
15:23:13 来源:新东方在线论坛
<a title="2017考研签约全程联报【政治+英语】<font color="#FF【政治冲击70分直播密训班】
&  2015年的考研大幕已经拉开,新东方在线小编为大家整理了题型,希望可以对广大考研的同学有所帮助。  一、考试性质 全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)主要是为高等院校和科研院所招收专业学位硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的统考科目。 全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)是为高等院校和科研院所招收硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的统考科目。即,英语(一)是针对学术硕士研究生的考生,英语(二)是针对研究生的考生。 专业硕士研究生主要包括会计硕士等19种专业学位,2011年新增加的金融硕士等19种专业学位招生工作尚待教育部发文明确。其中:MBA、MPA、项目管理MPM以及新增的工程管理MEM等硕士专业学位仅面向在职人员,应届生不能报考。如报考125100(MBA)、125200(MPA)以及工程管理硕士MEM的考生必须具有大学本科毕业后三年以上(含三年)工作经验,或者大专毕业后五年以上(含五年)工作经验,或者具有硕士或博士学位并有两年以上(含两年)工作经验。  二、评价目标  1. 语法:英语二明确了八个语法知识点 英语(一)大纲要求考生能熟练地运用基本的语法知识,没有专门列出对语法知识的具体要求,而英语(二)专门列出了考生需要掌握的八个语法知识点,明确了考查方向和备考范围。中国会计硕士网认为,这在一定程度上意味着英语(二)语法考查范围相对较小,更注重考查考生的基础知识,难度会比英语一大大降低。中国会计硕士网建议考生把这八个语法知识点认真吃透,并加以灵活运用。  2.词汇:英语二词汇的复习重点有别于英语一词汇 英语(一)大纲要求“考生能掌握5500左右的词汇及相关词组”。而英语(二)大纲要求“考生应能较熟练地掌握5500个左右的常用词汇以及相关常用词组”。可见,英语(二)不会像英语一那样偏重对词汇词义和用法的深度挖掘,而是主要偏重考查“常用”的词汇和词组,其考查的难度大家就心里有底了。 此外,英语一对词汇还提出了更全面的要求“除掌握词汇的基本含义外,考生还应掌握词汇之间的词义关系,如同义词、近义词、反义词等;掌握词汇之间的搭配关系,如动词与介词、形容词与介词、形容词与名词等;掌握词汇生成的基本知识,如词源、词根、词缀等”。而英语二提到的是“考生应能根据具体的语境、句子结构或上下文理解一些非常用词的词义”。中国会计硕士网认为,英语一与英语二的词汇要求侧重点不同,英语一的要求相对较高,考生复习起来难度和任务量也较大,而英语二对词汇的要求相对较低,更多的只是考查考生根据语境推测非常用词词义的能力。 在阅读能力要求方面,英语二大纲去掉了“生词量不超过所读材料总词汇量的3%”这一条。可见,英语二涉及到的生词量问题较少,考查生词的可能性也降到了最低。  3.阅读能力:英语二阅读能力要求相对较低 英语一大纲要求“考生应能读懂选自各类书籍和报刊的不同类型的文字材料(生词量不超过所读材料总词汇量的3%),还应能读懂与本人学习或工作有关的文献、技术说明和产品介绍等”。而英语二大纲要求“考生应能读懂不同题材和体裁的文字材料,题材包括经济、管理、社会、文化、科普等,体裁包括说明文、议论文和记叙文等”。中国会计硕士网认为, 2014年中考冲刺综合复习指导北京地区试题 广东地区试题 江苏地区试题 英语二不仅明确告诉了考生文章选材的题材和体裁,而且只字未提超纲词,这就是考生备考能够有的放矢,知道从哪些题材的文章去多做积累和准备,同时也不必过于担心超纲词的问题。 此外,英语一对考生的八大阅读能力要求,在英语二大纲里变成了六条,少了“理解文中的概念性含义”和“区分论点和论据”这两条,这两天都对阅读能力有很高的要求。此外,“进行有关的判断、推理和引申”在英语二中只剩了一半:“进行一定的判断和推理”,少了“引申”能力这个难点的考查。综上,中国会计硕士网认为,英语二对阅读能力的考查也大大地降低。考生在复习过程中多多注意文章的主旨、文中具体信息、理解作者的意图、观点和态度等方面就可以了。  4.写作能力:英语二写作能力要求相对宽松 英语一大纲要求“考生应能写不同类型的应用文,包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、摘要、报告等,以及一般描述性、叙述性、或议论性的文章”,还要求“考生做到语法、拼写、标点正确,用词恰当;遵循文章的特定文体格式;合理组织文章结构,使其内容统一、连贯”,由此可见英语一对语言的准确度、文体格式、文章结构、语域的恰当性提出了较高的要求。而英语二大纲表述为“考生应能根据所跟的提纲、情景或要求完成相应的短文写作。短文应中心思想明确,切中题意,结构清晰,条理清楚,用词恰当,无明显语言错误”,由此可见,英语二对考生写作能力的要求并不高,基本就是初级的写作要求,甚至透露出允许出现语言错误,只要不明显即可的意思。因此,中国会计硕士网认为,英语二考生练习英文写作的时候,多多参考范文,从大纲要求的这几个角度,发现范文的闪光点所在。  三、考试内容与试卷结构  英语一与英语二的试卷结构高度相似,但其中也存在细节差异。  1.英语知识运用 英语一和英语二的完型填空考查的都是英语知识的综合运用能力,都是20道题,10分。但是英语一的文章是240--280词,英语二则是约350词,英语二的文章岁增加了阅读量,但是未尝不是好事,因此这样一来,留出的空格间的间距加大,不仅已知信息无形中增加了,对长难句的分析能力的要求也降低了。而且,英语二完型填空文章本身就较好理解,做题也更轻松,选项在原文中的复现也较普遍,一般很容易找到或者选出答案。因此,英语二的完形填空有所变化,但是总体难度降低了。  2.阅读理解Part A 英语一的四篇阅读理解总长度约为1600词,而英语二的四篇阅读理解为1500词左右,阅读量有一定的降低。此外,基于上面提到的英语二对阅读能力的六条要求与英语一八条要求的差异考虑,可知英语二的阅读理解试题难度低于英语一。  3.阅读理解Part B 英语一和英语二的新题型都是10分。英语一的新题型部分,不管是七选五、标题题还是排序题,难度都是公认的。而英语二备选题型包括:多项对应(根据所给文章的内容,从右侧的7个选项中选出5个与左栏的5道题对应的5个选项,即常说的连线题),小标题对应(唯一一个与英语一有交集的备选,且是英语一新题型中最简单的一种),正误判断(根据文章内容判断正误),尤其是正误判断这一题型,本身难度就低,中国会计硕士网特别提示,如果有考生没时间顾这道题,全写“True”或者“False”也能至少的四分,投机性较大。这三种题也决定了英语二的新题型的难度大大低于英语一。  4.翻译:英译汉 分值方面,英语二中的英译汉增加到了15分。 出题方式方面,英语一中翻译属于阅读理解的一部分PartC,要求考生将五个画线句子(约150词)翻译成汉语;而英语二要求考生阅读、理解长度为150词左右的一个或几个英语段 落,并将其全部译成汉语,翻译的量没有发生变化,且句与句之间的连贯性在小范围内就可实现,无需满篇文章找上下文。 大纲要求方面,英语一大纲“主要考查考生准确理解概念或结构较复杂的英语文字材料的能力”,突出了概念或结构较复杂的要求;而英语二大纲“考查考生理解所给英语语言材料并将其译成汉语的能力。”,可见,英语二并没有突出英译汉的难度,只是考查将一般的英语语言材料转换成汉语的能力,与英语一专门挑出五个长难句来考相比,难度只有降没有升。  5.写作Part A 小作文 英语一与英语二小作文部分的备选题型、字数要求以及分值都是一样的。只是在具体的考查过程中,英语一已经很成熟,也较多变,难以把握其要考哪种备选题型。而英语二始于去年,且考虑到其非学术定位和培养对象(部分为在职人员),难度不会很大,倾向于考查英语一最早喜欢考查的书信。考生可以把中心放在书信的写作练习上。此外,还要注意新加的备选题型:摘要的写作。  6.写作Part B 大作文 英语一的大作文分值为20分,而英语二大作文为15分。英语一大作文,早些年考提纲作文和图表作文较多,近十年来主要是考查难度较大的图画作文;而英语二的大纲样题是图表作文,2010年真题考的也是图表作文,类似于早年的。这更说明了英语一与英语二的难度差别。中国会计硕士网建议,可以历年的英语一真题作为参阅资料。 总之,尽管英语二与英语一的题型和题量差别不大,但是较英语(一),英语二的难度有较大幅度的降低。对于现阶段备考的同学来说,熟悉英语(二)考试大纲 的要求很重要,建议从2014年考试大纲及其样题进一步加以体会和总结。  以上就是新东方在线小编为大家整理的考研英语二题型,希望对大家有所帮助。
唐迟老师,新东方教育科技集团考研巡讲师, 新东方考研英语阅读名师,新东方在线考研英语阅读主讲。 0...
唐迟老师,新东方教育科技集团考研巡讲师, 新东方考研英语阅读名师,新东方在线考研英语阅读主讲。 0...
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2014 考研西南大学教育学是全国统考么?
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教育硕士英语统考(非英语专业) 语法 强调结构: 1. It was not until dark that she realized it was too late to go home. 2. It was in 1943 that the harmful smog made its appearance in Los Angeles. 3. It was not until
he arrived at the station that he realized he had forgotten the ticket. 1. It was during the morning rush hour ______ the bomb exploded. (2007--- 26) A. that B. when C. while D. before 2. If nature doesn’t provide man with the necessary material, it is in the laboratory ______ he will turn to for it. (2006---23) A. where B. which C. that D. what 3. ______ that saw the trade between the two countries reach its highest point. (2003---32) A. During the 1990’s B. That it was1 in the 1990’s C. It was in the 1990’s D. It was the 1990’s 4. ______ he realized it was already too late for us to return home. (2002---15) A. No sooner it grew dark when B. Hardly it grew dark than C. It was not until dark that D. Scarcely it grew dark than 倒装结构: 1. Much as he likes her, he does get annoyed with her sometimes. 2. I couldn’t persuade him to accept it, nor could I make him see the importance of it. 3. Hardly had the helicopter landed when the waiting crowd ran towards it. 4. No sooner had he arrived than he fell ill. 5. Scarcely had he arrived when they asked him to leave again. 6. Were you in my position, you would do the same. 7. People’s attitude toward night-time dreams has changed, so has their attitude toward daydreams.2 1. As computer systems become even more sophisticated, ______ the methods of those who exploit the technology. (2008---29) A. so too do B. as well as C. likewise D. therefore 2. Only by understanding the web deeply ______ hope for people to grasp its full potential deeply. (2006---14) A. can there be B. can be there C. be there can D. there can be 3. Scarcely ______ those words when suddenly the monster was transformed into a very handsome youth. (2005---11) A. had he uttered B. did he utter C. he had uttered D. he did utter 4. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he ______ our chairman now. (2004---17) A. must he B. would have been C. shall be D. would be 5. Not until recent years ______ a popular means of communication. (2004---23)3 A. email became B. email has become C. did email become D. will email become 6. ______ before we departed last weekend, we would have had a wonderful dinner party. (2003---30) A. Had they arrived B. Would they arrive C. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive 7. ______ will Mr. Forbes be able to regain control of the company. (2002---17) A. With hard work B. As regards his hard work C. Only if he works hard D. Despite his hard work 8. So loudly ______ that even people in the next room could hear him. (2010---25) A. did he speak B. does he speak C. he spoke D. he speaks 比较级: 1. He doesn’t smoke so heavily as his brother.4 2. I have as many assignments as you have. 3. The sun is a lot bigger than the moon. 4. The harder she worked, the more progress she made. 5. He has twice as many books as I have. 1. The population of many Alsakan cities has ______ doubled in the past three years. (2002---5) A. larger than B. more than C. as great as D. as many as 2. Gaining a new customer costs ______ keeping an old one. (2010---27) A. as many as five times B. five times as many as C. as much as five times D. five times as much as 3. People with glasses are perceived to be up to ten IQ points more intelligent than ______. (2010---28) A. those without B. that without C. these without D. one without5 wh-引导的名词性从句: wh-引导的主语从句 例句: After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, what our astronauts desire to do is walk in space. It is pretty well understood what controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today What surprises me most is that she doesn’t even know where the difference between the two lies. What we can’t get seems better than what we have. What you have done might do harm to other people. In some countries, what is called &equality& does not really mean equal rights for all people. wh-引导的宾语从句 例句: I want to know what he has told you. I wonder what we can do about it. A computer can only do what you have instructed it to do. I think Father would like to know what I’ve been up to so far, so I decided to send him a quick note.6 Our hometown has changed a lot, and now it is quite different from what it used to be a few years ago. The photographs will show you what our village looks like. Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders what will happen to her private life. When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes. They are teachers and don&#39;t realize what it takes to start and run a company. By success I don&#39;t mean what is usually thought of when that word is used. wh-疑问词引导的表语从句 That is what I want to tell you. ---Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game? ---Oh, that’s what makes me feel excited. 同位语从句: 1. Where did you get the idea that I wouldn’t7 come? 2. He holds the opinion that money may not bring happiness. 3. The question who should do the work hasn’t been discussed yet.虚拟语气: 1. It was suggested that meeting be put off. 2. It is important that the work be finished before dark. 3. Had he worked harder, he would have done better in the exam. 4. I would rather you had stayed last week. 5. It is time we began our work. 6. He took an umbrella with him in case it (should) rain. 1. The boy regretted having spent so much time playing when he ______. (2008---25) A. should have studied B. had studied C. was to study D. must study8 2. I’ve attached my contact information in the recommendation letter ______ you have further questions. (2008---27) A. for good B. in order C. for fear D. in case 3. I ______ rather solve the problems in my farm myself than seek the help of other people. (2006---18) A. should B. shall C. would D. will 4. It is unacceptable that a person ______ for an uncommitted crime. (2005---20) A. gets punished B. punishes C. get punished D. punished 5. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he ______ our chairman now. (2004---17) A. must he B. would have been C. shall be D. would be 6. It is requested that all the students ______ present at the meeting tomorrow. (2004---35) A. were B. will be C. are D. be9 7. ______ before we departed last weekend, we would have had a wonderful dinner party. (2003---30) A. Had they arrived B. Would they arrive C. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive 8. We are sure that ______ to do this face to face, he would find it difficult to express himself without losing his temper. (2002---13) A. were he to try B. would he try C. was he trying D. if he tries 9. The committee members agreed to the proposal that the issue ______ to immediate voting. (2010---24) A. is to be put B. be put C. should put D. must be put 动词不定式: 1. I have heard both teachers and students speak well of him. 2. The boy’s father bought him a large toy train to play with. 3. If I had remembered to close the window, the10 thief couldn’t have got in. 动名词: 做主语 Forgetting the past means betrayal. It’s no good waiting here. Let’s walk home. 做表语 Seeing is believing. Her job is taking care of the elderly. 做宾语 I enjoy working with you. He kept nodding as he listened. suggest, finish, avoid, stop, cannot help, feel like, mind, need, enjoy, require, put off, delay, practice, advise, consider, deny, miss 做介宾 He insisted on doing it in his own way. I have been looking forward to seeing you. I don’t feel like eating anything. 与介词构成短语做状语 He always thought carefully before doing anything. They were surprised at your doing that. 与介词构成短语做定语 What’s their reason for canceling the meeting?11 动名词短语前面加物主代词,表示这个动名词逻辑 上的主语 Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us. Our worry is your relying too much on your parents. Do you mind my reading your paper? Do you think there will be any chance of my seeing him again? 也可以用名词所有格来构成这种结构 They all thought Miss Lin’s going there a great mistake. 如果不在句首,也可用人称代词宾格构成这结构 I don’t mind him going. Is there any hope of Xiao Yang winning the game? 但:His going won’t be of much help. 1. Peter suggested stopping at the next town. 2. She was so angry that she felt like throwing something at them. 3. I don’t mind your telling me lies. 4. They are considering buying a new house.12 1. I really appreciate ______ to help me, but I am sure that I can manage it myself. (2006---26) A. you to come B. that you come C. your coming D. how you come 2. He purposely ignored her call because he just didn’t feel like _____. (2010---21) A. disturbing B. to disturb C. being disturbed D. to be disturbed独立结构: 独立主格结构多以逻辑主语+分词或 with+逻辑 主语+分词的形式出现。 看看下面的 4 个例句都属于独立结构吗?只有 2 是,为什么? 1. Looked at in this way, the situation doesn’t seem so bad. 2. All things considered, the trip will have to be cancelled. 3. While orbiting the sun, the satellite has sent lots of information back to the earth.13 4. Believing the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth. 一、独立主格结构的构成 1.名词(代词)+现在分词 The storm having destroyed their hut, they had to live in a cave. Night falling, we hurried home. 2.名词(代词)+过去分词 He lay on his back, his hands crossed under his head. This done, we went home. 3.名词(代词)+形容词 She came into the room, her ears red with cold. The floor wet and slippery, we had to stay outside. 4.名词(代词)+副词 He put on his socks wrong side out. The meeting over, we all went home. 5.名词(代词)+不定式 Here are the first two volumes, the third one to come out next month. 注意:不定式表示将来的动作。 6.名词(代词) +介词短语14 He walked out of the camp, rifle in hand (= with a rifle in his hand.) She came out of the library, a large book under her arm. 独立结构在句中的作用 1. 时间状语 The test finished, we began our holiday.(= When the test was finished, we began our holiday.) 2.条件状语 Weather permitting, they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow. (=If weather permits, they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow.) 3.原因状语 The storm drawing near, the worker decided to stop working. (=Since the storm was drawing near, the worker decided to stop working.) 4. 伴随状语 He sat in the front row, his mouth half open. (= He sat in the front row and his mouth was half open.) 其它形式的独立结构 1.在独立结构前加 with, 这种结构在句中可作: 1) 伴随状语15 With the young man leading, they started toward the mountain. The soldiers marched forward, with guns on their shoulders (=gun on shoulder). He used to sleep with the window open. 2) 原因状语 He felt uneasy with the whole class staring at him. With Tom away, we have got more room. 3)时间状语 With everything well arranged, he left his office. 2.It 形式的独立结构(表示自然现象、时间、距 离或环境状况等) It being Monday, the library is closed. It being spring, many kinds of flowers come out. 3.倒装结构(即在独立结构中,逻辑主语在后) 1) there be 形式 There being no bus or taxi, we had to go home on foot. 2) such 形式 Such being the case, she had nothing to say. 3) 介词短语形式 In the sand being the mark of a man’s foot, Crusoe16 stared at it, full of fear.So many members being absent, the meeting had to be put off. The teacher having left, the students continued their performance. The duty completed, he had a week off. The bell ringing, all the students went into the classroom. The question being rather hard, we need more time to consider. Weather permitting, we shall go tomorrow. 1. A series of attempts ______ made, he came to a successful solution of the problem. (2008---21) A. to be B. had been C. were D. having been 2. All flights ______ because of the snowstorm, they decided to take the train. (2006---25) A. were cancelled B. have been cancelled C. had been cancelled D. having been17 cancelled 3. ______, the researchers cannot concentrate on that very precious experiment. (2004---29) A. With you standing there B. On you standing there C. You are standing there D. you stand there 4. With temperature ______ so rapidly, we could not go on with the experiment. (2003---28) A. fell B. fall C. falling D. fallen 5. Weather ______, there will be an open air party with live music here this weekend. A. permits B. should permit C. will permit D. permitting非谓语动词 非谓语动词的体 非 谓 语 动 词中 分 词 的 体有 完 成 体 和进 行 体 ,即 having done, having been done 和 being done, 完成 体只用于做状语的场合,而进行体可以用于做定语18 和做补足语。 动名词的体也有 having done, having been done 和 being done 的结构主要用于做主语和宾语的场合。 不定式的体有 to be doing 和 to have done, 主要用 于 pretend, happen, seem, appear, be said to 等结构 中。如: 1. The man in the corner confessed to _____ a lie to the manager of the company. (1997.6) A. have told B. be told C. being told D. having told having told 在句中做介词宾语,表示动作发生在谓 语动词之前。 2. I&#39;d rather read t the programs seem ______ all the time. (1997.1) A. to get worse B. to be getting worse C. to have got worse D. getting worse 从 all the time 的使用可以推断 get worse 是一个渐 变过程,所以用不定式的进行体。 3. The speech ______ a lively discussion started. (1995.1) A. being delivered B. was delivered C. be delivered D. having been delivered19 该结构属于独立主格结构做时间状语,状语分词所 表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前,所以应该用完成 体,答案为 D。 做定语的非谓语动词的考查有两种情况 对一般概念的考查,而不是固定结构中的非谓语动 词做定语。如: 1. The project ______ by the end of 2010, will expand the city&#39;s telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users. (1999.6) A. accomplished B. being accomplished C. to be accomplished D. having been accomplished 2. If I correct someone, I will do it with so much good humor and self-restraint as if I were the one ______. (1996.6) A. to correct B. correcting C. having been corrected D. being corrected ① 题答案为 C,②题答案为 D。 对固定结构的考查,如: 1. The professor could hardly find sufficient20 grounds ______ his arguments in favor of the new theory. (2000.6) A. to be based on B. to base on C. which to base on D. on which to base 2. The pressure ______ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain. A. to compete B. competing C. to be competed D. having competed ① 题为不定式做定语的固定形式,答案为 D,② 题为某些特定名词的定语结构,答案为 A。在英 语中有些名词,如动词变来的名词,形容词变来 的名词,以及 means, way, time, moment, reason 等要求其后用不定式做定语,不定式没有体的变 化。 做状语的非谓语动词的选择 1. ______ the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth. (1996.6) A. Having believed B. Believing C. Believed D. Being Believed21 2. ______ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least a master&#39;s degree. (1995.1) A. To become B. Become C. One becomes D. On becoming 3. Realizing that he hadn&#39;t enough money and ______ to borrow from his father, he decided to sell his watch. (1995.1) A. not wanted B. no to want C. not wanting D. wanting not 4. ______ it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles. (1997.1) A. Believe B. To believe C. Believing D. Believed 从以上各题来看,考查的侧重点有: (1)状语类别的判断:不同的状语对非谓语动词的要 求不同,目的状语要求用不定式,如②。 (2)非谓语动词与句子属于之间的逻辑关系:根据主 谓关系或动宾关系的不同来确定用现在分词还是 用过去分词。 (3)非谓语动词的否定形式 :not 否定非谓语动词时 置于非谓语动词之前,如③。 (4) 独立成分 : 有些非谓语动词的使用不受与句子 主语关系的限制,称为独立成分,这类成 分只记22 忆即可。如: generally speaking, judging from..., to tell the truth..., 等。 练一练: 比较级 1) Radio, television and press ______ of conveying news and information. A. are the most three common means B. are the most common three means C. are the three most common means D. are three the most common means 2) If tap water were as dangerous as some people think, ______ would be getting sick. A. a lot of more us B. more a lot of us C. a lot of us more D. a lot more of us 3) The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness ______ by his lack of talent. A. than B. more than C. as D. so much as 4) Americans eat ______ as they actually need every day. A. twice as much protein23 B. twice protein as much twice C. twice protein as much D. protein as twice much 5) There are few electronic applications ______ to raise fears regarding future employment opportunities than robots. A. likely B. more likely C. most likely D. much likely 6) The little man was ______ more than one meter fifty tall. A. nearly B. quite C. hardly D. almost 7) Certain programs work better for some ______ for others. A. and B. than C. as D. but 8) It is not unusual for workers in that region ______. A. to be paid more than a month late B. to be paid later than more a month C. to pay later than a month more D. to pay late more than a month 9) It is reported that ______adopted children want24 to know who their natural parents are. A. the most B. most of C. most D. the most of 10) The little man was ______ one meter fifty tall. A. almost more than B. hardly more than C. nearly more than D. as much as 参考答案: 1) C 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) B 6) C 7) B 8) A 9) C 10) B The Subjunctive Mood (虚拟语气) 虚拟语气在条件句中的构成:如果所表示的条件不 可能实现或实现的可能性很小时,称为虚拟条件 句。其主句和从句的谓语要用虚拟语气。条件从句 与现在 If +主语+ 动词 事实 过去式(be 用 相反的 were) 假设 与过去 If +主语+ had + 事实相 动词过去分词25主句 主语 + should/ would/ could/ might + v. 主语+ should/ would/ could/ might + have + 反的假 v-ed 设 与将来 If +主语+ 主语 + should/ 事实相 should/ were to would/ could/ 反的假 + v. (或主语 +动 might + v. 词过去式) 设 I. 与现在的事实相反: 1. If they had time now, they would come to join us. 2. If I got the information, I would let you know. 3. If I were you, I would tell him the truth. 4. If there were no air, the sky would be black. II.与过去的事实相反: 1. If I had got enough money, I would have bought it. 2. If she had thought about it carefully, she might have made a better decision. 3. If they hadn’t needed the money so badly, they wouldn’t have called you. 4. If they had tried harder, they might have succeeded. III. 与将来的事实相反: 1. If you should fall, you would be injured. 3. If it were to rain tomorrow, the match would be26 put off. 4. If you missed the film tonight, you would feel sorry for it. 5. If you came tomorrow, I would take you to the zoo. IV.错综时间条件句(从句和主句所表示的动作, 发生的时间不一致) 1. If he had taken good care of himself at that time, he wouldn’t be sick now. 2. If I were you, I would have gone with Father to the museum yesterday. 3. If it were not raining now, I would go for a walk. V.倒装在虚拟条件句中的运用(省去从句中的 if 把谓语中的 should, had, were 提前) : 1. Should she come tomorrow, I would talk to her frankly. 2. Had they been here that day, they would have helped us to settle the problem. 3. Were Mr. Smith to resign, it would be difficult to replace him. 4. Were you not here, none of us would come. VI. 在 lest, for fear that, in case 引导的状语从句中,27 可用也可不用虚拟语气: Lest/ for fear that/ in case + (should) + v. + 宾语 1. I am telling you this lest you (should) forget it. 2. He is working hard for fear that he (should) fail. 3. He left early in case he (should) miss the train. 注:不用虚拟语气,则可用动词的一般现在时或一 般过去时。 1. I must write down his telephone number lest I forget it. 2. He got up early for fear that he was late for the exam. 3. She put the plate down carefully in case she broke it. VII.虚拟语气在让步状语从句中的运用: 1. 在 whether… or, no matter how/ what, however, whatever 等词引导的让步状语从句中 may (might) +v + 宾语 No matter how hard a solid may be, we can change its shape. Whatever you may say, I will agree. 注:whether… or 引导的从句中,动词常用原形: Whether the figures be accurate or not, don’t28 quote them. 2. 在 even if (though) 引导的让步状语从句中, 形式同于 if 引导的虚拟条件句 Even if I had enough money, I would not buy that fancy hat. Even if she had been busy, she could have helped us. He jumped back as if he had been stung. 3. 让步状语从句中的倒装 Be he young or old, they regard him as an expert in this field. Be it so late, I must finish my homework. VIII.would rather, wish 中的虚拟语气: would rather + (that) + 主语 +动 词过去式 (与现在事实相反) would rather + (that ) + 主语 + had +动词过去分词 (与过去事实 相反) would rather + (that) + 主语 + v. (与将来事实相反) 1. She would rather that the child didn’t make so much noise now.29 2. I would rather that my friends had not left yesterday. 3. I would rather you call me tomorrow. 主语 + wish + (that) + 主语 +动 词过去式 (与现在事实 相反) 主语 + wish + (that) + 主语 + had +动词过去分词 (与过去事实 相反) 主语 + wish + (that) + 主语 + would +v. (与将来事实相 反) 1. I wish I spoke better English. 2. He wishes he had done a better job. 3. We wish they would come to see us again. IX.虚拟语气在名词性从句中的应用: It + (表愿望, 建议等的) 形容词或过去分词 + that + 主语 + (should) + v. (主语从 句) 主语 + (表提议,建议,命令,要求等的) 动 词 + that + 主语 + (should) + v. (宾语 从句)30 表提议,建议,命令,要求等意义的名词后的 同位语从句中,谓语动词形式同上(同位语从 句) 1. It is necessary that the students (should) get involved in social activities. 2. It is requested that everyone (should) be present at the meeting. 3. He insisted that the meeting (should) be put off. 4. The author proposed that we (should) spend less time in front of the television. 5. He gave the order that the test (should) be finished before 5:00. 此类动词有:advise, ask, beg, command, decide, demand, desire, determine, direct, insist, intend, maintain, order, prefer, propose, recommend, request, require, suggest 等等。 此类形容词或过去分词有: advisable, demanded, desirable, desired, essential, imperative, important, natural, necessary, ordered, preferable, required, strange, suggested, urgent 等等。 此类名词有: advice, decision, demand, desire, idea, order, plan, preference, proposal, request, recommendation, suggestion 等等。31 X.其他情况下的虚拟语气: 1. It is ( high, about ) time that … that 从句中的动词用过去时 2. but for But for (= If it were not for) the heat of the sun, nothing would live. 3. Without Without sunlight, air and water, life wouldn’t exist. 练一练: 1. If the doctor had been available, the child ______. A. would not die B. could not have died C. might not die D. will not have died 2. It is important that he ______ to the manager before leaving for his vacation. A. speak B. had spoken C. speaks D. have spoken 3. If you had told me in advance, I _______ her at the airport. A. would meet B. would have met C. met D. had met32 4. If Dick had enough money, he ______ on the trip to New York. A. would have gone B. went C. had gone D. would go 5. Look at the clock! It is time ______ home. A. we will go B. we went C. we are going D. we have gone 6. The teacher gave orders that the test _______ before 11:30. A. be finished B. will be finished C. would be finished D. would have been finished 7. ______ today, she would get there by Monday. A. Would she leave B. Was she leaving C. Were she to leave D. If she leaves 8. If you ______ Peter, what would you tell him? A. are to see B. will be going to see C. will see D. were to see 9. ______ I would have told you. A. If I would have known it B. If I have known it C. Had I known it D. Should I know it 10. Daniel appears as though he ______ the secret33 (a long time ago). A. know C. will knowB. knew D. had known数的一致 1.“more than one + 单数名词”------谓语动词用单 数 例:More than one question was asked. 2. “ more +复数名词+ than one” ------谓语动词用 复数 例 : More students than one have finished the homework. 3. “a + 单数名词 + or two” ------谓语动词用单数 例:A day or two is enough. 4. “one or two + 复数名词” ------谓语动词用复数 例:One or two reasons have been given. 5. “Many a + 单数名词”------谓语动词用单数 例:Many a student has passed the exam. 6.“名词(或代词)+ or + 名词(或代词)”-----谓语动词应与 or 后面的名词(或代词)一致。例: He or we are going there to help. 7. “either + 名词 (或代词) + or + 名词 (或代词) ” ------谓语动词应与 or 后面的名词(或代词)一致。34 例:Either you or he is right. 8. “neither + 名词(或代词) + nor + 名词(或代 词) ”------谓语动词应与 nor 后面的名词(或代词) 一致。例:Neither you nor I am right. 9. “not only + 名词 + but also + 名词” ------谓语动 词应与 but also 后面的名词一致 例:Not only your friends but also your sister is interested in this film. 10. “单数名词 + with 或 as well as + 名词”-----谓语动词与第一个名词一致 例:A woman with two children has come. I as well as they am ready to help you. 定语从句中的关系代词和关系副词: 1. The last place ______ we visited was the Great Wall. A. which B. that C. where D. it 2. His uncle works in a factory ______ bicycles are made. A. that B. which C. where D. there 3. We visited a factory______ makes toys for children. A. where B. which C. in which D.35 where 4. The department store ______ his mother works is in the east of the city. A. which B. in which C. that D. who other than 不同于, 非, 除了 1. The truth is other than what you think. 2. I borrowed some magazines other than novels. 3. All parts of the house other than the windows were in good condition. none other than 不是…正是 1. It was none other than Mr. Smith. rather than 而不是 I, rather than you, should do the work. would rather … than I would rather die than surrender. none but None but the aged and the sick stayed at home. more…than 倒不如说/ not so much as 1. He was more frightened than hurt. 2. The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar book.36 3. He is not so much a teacher as a writer. no/not any more than 同…一样不;不过,仅仅 1. I could no more do that than you. 2. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way you can avoid it, any more than you can avoid being hungry. much of a 了不起的 (常用于否定句或疑问句) He is not much of an artist.The output could have been increased by 15% .产 量本可以提高百分之十五的。 How could he have forgotten his birthday? 他怎么 会忘了自己的生日呢? He may have had some training in Chinese kongfu. 他可能学过一些中国武术。 You may have narrowly missed her on your way here.你可能在来这儿的路上刚好与她错过。 They may have seen that movie. 他们或许看过那 部电影了。 They might have finished their work by now. 他们 现在或许已经完成任务。 She might have done better than that. 她本可以做37 得比这更好一些的。 You might have learned more from him. 你本可以 向他学到更多一些东西的。 You must have talked about it with her before hand. 你一定事先与她谈过这件事。 It must have snowed last night for it&#39;s so cold this morning.今天早晨这么冷,昨晚一定下雪了。 They ought to have completed their work much earlier. 他们本应该在更早一些的时候完成他们的 工作的。 You oughtn&#39;t to have left your keys in the office when you went out. 你不该出去的时候将钥匙留在 办公室里。 I ought to have said it to her in a calmer mood. 我 该以更平静一些的语气对她说那件事的。 We needn&#39;t have read the Fast Reading materials before we do it in class. 我们在做快速阅读练习之 前没有必要把阅读材料先看过了。 You needn&#39;t have apologized to him for nothing yesterday. 你昨天没有必要无原由地向他道歉. I should have written to you earlier. But I&#39;ve really been busy. 我本应该早就给你写信的;不过我真的 一直都很忙。38 You shouldn&#39;t have left your son alone at home. 你 不该将你儿子一个人留在家里的。 He shouldn&#39;t have broken the traffic rules. 他不该 违反交规的。39
教育硕士英语统考(非英语专业)语法概要_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。教育硕士英语统考(非英语专业) 语法 强调结构: 1. It was not until dark that she realized...是教育部统一出题, 主 要考查大学英语的基本知识,...英语专业考研太难考,主要原因是二外考试太难,其他...答卷也不怎么简单,尤其是现代汉语和古代汉语的语法。...介绍以及各个方向的要求_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区...英语专业考研太难考,主要原因是二外考试太难,其他...答卷也不怎么简单,尤其是现代汉语和古代汉语的语法。...是教育部统一出题, 主 要考查大学英语的基本知识,...英语专业考研太难考,主要原因是二外考试太难,其他...答卷也不怎么简单,尤其是现代汉语和古代汉语的语法。...大学英语( ) 大学英语(B)统考串讲 大纲概要 特点:...全面检查我国远程教育非英语专业学生综合运用英语的...目标 要求:考生掌握基本语法知识及词汇,具备运用不同...其英语已达到高等教育自学考试非英语专业本科毕业水平...5500 左右的词汇及相关词组,熟练运用有关语法知识。...能写商务信函、简况、摘要、概要、读书笔记,同时也...专业必修课程:基础英语综合课、高级英语综合课、基础英语语法、英语 泛读、英语视...英语专业本科生水平(通过英语专业八级考试),掌握一 门第二外语;掌握主要英语国家...通过该级考试的考生,其英语基本满足在国外 攻读硕士研究生非英语专业或从事学术...这部分 主要考查考生对英语的语法、词汇和结构的综合运用能力,考题以完型填空的...英语教学大纲为了指导非英语专业英语教学, 提高教学...考试 二级 三级 四级 所选课 所有课程一旦选定则...综合英语课程 综合英语课程 语言基础(输入) 语法 ...一级 B 是一级的附属级, 主要是为了没有受过任何...英语水平已达到高等教育自学考试非英语专业本科毕业...能熟练运用有关 语法知识,掌握 7000 左右的词汇以及...
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