谁帮我写一篇process analysispersonal essayy呀。。。

How to Write a Character Analysis Essay | eHow
The purpose of a character analysis essay is not only to demonstrate to your instructor that you have read an assigned story or novel but also to enhance your knowledge and awareness of the psychological factors that make people &tick.& This, in turn, can lead to an analysis of your own attitudes and behaviors in similar circumstances and help you to recognize who or what influences the future choices you will make in school, at work or in relationships.
Select a character who interests you. The opening paragraph of your essay should introduce who this character is and briefly explain what her role is in the story and why you have chosen to analyze her personality.
Define your chosen character in terms of whether he is the protagonist (hero), antagonist (villain), supporting player (a helpmate of either the hero or villain) or a catalyst. A catalyst character -- also referred to as an agent for change -- often does not participate directly in any of the action but instead fulfills the role of inspiring the lead character to take up a cause or quest he might otherw for example, Spider-Man's kindly uncle who gets killed early in the story would fit this definition.
Make a list of your character's positive traits as well as the weaknesses and flaws that he must overcome throughout the course of the story. Keep in mind that heroes are never 100 percent &good,& and villains are never 100 percent &bad.& Accordingly, if you choose to analyze the personality of the villain (for example, Iago in &Othello&), identify specific influences and events that led this person down a path of evil.
Identify your character's core quest. The quest is what makes up the conflict, creates and fuels the friction between your character and her opponent(s) and drives the action forward. Quests are based on reward, revenge, escape or a combination of these. Explain why this quest is so important to your character.
Look for the symbolism of objects associated with the character and discuss why these objects are important and what they say about the owner's personality, memories and vulnerabilities. For example, a woman who always wears a seemingly worthless locket might do so because it's the only item she associ to remove it would be to leave the comfort zone of still thinking of herself as a child instead of an adult.
Describe the conflict's resolution in terms of the character's emotional or spiritual growth. This is called the character arc and refers to the ways in which the individual has evolved during the course of the story. A farmer who has always been a pacifist, for example, might be transformed into an activist if horrific events suddenly cause him to question the cost of staying silent.
Compare what you have learned about the character to your own personality profile in terms of what you admire, what you dislike and whether you would have followed the same course of action.
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