this placeis an very interesting place 那里错了

上海牛津英语练习7BM1U1 Writing a tour guide_百度文库
上海牛津英语练习7BM1U1 Writing a tour guide
你可能喜欢Long time no see is a very interesting sentence.When I first read this sentence from an American friends email,I laughed.I thought it was a perfect example of Chinglish.Obviously,it is a word-by-您好,您目前使用的浏览器版本比较旧,无法使用学优题库的新功能,建议您更换firefox或chrome浏览器学优网,成就我的梦想。 |
| 题文&Long time no see& is a very interesting sentence.When I first read this sentence from an American friend&s email,I laughed.I thought it was a perfect example of Chinglish.Obviously,it is a word-by-word literal translation of the Chinese greetings with a ruled English grammar and structure! Later on,my friend told me that it is a standard American greeting.I was too thrilled to believe her.Her words could not convince me at all.So I did a research on my surprise,there are over 60 thousand web pages containing &Long time no see.& This sentence has been widely used in emails,letters,newspapers,movies,books,or any other possible places.Though it is sort of informal,it is part of the language that Americans use daily.Ironically,if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word,the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.Nobody knows the origin of this Chinglish sentence.Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan&s movies.In the 1930s,Hollywood moviemakers successfully created a world wide famous Chinese detective named &Charlie Chan& on wide screens.Detective Chan likes to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting Confucius.&Long time no see& was his trademark.Soon after Charlie Chan,&Long time no see& became a popular phrase in the real world with thanks to the popularity of these movies.Some scholars refer to America as a huge pot of stew.All kinds of culture are mixed in the stew together,and they change the color1 and taste of each other.American Chinese,though a minority ethnic(少数民族的成员) group in the United States,is also contributing some changes to the stew! Language is usually the first thing to be influenced in the mixed stew.You can have some other examples than adoptions from Chinese,such as pizza from Italian,susi from Japanese,and d&j& vu from French etc.There is a long list! Americans do not just simply borrow something from others.They will modify it and make it their own,so you would not be surprised to find a tofu and peanut butter hamburger in a restaurant,or to buy a bottle of iced Chinese green tea with honey in a grocery store.Since Americans appreciate Chinese culture more and more nowadays,I believe more Chinese words will become American English in the future.In this way the American stew keeps adding richness and flavor.4.The writer himself felt surprised at ______.A.the Chinglish expression &Long time no see&&&&&B.&Long time no see& used as standard American many literal translation of the expressions used in AmericaD.finding out Americans use the expression every day5.The word &stew& in the 4th paragraph probably means ______.A.mixture literature&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.Confucius& wordsC.a kind of cooked dish&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.American changing cultures6.According to the passage,it can be inferred that ______.A.detectives translate the phrase &Long time no see&B.Hollywood made &Long time no see& popularC.the huge pot of stew greatly affects all kinds of languagesD.cultures can be changed in the huge pot of stew7.The main idea of the passage is that ______.A.some Chinese expressions are introduced into not be surprised at a tofu in a restaurant in AmericaC.some American expressions can be used in ChinaD.American English keep being enriched from different cultures微信扫描左侧二维码,可以将本题分享到朋友圈,或者发送给同学或老师寻求帮助。我的答案答案评定:参考答案BABD纠错难度评价:做题心得:我要解析巩固What is great art? On the one hand, we can all see that great art is old art which is called great. But how do we know which art of our own times is great, and which will be forgotten? And who decides? &&&& These are important questions, for the great art of the past often was not considered great during its own time. When Shakespeare and Charles Dickens were writing, for example, most critics considered them as hack (平庸的) writers with little or no literary ability. &&&& Similarly, Van Gogh and many of the other Impressionist painters of the late nineteenth century were not allowed to participate in events involving what were thought to be the "real" painters of the time, and often they were very poor. Yet today their paintings often sell for millions of dollars, while those so-called "real" painters are now barely remembered.&&&& So what makes great art? Can, for example, rock music be great art? Music videos? Cartoons and comics? Those who call themselves critics of the fine arts often have been the last to recognize great art in the past, and we can probably expect this to be the situation today. &&&& Critics often don&t recognize great art because they tend to be prejudiced against what is popular. Popular works, whether they are novels, movies, or comics, are usually considered to be produced for the sake of money only, and not for the sake of art. &&&& But popularity, it seems to me, is one of the three signs that a present-day work of art may come to be thought of as great. The other two are that it is groundbreaking, and that it is inherently (内在的) beautiful.&&&& Many works have one or even two of these qualities of being popular, unusual, and beautiful. But having all the three often will mean that a work of art will someday be seen to be great, though it may take a good spoonful of time, such as a century or two, to know for sure.64. The first paragraph is intended to__________.&&&&& A. lead to the following and arouse the reader&s curiosityB. introduce some real painters to the readersC. introduce the questions the writer wants to answer &&&&& D. explain what kind of art will become popular65. The author used the examples of Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and Van Gogh to prove _____.A. these masters& works have some shortcomingsB. these masters wouldn&t have been so successful without the criticsC. truly beautiful works of art are never understood when first createdD. great masters are often not acknowledged while they were alive66. According to the author, great works _______.&&&&& A. may be presented in different formsB. are generally valued by criticsC. are thought valuable because of their sale price&&&& &D. will lose their value if they&re not accepted67. What can be inferred from the passage? &&&&& A. Critics have changed their attitudes to great works.B. Most of the opinions of critics are valueless.C. The work of art itself, not the critics, determines its greatness.D. Works of Impressionist painters will be great one day.This year the selfie earned its place as the Oxford English Dictionary&s 2013 Word Of The Year.It has taken over our culture-and our smartphones.The rise of the selfie has become universal-between presidents,celebrities(名人)and citizens alike-and the trend is only continuing to grow.A recent survey conducted by the Pew Internet&American Life Project found that 54 percent of Internet have posted original photos online.And of those hundreds of millions of photos, many are of selfie photos.For example,currently there are nearly 62 million posted selfiephotos on Instagram,the social media tool that has& significantly contributed to the personal photo&s popularity.That figure,which continues to rise every day, does not even begin to include the selfies shared& on Facebook and Twitter.What makes the selfie so attractive-and why do we feel it a must to take one? According to Dr.Pamela Rutledge,psychologist and director of the Media Psychology Research Center,the desire to take,post and get&likes& on selfies goes back to a biological behavior of all humans.& I think it influences our sense of social connection in the same way as it does when you go&to a party and people say&Oh I love your dress,&& Rutledge told The Huffington Post.&Biological,social recognition is a real need and there is even an area of the brain that contributes to social activity.&There is a way to adapt to the growing selfie culture.Whether you&re a selfie novice or an advanced poster,there are always things to be mindful of when you&re posting,Rutledge advises.She offered two main principles to follow when it comes to posting on social media:1.The Grandmother Rule&Don't post anything online,whether text or visual,that you don't want grandmother or futureemployer to see,& Rutledge said.&Selfies especially.&2.The Elevator Rule&You wouldn&t say something in an elevator that you or no one else wants to hear&the wholeworld of social media is an elevator,& Rutledge said.&Be aware of the breadth of platform.It's easy to think you&re sharing a photo with a few people,but Instagram is public and people can come across things.&&&&60.What's the main idea of the first paragraph?A.The selfie is taking the lead.&&&B.Many people are fond of smartphones.C.The selfie will take over everything.D.The selfie is an important new word.61.According to the passage,people like&selfie&so much,because they___________.A.need to be acknowledged in social lifeB.want to show off their new dressesC.desire to share good thingsD.mean to amuse the public62.The underlined word&novice&in Paragraph 6 probably means&___________&.A.publisher&&& B.greenhand&&& C.novelist&&&& D.celebrity63.When it comes to posting on social media,Rutledge advises people to___________.A.share photos only on about their photos in an cautious in posting things onlineD.follow rules set by their grandmothersSome English words are made up of the same part and have different beginnings and different endings, such as import, export, report and transport. All these words, you can see, have the same &port&, which comes from the Latin word, meaning &to carry& or &to move& from one place to another. And according to the bit at the beginning, which we call the prefix, the meaning changes. &Import& means &to carry in& or &to bring into a country&; &export&, &ex& means &out of&, so this word means &to carry out of the country&; &re& means &back&, so the &report& means &to tell somebody, to bring back information to somebody&; &transport&, &trans& means &across& and it means &to carry across one place to another&.Let&s look at the following words: supporter, reporter, importer and exporter. You can see that in this case these words are nouns which are made up of the verbs plus a suffix, thus meaning a person who does this thing. So &supporter& means somebody who supports. A &reporter& is somebody who reports. &Importer& is somebody who imports and &exporter& is somebody who exports, and so on.1. In the first sentence the underlined word &part& means _______ .A. different beginnings and different endingsB. the same part that has several meaningsC. the root of the wordD. the same root that has different meanings2. By adding a prefix or a suffix to a root, we can get a word which has ______.A. the meaning of a Latin wordB. a different meaningC. the meaning of &in& or &out of&D. a lot of meanings3. According to the passage, if we talk about a man of refinement, you may guess that he must be ______ .A. a man having good manners and educationB. a person who should be educatedC. somebody having bad mannersD. a person punished by somebody elseThis is a very interesting place.(变为感叹句)Johnny Dean has a new pen.(改位否定句)He is tall.(用shot,改写成疑问句)They had fun playing football.(改写成一般疑问句)He is tall.(用shot,改写成选择疑问句)
This is a very interesting place.(变为感叹句)1 What an interesting place this is!2 How interesting this place is!Johnny Dean has a new pen.(改位否定句)Johnny Dean doesn't have a new pen.He is tall.(用shot,改写成疑问句) Is he short?They had fun playing football.(改写成一般疑问句)Did they have fun playing football?
Johnny Dean doesn't have a new penIs he short?Do they have fun in playing football?
how interesting the place isJohnny Dean doesn't has a new pen is he short?did they have fun playing football?
不是吧,这么简单都不会?倒Johnny Dean doesn't have a new pen.Is he short?(不是shot)Did they have fun playing football?
This is a very interesting place.(变为感叹句)How a interesting placeDean has a new pen.(改位否定句) Dean doesn't have a new penHe is tall.(用shot,改写成疑问句)Is he
shot?They had fun playing football.(改写成一般疑问句)Did they have fun playing football?
How very interesting the place is.Johnnu dean hasn't a new pen.Is he short?Did they have fun playing foodball?
How interesting the place is!或What a interesting place it is.Johnny Dean doesn't have a new pen.Is he short or tall?不是shot吧?打错了吧!Did they have fun playing football?
扫描下载二维码IELTS Cue Card Sample 149 - Talk about an interesting place that you know
IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.
Talk about an interesting place that you know that is open to public /
An interesting place in your hometown.
You should say:
what kind of place it is,
who goes there,
why people usually go there
and explain why you think it is an interesting place for people.
Possible Answer:
The rail station of my hometown is an interesting place that I know about. There are several other interesting places I know about, but this rail station is the place I've known for a long and in my childhood this seemed to me a mysterious and alien place to me. The station is a large one and if anyone observes closely, he will find lots of interesting and thought provoking things there. The busy, crowd and noisy station is completely different from the rest of the town. It is an usually calm town and has a harmony on everything. On the other hand, the busy station is a gathering of lots of known and mostly unknown people and this place gives a different impression than the rest of the city. The place is covered with a very large and high roof top and several overpass and roads, rail line, hawkers, beggars, workers and large lorry have made the place a cryptic place. All of a sudden one day one will find that the large bogies are gone and the place has been deserted.
To me it is an interesting place because I have always found new people and new things there. New hawkers and labors come there and stay for a while, people come to receive their guests or relatives, polices are there to find frauds and people who might visit without tickets. It is very usual that sometimes people lose their important belongings and then search like mad men. The people who come to say goodbye their friends, relatives bear a sad mark in their faces. The happiness and sadness can be observed from their eyes, faces, and way of talking and from the way they walk to home. This place is always full of noise and the Sharpe whistle and siren of the train is louder than any other sounds there. You will find it empty only if there is a strike of train. &
Interestingly this small place is a hub of so many different people of different classes. Some come here to earn their livings, some to leave the town and some with their relatives. The station employees, hawkers, labors, beggars find it as their work place.
The sign post with green and red light, endless rail-line, different people, gathering, liveliness and sadness and many other things and reasons make this place a really interesting place.
Similar Cue Card Topics
Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:
1.&& &Describe a place that you often visit
2.&& &Describe a public place you know about
3.&& &Describe a place where people gather everyday
4.&& &Describe a worth visiting place in your home town.
5.&& &Describe a park or garden where you visited.
6.&& &Describe an interesting place you have visited.
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