in 1947 Bob Pierce met Tena Hoelkedoer, natalia tenaacher, while in China

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While on a trip to China in 1947, a young American reporter, Dr Bob Pierce, met Tena Hoelkedoer, a female missionary in Xiamen. She arranged for him to talk to some children there. On the last day, she brought with her a poor girl named Baiyu (meaning white jade). After hearing Pierce’s words, Baiyu told her father that she wanted to go to school. However, she was scolded, beaten and thrown out of her family.
Pierce wanted to help this precious soul, so he gave Ms Tena all that he had which was just five dollars. Ms Tena used it to buy food and clothes for Baiyu and send her to school. She asked Pierce to send the same amount each month after returning home so that she could continue to look after Baiyu.
Prototype of Child Sponsorship
This encounter marked the turning point in Pierce’s life. In 1950, he founded World Vision, with the aim of helping poverty-stricken children around the world. That five dollars set the prototype of the child sponsorship programme. The first child sponsorship programme began a few years later in response to the needs of hundreds of thousands of orphans at the end of the Korean War in 1953. It was later extended to other Asian countries, and places such as Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Today, monthly contributions from child sponsors enable World Vision to provide impoverished children and their communities with access to clean water, nutritious food, healthcare, education, and economic opportunities, enabling them to become self-reliant. World Vision is a living tribute to Pierce’s work.
World Vision Hong Kong
In 1962, Typhoon Wanda hit Hong Kong severely. World Vision distributed relief supplies in Hong Kong, and later set up its first field office in the territory. With the economic recovery in Hong Kong, World Vision Hong Kong turned itself into a fundraising office in 1982, supporting the relief and development work of World Vision offices world-wide. In 2010, the people of Hong Kong sponsored over 200,000 children living in poverty, helping to fund World Vision Hong Kong’s international long-term ‘Area Development Programmes’. World Vision Hong Kong also promotes public education, raising public awareness about global issues such as poverty, hunger, health and child rights.
Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, cares needy children around the world.
Dr. Bob Pierce, holds a malnourished child, probably in Korea.
Dr. Bob Pierce enjoys a Coke and a smile with a girl in Hong Kong.
Watch the Video"60 Years of Vision"
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World Vision Hong Kong, incorporated with limited liability, is a Christian humanitarian organisation working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty.
(C) 2015 World Vision Hong KongWorld Vision_图文_百度文库
World Vision
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你可能喜欢in 1947 Bob Pierce met Tena Hoelkedoer,a teacher,while in China这句话中的while_百度作业帮
in 1947 Bob Pierce met Tena Hoelkedoer,a teacher,while in China这句话中的while
in 1947 Bob Pierce met Tena Hoelkedoer,a teacher,while in China这句话中的while
这里的 while 是当的意思.while in China 是:当在中国的时候,也可作:他在中国的逗留期间.in 1947 Bob Pierce met Tena Hoelkedoer, a teacher, while in China这句话中的while 如何解释_百度作业帮
in 1947 Bob Pierce met Tena Hoelkedoer, a teacher, while in China这句话中的while 如何解释
in 1947 Bob Pierce met Tena Hoelkedoer, a teacher, while in China这句话中的while 如何解释
翻译为与此同时在中国~ 就是同时的意思。连接词么
while 就是指在


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