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不透码,没有收任何费用,来信者如果是这类问题一切不回复,办站纯属个人爱好。广告联系:14414437555(唐)很难想像,这是一个事实。18岁的莹莹(化名)从8岁起就被丧失人性的爷爷强暴,而且被蹂躏了整整10年之久。要不是好心村邻的举报,警方的解救,她苦涩羞辱的生活不知会持续到几时。家住安图县的莹莹4岁那年,父亲入狱被判20年,母亲不久和他人私奔了。莹莹和当年50多岁的爷爷奶奶相依为命,生活全靠爷爷每天外出打零工维持。 那时,晚上睡觉爷爷总是将莹莹搂在被窝里给她讲故事。很快,莹莹8岁了。一天夜里,莹莹在睡梦中觉得有人压在自己身上,她无力挣脱哭出声来。奶奶醒来,点亮灯发现老头子正趴在孙女身上,她痛哭流涕地骂了老伴一顿,但也没敢声张。 从那以后,只要晚上奶奶睡得沉,莹莹总会遭到爷爷的强暴。不谙世事的莹莹开始讨厌和惧怕爷爷,更加惧怕夜晚的来临。莹莹奶奶在阻拦过几次遭到老伴毒打后,对老头子的兽行敢怒不敢言。莹莹只要反抗,也会遭到爷爷的一顿毒打。 莹莹读到初中以后,十四五岁的她出落得越来越漂亮了,这更加增添了爷爷的兽欲。只要莹莹一放学,他就将老伴赶出屋子,在屋内蹂躏莹莹。 这时,已经对生理和人伦知识有所了解的莹莹认识到,不能再让爷爷糟蹋自己了。为了逃避爷爷的摧残,她经常到同学、老师家借宿,甚至多次离家出走。但她每次离家出走后,奶奶来学校找她时总是伤痕累累,莹莹才知道,只要她离家一天,奶奶就会遭到爷爷的打。为了奶奶,莹莹在一番抗挣后,又回到了那个地狱般的家。 转眼莹莹18岁了,已被爷爷整整霸占了10年。初中没有读完,莹莹迫于爷爷的压力辍学了。18岁的她已有力气反抗爷爷的侵犯了。有一次,她将欲施兽行的爷爷推倒在地。但爷爷掌握了莹莹和奶奶都怕家丑外扬的心理,仍然不断侵犯莹莹,而莹莹的抗挣也越来越激烈。今年1月中旬的一天,祖孙二人的厮打惊动了邻居。邻居家的一位大叔前来劝架时,莹莹终于鼓起勇气将爷爷的兽行告诉了这位大叔。 这个消息犹如炸弹,令周围的村邻们无不震惊,愤怒的村邻向警方报了案。当民警将莹莹爷爷戴上手铐带走时,莹莹站在院子里久久凝望着天空。 “这孩子真可怜,今后还有很长的路要走呢!她的不幸越少的人知道越好。”采访中,很多知情人都不忍提及莹莹全家的一些真实家庭情况。但现在令村邻们担忧的是,这个家虽然没有了爷爷的折磨,但也没有了经济来源,莹莹和奶奶日子过得非常艰难,莹莹每天将自己关在家里不敢出门见人。 据了解,目前莹莹的爷爷已被安图警方刑拘。在看守所里,他面对自己的兽行,流下了几滴忏悔的老泪  阅读(13226)::信息评论还能输入200个字大家在评论::::: 5 条记录 1/1 页The Laboratory of biological electron microscopy and structural biology
(dr. fei sun’s lab)
1.Pang X., Fan J., Zhang Y., Zhang K., Gao B., Ma J., Li J., Deng Y., Zhou Q., Egelman E.H., Hsu V.W.* and Sun F.* (2014), A PH Domain in ACAP1 Possesses Key Features of the BAR Domain in Promoting Membrane Curvature. Developmental Cell, 31(1) : 73-86. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.. [] This paper was commented and previewed in the same issue by Haucke and
colleagues (). [This research has been recommended In , 17 Nov 2014; DOI: 10.3410/f.3501476. /#eval]
2.Xu Y., Li H., Jin YH., Fan J.* and Sun F.* (2014), Dimerization interface of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase tunes the formation of its catalytic intermediate. PLOS one. 9(4): e95965. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095965.
3.Ma J. and Sun F.* (2014), Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of the cytoplasmic domain of the mitochondrial dynamics protein MiD51. Acta Crystallographica Section F. F70: 596-599. doi:10.0X.
4.Sun F., Li J. and Chen C.* (2014), Puzzle out the regulation mechanism of PI4KIIα activity. Sci China Life Sci. doi: 10.-014-4656-8.
5.Zhou Q., Li J., Yu H., Zhai Y., Gao Z., Liu Y., Pang X., Zhang L., Schulten K., Sun F.* and Chen C.* (2014), Molecular insights into the membrane-associated phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase IIα. Nature Communications, 5:3552. doi:10.1038/ncomms4552. [] [This research has been recommended In , 18 Jul 2014; DOI: 10.3410/f.3497426. /#eval]
6.Qiu B., Zhang K., Wang S., Sun F.* (2014). C-terminal motif within Sec7 domain regulates guanine nucleotide exchange activity via tuning protein conformation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 446(1) : 380-386. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc..
7.Han R., Zhang F., Wan X., Fernandez J.J., Sun F. and Liu Z. (2014). A marker-free automatic alignment method based scale-invariant features. Journal of Structure Biology, 186 : 167-180. doi: 10.1016/j.jsb..
8.Cheng, L., Huang, X., Li, X., Xiong, W., Sun, W., Yang, C., Zhang, K., Wang, Y., Liu, H., Huang, X., Ji, G., Sun F., Zheng, C.* and Zhu, P.* (2014). Cryo-EM structures of two bovine adenovirus type 3 intermediates. Virology, 450-451 :
1.Zhang, Y., and Sun F.* (2013). Electron Microscopy Reconstruction of Helical Assemblies. Acta Biophys Sin, 29: 879-898.
2.Sun F.*, Zhou Q., Pang X., Xu Y. and Rao Z. (2013), Revealing various coupling of electron transfer and proton pumping in mitochondrial respiratory chain. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 23: 526-538. doi: 10.1016/j.sbi..
3.Zhang K., Wang L., Liu Y., Chan K.Y., Pang X., Schulten K., Dong Z. and Sun F.* (2013), Flexible interweaved termini determine the thermal stability of thermosomes. Protein Cell, 4(6): 432-444. doi: 10.-013-3026-9.
4.Zhang Y., Wang W., Chen J., Zhang K., Gao F., Gao B., Zhang S., Dong M., Besenbacher F., Gong W., Zhang M., Sun F.* and Feng W.* (2013), Structural insights into the intrinsic self-assembly of Par-3 N-terminal domain. Structure, 21(6):997-1006. doi: 10.1016/j.str..
5.Lu J., Zhai Y. and Sun F.* (2013), Research of Mitochondrial Calcium Transportation. ACTA BIOPHYSICA SINICA, 29(3): 167-180.
6.Xu Y. and Sun F.* (2013), Purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase from Caenorhabditis elegans. Acta Crystallographica Section F, F69: 515-519. doi:10..
7.Wu L., Zhai Y., Lu J., Wang Q. and Sun F.* (2013), Expression, purification and preliminary characterization of glucagon receptor extracellular domain. Protein Expression and Purification, 89: 232-240. doi: 10.1016/j.pep..
8.Quinlan R., Zhang Y., Lansbury A., Williamson I., Pohl E.* and Sun F.* (2013), Changes in the quaternary structure and function of MjHSP16.5 attributable to deletion of the I-X-I motif and introduction of the substitution, R107G in the alpha-crystallin domain. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B, 368. doi:10.1098/rstb..
9.Wang X., Xu F., Liu J., Gao B., Liu Y., Zhai Y., Ma J., Zhang K., Baker T.S., Schulten K., Zheng D.*, Pang H.* and Sun F.* (2013), Atomic model of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus by cryo-electron microscopy and crystallography. PLoS Pathogens, 9(1): e1003132. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003132. [][][]
10.Zhang S., Andreasen M., Nielsen J.T., Liu L., Nielsen E.H., Song J., Ji G., Sun F., Skrydstrup T., Besenbacher F., Nielsen N.C., Otzen D.E and Dong M.* (2013), Coexistence of ribbon and helical fibrils originating from hIAPP20-29 revealed by quantitative nanomechanical atomic force microscopy. PNAS, doi:10.1073/pnas..
11.Wang L., Li Q., Wu L., Liu S., Zhang Y., Yang X., Zhu P., Zhang H., Zhang K., Lou J., Liu P., Tong L.*, Sun F.* and Fan Z.* (2013), Identification of SERPINB1 as a physiological inhibitor of human granzyme H. The Journal of Immunology, 190(3):1319-30. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1202542.
12.Yang S., Liu X., Li, X., Sun S.F., Sun F., Fan B., and Zhao S.* (2013), MicroRNA-124 reduces caveolar density by targeting caveolin-1 in porcine kidney epithelial PK15 cells. Molecular and cellular biochemistry 384, 213-219.
1.Zhao Y., Zhao H., Miao L., Wang L., Sun F. and Zhang H. (2012), The p53-induced gene Ei24 is an essential component of the basal autophagy pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(50):42053-63.
2.Wang S. and Sun F.* (2012), Dynactin is an indispensable helper for dynein’s function in intracellular motility. ACTA BIOPHYSICA SINICA, 28(10):785-793.
3.Bai M., Pang X., Lou J., Zhou Q., Zhang K., Ma J., Li J., Sun F.* Hsu V.* (2012), Mechanistic insights into regulated cargo binding by ACAP1.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287: .
4.Hu J., Sun L., Shen F., Chen Y., Hua Y., Liu Y., Zhang M., Hu Y., Wang Q., Xu W., Sun F., Ji J., Murray J., Carr A., Kong D.* (2012), The Intra-S phase checkpoint targets Dna2 to prevent stalled replication forks from reversing. Cell, 149: .
5.Yang C., Ji G., Liu H., Zhang K., Liu G., Sun F., Zhu P.*, Cheng L*. (2012), Cryo-EM structure of a transcribing cypovirus. PNAS, 109(16): .
6.Wang G., Zhang F., Sun F., Liu Z. (2012), An accelerated ISAF algorithm with the fast mapping strategy. Journal of Computers, 7(2): 528-533.
7.Guo H., Yuan X., Liu J., Shan G., Chi X., Sun F. (2012), Interference microscopy volume illustration for biomedical data. Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2012 IEEE. 177-184. doi: 10.1109/PacificVis..
8.Wang L., Zhang K., Wu L., Liu S., Zhang H., Zhou Q., Tong L., Sun F.* and Fan Z.*. (2012), Structural Insights into the substrate specificity of human granzyme H - the functial roles of a novel RKR motif. The Journal of Immunology, 188(2): 765-73.
9.Wang X., Wang L., Wang Xi., Sun F.* and Wang C.C.*.(2012), Structural insights into the peroxidase activity and inactivation of human peroxiredoxin 4. Biochem. J.,441: 113-118.
1.Cheng L., Sun J., Zhang K., Mou Z., Huang X., Ji G., Sun F., Zhang J.*, Zhu P.* (2011), Atomic model of a cypovirus built from cryo-EM structure provides insight into the mechanism of mRNA capping. PNAS, 108(4):.
2.Wang L., Zhang K., Fan Z., Dong Z., Sun F.* (2011), Substrate binding properties of thermosome ATcpn-beta from Acidianus Tengchongensis. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 38(2):151-158.
3.Zhai Y., Zhang K., Huo Y., Zhu Y., Zhou Q., Lu J., Black I., Pang X., Roszk A.W., Zhang X., Isaacs N.W., Sun F.* (2011), Autotransporter passenger domain secretion requires a hydrophobic cavity at the extracellular entrance of the beta-domain pore. Biochem. J. , 435:577-587. (This paper was featured as a key scientific article by ))
4.Chu Q., Zhang K., Wan X., Zhang C., Zhang Y., Zhang G., Shen B., Lu X., Zhao K.,Chu X., Zhang F.*, Sun F.* (2011), ATOM1.0 : A GPU Powered Package for Electron Tomography Reconstruction. ACTA BIOPHYSICA SINICA, 27(3):231-241. (The software ATOM1.0 could be found )
5.Zheng X., Guo J., Xu L., Li H., Zhang D., Zhang K.,Sun F., Wen T., Liu S., Pang H.* (2011), Crystal Structure of a Novel Esterase Rv0045c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. PLoS ONE, 6(5): e20506. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020506
6.Wan X., Zhang F., Chu Q., Zhang K., Sun F., Yuan B., Liu Z.* (2011), Three-dimensional reconstruction using an adaptive simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique in electron tomography. Journal of Structural Biology , 175(3):277-87. doi:10.1016/j.jsb.
7.Zhou Q., Zhai Y., Lou J., Liu M., Pang X. and Sun F.* (2011), Thiabendazole inhibits ubiquinone reduction activity of mitochondrial respiratory complex II via a water molecule mediated binding feature. Protein & Cell, 2(7):531-542, doi:10.-011-1079-1 (cover story).
8.Li M., Xu G.*, Sorzano, O.S.C., Sun F. and Bajaj L.C. (2011), Single-particle reconstruction using L2-gradient flow. Journal of Structural Biology,176:259-267. doi:10.1016/j.jsb..
9.Sun Fei* and Wang Xue. (2011), Application and aspect of cryo-electron microscopy for the structural study of membrane proteins. Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences, 23(11):.
10.Chen Shaohong, Pang Xiaoyun and Sun Fei*. (2011), Mitochondrial movement and its related cytoskeletons and proteins. ACTA BIOPHYSICA SINICA, 27(12):.
11.Wang G., Zhang F., Chu Q., Fan L., Sun F., Liu Y. (2011), A fast calculation strategy of density function in ISAF reconstruction algorithm. Science China Information Sciences. doi:10.-011-4429-y.
12.Wang G., Zhang F., Fan L., Sun F., Liu Y. (2011), Analysis and solution of complexity of basis function in ISAF reconstruction algorithm. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics. 23 (7) : .
1. Li Z., Zhai Y., Fang J., Zhou Q., Geng Y., Sun F.* (2010), Purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of very long chain Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase from Caenorhadbitis elegans. Acta Crystallographica Section F, F66: 426-430.
2. Wang L., Hu Z., Luo Y., Huo Y., Ma Q., He Y., Zhang Y., Sun F.*, Dong Z.* (2010), Distinct symmetry and limited peptide refolding activity of the thermosomes from the acidothermophilic archaea Acidianus tengchongensis S5T, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 393: 228-234.
3. Li Z., Zhang K., Zhai Y., Zhou Q., Geng Y., Sun F.* (2010), Cloning, Expression, Purification and Preliminary Crystallographic Analysis of Caenorhabditis elegnas Enoyl-CoA Hydratase. Acta Biophysica Sinica, 26(1):37-48.
4. Hu Z., Tian X., Zhai Y., Xu W., Zheng D., Sun F.* (2010), Cryo-Electron Microscopy Reconstructions of Two Types of Wild Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Viruses Characterized the Structural Features of Lagovirus. Protein & Cell, 1(1):48-58. (Cover story)
5. Zhou Q., Sun J., Zhai Y., Sun F.* (2010). Prokaryotic Expression of Active Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 1. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 37(1): 56~62.
6. Li S., Zhao Q., Zhou Q., Unno H., Zhai Y., Sun F.*(2010). The Role and Structure of Carboxyl-terminal Domain of the Human Voltage-gated Proton Channel HV1. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285 (16): .
7. Zhang S., Zhang K., Chen X., Chu X., Sun F.*, Dong Z. (2010), Five mutations in N-terminus confer thermostability on mesophilic xylanase, BBRC, 395: 200-206.
8. Lu B., Zhai Y., Wu C., Pang X., Xu Z. and Sun F.* (2010), Expression, purification and preliminary biochemical studies of the N-terminal domain of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, -1784.
9. Zhang K., Zhang Y., Hu Z., Gang J. and Sun F.* (2010), Development and Frontier of Electron Microscopy 3D Reconstruction. ACTA BIOPHYSICA SINICA, 26(7): 533-559. (cover story)
10. Zhang Y, Liu D, Chen X, Li J, Li L, Bian Z, Sun F., Lu J, Yin Y, Cai X, Sun Q, Wang K, Ba Y, Wang Q, Wang D, Yang J, Liu P, Xu T, Yan Q, Zhang J, Zen K, Zhang CY. (2010). Secreted monocytic miR-150 enhances targeted endothelial cell migration. Mol. Cell, 39(1):133-44.
11. Hu YW, Hu ZJ, Zhang K, Wang L, Zhai Y, Zhou QJ, Lander G, Zhu J, He YZ, Pang XY, Xu W, Bartlam M, Dong ZY, Sun F.*. (2010). Crystal structure of group II chaperonin in the open state. Structure, 18(10): . (cover story)
12. Ma J, Sun F.* (2010). Translocation of Mitochondrial Proteins. ACTA BIOPHYSICA SINICA, 26(10): 880-893.
1. Zhang K,, Zhang C,, Sun F*. (2009) Disclosing the Structure and Function of Translation Machine - Introduction of the Noble Prize in Chemistry 2009. Acta Biophysica Sinica, 25(5):325-334.
2. Wu L., Wang L., Hua G., Liu K., Yang X., Zhai Y., Bartlam M., Sun F*. and Fan Z.* (2009) Structural Basis for Proteolytic Specificity of the Human Apoptosis-Inducing Granzyme M, The Journal of Immunology, 183, 421-9.
3. Sun S.,Zhang K., Xu W.,Wang G.,Chen J. and Sun F*. (2009) 3D Structural Investigation of Caveolae From Porcine Aorta Endothelial Cell by Electron Tomography, Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysis, 36(6), 729-35.
1. Sun, F.*#, Zhou, Q. J., Sun, J., Zhai, Y. J. & Rao, Z. H. (2008) Structure of mitochondrial respiratory membrane protein complexes, Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences. 20.
2. Wang, L., Wang, L., Vavassori, S., Li, S., Ke, H., Anelli, T., Degano, M., Ronzoni, R., Sitia, R., Sun, F.* & Wang, C. C.* (2008) Crystal structure of human ERp44 shows a dynamic functional modulation by its carboxy-terminal tail, EMBO Rep. 9, 642-7.
3. Chen, J., Li, W., Wang, M., Zhu, G., Liu, D., Sun, F., Hao, N., Li, X., Rao, Z. & Zhang, X. C. (2008) Crystal structure and mutagenic analysis of GDOsp, a gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase from Silicibacter pomeroyi, Protein Sci. 17, 1362-73.
1. Huo X, Su D, Wang A, Zhai Y, Xu J, Li X, Bartlam M, Sun F*, Rao Z. 2007. Preliminary molecular characterization and crystallization of mitochondrial respiratory complex II from porcine heart , FEBS JOURNAL, 274(6):
2. Zheng, W., Sun, F., Bartlam, M., Li, X., Li, R. & Rao, Z. (2007) The crystal structure of human isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase at 1.7 a resolution reveals its catalytic mechanism in isoprenoid biosynthesis, J Mol Biol. 366, 1447-58.
1. Su D, Lou Z, Sun F, Zhai Y, Yang H, Zhang R, Joachimiak A, Zhang XC, Bartlam M, Rao Z. 2006. Dodecamer Structure of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein nsp10. J Virol. 80(16):7902-8.
2. Xu X, Zhai Y, Sun F, Lou Z, Su D, Xu Y, Zhang R, Joachimiak A, Zhang XC, Bartlam M, Rao Z. 2006. New Antiviral Target Revealed by the Hexameric Structure of Mouse Hepatitis Virus Nonstructural Protein nsp15. J Virol. 80(16):7909-17.
3. Li X, Liu X, Sun F, Gao J, Zhou H, Gao GF, Bartlam M, Rao Z. 2006. Crystal structure of the N-terminal SH3 domain of mouse betaPIX, p21-activated kinase-interacting exchange factor. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 339(1):407-14.
4. 孙飞#,徐建兴,饶子和.2005.膜蛋白三维结构研究的新突破-线粒体呼吸链膜蛋白复合物II结构解析.中国科学院院刊. 2005(5):381-384
5. Zhai Y#, Sun F#, Li X, Pang H, Xu X, Bartlam M & Rao Z. 2005. Insights into SARS-CoV transcription and replication from the structure of the nsp7-nsp8 hexadecamer. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 12(11): 980-986
6. Sun F#, Huo X, Zhai Y, Wang A, Xu J, Su D, Bartlam M& Rao Z. 2005. Crystal structure of mitochondrial respiratory membrane protein complex II. Cell, 121: .
7. Shi N, Ye S, Bartlam M, Yang M, Wu J, Liu Y, Sun F, Han X, Peng X, Qiang B, Yuan J & Rao Z. 2004. Structural Basis for the Specific Recognition of RET by the Dok1 Phosphotyrosine Binding Domain. J Biol Chem., 279(6): 4962-9
8. Shi N, Ni M, Yang M, Wu J, Peng Y, Gao F, Sun F, Peng X, Qiang B, Rao Z & Yuan J. 2004. Expression, crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of the recombinant PTB domain of mouse dok-1 protein. Acta Cryst., D60(2): 334-336
9. Sun F#, Li P, Ding Y, Wang L, M Bartlam, Shu C, Shen B, Jiang H, Li S & Rao Z. 2003. Desian and Structure Based Study of New Potential FKBP12 Inhibitors. Biophysical Journal, 85 (5): .
10. Ding Y, Li S, Li XF, Sun F, Liu JY, Zhao NM & Rao Z. 2003. Site-directed Mutagenesis and Preliminary X-ray Crystallographic Studies of the Tabtoxin Resistance Protein. Protein and Peptide Letters, 10(3): 255-263
11. Lin W, Sun F & Rao Z 2003. A Statistical Analysis of Protein-Protein Interaction with Knowledge-Based Potential at Residue Level. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 8(4): 402-406
12. Li T, Sun F, Ji X, Feng Y & Rao Z. 2003. Structure Based Hyperthermostability of Archaeal Histone HPhA from Pyrococcus horikoshii. J Mol Biol., 325:
13. He H, Ding Y, Bartlam M, Sun F, Le Y, Qin X, Tang H, Zhang R, Joachimiak A, Liu J, Zhao N&Rao Z. 2003. Crystal Structure of Tabtoxin Resistance Protein Complexed with Acetyl Coenzyme A Reveals the Mechanism for β-Lactam Acetylation. J Mol Biol., 325(5):
14. Li T, Ji X, Sun F, Gao R, Cao S, Feng Y & Rao Z. 2002. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of recombinant histone HphA from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3. Acta Cryst. D58: 870-871
15. Lin W, Sun F* & Rao Z. 2002. Tri-residue contact potential: a new knowledge-based energetic method. Progress in Natural Science, 12(11): 826-840


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