
2012伦敦奥运会开幕式直播(高清)现场直播 CCTV5-原创视频-搜狐视频
2012伦敦奥运会开幕式直播(高清)现场直播 CCTV5
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2012伦敦奥运会开幕式直播(高清)现场直播 CCTV5
(影视留声机 2012年 第183期)
所有明星出场名单贝克汉姆和妻子维多利亚拳王阿里布拉德-皮特和妻子安吉丽娜-朱莉迈克尔-道格拉斯和妻子凯瑟琳-泽塔-琼斯伊丽莎白女王的扮演者海伦-米伦著名演员朱迪-丹奇憨豆先生007扮演者丹尼尔-克雷格重量级音乐人保罗-麦卡特尼(披头士主唱)莎朗-斯通英国著名女子组合辣妹(The Spice Girls)——有说法是她们表演闭幕式滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones)主唱米克-贾格尔“摇滚变色龙”大卫-鲍伊埃尔顿-约翰英国著名演员马克-里朗斯杜兰-杜兰乐队保罗-纽提尼乐队立体声学乐队雪地巡游者乐队(以上四个乐队在开幕式的时候同步演出)酷玩乐队  污点乐队史蒂夫-旺达(Stevie Wonder)艾尔顿-约翰(Elton John)凯莉-米洛(Kylie Minogue)英国当红正太组合The Wanted英国舞曲双人组合瑞克-史密斯(Rick Smith)和卡尔-海德(Karl Hyde)——担任音乐总监  “伤心的灵魂 ”阿黛勒
转播到腾讯微博6月4日,前The Beatles(披头士)乐队成员Paul McCartney(保罗·麦卡特尼)在接受BBC 5 Live采访时承认他将担任2012伦敦奥运会开幕式压轴表演嘉宾。据悉,2012年伦敦奥运会开幕式于7月27日举行,曾担任《猜火车》、《贫民窟的百万富翁》的导演Danny Boyle(丹尼·博伊尔)将担任伦敦奥运会开幕式的艺术总监。
另外,英国当地时间6月4日,英国女王伊(微博)丽莎白二世登基60周年庆典音乐会在伦敦白金汉宫门前举行,现场观众多达12000名,保罗·麦卡特尼担任压轴演出嘉宾,他共演出了五首歌曲。Stevie Wonder(史蒂夫·旺达)、Elton John(艾尔顿·约翰)以及Kylie Minogue (凯莉·米洛)等众...
全体运动员进场后演唱《i bet you look good on the dance floor》和《come together》的arcticmonkeys
自己对奥运会开幕式的评论+各国网友评论伦敦奥运会开幕式先来自己的评论!伦敦奥运看到一半还没看完基本可以有肯定的几点见解序幕:气球读秒,在第6秒有2个气球没爆,失败,幸亏转播信号快速切换,没出大的纰漏第2幕:钢水现场铸造圆环,感觉伦敦为超越北京奥运在玩命,太危险了,效果是好看了,但是安全系数太低,另外环境保护组织这下找到罪恶的根源了,所谓冤有头债有主,以后的问题全找英格兰去吧,伦敦奥运开幕式就是最好的证据!第3幕:007女皇空降,他奶奶的,我就说嘛!70岁的涛哥都不敢空降,她一个80多岁的老娘们女皇就敢跳?原来是替身,要是真跳了那倒是一个亮点,呵呵!以后,都是在靠巨星拉人气,反正我是一个都不认识的,管他什么乐队什么人!虽然还没看完,但基本可以肯定全场亮点就是圆环效果另外,真的是没钱了,为了节约成本,果然用了大量事先拍好的影片播放来替代文艺表演,我要看的是开幕式文艺表演,你老给我看电影开PARTY干嘛啊?连大型的秀的比不上!西方欧美还不是在搞人海战术这一套,切~~~~,可惜的是人海战术的精髓没搞好,就一个字,乱~~~!!!总结:靠个人名气拉人气,整体太差太乱,无法超越北京,除了第2幕五环亮点外,基本没什么震撼亮点,即便是这样,第2幕五环也太危险了,为了效果玩命不值得,个人绝不推介这么搞!解说不解释是什么东西的替代品,目测像钢水,到底是什么东西让我睡醒了起来上网查查,现在太困了,熬到点火赶紧睡觉!错了,原来是焰火,那就安全了,但同时也大大降低了刺激性,那就是说开幕式除了明星和乐团的个人魅力外,名气大没办法,其它毫无可取之处!乱那~~~~!最后漂亮的烟花是不是有似曾相识的感觉,这就对了,中国制造的!北京奥运开闭幕式本人已下载高清收藏,这届伦敦奥运开幕式本人是绝对不会收藏的,太不唯美精致严谨了,组织太杂乱导致场面太乱,影响总体视觉效果,相对于北京奥运,就像是上了殿堂的精致艺术品对比街头艺术一样,反差太大了,禁不起长久的推敲反复观赏回味,照理说开幕式只会越来越好越来越豪华,后来者才能居上,无法超越上届的话不如不搞省得丢脸,不说实际怎么样,至少面子工程上要说的过去,没想到这次伦敦奥运开幕式表演衰退的也太厉害了点吧!转载:/bbs/thread-.html网民评论伦敦奥运会开幕式三十而立,三度举办。伦敦当地时间7月27日晚21时,举世瞩目的伦敦第三十届奥林匹克运动会开幕式在奥林匹克体育场隆重举行,英国女王出席开幕式并宣布本届奥运会开幕。文艺表演拉开整个开幕式的序幕,主题为“奇妙岛屿”,共分七个章节--“绿色而愉悦的土地”、“喧嚣”、“快乐和繁荣”、“与国家健康体系”、“火的”、"弗兰克和琼恩说,感谢蒂姆"和“记忆墙”,分别展现农耕社会、工业革命和奔向未来。原文链接://opening-ceremony-2012-live-_n_1710556.html以下是美国《赫芬顿邮报》读者的评论:PJ ParkerThat was a spectacular show. Well done London! Can't wait to see more!这是一场壮观的演出。干得好,伦敦!迫不及待想看更多!rennot2001Wow so far the opening ceremony is awful and boring, worst one I've ever seen. Had to quit watching for a bit, will go back soon to see if it has gotten any better.哇,开幕式到目前为止是糟糕和无聊的,是我所见过的最差开幕式。只好停看一会了,很快会回来看是否变得更好看一些。MissteekOk, so I'm watching the Opening Ceremony with my daughters..............not really feeling the symbolism of the whole "Isles of Wonder" spectacle................from agrarian to industrial.........so far.........now the history of the wars, etc...............my 17 year old says "Beijing was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better!!!!"This HAS to get better.................more later................我正和女儿一起观看开幕式...没有真正感觉到“奇妙岛屿”精彩表演的象征...从农业时代到工业时代,,,现在是战争历史等...我17岁的女儿说“北京奥运会要远远更好!”Peter KlosBeautiful ceremony.After strict and powerful Beijing, London made me smile a lot. Awesome blossom was such proud image for humanity. Bravo Britain, it was jolly good and awesome.漂亮的开幕式。在强大和严格著称的北京之后,伦敦让我笑容多多。英国令人敬畏的兴旺期是人类自豪的形象。好极了,英国,非常好,非常棒。SWilliams3GBeijing was
London (even though I paid for it with my taxes ha!), was a disappointment by comparison.Its a shame we had to go right after Beijing, as that's who everyone is - rightly or wrongly - comparing us to.北京奥运会是令人惊艳的。然而,伦敦奥运会相比之下是令人失望的。我们不得不刚好排在北京之后,真丢脸,因为每个人——且不管对还是错——都将我们与北京进行比较(译文来源:三泰虎)。TazzieSeems the overall consensus from the UK was that it was brilliant. Even snarky comedians are praising it.似乎来自英国的总体共识是开幕式很耀眼。连刻薄的喜剧演员也表示赞扬。youngrascI find is really telling of a society in how it portrays itself to the world. America and china use the Olympics to show off almost militant order and seriousness. Australia and britain just have a hell of a lot of fun.我发现开幕式反映了一个社会是如何向世界描绘自己的。美国和中国利用奥运会来炫耀秩序和严肃性。澳大利亚和英国只是玩得很开心。smoyse76I tried very hard to watch the much anticipated opening. It sucks!! My 15year old said Beijing was much better - she was 11 when she watched it. My 13 year old couch potato son chose to run on the treadmill rather than watch . Nuff said.我努力地试着看备受期待的开幕式。很差劲!我15岁的女儿说北京开幕式要好看得多——北京奥运会时她才11岁。我13岁的电视迷儿子选择去跑步机锻炼,而不是来观看开幕式。说够了。ebanks84This is by far the worse Olympic opening ceremony I've ever see in my life. I can't imagine who put this catastrophe together. There's no reasoning behind any of this stuff and it's just a conglomeration of a lot of history that doesn't even tell a continuity story. It's just plain old "bad". I can't stand it but I'm sticking with it to see if something is going to change and made sense of this madness once and for all.这是我迄今为止看过的最差的奥运会开幕式。我无法想象是谁导演了这场灾难。每一样东西背后都没有意义,只是许多历史的大杂烩,并没有诉说一个连贯的历史。可以说就是普普通通。我无法忍受,但是坚持看下去,看看是否会有些改变,是否能让我彻底看出其中的意义。katearc2Very disappointing. Did not live up to the hype. No sophistication, very British.非常失望。辜负了一番炒作。没有深度,非常英国。BryDemHow can it be "very British" without sophistication?既然没有深度,又怎么会“非常英国”呢?Jain TremmelWhy? Why are we revisiting the Industrial Revolution? Smoke stacks and sulfur? Seriously? this is horrible!为什么?为什么我们要重游工业革命?烟窗和硫磺?真的?这是可怕的!ThierryGhiThis was more a show to celebrate Great Britain!这更像是一出庆祝大不列颠的演出!Richard Brittonthat's exactly what it waswhat else should it be?it was a celebration of british history, culture and society非常正确。要不然像什么?这是对英国历史、文化和社会的庆祝。photoexactly, that's what every country should do and does.完全正确。这就是每个国家应该做的事情。alheereSo glad I'm not the only one confused, bored and disappointed! Can't wait for the actual events to start tomorrow.很高兴我不是唯一感到困惑、无聊和失望的人!迫不及待想看明天开始的真正赛事。Kevin T FeeneyI was glad to see thee guitarist use an American made PRS guitar.我很高兴看到吉他手使用美国制造的PRS吉他。bijoutouriThe headline read Olympics Open with a Spectacular Show..............where?标题是奥运会以壮观的表演开场了.......哪里壮观了?MissteekThe comments here are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more interesting and entertaining than the actual Opening Ceremony!!这里的评论要远远比实质上的开幕式更有趣、更娱乐。Freedom Fighter 2012Bejing will be the standard of measure for many olympics to come.北京奥运会将是未来许多奥运会的衡量标准。musterseedsWell, they did spend $40 millions on ceremony and $4 billion on security that hard to believe好吧,他们开幕式花了4000万美元,而安保花了40亿美元。真是难以置信。bigmachaOpening ceremony - overdone, overwrought and just plain boring,开幕式——有点过头了,过于考究,纯粹是无聊。Angela LawsHorrible. Why London? Not classy or deep. Not over the top. Not multicultural, not not not. Plain, boring, very little meaning or cohesiveness.可怕。伦敦为什么会这样?不气派,或者说没有深度。不属于顶级之列。没有多文化,没有,没有,什么都没有。纯粹就是枯燥,非常少意义或者凝聚力。mozziebooI loved it, I guess everyone on here who hated it thinks they could have done better?我喜欢这个开幕式。我猜这里每个表示讨厌的人认为他们本可以做得更好?cmag1138Maybe a lot of you should understand British humor and cultural icons and history. China was a facade of immense proportions. They fake all of the special effects. Don't forget the people who died from danderous stunts, hunger and dehydration. The losing athletes were severely punished and sanctioned as well. THAT is failure. Look at all the empty olympic buildings there. It speaks volumes.也许你们中许多人应该要理解英国的幽默、文化偶像和历史。中国只是装饰了一个门面而已,伪造了所有特效。别忘了那些死于危险特技、饥饿和脱水的人。失败的运动员会遭受严厉惩罚和制裁。这是失败之处。看看那里空空如也的奥运会建筑。它充分地说明了问题。photoI hope those hospital beds aren't a bad omen.我希望那些病床不是个不祥的预兆。转自:/bbs/thread-.html雅虎评论:评论(截取最新几条)This whole doctors segment is about Government Healthcare. I'm in disbelief.医生那部分全都是讲政府医保的。告诉我这不是真的。=============================If they really wanted to impress, they should have had that stuffy Queen blow fire out of her #$%$ to light the Olympic flame.这么想让人印象深刻,怎么不让女王用菊花点火啊。===============================What the F(ck kind of ceremonies is THIS?????????????????尼玛这是什么玩意这也叫开幕式???=================================OFF TO PLAY CALL OF DUTY is more than this crappppppppp与其看这种金坷垃一样的表演,我还不如打使命召唤去呢==========================Complete bore. Ended with me watching through my eye lids.太特么无聊了。我最后撑不住睡过去了。==============================Totally wrong kind of production for this giant venue.........confused, dull, depressing concept...............Stinko............这么大个会场…就搞出这么个开幕式…灰暗、压抑、混乱、无趣、乱七八糟…====================================Although the Industrial Revolution was really nice, the movie/books included in the ceremony was rediculous. The 007 entrance, Harry Potter, etc... What were they thinking? Harry Potter!? Really!?? Does England not have a rich enough history to take anything but the Industrial Revolution? They have to rely on movies and books? They aren't even classic books.虽然工业革命是个好题材,但是在开幕式上放电影和念书也太卧槽了吧。什么007、哈利波特…他们脑子里想什么呐?!连哈利波特都整上了?不是真的吧?英国人不是历史悠久么,怎么就死抓着工革不放?就准备靠电影书籍啥的凑完开幕式?可这些连名著也算不上啊。============================================Americans have you seen the entire ceremony or are you watching it on NBC? Obviously most of you are watching the delayed telecast, being so judgemental with things before seeing everything. The opening ceremony is awesome, it emphasizes on kids, youth and the future generations. That I think is a class act. Much more responsible than the flashy Chinese. BTW, most of the structures they used are now unattended.你们美国人能别看都没看就发表评论吗。你们其实都在等着看转播吧,怎么能在没看之前就下论断呢?这个开幕式很好,强调了孩子、年轻人和下一代等主题,我认为是一场精彩的演出。这要比中国人那浮华俗气的演出负责任多了。顺便说一句,中国人为奥运建的那些场馆,现在多半都废弃了哟。===============================This is the WORST Ceremony EVER!!!!!!!!!!! No pride, positive, uplifting spirit that should have represented. Only depressing industrial revolution and of ALL THINGS WOMEN'S suffrage?? You gotta be Fing kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!楼上这是史上最烂的一届开幕式好吧!!!!没有民族自豪感,没有积极向上的劲头,光展示了一番工业革命…还有掰扯了半天什么女权运动……这tm太坑爹了!!!!啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!===========================DISGUSTING waste of precious television air time !太恶心了,白白占用了电视资源!===============================I call that BORING and OVERHYPE tripe. London sucks.I can still recall the matrix run on the roof of the stadium at the last Olympic.Now thats what I call COOL!!!!太无聊了,宣传的各种好,实际一看跟翔似的。伦敦这回丢脸了吧。想想上届奥运会点火时,那个绕着会场顶部飞奔一周的镜头......我到现在都还忘不了啊。这才是碉堡的开幕式好吧!!!=====================================2012 London Olympic Opening Ceremony = PBS History Recreation Special.That was ugly, boring and really sucked.2012伦敦奥运开幕式=美国广播公司历史遐想特别篇简而言之——恶心、无聊、渣渣。=============================china's opening wasn't creepy it was down right scary. now we know of a country who really could take over the world just using human computer bits. Its all cool now , just wait for the madman who will arise sooner than later…….居然有人说北京奥运开幕式不咋地?人家明明都快把观众吓尿了好吧。这下咱们可知道谁才是要接管世界的国家——人家的表演几乎没用机械设备,都是真人表演啊——咱们就等着那个疯子来接管世界的那一天吧…=============================What in the heck was that? I thought I was watching Oliver!, Les Miserables (wrong country), and was the health care debate necessary? Please bring back the Beijing Opening Ceremony. Yikes!我了个去这是嘛?我还以为我在看雾都孤儿、悲惨世界!(穿越了…)还有那个医保有必要费那么多话么?我真想回到北京奥运会开幕式啊,啊啊啊!===================================Did the Brits start rap?Looks like the olympics was held in soweto.I was half expecting the black bunga bunga这些英国佬还唱rap啦?感觉奥运会像是在索韦托办的(译者:索韦托是南非贫苦黑人聚居的地方,世界上最大的黑人镇)我都有点期待他们学土著说“bunga bunga”了==============================am i the only one that didn't watch the ceremony, nor care about the ceremonies?只有我一个人既没看开幕式,也不感兴趣的吗?===============================wow, Beijing was 1 billion times better.我靠,北京比这好上10亿倍吧。================================horrible ceremony but it is off the charts on the unintentional comedy scale真是糟糕的开幕式,但从某种意义上来说搞笑度倒是爆表了呢。==================================I thought England was a foundation of Western civilization and this pop culture mess was the best they could come up with? No wonder we will all be speaking Mandarin some day....我以前一直以为英格兰是西方文明的重镇之一,而且最擅长搞流行文化…看来我错了…我现在确信总有一天我们都得说中国普通话了。。。===================================Too many spearchuckers for me. When did London turn into Harlem?黑鬼怎么这么多,难道伦敦迁到哈林区去了?(译者:哈林区是美国纽约市曼哈顿的黑人住宅区,过去是20世纪美国黑人文化与商业中心,但也同样是犯罪与贫困的主要中心)==================================Too many whities for me. When did London turn into London?Gnoman you are a complete #$%$我感觉白人才有点多吧,伦敦什么变成London了?楼上你有病吧?====================================What the f...?...I was waiting for the Olympic opening ceremony...Instead, my flat screen went on an acid trip....What a bunch of crap....尼玛这是什么啊….我等的可是奥运开幕式啊…结果就看了半天大屏幕,还有那个不知所谓的游行…这也太屎了…====================================Absolutely terrible !! Mr. Bean blows snot, then cheats in Chariots of Fire, then a bunch of kids and a rapper, holy crapp this is bad.太烂了吧!先是憨豆先生擤鼻涕这么恶俗的桥段,然后他又混到了火之战车里头,接着又是一帮熊孩子和说唱歌手……天啊能再恶心点么。========================================There needs to be lots of fireworks.....flash mobs singing call me maybe, rap or that Justin Beiber #$%$ for Americans to like this. They have no interest in other cultures (or even their own) so this is boring to them. If snookie were there they would love it. urgh.应该再来点烟花什么的…再找几个非主流,让他们唱《call me maybe》和rap,再让贾丝婷碧波儿友情客串以迎合美国人口味。至于别人的文化(甚至于英国本土的),英国人向来不搭理,也就不用费心了。这样一改,杀马特们不就能看上眼了么。唉。======================================The director/producers must think their audience is REALLY stupid - I don't know, maybe they are!! Man, this is BAD.导演还是制作人是把观众当傻子了吧?!我猜八九不离十就是这样!我告诉你,不带这么坑爹的。========================================I was expecting more from the people who started the industrial revolution, made good music and wrote good books, but the olympic opening ceremony was the worst. It was flat,boring and the choreography was old. Beijing was the best so far.不论是工业革命开创者、畅销书作家,还是著名歌手…我都不讨厌。但是这个开幕式绝对是史上最烂。无聊乏味,编舞老土。迄今为止还是北京开幕式最棒。==================================No wow factore for me on this ceremony.. I also cant believe when they said that the people who worked for free on the ceremony had to pay for the botle of water to drink in full price!!!这开幕式有亮点么…我现在还不敢相信:据说在现场的志愿者就连买瓶水都要要付全额价钱,连打折都没有!===================================Worst Opening ever..total failure...史上最烂开幕式…彻头彻尾的失败……
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