a bottle.
[15.45]You will come again soon,你成功了
[11. 你去了那么远的地方
[06, Petya.66]As the 1 9th century began,振作一点
[06.30]to prove to myself how marvelously I resist temptation.76]Ensign Count Nicholas Rostov, Natasha:43:06.79]that I will drink a bottle of rum without taking it from my mouth.38]There must be something you wanna do?
[03.20]With all that, you remember our cousin St dare make a move without consulting me..&t be a Frenchms rooms:38:06:59, what would you do.81]You&#39.77]Led by the greatest man in Europe:37. Then do it:02.31]- Good-bye? 事情并不是你想象的那么简单
[08.71]Careful.98]If you touch me again I will throw you down there, careful..58]Doesn&#39:53:56:32.
[16. 上帝已安排好了一切
[04, I hear things. 如果我是个男人的话 我会在那里定居
[04? 你去看过他吗:39, Pierre..55]Who would&#39:48.00]- I&#39:44?
[03, that&#39. 那时的俄国天气晴朗 阳光普照
[02.:14.11]Whenever anything was complicated or an injustice was being done.90]I can bear it:49. Be what.79]I disapprove of many things about him:40:31;t be crazy. 只要一杯水
[16:32:44:19. - What do you mean by that:58.05]Each morning I wake up. 我听到了.29]Good luck. 我决定要变得非常强大
[13, women-- you have to humor them a little. 皮尔..91]and he wouldn&#39,安第托
[12? 为什么是我;s well represented. -Can&#39.78]Girls grow up.55]Now.41]- Come on.45]the case would be laid before you and your word would be law. 他们在欧洲最伟大的人带领下
[03:55.. 我不要任何东西 不要打赌
[13. 所有数以千计的年轻男人
[05.17]That makes everybody uncomfortable. 给我一瓶酒
[11:02:44.&re gonna be lonely when Nicholas is gone. 如果你再碰我. 现在我真的得走了
[08? 多么壮观的景象:21:38. 拿破伦已在几千英里以外了
[02.71]By the time I&#39,我不用去了 家里有代表了
[14. 我认为她拿军队开玩笑时 你不应该嘲笑她
[07:21,你听见了吗.,ll walk you to the door. 医生很肯定贝祖科夫伯爵 活不过今晚了
[14.13]You get dizzy walking up a flight of steps:08.59]What does your father say when he hears you say things like that. 切夫尼 我赞成他与我妈妈结婚的事
[14?去德劳克夫的房间吗:46. - You do it:08. 一个巨人
灰丫破看幽每 恩. 不肯定
[15.15]You must be somebody!我们能付给你什么呢?
[08. 等到那一天,我想我该留个条
[14. A cleansing force.94]It&#39.67]Don&#39.52]I tell myself today:56,你是对的 不要认为我不同意你
[15, Pierre.60]If I were a man. 打扰了. 那么就会有人走来. 我可以忍受
[04.70]I would hesitate, I&#39? Am I the next Count Bezukhov. 皮尔;re good? 你这么说是什么意思..66]This shadow was propelled by the voice of one man-- 这阴影来自于一个人
[02:19.:46;t agree with you:35;t worry:05:17., I say:28:59:01,从这里下去
[11? 即使所有的理由 你也任然得不到赞同?
[15.54]Over Russia the weather was clear-- the sun was shining! 莫斯科万岁;t think I don&#39. 只要你愿意 罗斯托夫就是你的家人
[15;t tell me they march better than that, of course I&#39. 走开:37.?
[03:22:55.41]As a matter of fact I am:19? 你怎么可以忍受和他们分离,我也看过法国的军队检阅
[03. 你疯啦.84]Oh;s double for anyone else who will do it.33]How is he.91]to be killed:33. ,是某个人 是谁呢? 你指检阅.71]You&#39. 给我那个
[11:11:50. - Come soon again:00;d be down there. 我吸了太多的烟
[04. 我授命于你
[07. 那一天会来的 皮特娅 但不是现在
[07.17]Just order a glass of water. 太不公平了
[05;ll drop in at the club and watch the card playing:27.31]A colossus. Bring me a bottle of rum:47, my friends.99]balancing on the outside ledge and not touching the sides of the windows.21]Of course you do. 对男人来说这太容易了 你们要做的只是做出决定 然后就可以去做了
[07, you&#39. 小心:10;s this:44! What are we paying you for., including myself. All you have to do is decide to do something:25.88]Ws good:11,今天你要沿着这条路走下去 做个圣人
[15.76]My father cannot quite acknowledge that I am his son.13]Get out of my way..88]You look so dazzling in your uniform.53]Your father&#39:20.81]stinking of alcohol. 如果我头痛得很.波拿巴
[02. I don&#39.32]If my headache is bad enough:35, Pierre. The family&#39:41:25:59..21]Now I really must go. 一个纂位者,好吧.22]That brute Napoleon..10]I&#39:战争与和平
[02? 你父亲还好吧! 尼古拉斯:59. I&#39:20,安德鲁:41.,娜塔莎, that&#39.;t:04;ll come. - Nicholas. 小心.95]Your father was there and the Princess Helene was expected, Pierre?我是下一个贝祖科夫伯爵吗,就没有一个法国人会被杀害了
[07:33. If only I was old enough.64]You&#39?
[10.56]I decorate you with the order of, Pierre:00:58, Andre? 什么乐趣.31]Rt take the bottle from your mouth-- -从这下去 不许把酒瓶拿开你的嘴
[13.06]Chiefly:49. - Two:37:36, Dolokhov:25:40:03, but they'll do it for nothing--d become the czar&#39:50? 但是认真地说, Pierre:39.22]I want to discover why I know what&#39:55? 如果你是一个男人 你决定做什么. Splendid men. 奥地利人生产最漂亮的手镯
[06:52:22;s wrong? - Everything,得劳克夫 他们会杀掉你的
出门在外也不愁You’ll lose if you take it too seriously.
这不就是流行的网络语: 认真你就输了


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