java:CachedRowSetImpl cannot btime resolvedd to a type

eclipse - Multiple markers at this line - String cannot be resolved to a variable - Syntax error on token &food&, delete - Stack Overflow
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I am having this errors:
1- Multiple markers at this line
- String cannot be resolved to a variable
- Syntax error on token "food", delete
2- Multiple markers at this line
- Syntax error on token "detail", delete
this token
- String cannot be resolved to a variable
I marked these lines with ** in
. Below are my two related files
package com.
import java.util.D
import javax.portlet.ActionR
import javax.portlet.ActionR
import javax.portlet.PortletE
import javax.portlet.RenderR
import javax.portlet.RenderR
import com.liferay.counter.service.CounterLocalServiceU
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemE
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.SessionM
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.C
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ParamU
import com.liferay.portal.model.U
import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceU
import com.liferay.util.bridges.mvc.MVCP
public class NewPortlet extends MVCPortlet {
public static String VIEW_JSP ="/html/new/view.jsp";
public void doView(RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse ) throws IOException, PortletException {
super.doView(renderRequest, renderResponse);
public void processAction(ActionRequest actionRequest, ActionResponse actionResponse)
throws IOException, PortletException {
String cmd = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, Constants.CMD);
if (cmd.equals(Constants.ADD)){
String food = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "food");
String detail = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "detail");
long userId = CounterLocalServiceUtil.increment();
User user_= UserLocalServiceUtil.createUser(userId);
** user_.setFood(food);
** user_.setDetail(detail);
user_.setCreateDate(new Date());
UserLocalServiceUtil.updateUser(user_ , false);
}catch (SystemException e) {
//TODO Auto-generated Catch block
super.processAction(actionRequest, actionResponse);
and my service builder
&entity name="Food" local-service="true" remote-service="true"&
&!-- PK fields --&
&column name="foodId" type="long" primary="true" /&
&!-- Group instance --&
&column name="food" type="string" /&
&column name="detail" type="string" /&
&column name="createDate" type="new Date()" /&
You are trying to add Food entity but you have used user entity instead.
User entity does not have any attribute/column as food or detail.
To add Food entity you have to use code as below.
long userId = CounterLocalServiceUtil.increment(Food.class);
Food foodEntry_=FoodLocalServiceUtil.createFood(userId);
foodEntry_ .setCreateDate(new Date());
FoodLocalServiceUtil.updateUser(foodEntry_ , false);
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledMaven – Guide to Coping with Sun JARs
Guide to Coping with Sun JARs
Coping with Sun JARs
Often users are confronted with the need to build against JARs provide by Sun like the
JAR, or the
JAR and users have found these JARs not present in central repository resulting in a broken build. Unfortunately most of these artifacts fall under Sun's Binary License which disallows us from distributing them from Ibiblio.
Another problem is that Sun's appears not to have any sort of convention for naming their own JARs so we have taken steps in suggesting some common names for Sun's artifacts. You can find a list of our suggestions here:
Product artifact
Artifact ID
Java Activation Framework
Java Data Object (JDO)
Java Message Service (JMS)
Java Persistence API (JPA) / EJB 3
J2EE Connector Architecture
J2EE Connector Architecture API
Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)
Java Authorization Contract for Containers
Servlet API
Servlet JavaServer Pages (JSP)
Servlet JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
JDBC 2.0 Optional Package
Java Transaction API (JTA)
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
If you use our suggestions as noted above when adding a Sun dependency to your POM, Maven 2.x can help you locate the JARs by providing the site where they can be retrieved. It is important that you follow the suggested naming conventions as we cannot store the JARs at the central repository. We can only store metadata about those JARs and it is the metadata that contains location and retrieval information.
Once you have downloaded a particular Sun JAR to your system you can install the JAR in your local repository. Please refer to our
for instructions on how to accomplish this.
Note: provides a . You could specify it directly in your POM or in your settings.xml between the tags &repositories&:
&name& Repository for Maven&/name&
Copyright &2002&#x
All rights reserved.>> ( 文件浏览 )
* Copyright
the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &License&);
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an &AS IS& BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.web.servlet.
import java.util.C
import java.util.HashM
import java.util.L
import java.util.M
import org.springframework.web.servlet.V
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ViewR
* Convenient superclass for view resolvers.
* Caches views once resolved: This means that view resolution won't be a
* performance problem, no matter how costly initial view retrieval is.
* &p&View retrieval is deferred to subclasses via the &code&loadView&/code&
* template method.
* @author Rod Johnson
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @see #loadView
public abstract class AbstractCachingViewResolver extends WebApplicationObjectSupport implements ViewResolver {
/** Whether we should cache views, once resolved */
private boolean cache =
/** View name --& View instance */
private final Map viewCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
* Enable or disable caching. Disable this only for debugging and development.
* Default is for caching to be enabled.
* &p&&b&Warning: Disabling caching can severely impact performance.&/b&
* Tests indicate that turning caching off reduces performance by at least 20%.
* Increased object churn probably eventually makes the problem even worse.
public void setCache(boolean cache) {
this.cache =
* Return if caching is enabled.
public boolean isCache() {
public View resolveViewName(String viewName, Locale locale) throws Exception {
if (!isCache()) {
logger.warn(&View caching is SWITCHED OFF -- DEVELOPMENT SETTING ONLY: This can severely impair performance&);
return createView(viewName, locale);
String cacheKey = getCacheKey(viewName, locale);
// No synchronization, as we can live with occasional double caching.
View view = (View) this.viewCache.get(cacheKey);
if (view == null) {
// Ask the subclass to create the View object.
view = createView(viewName, locale);
this.viewCache.put(cacheKey, view);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(&Cached view '& + cacheKey + &'&);
* Return the cache key for the given viewName and the given locale.
* Needs to regard the locale in general, as a different locale can lead to a
* different view! Can be overridden in subclasses.
protected String getCacheKey(String viewName, Locale locale) {
return viewName + &_& +
* Provides functionality to clear the cache for a certain view.
* This can be handy in case developer are able to modify views
* (e.g. Velocity templates) at runtime after which you'd need to
* clear the cache for the specified view.
* @param viewName the view name for which the cached view object
* (if any) needs to be removed
* @param locale the locale for which the view object should be removed
public void removeFromCache(String viewName, Locale locale) {
if (!this.cache) {
logger.warn(&View caching is SWITCHED OFF -- removal not necessary&);
String cacheKey = getCacheKey(viewName, locale);
if (this.viewCache.remove(cacheKey) == null) {
// Some debug output might be useful...
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(&No cached instance for view '& + cacheKey + &' was found&);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(&Cache for view & + cacheKey + & has been cleared&);
* Clear the entire view cache, removing all cached view objects.
* Subsequent resolve calls will lead to recreation of demanded view objects.
public void clearCache() {
logger.debug(&Clearing entire view cache&);
synchronized (this.viewCache) {
* Create the actual View object.
* Default implementation delegates to &code&loadView&/code&.
* &p&Can be overridden to resolve certain view names in a special fashion,
* before delegating to the actual &code&loadView&/code& implementation
* provided by the subclass.
* @param viewName the name of the view to retrieve
* @param locale the Locale to retrieve the view for
* @return the View instance, or &code&null&/code& if not found
* (optional, to allow for ViewResolver chaining)
* @throws Exception if the view couldn't be resolved
* @see #loadView
protected View createView(String viewName, Locale locale) throws Exception {
return loadView(viewName, locale);
* Subclasses must implement this method. There need be no concern
* for efficiency, as this class will cache views.
* &p&Not all subclasses may support internationalization:
* A subclass that doesn't can simply ignore the locale parameter.
* &p&&b&NOTE:&/b& As of Spring 1.2, subclasses are supposed to
* fully initialize the View objects before returning them,
* also applying bean container initialization callbacks.
* @param viewName the name of the view to retrieve
* @param locale the Locale to retrieve the view for
* @return the View instance, or &code&null&/code& if not found
* (optional, to allow for ViewResolver chaining)
* @throws Exception if the view couldn't be resolved
* @see #resolveViewName
protected abstract View loadView(String viewName, Locale locale) throws E
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2.26 kB04-10-06 21:34
1.61 kB14-09-05 00:23
1.03 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.34 kB28-02-07 23:21
1.67 kB25-03-05 10:26
2.39 kB13-07-05 19:17
2.19 kB25-03-05 10:26
2.71 kB13-07-05 23:15
1.62 kB25-03-05 10:26
1.98 kB25-03-05 10:26
1.41 kB25-03-05 10:26
3.00 kB19-07-05 14:46
1.26 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.91 kB20-05-05 21:22
597.00 B29-07-04 14:53
1.34 kB25-03-05 10:26
4.92 kB10-07-05 18:17
1.65 kB24-06-05 20:22
7.84 kB03-02-07 00:55
16.50 kB03-02-07 22:42
1.26 kB03-02-07 01:38
1.53 kB02-02-07 21:57
4.42 kB02-02-07 21:58
1.27 kB22-12-06 17:31
3.33 kB14-10-06 22:42
1.68 kB12-09-05 23:35
1.87 kB25-03-05 10:26
4.68 kB17-09-05 20:05
4.13 kB14-11-05 09:47
17.03 kB28-02-07 23:02
2.96 kB08-11-05 13:12
4.20 kB26-07-05 00:53
2.60 kB27-05-05 22:49
2.66 kB27-05-05 22:49
2.69 kB27-05-05 22:49
135.00 B01-03-04 16:14
894.00 B25-03-05 10:26
942.00 B25-03-05 10:26
635.00 B16-03-05 15:19
5.07 kB12-09-05 23:35
2.72 kB12-09-05 23:35
2.88 kB25-03-05 10:26
91.00 B01-03-04 16:14
1,002.00 B27-05-05 22:49
2.22 kB25-03-05 10:26
1.55 kB12-09-05 23:35
29.64 kB12-02-07 23:44
3.18 kB21-12-06 19:29
2.13 kB21-11-06 14:29
1.38 kB25-03-05 10:26
8.20 kB12-02-07 23:27
626.00 B01-03-04 16:14
6.33 kB03-02-07 22:28
4.20 kB11-09-05 00:36
23.46 kB05-01-07 19:12
7.77 kB22-12-06 16:14
2.73 kB22-02-06 22:28
1.12 kB22-02-06 22:28
7.88 kB21-04-06 03:13
1.67 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.68 kB01-09-05 02:07
16.81 kB21-04-06 03:13
2.36 kB22-02-06 22:56
2.97 kB04-10-06 21:34
3.90 kB21-04-06 03:13
204.00 B05-04-05 17:48
2.12 kB22-02-06 22:28
2.60 kB22-02-06 22:26
1.11 kB22-02-06 22:26
1.73 kB28-05-05 12:54
1.25 kB28-05-05 12:54
1.25 kB25-03-05 10:26
1.45 kB14-09-05 00:23
4.34 kB28-02-07 23:22
792.00 B13-01-04 14:59
1.62 kB28-02-07 23:21
1.02 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.36 kB25-03-05 10:26
2.41 kB13-02-07 01:52
5.50 kB22-12-06 17:09
10.39 kB22-12-06 16:59
1.96 kB28-05-05 12:54
2.70 kB12-11-05 22:00
2.93 kB14-11-05 15:55
3.99 kB28-05-05 12:54
2.15 kB12-11-05 22:00
4.17 kB12-11-05 22:00
1.20 kB25-03-05 10:26
1.32 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.84 kB12-11-05 22:00
3.56 kB22-12-06 17:18
2.45 kB01-04-05 20:13
3.04 kB28-05-05 12:54
3.40 kB12-11-05 22:00
1.75 kB12-11-05 22:00
87.00 B21-11-03 23:45
3.05 kB12-11-05 22:00
3.67 kB27-05-05 22:49
5.89 kB28-02-07 23:18
1.15 kB25-03-05 10:26
1.22 kB25-03-05 10:26
1.77 kB12-11-05 22:00
1.82 kB12-11-05 22:00
2.41 kB12-11-05 22:00
6.56 kB02-02-07 13:28
3.22 kB12-02-07 22:36
1.01 kB22-02-06 22:22
4.38 kB04-03-07 22:01
2.32 kB17-05-05 19:50
9.20 kB14-10-05 00:13
1.65 kB27-05-05 22:49
3.13 kB12-02-07 22:54
2.92 kB04-10-06 21:34
560.00 B11-12-03 11:58
1.28 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.05 kB27-05-05 22:49
2.87 kB02-02-07 13:26
4.79 kB01-01-06 22:40
1.12 kB27-05-05 22:49
2.40 kB22-02-06 22:15
1.23 kB05-04-05 17:48
1.38 kB23-02-06 23:22
1.68 kB23-02-06 23:22
1.44 kB23-02-06 23:22
1.63 kB21-04-06 03:13
1.46 kB25-03-05 10:27
19.26 kB15-10-06 00:18
5.01 kB11-02-07 20:15
36.65 kB11-02-07 22:27
6.97 kB11-02-07 22:52
3.86 kB17-02-06 10:00
3.08 kB01-04-05 22:23
2.35 kB01-04-05 22:23
1.34 kB27-05-05 22:49
298.00 B01-04-05 22:23
22.46 kB21-02-06 18:50
3.28 kB06-03-07 15:27
1.59 kB27-05-05 22:49
3.67 kB27-05-05 21:49
9.82 kB11-02-07 00:18
1.95 kB19-01-07 23:49
18.51 kB21-02-06 19:15
1.46 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.20 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.39 kB28-05-05 12:54
1.35 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.07 kB27-05-05 22:49
3.56 kB07-01-07 01:29
6.48 kB04-07-05 14:41
2.59 kB12-09-05 23:35
3.17 kB14-10-06 22:42
5.95 kB20-04-05 15:26
2.03 kB25-03-05 10:26
3.04 kB25-03-05 10:26
2.48 kB09-04-05 17:03
1.95 kB24-06-05 18:13
6.69 kB18-02-06 19:59
3.63 kB17-02-06 10:07
9.37 kB17-01-06 22:29
4.46 kB08-08-05 22:14
1.87 kB25-03-05 10:26
6.33 kB21-04-06 03:13
2.71 kB25-03-05 10:26
2.38 kB19-01-07 23:59
2.59 kB20-01-07 00:02
6.82 kB17-09-05 20:05
2.87 kB25-03-05 10:26
120.00 B21-11-03 23:45
3.06 kB22-01-07 10:41
2.97 kB17-09-05 20:05
5.40 kB29-10-05 19:48
7.59 kB25-03-05 10:26
16.10 kB21-01-07 20:24
4.68 kB24-06-05 20:29
1.63 kB25-03-05 10:26
2.15 kB27-05-05 22:49
11.48 kB12-09-05 23:35
2.59 kB19-01-07 23:58
2.34 kB23-03-05 21:05
1.67 kB25-03-05 10:27
4.21 kB21-04-06 22:39
1.74 kB21-02-06 19:19
1.83 kB18-02-06 19:49
1.93 kB25-03-05 10:27
13.04 kB21-02-06 19:19
2.29 kB14-10-05 23:50
1.76 kB18-09-05 00:33
538.00 B02-11-03 13:49
49.06 kB09-02-07 13:26
20.18 kB21-11-06 15:44
6.59 kB07-05-06 02:16
45.55 kB11-02-07 00:24
5.32 kB14-09-05 11:32
4.92 kB07-05-06 02:16
5.83 kB01-03-07 21:13
4.43 kB17-09-05 20:05
1.15 kB27-05-05 22:49
9.24 kB29-11-06 16:29
6.81 kB14-09-05 01:00
4.76 kB17-01-06 22:29
3.54 kB27-05-05 22:49
13.87 kB21-04-06 03:13
3.13 kB14-09-05 00:23
1.86 kB14-09-05 01:00
1.02 kB28-05-05 12:54
2.62 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.75 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.28 kB17-09-05 20:05
2.56 kB14-09-05 01:00
1.42 kB16-04-05 22:47
172.00 B14-08-03 19:20
19.75 kB18-02-06 13:44
2.87 kB14-09-05 01:00
5.89 kB17-01-06 22:29
4.70 kB21-04-06 22:39
8.00 kB23-02-06 23:37
2.49 kB17-02-06 11:47
2.76 kB11-07-05 17:06
38.76 kB02-02-07 12:44
140.00 B14-08-03 19:20
3.84 kB27-12-06 23:46
spring-beans.dtd21.26 kB21-11-06 14:35
2.16 kB19-06-05 23:45
11.23 kB03-10-05 16:16
3.18 kB18-02-06 13:14
1.29 kB27-05-05 22:49
2.02 kB06-11-05 14:25
1.54 kB06-11-05 14:25
7.87 kB21-11-06 16:07
1.37 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.71 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.67 kB25-03-05 10:27
461.00 B02-11-03 13:50
1.93 kB06-11-05 14:25
4.93 kB04-10-06 21:34
6.17 kB11-02-07 23:26
5.29 kB15-10-06 00:18
1.50 kB21-04-06 03:13
3.40 kB24-12-06 13:22
18.35 kB21-04-06 03:13
1.21 kB21-04-06 03:13
2.57 kB21-04-06 03:13
1.21 kB21-04-06 03:13
2.48 kB04-10-06 21:34
4.82 kB02-08-05 17:27
7.30 kB23-02-06 23:37
4.52 kB02-08-05 17:23
5.28 kB14-10-06 22:42
1.50 kB12-04-05 02:31
2.46 kB02-08-05 17:27
1.51 kB11-07-05 17:24
348.00 B14-08-03 19:20
2.96 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.04 kB02-01-06 16:38
2.51 kB02-08-05 17:27
2.36 kB02-08-05 17:27
2.73 kB21-11-06 16:05
1.80 kB12-09-05 23:35
1.68 kB27-05-05 22:49
3.96 kB17-02-06 10:39
5.10 kB23-06-05 11:28
162.00 B11-02-04 02:07
9.03 kB19-07-05 22:53
1.74 kB12-09-05 23:35
4.96 kB01-08-05 12:54
5.91 kB12-09-05 23:35
1.18 kB14-06-05 17:11
2.54 kB17-02-06 11:47
7.00 kB17-09-05 20:05
3.07 kB02-08-05 17:40
222.00 B28-09-04 12:34
2.55 kB09-10-05 01:21
4.63 kB14-10-05 00:12
6.64 kB09-10-05 12:19
1.89 kB27-05-05 22:49
317.00 B01-04-05 22:24
3.24 kB12-09-05 23:35
3.02 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.38 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.36 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.42 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.44 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.15 kB27-05-05 22:49
3.51 kB22-08-05 12:01
5.33 kB20-09-05 06:43
1.68 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.37 kB17-02-06 10:01
1.23 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.26 kB27-05-05 22:49
3.23 kB01-06-05 18:56
176.00 B04-10-03 18:58
1.79 kB20-07-05 14:18
1.40 kB14-09-05 00:23
1.16 kB07-04-05 00:34
4.82 kB21-11-06 16:32
143.00 B07-04-05 00:34
1.35 kB20-09-05 06:43
3.89 kB12-09-05 23:35
1.58 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.87 kB12-09-05 23:35
1.43 kB27-05-05 22:49
521.00 B14-08-03 19:20
3.20 kB25-03-05 10:27
30.03 kB14-02-07 23:38
17.08 kB21-04-06 03:13
5.46 kB02-08-05 17:40
5.17 kB12-09-05 23:35
3.72 kB13-05-05 17:34
5.52 kB17-02-06 10:19
4.74 kB05-11-05 15:07
4.08 kB22-07-05 13:10
2.70 kB22-08-05 12:01
5.43 kB05-11-05 15:07
9.96 kB04-10-06 21:34
7.08 kB12-09-05 23:35
2.02 kB27-05-05 22:49
206.00 B14-08-03 19:20
23.01 kB21-04-06 22:39
9.92 kB14-11-05 09:40
3.30 kB07-10-05 15:11
4.32 kB27-05-05 22:49
1.96 kB01-09-05 01:48
8.34 kB19-10-05 21:19
1.74 kB28-05-05 12:54
7.51 kB21-07-05 22:13
1.51 kB27-05-05 22:50
6.00 kB17-02-06 10:14
4.03 kB05-11-05 15:17
1.19 kB08-11-05 16:04
2.38 kB08-11-05 16:04
2.81 kB06-11-05 21:15
2.49 kB19-06-05 06:32
1.82 kB08-11-05 16:04
153.00 B14-06-05 22:04
1.66 kB08-11-05 16:04
2.71 kB08-11-05 16:04
2.30 kB08-11-05 16:04
1.80 kB08-11-05 18:49
1.34 kB12-09-05 23:35
4.21 kB07-01-07 01:25
3.27 kB23-12-06 22:39
7.02 kB23-12-06 22:48
4.18 kB04-10-06 21:34
2.06 kB23-12-06 22:49
3.86 kB23-12-06 22:49
1.80 kB25-03-05 10:27
3.50 kB23-12-06 22:50
1.96 kB24-07-05 23:17
118.00 B14-06-05 22:31
3.06 kB24-07-05 23:17
2.58 kB21-04-06 22:39
2.64 kB20-07-05 11:05
2.55 kB17-02-06 10:09
4.38 kB21-02-06 23:38
133.00 B03-06-04 00:26
20.27 kB21-12-06 00:25
6.50 kB21-04-06 03:13
5.21 kB04-10-06 21:34
3.22 kB04-07-05 23:49
1.75 kB20-07-05 11:04
4.68 kB23-12-06 22:50
2.77 kB06-02-07 17:00
4.84 kB21-04-06 22:25
4.84 kB21-04-06 22:25
1.53 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.51 kB25-03-05 10:27
184.00 B14-06-05 22:31
7.06 kB04-07-05 23:50
1.53 kB04-10-06 21:34
2.78 kB01-02-07 22:46
4.33 kB17-02-06 10:31
117.00 B14-06-05 22:32
1.55 kB19-06-05 12:28
5.64 kB01-02-07 22:47
1.91 kB14-06-05 22:32
1.03 kB19-06-05 12:32
1.30 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.33 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.50 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.53 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.99 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.33 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.42 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.43 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.15 kB08-01-06 21:27
2.08 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.79 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.47 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.45 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.50 kB08-01-06 21:27
753.00 B02-11-03 13:53
1.65 kB08-01-06 21:27
2.59 kB01-06-05 19:10
7.27 kB28-11-06 10:50
122.00 B01-06-04 00:33
1.37 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.25 kB27-05-05 22:50
7.59 kB17-09-05 20:05
5.88 kB22-12-06 15:46
5.71 kB22-12-06 17:53
3.70 kB04-10-06 21:34
1.16 kB02-11-03 13:54
4.91 kB28-05-05 12:54
4.64 kB04-10-06 21:34
7.78 kB01-04-05 22:18
1.08 kB27-05-05 22:50
3.22 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.95 kB09-10-05 01:21
2.87 kB25-03-05 10:27
3.62 kB09-10-05 01:21
1.10 kB02-08-04 19:01
1.41 kB04-04-05 20:47
1.25 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.26 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.26 kB08-01-06 21:27
10.00 kB07-11-05 21:34
7.44 kB04-03-07 22:04
1.44 kB11-04-05 12:36
5.44 kB06-05-05 13:28
2.98 kB04-10-06 21:34
2.13 kB01-08-05 13:47
213.00 B11-04-05 12:36
6.80 kB04-10-06 21:34
6.51 kB04-03-07 22:18
5.10 kB11-04-05 12:36
14.71 kB04-10-06 21:34
3.54 kB12-09-05 23:35
3.60 kB12-09-05 23:35
136.00 B11-04-05 12:36
2.73 kB17-09-05 20:05
2.57 kB12-09-05 23:35
4.16 kB31-08-05 06:11
2.26 kB27-05-05 22:50
167.00 B11-04-05 12:36
1.46 kB08-01-06 21:27
2.65 kB20-09-05 06:43
3.10 kB26-06-05 21:23
5.52 kB11-04-05 12:36
427.00 B11-04-05 12:36
2.73 kB27-05-05 22:50
302.00 B11-04-05 12:36
1.30 kB08-01-06 21:27
4.95 kB04-07-05 17:04
153.00 B11-04-05 12:36
1.85 kB07-05-06 14:38
1.45 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.98 kB25-03-05 10:27
3.52 kB12-09-05 23:35
2.17 kB25-03-05 10:27
7.77 kB04-10-06 21:34
3.41 kB20-07-05 16:40
2.89 kB12-09-05 23:35
1.21 kB27-05-05 22:50
45.13 kB21-04-06 22:39
44.48 kB20-02-07 13:41
155.00 B05-12-03 18:03
1.54 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.86 kB22-04-06 12:00
3.77 kB12-09-05 23:35
2.28 kB25-03-05 10:27
8.30 kB22-04-06 12:00
1.88 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.61 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.57 kB13-02-07 17:43
4.76 kB27-05-05 22:50
2.68 kB13-02-07 17:41
4.11 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.50 kB13-02-07 17:36
3.31 kB16-12-06 20:04
9.58 kB18-02-06 12:28
4.05 kB04-10-06 21:34
3.33 kB31-12-06 22:07
1.36 kB12-09-05 23:35
2.49 kB04-10-06 21:34
2.44 kB25-03-05 10:27
3.18 kB19-05-05 12:52
2.58 kB25-03-05 10:27
3.18 kB12-09-05 23:35
9.44 kB21-12-06 17:56
3.27 kB25-03-05 10:27
4.64 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.98 kB25-03-05 10:27
4.39 kB17-02-06 10:13
4.59 kB01-06-05 19:12
165.00 B11-04-05 11:46
7.55 kB17-02-06 10:13
1.78 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.29 kB27-05-05 22:50
4.87 kB22-11-06 21:58
1.48 kB25-03-05 10:27
14.20 kB02-02-07 14:29
16.86 kB02-03-07 00:16
2.59 kB18-08-05 00:56
10.41 kB14-11-05 00:27
5.64 kB21-12-06 17:58
14.49 kB09-04-05 00:36
195.00 B05-12-03 18:03
1.67 kB19-10-05 22:11
10.50 kB04-10-06 21:34
1.92 kB02-05-05 12:44
7.43 kB07-03-07 20:09
5.59 kB11-04-05 11:53
2.15 kB07-05-06 14:38
2.12 kB01-12-06 16:38
1.35 kB08-01-06 21:27
7.61 kB22-04-06 12:00
2.72 kB04-08-05 17:44
4.50 kB14-09-05 00:23
824.00 B11-04-05 11:51
13.88 kB04-10-06 21:34
5.75 kB04-10-06 21:34
8.70 kB04-08-05 17:40
3.78 kB14-09-05 00:23
10.25 kB28-11-06 11:05
7.57 kB22-04-06 12:00
5.39 kB22-04-06 23:46
3.81 kB14-09-05 00:23
891.00 B05-12-03 18:02
1.66 kB01-12-06 16:24
2.17 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.82 kB27-05-05 22:50
4.53 kB07-05-06 02:19
3.23 kB21-04-06 22:39
3.45 kB27-05-05 22:50
2.26 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.90 kB02-03-07 14:42
1.49 kB25-03-05 10:27
5.21 kB02-05-05 12:44
5.35 kB02-05-05 12:44
1.50 kB27-05-05 22:50
240.00 B05-12-03 18:03
1.46 kB27-05-05 22:50
4.47 kB16-04-05 20:33
14.29 kB06-03-07 12:56
3.00 kB26-03-05 21:14
1.94 kB25-03-05 10:27
5.08 kB23-09-05 01:05
6.00 kB12-09-05 23:35
9.10 kB12-09-05 23:35
16.22 kB23-12-05 14:50
245.00 B13-01-04 19:01
1.52 kB08-01-06 21:27
3.52 kB23-09-05 01:05
4.66 kB23-09-05 01:05
6.26 kB23-09-05 01:05
7.65 kB23-06-05 11:32
5.86 kB21-04-06 03:13
253.00 B05-12-03 18:03
7.14 kB21-04-06 03:13
3.78 kB23-09-05 01:05
6.24 kB23-09-05 01:05
2.42 kB23-09-05 01:05
335.00 B05-12-03 18:03
161.00 B21-03-05 23:16
17.23 kB05-11-05 14:48
5.79 kB26-03-05 21:44
17.49 kB05-11-05 14:48
6.04 kB24-03-05 07:40
4.53 kB07-05-06 14:34
4.98 kB24-03-05 08:27
9.94 kB01-12-06 16:09
16.22 kB21-04-06 22:39
1.64 kB14-09-05 00:23
3.95 kB07-05-06 14:37
1.76 kB07-05-06 14:38
1.99 kB19-10-05 22:12
9.95 kB04-10-06 21:34
5.09 kB07-11-05 21:34
168.00 B26-07-04 12:00
9.21 kB04-10-06 21:34
4.41 kB07-11-05 21:34
10.81 kB06-05-05 13:25
16.71 kB12-10-05 22:34
29.70 kB14-10-06 22:42
8.01 kB14-10-06 22:42
1.64 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.73 kB25-03-05 10:27
135.00 B23-07-04 17:29
1.77 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.44 kB25-03-05 10:27
3.99 kB17-07-05 00:07
146.00 B25-09-04 00:25
992.00 B27-05-05 22:50
1,007.00 B27-05-05 22:50
1,022.00 B27-05-05 22:50
1,007.00 B27-05-05 22:50
2.83 kB21-04-06 22:39
987.00 B27-05-05 22:50
982.00 B27-05-05 22:50
997.00 B27-05-05 22:50
1,022.00 B27-05-05 22:50
1.00 kB27-05-05 22:50
129.00 B08-03-05 23:33
1,022.00 B27-05-05 22:50
1.38 kB04-10-06 21:34
1.84 kB27-05-05 22:50
130.00 B23-07-04 17:29
7.88 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.94 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.13 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.81 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.24 kB16-04-05 19:16
3.91 kB04-10-06 21:34
4.58 kB08-02-07 23:46
83.00 B26-07-04 11:58
5.50 kB18-02-07 23:26
8.00 kB21-11-06 16:38
144.00 B23-07-04 17:29
1.01 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.01 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.14 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.23 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.49 kB27-05-05 22:50
14.79 kB10-08-05 14:23
1.51 kB27-05-05 22:50
3.11 kB06-08-05 13:34
126.00 B09-03-05 00:13
9.83 kB10-08-05 20:08
20.35 kB17-09-05 20:05
1.57 kB22-04-05 14:09
8.21 kB07-05-06 02:10
1.56 kB22-04-05 14:09
13.69 kB03-07-05 03:06
4.68 kB21-11-06 15:00
4.33 kB16-09-05 18:39
185.00 B09-03-05 00:13
1.53 kB27-05-05 22:50
30.90 kB21-11-06 15:20
1.52 kB14-06-05 13:50
1.23 kB03-07-05 03:10
6.96 kB12-09-05 23:35
1.28 kB27-05-05 22:50
3.05 kB12-09-05 23:35
1.71 kB03-07-05 03:10
1.06 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.67 kB27-05-05 22:50
2.38 kB17-01-06 22:29
152.00 B09-03-05 00:13
1.88 kB22-04-05 14:12
4.92 kB22-04-05 14:12
2.79 kB10-08-05 20:08
1.67 kB22-04-05 14:12
176.00 B09-03-05 00:13
1.53 kB24-06-05 17:35
139.00 B09-03-05 00:13
1.54 kB27-05-05 22:50
190.00 B09-03-05 00:13
7.72 kB19-07-05 15:30
9.21 kB29-10-05 19:48
5.81 kB22-02-06 22:22
7.31 kB21-11-06 15:40
3.79 kB21-12-06 20:48
190.00 B09-03-05 00:13
4.17 kB06-11-05 23:01
4.73 kB06-11-05 23:01
2.09 kB18-09-05 00:33
1.71 kB12-09-05 23:35
3.94 kB04-10-06 21:34
8.10 kB07-03-07 01:11
3.37 kB07-03-07 01:13
4.36 kB07-03-07 01:10
6.64 kB01-02-07 22:39
1.63 kB28-05-05 12:54
425.00 B08-03-04 11:12
1.19 kB21-04-06 03:13
3.59 kB25-03-05 10:27
155.00 B22-10-03 18:22
5.80 kB14-09-05 00:23
1.75 kB11-07-05 17:14
6.24 kB31-12-06 00:31
13.72 kB01-02-07 22:51
mime.types7.87 kB18-04-05 10:07
4.32 kB25-08-05 22:25
43.92 kB20-09-05 06:43
2.08 kB31-12-06 00:34
221.00 B05-04-05 13:12
2.44 kB25-08-05 21:46
1.47 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.22 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.98 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.43 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.61 kB08-01-06 21:27
2.19 kB25-03-05 10:27
3.81 kB08-01-06 21:27
136.00 B05-04-05 13:12
6.96 kB25-03-05 10:27
4.31 kB17-09-05 20:05
3.22 kB25-03-05 10:27
150.00 B01-03-04 16:14
125.00 B01-03-04 16:14
14.64 kB04-03-07 12:52
3.21 kB12-09-05 23:35
4.89 kB21-04-06 22:39
1.25 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.98 kB27-05-05 22:50
36.23 kB21-12-06 23:30
1.32 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.36 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.44 kB19-10-05 16:49
39.64 kB05-01-07 18:17
28.27 kB21-11-06 23:33
2.97 kB07-01-06 21:49
30.80 kB04-10-06 21:34
2.48 kB07-01-06 21:49
462.00 B12-09-05 23:23
43.06 kB04-03-07 13:28
4.10 kB22-10-05 14:26
10.36 kB14-09-05 00:23
3.23 kB14-09-05 00:23
4.96 kB14-09-05 00:23
4.11 kB21-04-06 03:13
2.91 kB14-09-05 00:23
9.34 kB26-02-07 23:31
11.41 kB20-01-07 21:07
9.95 kB17-09-05 20:05
161.00 B14-08-03 19:20
1.62 kB27-05-05 22:50
4.76 kB21-04-06 03:13
17.63 kB04-03-07 12:53
3.19 kB12-09-05 23:35
4.64 kB21-04-06 22:39
1.24 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.94 kB27-05-05 22:50
39.83 kB21-12-06 23:25
1.48 kB19-09-05 21:03
1.35 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.43 kB19-10-05 16:54
42.11 kB05-01-07 18:12
33.75 kB21-11-06 23:37
3.50 kB07-01-06 21:49
45.60 kB06-12-06 06:57
2.47 kB07-01-06 21:49
458.00 B12-09-05 23:23
45.75 kB04-03-07 13:28
4.08 kB22-10-05 14:26
11.26 kB07-10-05 15:25
3.26 kB14-09-05 00:23
5.00 kB14-09-05 00:23
4.16 kB21-04-06 03:13
2.94 kB14-09-05 00:23
9.33 kB26-02-07 23:29
4.41 kB21-02-06 18:50
11.31 kB20-01-07 21:06
9.95 kB17-09-05 20:05
162.00 B05-03-05 23:14
1.86 kB27-05-05 22:50
3.56 kB27-05-05 10:27
324.00 B28-04-04 19:00
2.71 kB12-09-05 23:35
2.85 kB12-09-05 23:35
14.27 kB04-10-06 21:34
7.78 kB04-10-06 21:34
13.74 kB14-10-06 22:42
2.80 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.50 kB25-03-05 10:27
8.28 kB12-09-05 23:35
6.90 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.38 kB25-03-05 10:27
3.23 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.52 kB25-03-05 10:27
176.00 B25-02-04 01:29
3.53 kB01-06-05 19:12
3.23 kB01-06-05 19:12
13.40 kB12-10-05 23:26
5.53 kB21-04-06 22:39
2.97 kB12-09-05 23:35
13.20 kB21-04-06 22:39
4.48 kB21-04-06 22:39
1.48 kB27-05-05 22:50
20.02 kB12-09-05 23:35
1.53 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.37 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.22 kB27-05-05 22:50
25.64 kB04-10-06 21:34
22.50 kB21-11-06 23:21
1.32 kB27-05-05 22:50
9.58 kB04-10-06 21:34
290.00 B12-09-05 23:23
14.28 kB04-10-06 21:34
1.81 kB19-10-05 22:12
7.21 kB17-07-05 20:14
6.11 kB08-05-05 21:34
5.88 kB02-05-05 12:41
149.00 B14-08-03 19:20
8.40 kB07-03-07 19:18
4.43 kB04-10-06 21:34
4.29 kB04-10-06 21:34
3.67 kB25-03-05 10:27
6.83 kB14-09-05 00:21
1.11 kB27-05-05 22:50
338.00 B12-09-05 23:23
2.23 kB12-09-05 23:35
1.79 kB19-10-05 22:12
6.72 kB12-09-05 23:35
10.89 kB04-10-06 21:34
15.70 kB21-11-06 23:37
3.82 kB25-03-05 10:27
1.63 kB25-03-05 10:27
155.00 B03-07-04 13:43
6.37 kB17-07-05 20:14
2.96 kB25-03-05 10:27
161.00 B22-10-03 18:22
7.41 kB23-10-05 14:50
16.72 kB14-11-05 00:24
2.59 kB17-08-05 21:41
354.00 B12-09-05 23:23
2.57 kB23-10-05 14:50
3.64 kB23-10-05 14:50
4.36 kB23-10-05 14:53
9.81 kB04-10-06 21:34
1.55 kB19-10-05 22:12
3.21 kB12-09-05 23:35
2.49 kB23-10-05 14:53
7.06 kB12-05-05 21:07
4.63 kB09-05-05 19:37
157.00 B04-05-05 14:51
7.83 kB01-06-05 19:12
3.48 kB12-09-05 23:35
5.38 kB03-05-05 02:47
3.53 kB12-09-05 23:35
3.82 kB03-05-05 02:47
1.23 kB27-05-05 22:50
35.79 kB14-09-05 00:23
1.23 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.15 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.25 kB27-05-05 22:50
19.09 kB04-10-06 21:34
20.97 kB04-10-06 21:34
2.74 kB12-09-05 23:35
5.36 kB22-12-06 15:49
2.12 kB18-09-05 01:55
3.74 kB02-01-06 22:45
3.44 kB17-09-05 20:05
5.41 kB22-12-06 15:50
2.12 kB18-09-05 01:55
3.77 kB02-01-06 22:45
555.00 B27-02-04 17:40
9.48 kB09-10-05 01:33
8.02 kB09-10-05 01:33
1.27 kB12-09-05 23:35
5.95 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.81 kB18-09-05 01:55
2.18 kB25-03-05 10:27
10.97 kB18-02-07 23:16
537.00 B14-01-05 18:10
6.66 kB09-10-05 01:33
20.75 kB04-10-06 21:34
2.49 kB18-09-05 01:55
1.82 kB25-03-05 10:27
9.90 kB02-10-05 23:07
1.78 kB25-03-05 10:27
233.00 B02-01-04 00:50
5.13 kB25-03-05 10:27
159.00 B14-08-03 19:20
2.68 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.15 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.18 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.21 kB21-04-06 03:13
4.53 kB18-09-05 01:56
15.44 kB08-02-07 00:55
3.03 kB18-09-05 01:55
4.55 kB18-09-05 01:57
234.00 B05-01-04 00:43
2.68 kB18-09-05 01:57
12.41 kB08-02-07 00:55
8.47 kB07-02-07 22:53
1.92 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.27 kB18-09-05 01:57
419.00 B19-09-05 22:09
3.43 kB18-09-05 01:55
9.99 kB19-01-07 18:26
14.88 kB19-01-07 18:26
1.22 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.13 kB27-05-05 22:50
153.00 B15-08-05 21:45
2.30 kB18-09-05 01:55
5.29 kB18-09-05 01:55
5.78 kB12-09-05 23:35
3.52 kB07-02-07 22:58
4.44 kB18-09-05 01:55
1.88 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.63 kB27-05-05 22:50
3.08 kB25-03-05 10:27
3.29 kB05-04-05 17:47
1.35 kB18-09-05 01:55
4.57 kB22-01-07 23:50
1.59 kB12-09-05 23:35
4.70 kB25-03-05 10:27
5.52 kB02-05-05 12:44
7.44 kB04-10-06 21:34
302.00 B15-12-06 08:11
3.58 kB07-01-06 21:49
2.13 kB07-10-05 15:11
32.76 kB04-10-06 21:34
5.49 kB22-01-07 23:50
3.10 kB13-08-05 14:40
136.00 B13-08-05 14:40
1.52 kB13-08-05 14:41
2.31 kB13-08-05 14:41
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5.95 kB14-10-05 00:13
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2.10 kB27-05-05 22:50
6.66 kB14-11-05 00:27
5.01 kB27-05-05 22:50
1.61 kB28-05-05 12:54
636.00 B17-03-05 20:21
4.10 kB28-05-05 12:54
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2.93 kB14-10-06 22:42
4.02 kB04-10-06 21:34
14.72 kB31-12-06 20:49
1.15 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.13 kB27-05-05 22:50
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5.00 kB15-08-05 21:30
1.40 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.41 kB08-01-06 21:27
226.00 B14-08-03 19:20
5.62 kB14-09-05 00:23
3.29 kB25-07-05 22:35
48.04 kB20-01-07 00:25
6.76 kB17-01-07 14:29
8.35 kB17-09-05 20:05
6.07 kB17-01-07 14:31
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1.89 kB25-07-05 22:31
1.47 kB25-03-05 10:27
2.17 kB12-09-05 23:35
2.05 kB25-03-05 10:27
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1.31 kB08-01-06 21:27
2.44 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.29 kB08-01-06 21:27
1.29 kB08-01-06 21:27
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2.40 kB14-10-05 23:11
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6.31 kB14-06-05 17:11
3.19 kB14-06-05 17:11
3.82 kB18-06-05 23:54
166.00 B14-06-05 17:11
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7.64 kB25-03-05 10:27
5.72 kB10-09-05 02:00
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7.12 kB14-10-06 22:42
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7.67 kB22-02-06 22:31
31.41 kB12-02-07 23:02
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1.69 kB27-05-05 22:50
13.71 kB09-01-07 09:41
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3.82 kB25-03-05 10:27
4.54 kB21-02-06 19:14
9.41 kB04-10-06 21:34
2.67 kB25-03-05 10:27
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5.46 kB23-12-05 15:19
163.00 B14-08-03 19:20
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6.73 kB14-10-06 22:42
2.56 kB25-03-05 10:27
14.61 kB21-04-06 03:13
ContextLoader.properties349.00 B03-10-05 13:06
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193.00 B14-08-03 19:20
1.64 kB25-03-05 10:27
7.63 kB01-01-06 23:18
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223.00 B14-08-03 19:20
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2.50 kB13-05-05 20:21
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6.40 kB20-08-05 22:13
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1.61 kB11-09-05 01:52
6.74 kB17-09-05 20:05
11.91 kB20-01-07 21:01
2.55 kB11-09-05 01:52
4.44 kB21-04-06 22:40
115.00 B05-01-04 00:43
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191.00 B14-08-03 19:20
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1.28 kB08-09-05 21:35
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1.29 kB08-09-05 21:35
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