
【有声书】I Capture the Castle(Abridged)
(我的秘密城堡)- Dodie Smith(朗读:Emilia Fox)
有声书:非完整版 注意是Abridged
012-09-07 10:56:42
& &&&I Capture the Castle(我的秘密城堡)是英国作家Dodie Smith的作品,它讲述了上世纪30年代,17岁女孩卡珊多拉·莫特梅恩以及她的古怪家庭,在废弃的英国城堡内存活下来的故事。
& &&&卡珊多拉是一个有着美丽长发的女孩,她一直坚持写作,梦想着有一天能成为作家。但她们一家在当地被看作怪人,住在一座破旧的城堡内,过着差不多可以说是与世隔绝的生活。卡珊多拉的父亲曾成功地完成自己的小说处女作,但那之后12年却再也没有写过任何文字。他一直为此而苦恼,看到女儿卡珊多拉这么热爱写作,他非常支持,希望女儿能发挥她自己的写作才华。
& && &除了父亲和卡珊多拉,家里还有卡珊多拉的继母,她是个吉普赛人,喜欢赤身裸体,无心管理家事。卡珊多拉还有一个漂亮的妹妹萝丝,她天真可爱,心里爱着自己的姐姐,面对生活的艰辛,她变得怨天尤人,抱怨生活的不公。
& & 这部小说是很多书单上推荐的佳作,并且曾在2003年被改编成电影,此有声书为abridged版,朗读者是英国女演员Emilia Fox,经常听有声书的同学应该对她比较熟悉了,朗读水平很好,很多人都很喜欢她。
I Capture the Castle (Abridged)
朗读:Emilia Fox
The head of the Mortmain family is Cassandra Mortmain's father, a writer suffering from writer's block who has not published anything since his first book, a hit entitled Jacob Wresstling. Ten years before the story begins, he took out a 40-year lease on a dilapidated but beautiful castle, hoping to find either inspiratio now, his family is selling off the furniture to buy food.
I Capture the Castle is a classic coming-of-age novel which stands the test of time and will endure for as long as boy-girl relationships endure.
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有声读物床头灯英语II. 名著缩写 呼啸山庄 mp3 电子书TXT文本下载
A house of hatredChapter oneA strange night&&& In the winter of 1801,I first visited the large,lonely house called Wuthering Heights.It was at that time that I met the strange and angry man who I will remember until I die.&&& That year,I movied to Yorkshire,a county of England.I lived in a fine old house,which was named Thrushcross Grange.I had written to a man named Heathcliff and asked to rent the house from him.He was my only neighbor in all that country.When I have been at the house for about a week,I decied to walk across the moor and visit him.&&& I was cold afternoon in winter when I began to walk.Fog hung in the trees,and in the distance,large,sharp,tall rocks called the Penistone Crags rose up out of the ground.I had to walk almost four miles through the grass and mud before I saw Wuthering Heights,the house where Heathciff lived.It stood on the top of a hill.Around the house was a circle of short,dark trees.The house was long and low and made of gray stone.It had narrow windows in the walls.&&& The ground was hard because of the winter frost.The air was cold as I walked toward the house.I arrived at the gate of the house's garden.It was beginning to snow,and the snowflakes were blinding my eyes.I could not see,but I put my hand on the gate.Suddenly I stopped,with a look of surprise.A man was there,leaning on the gate.He stared at me whith his cold,dark eyes.He seemed as gloomy and silent as the gravestones in the churchyard at the foot of the hill.He straightened up,standing tall and still.His hair and eyes and black.The features of his face were cruel-looking,yet he was very handsome.He was dress in good clothes,like a gentleman.but his skin was as dark as a savage's.&&& I guessed who he was."Are you Mr.Heathcliff?"I said.&&& He did not speak.he only nodded his head.&&& "My name is Lockwood,I rent the house Thrushcross Crange from you.I thought I should come and meet you."&&& "Come in!" he said.His voice sounded so angry that he could have been saying "Go to Hell!" However,he opened the gate,and we walked along the garden path.As we entered a big yard,he called out,"Joseph,bring up some wine!"Then he spoke to me in a cold voice."I shall be with you in a moment.If you need anything,ask the sevant."&&& He walked off arountd a corner of the house.I waited for his servant.While I waited,I looked at the strange writing on the door of the house.Among them,I saw the date"1500" and the name "Hareton Earnshaw" carved on the door.&&& I heard someone coming.A man appeared through a side door.He was an old man with a thin,tight mouth in a sour and angry face.I thought that this was Joseph.He looked at me meanly."Well,"he said,"You should come inside,out of the cold.The mistress of the house is inside!"&&& He led me along passage made of stones,and told me to go through a door on my right.I did, and found myself in a big room where a fire was burning in a very large fireplace,like a small cave.Some frightening-looking guns were on he wall,above the fireplace.Sitting clse the fire were two large dogs,whick growled at me.Beside the dogs there was a table with much food on it.&&& And then I saw a girl who was sitting at the table.She was a beautiful girl of some twenty years.with an exquisite face framed by soft golden hair.&&& I bowed and waited for her to speak.She only started at me in a cool and scornful manner.&&& I went closer to the fire."I think there will be a storm tonight,"I said."It's begun to snow."&&& "You shouldn't have come here,"she said.Then she stood up and reached for a painted box on a high shelf.It was almost too heigh for her.I made a move to help her.She turned upon me suddently.&&& "I can get it myself!"she said angry.&&& "I beg you pardon!"I quick said.&&& "Do you want any tea?"she demanded,opening the box,and standing with a spoon poised over the pot.&&& "I would happy to have a cup."I answered.&&& "Did anyone ask you if you wanted any?"she said.&&& "No,"I said,smiling."You are the person who asked me."&&& She threw the tea leaves and the spoon into the box.But before she could say anything the door opened and Heathcliff came in.Behind him there was a tall young man in rough colthing,with thick brown curly hair,and an angry look.&&& Heathcliff nodded to me,but his face was angry.He began shaking white snowflakes from his clothes.Through the window,I could see the snow was falling quickly.&&& "I'm afraid I shall have to stay here for half an hour or so,because of weather."I said."May I shelter here?"&&& "I don't know why you have to walk around in a snow storm,"Heathcliff growled."Don't you know that you might get lost on the moors?People who know this area often get lost on night like this,and the weather's not going to change for some time."&&& "Perhaps one of your boys could guide me home,"I said,"and stay at my home until morning.Could you spare me one?"&&& "No,I could not."&&& "Oh!Then I will have to find my way back."&&& Heathcliff said nothing.&&& "Are you going to make a tea?"asked the young man.He looked from me to the young lady.&&& She stared coldly at me for a moment."Is he going to have any?"She asked.&&& "Make the tea,will you?"said Heathcliff,speaking so savagely that I started."Bring up your chair,"he added to me.and we all drew round the table.&&& Food was passed in silence,and the three looked very angry as they ate it.I thought it my dute to make polite talk.&&& "Mr.Heathcliff,"I began,"there must be times here,when you and your wife..."&&& "My wife!"growled Heathcliff,with an ugly look on his face."My wife is dead!"&&& I saw that I had made a mistake.Then I suddenly thought that the young man at my elbow,drinking his tea out of a bowl and eating his bread with dirty hands,might be husband of the girl.I sighted at the thought.&&& "Mrs.Heathcliff is my daughter-in-low."said Heathcliff,as if he guessed my thoughts.&&& He turned,as he spoke,and look at the girl.She met his gaze squarely and in that moment I saw in both eyes a look of devilish hatred.It was quite unmistakable.&&& "Ah,"I said uneasily,to the young at my side,"so you are the happy husband..."&&& I stopped.The young man had turned very red.&&& "She is not my wife!"he said.&&& He let out the words with a suddent burst of strong hatred,and follow them with a curse.&&& "Wrong again,"said Healthcliff,with something like a cold laugh."I said she was my daughter-in-therefore,she must have married my son."&&& "And this young man is..."&&& "Not my son,I told you."&&& He smiled,as if at the strangeness of the situation.&&& "My name is& Hareton Earnshaw."growled the youth."And you'd better respect it!"&&& "I've shown it no disrespect,"I replied,amused at his tone of voice.&&& He started at me for a moment and then went on putting food into his mouth.I said no more,but sat wondering at this house of strange hatreds.&&& As soon as the meal was finished.I stood up and went to the window.There,I saw the sad sight.The dark night was coming early.The sky and hill could not be seen,in the great storm of snow.&&& "I shall need someone to take me home."I said."The road will be buried in the snow."&&& "Hareton,go and take the sleep into he barn,"said Heathcliff.&&& "What shall I do?"I asked feeling annoyed.&&& There was no reply.I looked round.Heathcliff and the young man had gone out.Mrs.Heathcliff had picked up a book.&&& "Will you point out some landmarks by which I can find my way home?"I said.&&& "Take the road that you came here on!"she answered carelessly.&&& "If you hear of me being found dead in the swamp,or a hole of snow,I suppose it won't worry you!"I said angrily.&&& "Why should it?I can's show you the way.The won't let me.And there is no one else to take you."&&& "Then I will have to stay here,"I said hopelessly.&&& She shrugged."I have nothing to do with that either,"she said.&&& "I hope this will be a lesson to you,not to walking around the hills,"said Heathcliff's stern voice from the kitchen door."As to staying here,you will have to share a bed with Hareton or Joseph if you do."&&& "I can sleep on a chair in this room,"I replied.&&& "Oh,no!I'm not going to have you roaming about the place while I'm sleep,"said the unkind man.&&& That was the last straw.I uttered an expression of disgust,and went past Heathcliff into the yard.I saw Joseph in the barn milking cows by the light of the lantern.In my anger,I movied towards him,snatched up the light,called out that I would send it back on the morrow,and rushed towards the gate.&&& "Master,he's stealing the lantern!"shouted Joseph."Hey,Gnasher!Hey dog!Hey,Wolf,hold hime,hold hime,hold him!"&&& The next second two hairy dogs came flying at my throat,bearing me down.I heard a deep yell from Heathcliff,who was behind me.I was burning with anger,but the dogs stood over me and growled so fiercely that I dared not rise till their master walked up and drangged them off.&&& I got to my feet then,trembing with rage,and ordered them to let me out.My words were cut short by a gush of blood from my nose.Hareton had appeared from somewhere,and he and Heathcliff stood and roared with laughter until an old woman,whose name I found was Zillah,came out to see what all the uproar was about.&&& "Look at the poor lad!"she cried."He's almost choking!I wish you all wouldn't act this way!Come in,I'll take care of you."&&& With these words she splashed a pint of ice water down my neck and took me into the kitchen.Heathcliff followed,told her to give me some liquor,and said something about a room for the night.He went out again.&&& Zillah gave me the brandy,handed me a candle and told me to follow her upstairs."And don't make a noise."she said."I dont want the master to know which room I'm giving you.He never let anybody stay here--but it's the one you have to stay in tonight."&&& She left me in a big room,with simple furniture,and an old-fashioned bed made of oak wood beneath the window.&&& I undressed and got into bed,leaving my candle burning.There was a shelf on the wall above the bed,with a few books pile up in one corner.There was writing scratched on the wall--someone's name.It was repeated again and again,in all kind of writing,large and small--Catherine--Catherine Earnshaw,here and there Catherine Heathcliff,and the again,Catherine Linton.&&& I lay back and continued spelling over the names Catherine Earnshaw--Heathcliff--Linton till my eyes closed,and the white letters shone frome the dark as vivid as ghosts,and the air seemed full with the name of "Catherine."&&& Even now,I cannot tell if what happened later on that terrible night was a dream--or whether,in fact,I had a gostly visitor.&&& I was lying in bed,listening to the howling wind and driving of snow.I heared also the noises of a tree branch,that touch my window as the wind came by.The branch tapped again the window.It annoyed me so much that I decided to silent it.I sat up and tried to& open the window,It was stuck!&&& "I must stop it."I kept saying.&&& The sound,indeed,was making me insane.Somehow it must and should be stopped.&&& I raised my fist,and smashed it through the glass.I put an arm through the hole to grab the branch.&&& And it happend!&&& My fingers closed on the fingers of a small,ice-cold hand.
BOOK TWO:THE FIRST CATHERINECHAPTER ONEThe Gypsy BoyThe story of Wuthering Heights really began twenty five years ago,in the summer of 1777.A family named Earnshaw lived at the house then,and that family had owned it for over two hundred years.At that time,Ellen Dean was a young girl of eighteen.She had come to the house to take care of the Earnshaw family'Hindley who was fourteen,and little Catherine,who was six.In those days,Wuthering Heights was a happy house.So,on the night that strange young boy came to live with them,no one in the house felt afraid or angry.It was an extremely strange thing,though.This is how this happened.&&& One morning,Mr.Earnshaw,the children's father told the family that he had to go to the city of livepool for some bussiness.He promised the children that he would bring them a special suprised when he returned.&&& He was gone three days,and on the evening of third day the children was very excited.Mrs.Earnshaw let Cathy and Hindley stay up late to wait for their father.Just after eleven o'clock,the door opened and Mr.Earnshaw came into the house.The children jumped for joy and ran over to him.&&& They saw that his father's coat was in his arms,and the coat seemed to hide something in side it.This was the suprise!&&& As the children watched,a surprising thing happened.The coat moved!Mr.Earnshaw held out the object to his wife and said,"Listen wife!Here is a gift from God--"Although he's dark enough to have come from the devil!"The family and Ellen ran over to look.They saw a dirty,black-haired little boy,with dark skin and large,frightened eyes.He started and the strange people quietly,and did not say anything.Mrs.Earnshaw started at her husband.Mrs.Earnshaw seemed very upset."Why have you brought his child into my house?He look like a gypsy.What are we going to do with hime?"&&& Mr.Earnshaw told his family how he had found the little boy,cold and alone in the streets of livepool.The child didn't have a home and had no parents.No one would give the child a home,so Mr.Earnshaw had decided to bring the little boy home with him."I couldn't leave hime there to die in the street,"he said.Mrs.Earnshaw asked her husband many angry questions,but he did not pay attention to her.Instead,he turned to Ellen Dean and said,"Take the boy away and wash him,Ellen.You can find some clean clothes,and then he can sleep with Cath and Hindley."&&& Ellen did what Mr.Earnshaw wanted.But when she took the boy into the children's room,the children would not sleep with him.They would not even let him into their room.At last,Ellen put the child in many blankets and let hime sleep on the stairs.She almost hoped he would be gone in the morning.When Mrs.Earnshaw saw the boy sleeping on the stairs the next morning,he was angry.Ellen was sent away from the house for a few days,as a punishment.But when she came back,She saw that something had changed.The boy was still there,and he had a name-Heathcliff.This was the name of one of Mr.Earnshaw's sons,who had died when he was a baby.And Heathcliff and Cathy were now best friends.But Ellen saw that Hindley hated Heathcliff,and was cruel to hime whenever Mr.Earnshaw was not looking.&&& Heathcliff did not say anything about the way Hindley treated him.He was a quiet,patient child.Strangely,Mr.Earnshaw seemed to love this boy the best of all his children.Ellen thought that this was why Hindley did not like Heathcliff.Mr.Earnshaw loved the strange dark boy more that little Cathy,who was as pretty as a flower,but too naughty and bad.Sadly,Mrs.Earnshaw died two years later.She had been quiet and unhappy ever since Heathcliff had come,and no one understood why.Mr.Earnshaw was getting older,and the three children cared for by Ellen.It seemed that Mr.Earnshaw did not have long to live.Almost overnight,he had become tired and sick.He did not leave the warm fireplace and always seemed angry with everyone,except Heathcliff.Whenever he saw Hindley and Heathcliff fighting.he grew angry at Hindley and would have hit his son,if he had not been so sick and weak.Finally.Hindley went away to college,and Ellen hoped that the house would be quiet again.However,this did not happen because of Joseph,the head servant.Joseph was a very cold and religious man.He told Mr.Earnshaw and everyone in the house terrible stories about Heathcliff and Cathy.He did not like young people,and he always made Cathy seem like a terrible girl.It was true that Cathy was wild.She was always laughing and talking,and playing tricks on people.But she was quickly becaming the most beautiful you lady in the area.The strangest thing about Cathy was her feeling for Heathcliff.The worst thing you could do to Cathy was keeping her away from Heathcliff.And heathcliff wouldhe looked at her as if she were a princess.Ellen knew there was a deep connection between them.She wandered what might happen.One night in October,a strong wind was blowing outside.The family was together,sitting by the fire.Joseph was leaning against her father's knee.He was stroking her hair.Mr.Earnshaw seemed very tired and old that night.He sighed and said to Cathy,"Why can't you always be a good girl,Cathy?"&&& Cathy only laugh and said."Being good all the time is boring!"But then she kissed her father and said she would sing him to sleep.She begin to sing in a soft,pretty voice and soon her father was asleep.Ellen told Cathy not to move so that she would not wake her father up.Everyone was still and quiet for half an hour.Then Joseph said he had to wake Mr.Earnshaw up,because it was time for bed.He called Mr.Earnshaw's name and touch his arm,but he did not move.He looked carefully at Mr.Earnshaw,and the look on his face changed.Quickly Joseph whispered to the children to go to bed immediately."I'll say good by to father first,"said Cathy,before Joseph could stop her she put her arms around father.&&& Cathy knew the truth immediately.She screamed,"Oh,Heathcliff!He's dead!"And the two began to cry.So Mr.Earnshaw died,and after his death things were very different at Wuchering Heights.
CHAPTER TWOTrouble in the HouseHindley came home for his father's funeral.He was married now,and his wife was young.No one knew anything about her,because Hindley had not told his family about his marriage.Hindley had been away for three years,and he had changed.He spoke differently,and he wore better clothes.He told Ellen that she and Joseph had to stay in the little servants' kitchen,because he was going to control the house now.However one thing had not changed.Hindley still hated Heathcliff.Now that his father was dead,Hindley knew he could treat Heathcliff as badly as he wanted.He promised that Healthcliff would work in the fields and live with the servants.At first Healthcliff did not care about these changes.As long as Cathy was near him,he was happy.Cathy played with Heathcliff while he worked in the fields,and the two of them were always running around outside.They were just like two Indians!One Sunday evening,Cathy and Healthcliff were sent out of the house for being bad.Ellen could not find them anywhere.She said nothing to Hindely,bu she was very worried.&&& After everyone else was sleeping,Ellen waited at the window.She could not sleep until the children had returned.She heard steps coming up the road,and run down to the front door.Soon she saw Healthcliff,who was walking towards the house alone.&&& "Heathcliff,where's Miss Cathy?"Ellen said.&&& Healthcliff frowned at her."At Thrushcross Grange."he answered."We were near that place,and we wanted to look inside the house.We wanted to see how the rich Linton family spends their time.We found a hole in the fence and went up to the house.We look into a windos,and saw the two Linton Children.Their parents were not in the room,but their son,Edgar.and his sister Isabella were playing.We stared at them for a little while,and then made noise to frighten them,like ghosts.They heard these noises and yelled for their parents.Then we ran away,laughing.I was holding Cathy's hand,but then she fell down.""What about Cathy?"asked Ellen impatiently.&&& "The Lintons let their dog outside,"said Heathcliff quietly,"and it bit Cathy on the leg.She didn't cry out,but I did!I was throwing stones at the doy when a servant came and picked Cathy up.He carried her into the house and I followed them.The Littons were very excited when they saw that it was Cathy Earnshaw!They worried about her,and said that she could stay there until her leg was better.But they would not let me stay--so here I am!"Ellen shook her head."There will be trouble in the morning!"&&& EHeathcliff and Cathy's adventure made Hindley very angry.He did not like it when Mr.Linton told him that that he had look after his young sister.Hindley told Heathcliff that if he spoke one more word to Canthy,he would be sent away.Hindley's wife,Mrs Earnshaw ,was to told watch Cathy when she returned to Wuthering Heights.&&& Cathy was gone a long time.She stayed at the Lintons' home for five weeks,as it was Christmas when she came home.She looked so different!The Lintons had given Cathy fine clothes to wear,and she looked like a beautiful young lady.Everyone was very happy with Canthy,except Healthcliff,Cathy's new looks seem upset him.&&& "Boy,you'd better come and tell Miss Catherine welcome home like the other servants!"yelled Hindley,pushing the boy forward.Heathcliff looked the seem as ever,but as soon as Cathy saw him she threw her arms around him.Then she started at hime and began to laugh."Oh,Heathcliff.you do look cross!"she said."And so dirty!"&&& Healthcliff looked at her and said,"I'm not going to stay here and be laughed at!I like to be dirty,and I will be dirty!"With that he ran out of the room.&&& In the morning Heathcliff got up early and left for the moors.He did not return until after the family had gone to church.When he came back,he did not seem so angry.He walk around the kitchen for awhile,and said."Help me to the clean up,Ellen.I'm going to be good now!"&&& Ellen smiled."All right!"she said gently."Now.Edgar and Isabella Linton are coming here to dinner after church,so you must act nicely."Heathcliff said,"Edgar Linton is nothing but a crybaby,but I wish that I was rich,like him!"Ellen laughed.&&& "You are right,he does cry a lot!"she said."But when you are all clean,and you take that angry look off your face,you will be very handsome!"She talked to hime while she cleaned him up,and Heathcliff lost his frown and began to look very nice.Soon they heard Catherine bringing the Linton children into the house.&&& Ellen brought Heathcliff gently towards the door."Now,go into them,dear,and show them what a fine boy you are."&&& Unfortunately,the first person Heathcliff saw was Hindley."You stay out of this room,"he said loudly."You're a servant,and we don't want you stealing the food!"&&& "Oh,no,sir he'll be very good.He must have his share of everything!"Ellen cried."Well,he's not allowed to be downstairs before dark!"shouted Hindley.&&&& "Just look at his hair!Trying to impress the young ladies,aren't you boy?Well,wait until I get my hands on that hair.I'll put it a little longer!""It's like a horse's mane over his eyes!"said Edgar Linton,who was standing at the door.He was a pale and thin boy of sixteen.That was it.&&& Heathcliff could not have Edgar Linton speak to hime in this way!He grabbed a dish of hot apple sauce,the first thing he saw,and threw it into Edgar's face.Edgar screamed loudly,and Hindley grabbed Heathcliff and carried his upstairs,and whipped him.Ellen got a clouth and wiped Edgar's nose and neck.Cathy stood there,her eyes burning with anger.&&& "You shouldn't have spoken to him!"she told Edgar."Oh, how I hate hime to be punished! I won't eat now. Oh, stop crying, Edgar! And be quiet, Isabella-- no one's hurt you!""All right,children!Sit down, everything's all right."cried Hindley,coming into the house. "That terrible boy has been punished now. He won't bother you again! Next time, Master Edgar, you should hit him back! It will be your hungry for your dinner! "&&& Ellen served the people their dinner. It was painful to watch Cathy sitting still and not eating anything.Her eyes was shining with tears. After dinning they have a dance.Cathy wanted Heathcliff to dance with her, but Hindley would not allow him. While they were all singing after the dance, Cathy was able to leave the room. She went up the stairs in the dark. She was gone a long time. Ellen tried to find her, but Cathy had hidden. She had climed out of one window,walked on the roof. and climed into the window of Heathcliff's room. Ellen had a hard time trying to make Cathy come down again.Finally Heathcliff and Cathy came downstairs together. Cathy made Ellen take Heathcliff into the kitchen and give hime something to eat.&&& However,Heathcliff was in pain and could not eat very much.He sat next to the fire and stared at it in silence.&&& "What are you thinking about?" Ellen asked him.&&& Heathcliff said quietly. "I am thinking about how I get my revenge on Hindley, " he said coldly. "I don's care how long I have to wait, If I can do it at last! Give me time to think, and& I'll make my plan."
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CHAPTER THREECathy's Anger&&& The next June,Hindley's son was born.But his mother, Hindley's wife, was dead within the month.&&& The boy was named Hareton, and he was given to Ellen to take care of .Hindley did not seem to care about the baby, as long as he was healthy and did not cry.&&& He was upset that his wife had died, and began to drink every day.&&& Hindley continued to treat Heathcliff terribly, and the boy grew more angry and proud as the years passed. Edgar Liton was very interested in Cathy, even though not many people wanted to go near Wuthering Heights. They did not like Hindley and his drinking. But Edgar like Cathy, and he would have visited her. but he was afraid of Hindley. One afternoon, Hindley was away frome the house. Healthcliff was about sixteen years old then. He was a handsome boy, with black eyes and hair. Cathy and Heathcliff were still friends, but Heathcliff did not like to show his feelings for her. On this day, Heathcliff came into the house while Ellen was helping Cathy put on a pretty dress. Cathy did not know that Heathcliff was there, and she had asked Edgar Linton to come over. "Cathy, why are you wearing that silk dress?" Heathcliff asked. "Is someone coming here?" Cathy looked worried. "Edgar and Isabella are coming to visit," she said. She did not look at Heathcliff. Heathcliff look angry. "Tell Ellen to say that you can's see them." he said. "Don's leave me for those silly friends of yours!"&&& But they heard a horse in the yard. so it was too late. Heathcliff went into the kitchen. Then Edgar Linton entered. His face was happy at the thought of seeing Cathy again. "I hope I havn't come too soon?" he said, looking at Ellen.&&& Ellen turned away and began to clean up the corner of the room.&&& "No, Edgar," answered Cathy sweetly."What are you doing,Ellen?"&&& "Only my work, Miss Cathy," Ellen said.&&& The truth was that Hindley had told Ellen to watch Cathy and Edgar when they were together. Cathy stepped up behind Ellen and whispered angrily, "Ellen, go away! I want to be alone with him! " Ellen said,"I'm sure Mr.Edgar won's mind if I finished my work." Cathy looked at Ellen. "I order you to go!" she said. "I'm sorry Miss Cathy, but Master Hindley asked me to do it," said Ellen.Immediately, Cathy grabbed the cloth from Ellen's hand and pinched her on the arm. It hurt, and Ellen shouted angrily, "Miss Cathy, that's a nasty trick! You have no right to pinch me!" "I didn't touch you, you lying woman!" cried Cathy, her ears all red with rage.&&& Ellen held out her arm and show a purple mark. "What's this, then?" she said loudly.&&& Cathy stamped her foot in a fury. and then slapped Ellen hard across the face. The slap made Ellen's eyes filled with tears from the pain.&&& "Catherine!" cried Edgar, very suprised.&&& Cathy did not answer him. "Leave the room Ellen!" she said, shaking all over. Little Hareton was sitting on the floor.He loved Ellen and went everywhere with her. He started to cry, and Cathy seemed to become even angrier.She picked up the child and shook hime. Edgar grabbed the baby and took hold of her hands to stop her. Immediately, she slapped Edgar across the ear! He drew back. Without a word to Cathy, Ellen took Hareton and walked off into the kitchen. She left the door open, because she wanted to hear what would happen. Edgar got his coat and hat and walked toward the door. "Where are you going,Edgar?" cried Cathy, running to the door.&&& He tried to move pase Cathy, but she would not let him move.&& "You must not go! "she cried.&& "Well, I'm not staying here after that!" he said."I won't come here again,either! What is wrong with you,Cathy? Why did you treated Ellen so terribly?& And then you lied about it! I saw you pinch Ellen!" "I didn't, I didn't!" she cried. "I didn't do anything! All right-go. if you want to! Go away! And now I'll cry until I'm sick! "=========
&&& She drooped on her knees and began to cry. Edgar walked out of the door, but then he stopped. There he stoped. Ellen saw him look back. Suddenly he turned and went into the house again. He put his arm around Cathy and began to comfort her. Ellen came in after an hour to tell them that Hindley had come home and was drunk. Cathy and Edgar were sitting quietly together, and Edgar was staring at Cathy lovingly. Ellen wondered how Cathy felt. When Edgar found out that Hindley was back, he left quickly. Cathy went to her room. Ellen went to hide Hareton. because she did not want his father to see him when he was drunk. However. Hindley ran into the kitchen before she could hide the boy. He grabbed Hareton and cried. "Ellen, the boy need a haircut! Give me the scissors, and I'll cut it all of! Kiss me, my darling boy! What? You won't! To think that I could have such a terrible child! I'll break your neck. you little monster! " The child was kitching and screaming in his father's arms, and when Hindley carried him upstairs and held him over the staircase he creamed even louder. Ellen ran after them, crying out that he would frighten the child.&&& Suddenly, when his father was at the top of the stairs, Hareton gave a sudden kick. His father dropped him, and he fell!&&& Ellen screamed. But then she saw he was safe! Heathcliff, who had come into the room suddenly, had held out his arms,caugh the child and set him down on his feet.&&& Hindley came down the satirs, pale and sober. "Is he hurt?" he cried. "Hurt? No!" cried Ellen, angrily. "But you're worse than a savage, treating your son in that way! The boy hates you--and that's the truth! Look at what's happened to you!"&&& Hindley laughed."I don't care! Take the boy away! And Healtcliff--stay out of my way. You've done something good for once in your life, so I woundn't want to kill you tonight!" Ellen and Heathcliff watched him walk into the sitting room. He took a bottle of liquor from the dresser, and then kicked the door shut.
&&& "It's pity he doesn't fall down and kill himself with drinking!" said Heathcliff.&&& Ellen went into the kitchen and sat down with Hareton on her lap. At the time, she thought Heathcliff had left the house and went to the barn. But he was only outside the kitchen, he sat down on the bench outside the kitchen and remain quiet.&&& Ellen was singing to the children when Cathy entered the room and said, "Ellen, are you alone? " "Yes Miss Cathy."&&& Cathy came in and sat down by the fire.Ellen thought that she looked worried.&&& "Where is Heathcliff?" she asked.&&& "In the barn, I think."&&& Cathy didn't say anything. After a while Ellen looked up and saw a tear fall down Cathy's cheek. She pretended not to notice, however."Oh, deer Ellen!" cried Cathy. "I'm so unhappy!"&&& "Then you're very hard to please," Ellen answered. "When you are have so many friends and so few problems! "&&& "Ellen, will you show secret for me?" Cathy asked.&&& "I don's know, is it important?" asked Ellen.&&& "Yes, it is. I must tell someone. Edgar Linton asked me to marry him today. Should I have said yes or no?"&&& "Well, after the terrible way you acted today, I would say no to him, Miss Cathy," said Ellen firmly."If he asked you to marry him after all that, he must be very stupid!" Cathy stood up, her face red. "Well, I said yes," she went on. "Was I wrong?"&&& "Do you love hime?" Ellen asked.&&& "Oh, yes. He's handsome and rich, and I'll just love being the greatest lady in the area!"&&& "Well. then what are you unhappy about, girl?" asked Ellen. She did not understand Cathy.
&&& "I feel unhappy--here and there," said Cathy, putting one hand on her forehead and the other on her heart. &&& She sat in a chair, and her face was frightened and sad. "I have no reason to marry Edgar Linton." she said. If Hindley had not made Heathcliff into a servant, with no education or money, I would never marry Edgar. But... But I can't marry Heathcliff now, when he's nothing but a farm boy! Oh, Ellen, I would be so ashamed!" she cried.&&& There was a long silence. "Healthcliff can never know how much I love him," she said finally. "Ellen, Heathcliff is more myself than I am -- I don't love him because his handsome, or intelligent, or hates Hindly as much as I do. -- I am Heathcliff and he is me. We love the same things, and feel about things the same way. He's always, always, always in my mind, Ellen -- but it would shame me to marry him! "&&& As soom as Cathy had mentioned heathcliff's name, Ellen had heard a slight sound. When she turned her head, she saw heathcliff stand up from the bench by the wall. He has listened to Cathy's words, untill he heard Cathy say that it would lower her to marry him. Then he had left without a sound. Ellen knew what he was feeling.
Chapter FOURHeathcliff is Missing&&& However, Cathy had not heard nothing.&&& "But Miss Cathy, do you know what this will mean to Healthcliff?" said Ellen. "After you marry Edgar Linton, Heathcliff will be alone in the world."&&& Cathy looked suprised. "Alone! " she said."Oh, no! I wouldn't marry Edgar if it meant that Heathcliff would be alone. Edgar must learn to like Heathcliff. that's all. Don't you see, Ellen, that if Heathcliff and I were married, we would be terribly poor? We would be so unhappy.But if marry Linton, I can help Heathcliff, and take him away from here, Hindley won't be able to hurt him any more."&&& "Miss Cathy, you would use your husband's money to help another man?" cried Ellen. "That's the worse reason you've given to marry Edgar!" , "It isn't." cried Cathy. "It's the best!" She sighed and said, "I think so much of Heathcliff. He is the best part of me."
&&& "Well," Ellen said,"I don't really understand any of this. Still, I will keep your secret." They stopped talking when Joseph entered the room. Cathy watched Hareton, while Ellen cooked dinner. Soon Joseph said,"Where is Heathcliff?"&&& "In the barn, I think," said Ellen."I'll call him."&&& Ellen went and call for Heathcliff, but he did not answer. When she came back she whispered to Cathy that she thought that Heathcliff had heared much of what Cathy had said. She thought Heathcliff may have become upset and left the house. Cathy jumped up, frightend, and ran to look for him. Cathy had gone for so long that Joseph and Ellen decided to eat their supper. They were just beginning to eat when Cathy ran into the room and told Joseph to find Heathcliff and bring him back. She had not seen him. Joseph did not want to do this, but he left. Cathy walk up and down the room."Where, oh where is he?" she kept saying.&&& Joseph could not find Heathcliff. He told Cathy and Ellen that the night was to dark, and there was a storm comming."He will come home when it rains," Joseph said.They waited.&&& Cathy could not keep still. She kept walking from gate to the door. Finally, she went out into the road. She did not seem to care about the thunder, and the heavy rain that was falling. She stayed outside, calling Heathcliff's name over and over. About twenty minutes later Cathy returned through the storm. Wet and shaking, she went to bed.&&& The next morning Cathy had a fever and was terribly sick.The doctor told Ellen that Cathy could not be upset in any way, or she would become sicker. Mrs. Linton came to see Cathy many times a week. When Cathy was feeling a little better, Mrs. Linton took Cathy to Thrushcross Grange to care for her. However, this poor women and her husband both got the fever and died.&&& Cathy came back to Wuthering Heights, and she was harder to control than ever. Hindley let her to do anything she wanted, as long as she did not try to stop him for drinking.Hindley wanted Cathy to bring honor to the Earnshaw family by marrying Edgar Linton. Ellen thought it was strange that Cathy never talk about Heathcliff. And Heathcliff did not return. Edgar Linton, of course, was still love with Cathy. He was extremely happy on the day they married, three years after his parents died. Ellen Dean was asked to leave Wuthering Heights and to to Thrushcross Grange, the Linton's house, with Cathy. Ellen did not want to, but when Cathy told Hindley, he ordered Ellen to go. Hindley did not want any more women in his house, he said. So Ellen took Cathy and herself to Thrushcross Grange. There, everyone lived happily for sometime. There were times when Cathy was gloomy and silent, but Ellen felt that the Lintons were happy with each other.&&& Until, one day, Ellen met a man in the garden...
&&& It was a beautiful Setempber evening.Ellen was coming back from the garden with some apples.The moon was just beginning to rise, and there were shadows in the corners of the house.Ellen stood still for a moment, watching the beautiful moon. Suddently she heard behind her say. "Good evening, Ellen." It was the deep voice of a man.&&& She turned around, and little afraid. She saw a man with fine clothes, and dard face and fair. She started at him in surprise. "I'v been waiting in the garden for an hour," he said, "I knew I couldn't go into the house. Don't you know me, Ellen?"&&& She caught her breath and started at the man. His face was dark and handsome, and his eyes was full of black fire. She remembered those eyes! "Heathcliff! Is it really you?" She whispered. "Yes--it's I," he said. He started at the windows of the house. They were all dark.&&& "Is she at home?" he asked quickly. He started at her with his dark eyes, "Where is she, Ellon? Go to her and say, --A man from Gimmerton wishes to speak to her."&&& "Heathcliff, no!" said Ellen. "I don't know what it would do to her. How will she respond?" "Don't worry about that!" Healthcliff said quickly, "Go and tell her. I'm in hell until you do."&&& Ellen did not think she had any choice, so she went into the house. When she got to the sitting room, she saw Edgar and Cathy sitting by the window. They were looking out at the beautiful park in the moon light. The room seemed peaceful. Ellen did not want to speak to them, but she knew she had to.&&& "Mrs. Linton, A man from Gimmerton wishes to speak to you," Ellen said nervously. "What does he want?" asked Cathy.&&& "I dont know, madam."&&& "Well, close the curtains, Ellen," said Cathy, "And please bring the tea. I will be back again in a moment."&&& She went out.&&& "Who is it, Ellen?" asked Edgar.&&& Ellen did not want to hide the truth from him. "It is Heathcliff sir." she said. "You remember him--he's come back."&&& Young Mr. Linton looked shocked. "What! That boy is here?"&&& He jumped up and walked accross the room to the window. He opened it, and learn out. Cathy and Healthcliff must have been below, for he call out quickly: "Don't stand here, love! Bring the man inside!"&&& In a few moment Cathy flew upstairs, wild-eyed, and threw her arms around her husband's neck."Edgar, darling!"&&& She cried. "Heathcliff's come back!"&&& "I know, I know!" he cried. "I didn't think he was such a wonderful person! ""Oh, Edgar, I know you didn't like hime," she said. "but pleas be friend now,for me! Should me tell him to upstairs?" He started at her. "Here?" he said.&&& "Well, of couse!"cried Cathy,"Where else?"&&& She was about went downstairs again, but Edgar stopped her, He turned to Ellen and said,"Ellen, you tell him to come up. And Catherine dear, try not to be silly. The man is only a poor servant, after all."&&& When Ellen returned with Healthcliff, Cathy ran forward, took both his hands, and let him to Edgar. Then she grabbed his husband's fingers and put them into Heathcliff's.&&& Now that Ellen could really see Heathcliff, she could not believe how he had changed. Healthcliff looked like a tall, handsome man.while Edgar still look like a boy. Heathcliff's action were like a gentleman's. But Ellen saw that his eyes were still wild.&&& Edgar didn't know what to say to the man who his wife seemed to love so much! "Sit down, sir." he said at last, "I am glad that your ruturn makes my wife so happy.""And I'm glade, also," answered Heathcliff calmly.&&& Healthcliff sat down opposite Cathy. Cathy could not stop& looking at him. Ellen saw the look on Edgar's face when Cathy suddenly stood up, and took Healthcliff's hand again."Healthcliff, It's like a dream!" Cathy cried. "A wonderful dream! Oh, How could you stay away from me for so many years? Did you every think of me?"&&& "I'm thought of you all the time,"he said,"I heard you were married only a little while ago, I have had hard adventure since I saw you last, but all my struggles have been only for you, Cathy."&&& "Catherine!" said Edgar harshly. "come to the table--out tea is getting cold!"&&& Heathcliff did not stay more than an hour. When he left, Ellen asked hime if he was going to Gimmerton.&&& "No, I am going to Wuthering Heights," he answered. "Hindley asked me to come there, when I visited this morning."&&& Ellen did not know what to think. Why would Hindley ask Heathcliff to stay with him? The two man hated each other.&&& Ellen remembered that Healthcliff had promised her he would have his revenge on Hindley. Ellen had feeling that it would had been better if Heathcliff had stayed away from Wuthering Heights.// update 3-4-2010 to P80
CHAPTER SIXThe Fight&&& Heathcliff did not go to Thrushcross Grange very often. He seem to know that Edgar did not like him to come.&&& But Edgar soon found that there was another person who wanted Heathcliff to visite.Edgar's younger sister, Isabella, was a pretty young girl of eighteen.She always happy and healthy, but Edgar saw that as soon as Heathcliff returned, Isabella became upset about something. One day, Isabella suddenly began to cry. When Cathy asked her what was wrong, Isabella said, that she had fallen in love with Heathcliff. Cathy was suprised.&&& "Oh, Isabella, you know nothing about him. I do, and so Ellen here. He is a strange man. I know he couldn't love a Linton, but he could marry you for your money in a second. I'm his friend, and I have known him for years. Stay away from him."&&& Isabella looked at her angrily. "His friend?" She cried. "Oh, I like that! You are worse that twenty enemies! Heathcliff is a fine, wonderful man -- and I know you, Catherine Linton! You are not telling the truth about this!"&&& Cathy looked as if he was going to slap Isabella. But she only shook her head."I've warned you, Isabella," she said. "You think you know the best, but you'll see! I couldn't do any more for you."She left the room, and Isabella turned to Ellen.&&& "It isn't true, Ellen, is it?" she sobbed, "I love hime so!"&&& "Miss Isabella, Mrs Linton is right about this," said Ellen seriously. "She knows him, and he's not the right man for you. We don't know anything about him. How did he get rich? Why is he staying at Wuthering Heights, in the house of man he hates? Hindley and Heathcliff are together everynight, drinking and playing cards. Hindley borrows money from Heathcliff all the time. You don't want this kinkd of husband, don't you see, dear?" &&& "Oh, Ellen, you're as bad as Cathy! " cried Isabella."I won't listen to eighter of you! " Then she ran out of the room.&&&& Many things happened the next day.&&&& Edgar had to go off to town on bussiness. Heathcliff know this, and so he visited Thrushcross Grange as soon as Edgar had left. Cathy and Isabella were sitting in the library. Not speaking to each other. Suddenly the door opened, and Heathcliff came in. When she saw him, Cathy laughed and said, "Heathcliff! come in. I want you to meet someone who loves you more than I do myself. My poor little sister-in-low is just dying for you -- her head had been turned by your handsome face!"&&& Isabella turned pale and ran out the room. After she had gone, Heathcliff turned to Cathy and said, "Cathy, why did you do that? Were you telling me the truth?"updata:
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