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10183 学分
来自: 超级蚂蚁
  讲congestion pricing。说为了缓解交通拥堵,想要在city中的某个区域收费,这样就能缓解一下。1.
这样做可以improve time(主要就是说节省时间)2. 可以改善环境improve that area's environment3.
收的fee可以用于revennue(这个单词没记住怎么拼大概就) the city 可以再修路,修桥什么的:
  1. 他认为这样做有些司机不愿意花钱走这个区域就得绕路,更浪费时间。举了个例子:送快递的,他们要省钱,所以送快递的时候会变长。2.
在收费区里面环境可能会好点,但是周围的车相对就会增多,noise and air pollution就会多。所以不是整个city都能环境变好3.
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for more people now than in the past to get an education.
  The twentieth and twenty-first centuries have seen the development
and advancement of many fields and areas of society. Education is an
area that has developed tremendously in the past hundred years. The rise
of the middle class, the standardization of education, and the opening
of many more schools has made it possible for more people now than in
the past to get an education.
 & 相关:
10183 学分
来自: 超级蚂蚁
TOPIC 灰草原猴发声(Vervet Monkeys Vocalization)
蛇。)后面还讲那些young monkey使用这种vobal不专业和它们怎么学习这种技巧。
蛇,一种是鹰,然后说了baby monkey是怎么学会用这种voice alarm的。
  Vervet Monkey Vocalizations[1]
  下图为vervet monkey在看到鹰后发出eagle alarm call的场景
  This discussion of vervet monkeys is from a 1984 book about animal communication.
  Vervet monkeys have at least three different categories of alarm
calls. When a leopard or other large carnivorous mammal approaches, the
monkeys give on quite a different call is used at
the sight of a martial eagle, one of the few flying predators that
capturesvervet monkeys. A third type of alarm call is given when a large
snake approaches the group. This degree of differentiation of alarm
calls is not unique, although it has been described in only a few kinds
of animals. When ethologists, who study animal behavior, interpret data
of this kind, they require proof that variations in animal communication
signals convey anything more than information about the communicator's
internal state.
  The first and relatively simple question is whether the vervet
monkey's three types of alarm calls convey to other monkeys information
about the type of predator. Such information is important, because the
animal's defensive tactics are different in the three cases. When a
leopard approaches, the monkeys climb into trees. But leopards are good
climbers, so the monkeys can escape them only by climbing out onto the
smallest branches, which are too weak to support a leopard. When the
monkeys see a martial eagle, they move into thick vegetation close to a
tree trunk or at ground level. Thus the tactics that help escape from a
leopard make them highly vulnerable to a martial eagle, and vice versa.
In response to the threat of a large snake, they stand on their hind
legs and look around to locate the snake, then simply move away from it,
either along the ground or by climbing into a tree.
  Knowing that the monkeys give different alarm calls when they see
different predators does not establish beyond a doubt that the calls
actually describe the type of predator. When the monkeys, which are
usually close to each other, hear an alarm call, each one quickly looks
around at the caller. Like many other animals, they are adept at judging
the direction in which another animal is looking, so they can easily
see what the caller is looking at. This serves much the same function as
pointing. When monkeys other than the caller take the appropriate
action to avoid the danger, it is difficult to be sure whether they are
acting solely on the basis of the call or whether the call simply led
them to look at the source of the danger.
  To clarify this situation, researchers conducted some carefully
controlled playback experiments under natural conditions. The basic idea
was to play from a concealed loudspeaker tape recordings of vervet
alarm calls when vervets had just seen a leopard, a martial eagle, or a
large python, and to inquire whether these playbacks, in the absence of a
predator, would elicit the normal response. The experiments required
many precautions and refinements. For instance, vervet monkeys come to
know each other as individuals, not only by visual appearance but by
minor differences in their vocalizations. They might not respond even to
an alarm call recorded from one of their own companions if that
individual was in plain sight some distance from the vegetation
concealing the speaker. In all experiments, the loudspeaker reproduced
calls of a member of the group, and the speaker was hidden in a place
when the monkeys would expect that individual to be. The experiments had
to be prepared with tape recordings of a known member of a well-studied
group of vervet monkeys and a hidden speaker located where this
individual frequently spends time.
  When all these conditions were satisfied, the playback of alarm calls
did indeed elicit the appropriate responses. The monkeys responded to
the leopard alarm call by climbing i the martial
eagle alarm caused them to dive i and the python
alarm produced the typical behavior of standing on the hind legs and
looking all around for the nonexistent snake. Not all ethologists have
accepted the straightforward interpretation that the alarm calls convey
information about the type of predator. One alternative interpretation
is that the alarm calls are injunctions to behave in certain ways. Thus
the leopard alarm might mean "Go climb into a tree. But even this
interpretation necessarily ascribes three specific types of injunction
to the vocabulary of vervet monkeys. Even such postulated injunctions
would be more than a simple reflection of the internal state of the
  The development of alarm call behaviour in mammals and birds[2]
  Rather than being age adaptive, young might alarm call toa greater
number of species than adults because they make moreerrors. For example,
Seyfarth& Cheney (1980) showed that alarmcalls normally given by
adult vervet monkeys to threatening stimuliare often uttered by young in
response to nondangerous stimuli,such as doves (Streptopelia sp.),
falling leaves or warthogs, Phacochoerusafricanus, although these
overgeneralizations are notentirely random: infants give ‘leopard’
alarms primarily to terrestrialmammals, ‘eagle’ alarms to objects in the
air, and ‘snake’alarms to snakes or long thin objects on the ground. As
they growolder, vervets restrict their calling to particular predator
specieswithin these general classes. Although little is known about
theneurological basis of alarm calling (see above), it could be that
theincreased vulnerability of young results in nervous systems andbrain
structures that are more sensitive to external stimulationthan those of
adults (Wiedenmayer 2009). The threshold for callingmight therefore be
lower in young, resulting in the production ofalarm calls in contexts
that would not
developmentof adult-like call usage
might therefore arise because ofneurological maturation.
  Alternatively, adult-like call usage might develop throughincreased
experience with predator encounters and the alarm callsof others:
individuals could learn to make fewer mistakes andbecome better at
conveying the correct information. By hearingothers use specific calls
only in certain contexts, young could learnby association. There is also
some evidence that adults mightreinforce correct alarm call usage by
juveniles. For example, adultvervet monkeys are more likely to give
second alarm calls wheninfants alarm call to known predators than to
nonpredators (Seyfarth& Cheney 1980), although no data are available
on whetherthis leads to more rapid development. Moreover, if
reinforcementdoes play a role, it may be inadvertent from an adult’s
perspectivebecause they are equally likely to give second alarms
followinga correct alarm call by another adult as they are following a
correctalarm call by a juvenile (Seyfarth& Cheney 1986). So, while
adultresponses may facilitate learning of correct alarm call usage,
adultsdo not appear actively to teach infants in this context (Thornton
&Raihani 2008).
 TOPIC 古埃及战后的社会变化和外来文化的影响
较好解决,因为都是关于还有说本地的god 影响会变小);二是关于权利拥有者的变化(temple
  Ancient Egypt[3]
  New Kingdom, Third Intermediate Period, and Late Period
  The first king of the 18th Dynasty, Ahmose I, completed the expulsion
of the Hyksos from Egypt, which his brother Kamose had begun. Once
again, the south united a fractured land, giving rise to the New Kingdom
bc). During Ahmose’s reign, which lasted from about
1550 to 1525 bc, the central government was reestablished, the economy
improved, and Egypt’s borders were extended to the south and east. His
reign set the stage for the continuing expansionist activities of the
kings who followed. During the 18th Dynasty, Egyptians began using the
term pharaoh (literally “great house,” a reference to the palace) to
refer to their king. At its zenith, Egypt under the 18th Dynasty
controlled an area that extended south into what is now Sudan and east
into the Middle East. Much of this imperial expansion is credited to
Thutmose III, the dynasty’s fifth king, who extended Egyptian control
farther than had any other ruler. Thutmose III began his reign as a
coregent in 1479 bc but ruled alone after the death of Hatshepsut, his
stepmother, who ruled from 1473 to 1458 bc. As a daughter of a pharaoh
(Thutmose I) and the wife of one (Thutmose II), Hatshepsut took full
control of the throne as the ruling pharaoh during her reign. The
relationship between her and Thutmose III apparently was one of mutual
coexistence. However, late in his reign as sole king, Thutmose III began
removing Hatshepsut’s name and images from all painted or carved
surfaces, thus expunging her memory for posterity.
  Amenhotep III, the ninth king of the 18th Dynasty, had a long and
fairly peaceful reign of almost 40 years ( bc). It was marked
by unprecedented wealth, cultural creativity, internal strength, and
prominence in the ancient world. The king built a magnificent pleasure
palace at Thebes, constructed and decorated huge temples throughout the
land, and encouraged a flowering of the arts. The influence and power of
the priesthood of Amun also increased in Egypt at this time, but the
stature of the ruler remained supreme. In fact, Amenhotep III emphasized
his own divinity with a focus on divine birth, as seen in reliefs on
the walls of Luxor Temple (portions of which he built) at Thebes and in
statues bearing his divine name.
  Amenhotep IV, the son and successor of Amenhotep III, reigned for
less than 20 years ( bc). However, his reign represented a
focal point in history. He introduced the concept of a single supreme
deity, Aton (Aten), the disk of the sun, radically changing the belief
systems that had been in place in Egypt for more than 1,000 years. The
somewhat monotheistic religion that he developed was the first yet
known. In addition, there are indications that the new religion focused
even more on the divinity of the king than ever before. Along with the
religious changes came modifications in other areas, such as art,
language, and architecture. Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaton
(“The one who is beneficial to Aton”). He abandoned Thebes and built a
new capital at Akhetaton, between Thebes and Memphis. The new capital
had innovative plans and structures. For example, temples had no roofs,
to let the sunlight in. The art used to decorate its walls displayed a
more natural style, and texts composed there used a unique hybrid
grammar. Akhenaton's revolution, sometimes known as the Amarna period
(after the site of modern excavations of Akhetaton), was short-lived,
however, and his successors quickly restored the traditional beliefs.
Tutankhamun, who some scholars think may have been the king’s son by a
minor wife, married the princess Ankhesenamun and succeeded to the
throne. He is known to history not so much for reestablishing order
after this chaotic period as for the discovery of his nearly intact
tomb, filled with magnificent treasures.
  The last pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, Horemheb, was a general under
his predecessors. He reigned from 1319 to 1307 bc and set the precedent
for the military pharaohs who ruled during the 19th Dynasty, which
lasted from 1307 to 1196 bc. The ability to command troops became
critical for Egypt’s survival, since rival powers in Asia and elsewhere
created difficulties in the coming years. Ramses II, the third king of
the 19th Dynasty, ruled for about 67 years, from 1290 to 1224 bc. He
battled the Hittites from Asia Minor. The conflict, which at best was a
draw, resulted in the first recorded peace treaty. Ramses III, of the
20th Dynasty, was the last of the military pharaohs. He ruled from 1194
to 1163 bc. He had to contend with incursions by both the Libyans from
the west and invaders from the Aegean region, known as the Sea Peoples.
The remaining kings of the 20th Dynasty were less able to maintain
Egypt’s place in the ancient world. During their reigns, as well as
those of the kings of the 21st Dynasty, Egypt’s position was eclipsed.
  During this period of decline, internal problems arose in the form of
a struggle for power between the pharaoh and the priesthood. By the
beginning of the 21st Dynasty in 1070 bc, Egypt was in another period of
transition, the Third Intermediate Period, which lasted until 712 bc.
Rival centers were established. Smendes, the first king of the 21st
Dynasty, ruled only in the north near Memphis, while a line of high
priests at Thebes controlled the south. The 22nd Dynasty (945-712 bc),
centered at Bubastis in the western delta, clearly reflected an earlier
Libyan presence in Egypt. Its first king, Sheshonk I, who ruled from 945
to 924 bc, even bore the title of Great Chief of the Meshwesh Libyans.
Sheshonk I and his successors were able to reunite the country
internally, but rival factions arose again with the 23rd Dynasty
(828-725 bc). At the same time, the kingdom of Kush in Nubia had been
gaining strength, wealth, and power. Soon it controlled much of Egypt,
and the Kushites established the 25th Dynasty (770-657 bc). In the
north, the 24th Dynasty (724-712 bc) ruled at Sais in the western delta,
but it survived for only 12 years.
  War with the Assyrians brought about the end of Nubian domination
(see Assyria). In the 7th century bc, Psamtik I, ruling at first from
Sais, reunited the land in 664 bc, ushering in the 26th Dynasty and the
Late Period. His reign and those of his successors brought a revival of
the traditions of the past and the recapturing of some of Egypt’s former
reputation. Unfortunately, the respite lasted only a short time, for in
525 bc the Persians occupied the country (see Persia). The Persian
kings were regarded as the 27th Dynasty. The Egyptians were able to
regain control in 404 bc, but their last native dynasties ruled under
conditions of internal discord and continual external conflicts. The
Persians regained control of Egypt in 343 bc. Then, just 11 years later,
in 332 bc, Macedonian king Alexander the Great conquered Egypt and
annexed it to his Hellenistic empire. When he died in 323 bc, his friend
and general Ptolemy became satrap, or governor, of Egypt. In 305 bc he
took the title of king of Egypt, thus founding the Ptolemaic dynasty of
pharaohs. This line of Hellenistic rulers held power for almost 300
years. Cleopatra VII, the last of them, committed suicide after the
Romans defeated her forces at the Battle of Actium in 31 bc. The next
year, Egypt was made part of the Roman Empire.
  What type of government did ancient Egypt have?[4]
  The pharaoh was the supreme ruler. Egyptologists believe the people
of Egypt considered the pharaoh to be half man/half God. However, the
ancient belief in "The Divine Right of Kings" assumed that the first
child born to the "supreme ruler" was ordained to be king by God because
He had effectively determined the person who would be that child. This
obviated the need to elect a head of state and is still one of the main
reasons why many modern systems of government continue to use this
manner of establishing the Head of State today. It is doubtful that any
ancient Egyptian believed the king or pharaoh was God. Likewise, no
Englishmen ever thought King Charles I was God even though they believed
in the "Divine Right of Kings" as many of us still do today. Certainly
King Charles I who believed in God never considered himself to be God.
However, he did believe God gave him rights to dismiss Parliament. Only
when the king behaved really badly did the people or army overthrow the
king e.g., after the death of Akhenaten of Egypt.
  The pharaoh owned all of Egypt, the land and all the people in it.
Also, he could order farmers to build pyramids for him when they didn't
work. He taxed everything. According to the Bible, this happened after
Montuhotep I of the 11th dynasty installed Joseph of Israel ("Inyotef")
to be Prime Minister when Egypt was stricken by the terrible seven year
famine the whole world suffered in circa 1900 BC. In gratitude to
Joseph, the Egyptian kings Montuhotep I and Inyotef I to II named their
successor after Joseph.
  They used something called the SOCIAL PYRAMID to determine your spot.
Kind of like the food chain. Slaves were at the bottom (because there
were lots of them) then you had farmers, then crafts people, then
government officials, then soldiers, then pharaoh (smallest space
because one person not millions). This is the norm for most societies
and is not necessarily unique to Egypt.
  It depended on the period. During New Kingdom Egypt, the acquisition
of an empire meant that the government or administration of Egypt had to
become much more refined, structured and efficient. Pharaoh was still
the supreme head, but directly under him ruled the two Viziers, of Upper
and Lower Egypt, as well as the High Priest (s) of Amun. By repairing
the Egyptian chronology problem, we now view Egypt as having two eras
which could be named the Old then New Kingdoms or before the "Hyksos"
(Old Kingdom, to 1500 BC) and after the Hyksos (New Kingdom,
BC). The "acquisition of empire" came with the conquests of Thutmosis
III now dated 930 BC not circa 1420 BC.
  These Viziers held various titles, and were the overseers of public
works, including buildings, quarrying and temple repairs. They were the
heads of civil service, the collectors of tribute and tax as well as the
chief judges. They were chose "take the office,
watch over everything that has to do with it, for the existence of the
entire country depends on it".
  The High Priests of Amun, Ptah and Re were very influential in Egypt,
none more so than the ones of Amun during the New Kingdom period.
Temples acted as miniature central governments outside Memphis, and were
in charge of the stores, maintenance of temple cults, upkeep of the
gods, ceremonies, funerary rites and huge amounts of land, cattle grain
and crops. Scribes were also an important part of the religious
government as they were responsible for writing the records and official
  When the 18th and 19th dynasties fell (800-680 BC and at various
times from circa 600 BC but under foreign suzerainties (Chaldea, Persia,
Greece), priest kings sometimes took power in various regions of Egypt.
According to the Bible, they retained their land when Joseph took
control over privately-held land in the great famine. Unlike in the
England of Henry VIII, the religious orders in Egypt kept control over
their land.
  Following the expulsion of the Hyksos at the beginning of the 18th
Dynasty, the military became an ever increasingly important part of
Egyptian society. Pharaoh was the head of the military, and this period
saw the begging to the "Warrior Pharaoh" (e.g., Thutmosis III), who
smote his enemies in the name of Amun wearing the Kpresh. The military
had its own hierarchy, there were deputy commanders, one for the north
and a second for the south, and officers that served underneath them.
The military bureaucracy involved anyone that had a hand in organizing
war, and included villages of military veterans and the Garrisons within
Egypt. The highest ranked soldiers were usually nobles, and had the job
of teaching the young princes, (even princesses) and pharaohs the
skills or warfare. At home, pharaoh ruled his country with the same
absolute power, efficiency and meticulous attention to detail that
characterized his command of the army. Pharaoh's power over the civil
government no longer rested on his status as a god, but rather on his
'control of the machinery of government, including the army and police'.
The central administration occurred in Memphis, but there were separate
administration units in towns, villages and provinces. with town
majors, police, viceroys and local councils.
  The structure of New Kingdom government ensured that, apart from
pharaoh, there was no single person of entity whose jurisdiction
extended over the whole kingdom, let alone the whole empire. The
maintenance of a government operating at peak efficiency and free of
corruption required the constant supervision of the king to an extent
never before required by an Egyptian Ruler.
 TOPIC 海胆对褐藻的影响
  Kelp forest[5]
  Classic studies in kelp forest ecology have largely focused on
trophic interactions (the relationships between organisms and their food
webs), particularly the understanding and top-down trophic processes.
Bottom-up processes are generally driven by the abiotic conditions
required for primary producers to grow, such as availability of light
and nutrients, and the subsequent transfer of energy to consumers at
higher trophic levels. For example, the occurrence of kelp is frequently
correlated with oceanographic upwelling zones, which provide unusually
high concentrations of nutrients to the local environment.This allows
kelp to grow and subsequently support herbivores, which in turn support
consumers at higher trophic levels. By contrast, in top-down processes,
predators limit the biomass of species at lower trophic levels through
consumption. In the absence of predation, these lower level species
flourish because resources that support their energetic requirements are
non-limiting. In a well-studied example from Alaskan kelp forests,sea
otters (Enhydralutris) control populations of herbivorous sea urchins
through predation. When sea otters are removed from the ecosystem (for
example, by human exploitation), urchin populations are released from
predatory control and grow dramatically. This leads to increased
herbivore pressure on local kelp stands. Deterioration of the kelp
itself results in the loss of physical ecosystem structure and
subsequently, the loss of other species associated with this habitat. In
Alaskan kelp forest ecosystems, sea otters are the keystone species
that mediates this trophic cascade. In Southern California, kelp forests
persist without sea otters and the control of herbivorous urchins is
instead mediated by a suite of predators including lobsters and large
fishes. The effect of removing one predatory species in this system
differs from Alaska because there is redundancy in the trophic levels
and other predatory species can continue to regulate urchins.However,
the removal of multiple predators can effectively release urchins from
predator pressure and allow the system to follow trajectories towards
kelp forest degradation. Similar examples exist in Nova Scotia,South
Africa, Australia and Chile.The relative importance of top-down versus
bottom-up control in kelp forest ecosystems and the strengths of trophic
interactions continue to be the subject of considerable scientific
  The Disappearing Kelp Forest[6]
  If you were to dive into the cool coastal waters of the Channel
Islands, you might find yourself swimming through a magnificent
underwater forest of enormousalga called kelp. Kelp is a type of seaweed
that can grow almost two thirds of a meter per day. Kelp forests
provide a home for hundreds of species, like sea urchins, brittle stars,
and sea slugs.
  Generally, an increase in sea urchin density at Johnson’s Lee South
is associated with a decrease in kelp density. However, other factors in
the ecosystem such as disease outbreaks, pollution, and other human
activities may alter this relationship.. After severe El Ni?o events,
large numbers of sea urchins appear in the kelp forest, which reduce
kelp density.
  [2] Linda I. Holle?n*, Andrew N. Radford, School of Biological
Sciences, University
  [3]Silverman, David Peter. "Ancient Egypt."Microsoft(R) Student 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008.
  [6]Extension of JASON XIV: From Shore to Sea — Unit 4
10183 学分
来自: 超级蚂蚁
说不行,因为那个只有毕业的学生才可以,然后老师告诉他,他可以自己活动,因为在Boston 的海也可以观察,因为那的海是与暖流什么交汇点(有题)。
  Conversation 1
  Conversation 2
  老师说不行,因为那个只有毕业的学生才可以,然后老师告诉他,他可以自己活动,因为在Boston 的海也可以观察,因为那的海是与暖流什么交汇点(有题)。
10183 学分
来自: 超级蚂蚁
  Lecture 1
perspective技术(并介绍了这个技术,用铁轨的例子介绍。本来铁轨是平行的,但为了让它看起来是平行的,我们要用到one point
objects(例如curtains,有考题考curtain的作用。其作用是使观看者的注意力远离vanishing point);3)忘了
(有目的题)。同时印象画派愿意学习日本画的原因,是日本画也喜欢natural sight,同时会使用color(双选)。
  1, 注意某个艺术家的艺术风格的特殊性分析
  2, 全文经常以一个具体案例分析
  3, 与同类艺术家的比较对比:共同点和区别
  4, 艺术风格之间的关联与互相影响
  5, 受到当时社会背景的影响或对社会的影响
  6, 讲座人个人的评价态度
  gallery ['ɡael?ri] n. 画廊;走廊
  sum [s?m] n. 金额;总数
  sum up 总结
  realism ['ri?liz?m,'ri:-] n. 现实主义impression 印象
  impressionism [im'pre??niz?m] n. 印象派,印象主义
  impressionist 印象派画家
  depict [di'pikt] vt.描述;描画
  brushstroke n. 一笔;笔的一划
  texture ['tekst??] n. 质地;纹理;
  canvas ['kaenv?s] n. 帆布
  landscape ['laendskeip] n. 风景,景色
  scene [si:n]风景,场景
  bleak [bli:k]adj. 阴冷的;荒凉的
  blurry ['bl?:ri]adj. 模糊的;污脏的
  posture ['p?st??]n. 姿势;态度;
  depiction [di'pik??n]n. 描写,叙述
  pumpkin ['p?mpkin,'p??-]n. 南瓜
  messed up 混乱;
  a blanket of:厚厚的一层
  zigzag ['ziɡzaeɡ]adj. 曲折的;锯齿形的
  chaotic [kei'?tik]adj. 混沌的;混乱的
  vibrant ['vaibr?nt]adj. 振动的充满生气
  electric blue 钢青色;铁蓝色
  assessable [?'ses?bl]adj. 可估价的;
  appreciate [?'pri:?ieit]vt.欣赏领会;;
  illustration [,il?'strei??n]n. 说明;例证
  medieval [,medi'i:v?l,]adj. 中世纪
  category ['kaetiɡ?ri]n. 种类,分类;
  poem ['p?uim]n. 诗
  evoke [i'v?uk]vt.引起,唤起;
  predictable [pri'dikt?bl]adj.可预言
  rhythm ['ri??m,'riθ?m]n.节奏韵律
10183 学分
来自: 超级蚂蚁
  weather [‘we??] n.天气
  humidity [hju:’miditi] n.湿度
  precipitation [pri’sipi’tei??n] n.降水
  pressure [‘pre??] n.(气)压
  various [‘v??ri?s] adj.不同的,好几个
  monsoon [m?n’su:n] n.季风
  thunderstorm [‘θ?nd?st?:m] n.雷雨
  tornado [t?:’neid?u] n.龙卷风
  well-defined [‘wel-di’faind] adj.明确的
  cycle [‘saikl] n.循环, 周期
  feature [‘fi:t??] n.特征
  govern [‘ɡ?v?n] v.支配
  motion [‘m?u??n] n.运动
  meteorology [‘mi:ti?’r?l?d?i] n.气象学
  weather forecast [‘we??-’f?:kɑ:st] n.天气预报
  region [‘ri:d??n] n.地区
  climate [‘klaimit] n.气候Kelvin [‘kelvin] n.开氏温标
  scale [skeil] n. 刻度
  Celsius [‘selsj?s] adj.摄氏的
  centigrade [‘sentiɡreid] adj. 摄氏温度的
  Fahrenheit scale [‘faer?n’hait-skeil] n.华氏温标precipitation [pri’sipi’tei??n] n. 降水
  reduce [ri’dju:s] v. 减少
  excess [‘ekses] adj. 过量的
  vapor [‘veip?] n.蒸气
  condense [k?n’dens] v.浓缩,凝结
  droplet [‘dr?plit] n.小滴
  crystal [‘krist?l] n. 晶体
  fog [f?ɡ] n.雾thicken [‘θik?n] v.使变厚,使变浓
  acidify [?’sidifai] v.酸化
  sulfur-laden [‘sulfur-’leidn] adj.含有硫黄的
  soot particle [‘sut-’pɑ:tikl] n. 煤烟颗粒
  coal [k?ul] n.煤
  dense [dens] adj.(烟、雾等)浓密的
  acid fog [‘aesid-f?g] n.酸雾
  legislation [‘led?is’lei??n] n.法规、法案,立法
  prohibit [pr?’hibit] v.禁止
  optical phenomena ['?ptik?l-fi'n?min?] n.光学现象
  rainbow [‘reinb?u] n.彩虹
  halo [‘heil?u] n.日晕
  strike [straik] v.照在……上
  raindrop [‘reindr?p] n.雨滴
  cumulonimbus [‘kju:mjul?u’nimb?s] n.积雨云
  prism [‘priz?m] n.棱镜
  bend [bend] v.使弯曲
  reflect [ri’flekt] v.反射
  angle [‘ae?ɡl] n.角,角度
  band [baend] n.(光、频)带,(波)段
  cirrostratus [‘sir?u’strɑ:t?s] n.卷层云
  a variety of [?-v?’rai?ti-?v] adj.多种多样的
  drizzle [‘drizl] n.细雨
  freezing rain [‘fri:zi?-rein] n.冻雨
  hail [heil] n.冰雹
  ice pellet [ais-’pelit] n. 结冰的小球
  sleet [sli:t] n.雨夹雪,雨淞
  snowflake [‘sn?u’fleik] n.雪花
  cluster [‘kl?st?] n. 串
  hailstone [‘heil’st?un] n.(一粒)冰雹
  collide [k?’laid] v.碰撞
  violent [‘vai?l?nt] adj.猛烈的
  updraft [‘?pdrɑ:ft] n.上升气流
  suspend [s?’spend] v.悬浮(大气、液体中)
  horizontal [‘h?ri’z?nt?l] adj.水平的
  hurricane [‘h?rik?n] n.飓风
  typhoon [tai’fu:n] n.台风
  exceed [ik’si:d] v.超过(限度、范围)
  approach [?’pr?ut?] v.接近,逼近
  tornado [t?:’neid?u] n.龙卷风
  height [hait] n.海拔
  troposphere [‘tr?p?usfi?] n.对流层
  stride [straid] n.进步
  prediction [pri’dik??n] n.预报
  satellite [‘saet?lait] n.人造卫星
  agency [‘eid??nsi] n.机构,机关
  apply [?’plai] v.应用
  law of motion [‘l?:-?v-’m?u??n] n.运动定律
  laws conservation of energy/mass [‘l?:z-’k?ns?’vei??n-?v-’en?d?i/maes] n.能量/质量守恒定律
  forecast [‘f?:kɑ:st] n.预报
  in advance [in-?d’vɑ:ns] adv.预先
  chaotic [kei’?tik] adj.无秩序的
  oceanography [‘?u??’n?ɡr?fi] n.海洋学
  subdivision [‘s?bdi’vi??n] n.部分
  bound [baund] v.标明界限
  continental mass [‘k?nti’nent?l-maes] n.大陆块体
  Antarctica [aen’tɑ:ktik?] n.南极洲
  Arctic Ocean [‘ɑ:ktik-’?u??n] n.北冰洋
  landlocked [‘laendl?kt] adj.被陆地包围的
  shoreline [‘??:lain] n.海岸线
  submerged [s?b’m?:d?d] adj.水下的
10183 学分
来自: 超级蚂蚁
methods那项);2,为什么提到northern iceland和Puerto
  Lecture 4
  1, 注意某个特殊事物的特殊性分析:如回忆中关于土地破坏的讲解与例证和以鲸的进化为例正的全文讲解。
  2, 该事物的历史顺序进化过程等。
  3, 与同类事物或它类事物之间的比较对比:共同点和区别
  4, 对当时社会背景的影响或对社会的影响
  5, 不同学者们对它的研究所提出的观点和态度
  6, 讲座人个人的评价态度
10183 学分
来自: 超级蚂蚁
  Task 2
  Task 3
  【学生态度】:女生反对此建议。两个理由:理由1、这样学生就不会看书了,每个人只会管自己负责的那一章而忽略其它章,因为反正最后都会知道答案。理由2、期末考试期间,学生都在忙着准备自己的考试,没时间给别人详细讲自己所负责的单元。 NA
  Task 4
  【名词解释】:restoration ecology(恢复生态学):人类主动恢复已经被破坏了的生物的自然景观,必须试图恢复以前那片地所有的因素,lack essential factor可能会恢复失败it must fail。
了fire后,问题便迎刃而解。 NA
  Task 5
  【学生困难】:女生的室友whole night给她男友打电话太吵always talks over the phone with her
boyfriend over night,影响了她的休息can't fall in asleep and get enough
office投诉complain。但女生认为,这个做法过于正式formal。后果会很严重:室友会被赶出宿舍be kicked out of
the dorm,而且室友并不坏she is not a bad person,这样would destroy the relationship
with her roommate。方案2、move to a new extra room in the same
building。女生说这样她会失去miss 住在这个floor her friends, and feel
  解析:答题思路:The woman is confronted with a problem that her roommate
always talks over the phone with her boyfriend over night, so that she
cannot fall asleep or get enough sleep. They've talked about it, but her
roommate never listened to her. 两个解决方案,一个是找housing office
complain,一个是move to a new extra room in the same
  Task 6
  【讲课要点】:two ways to improve the employees' productivity.一个是social活动,大家在一起,很多了解,促进友谊,提高员工生产力。一个是职业培训,给员工以资鼓励,员工更乐意学习,提高生产力。
professor gives two ways to improve the employee's productivity. One is
the social activity, and the other one is professional training. For the
first one, …(大家在一起,很多了解,促进友谊,提高员工生产力。)For the second one,
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