
qiben ga walui desu.wei you! kilei na... 这句好象是用拼音谐音的韩语 希望有大虾可以帮忙翻译一下啊_百度知道
qiben ga walui desu.wei you! kilei na... 这句好象是用拼音谐音的韩语 希望有大虾可以帮忙翻译一下啊
````像语 知道啊 求神```
我(wei you! 知道啥)
出门在外也不愁中翻英 禁止翻译软体 请会英语的帮我翻译一下我的几个句子 拜托了 恳求和紧急呀!!_百度知道
Friendship is refers to the human or animal relationship or friendship friendship, affectionately refers to. Friendship involves the mutual understanding, respect and love. There are two people friendship, referred to each other as friends. Friendship is a kind of special emotion of people in communication activities generated in,. Friendship is a two-way from (or interaction) relations of the emotion, which is the common setting both emotions, any unilateral affection, can be called a friendship. Friendship is to ask a friend to express your thoughts and feelings and inner secrets to the full trust of friends, is not easily leak secret (3) to be special evaluation friendship relations, that is limited to a few close friends or between friends. 我选择主题原我觉友谊重要课题每朋友关系密切 友谊影响每价值观每友谊看都同我我认友谊负面面负面友谊让相信朋友认朋友现实互相利用已面友谊让觉舒服轻松没压力我曾经段令我印象深刻友谊关系发我高我朋友亚洲功课我相同兴趣所变朋友我课业问题候帮助我候候我问绩候或者何提高绩何读书麼都太愿意告诉我 几句打发我觉我所隐瞒 让我觉舒服另外我朋友满情绪化情候句都跟说摆臭脸给我看所让我高兴 情发洩我身後些做些行让我觉自私想自我後认我跟段关系其实算真友谊关系觉假友谊後高毕业後我少联络朋友让我觉友谊看稍微改变我认友谊关系候假真取决於交朋友麼真交朋友发展段友谊关系前我认必须要先解通些作试探性真乐於享任何事情并且没秘密合算段友谊关系酒肉朋友必交自私必交发展段友谊关系 信任著想重要我通说故事式用我故事改编物故事读给听後问问题例觉故事主角觉何麼等等 Such questions to give the baby a little immersive feeling so that children will learn that 1 important real friendship real friendship is when you are happy, the other person will accompany you laugh together, sha 2. True friendship when you are sad, the other with you weep and sharing together you! 3 true friendship is your worry time, do your listener, 4. True friendship is when you lost, the other party do you happy, make you drive up! 5 true friendship does not exist the so-called jealousy and suspicion, because someone be 6 real friendship exists forever the quarrel, because each other will give the most sincere advice, to name the most honest! 7 true friendship is not everyone can get, because only the truly pay talents with it! 8 true friendship can stand the test and hone, regardless of wind and rain, it still thrive!
友谊交往产种特殊情友谊种自双向(或交互)关系情即双共同凝结情任何单面示能称友谊友谊能够向朋友表露自思想情内秘密能够朋友充信任轻易外泄秘密或反自;(3)限於特殊评价友谊关系即限於少数密友或知间- Friendship refers to the friendly sentiments between humans or animals or means of an affectionate companionship and friendly relationship. Friendship involves mutual understanding,respect and love. If a friendship exists between two people, they call each other friends.- Friendship is a special kind of emotion, which people created in their communicative activities. Friendship is a relationship come from a two-way interaction, namely the mutual condensation of their feelings, any unilateral showing of friendliness cannot be called a friendship. A friendship can expressyour thoughts and feelings and of your inner secret to someone, whom you can completely trust and your secret will not be easily exposed nor he/she (3) It’s limited to a special evaluation of friendship in the relationship, that is limited to a small group of close friends or confidants.我选择主题原我觉友谊重要课题每朋友关系密切友谊影响每价值观每友谊看都同我我认友谊负面面负面友谊让相信朋友认朋友现实互相利用已面友谊让觉舒服轻松没压力The reason why I have chosen this topic, because I think that is a very important subject and friendship in everybody's life is a very close relationship.It will affect everyone’s view of values. Everyone has a different view of friendship.I also I think that friendship can be negative or positive negative. Friendship sometimes makes you distrust your friends. You would think that in reality friends are just using of each other. And a positive friendship will make you feel very comfortable, very relaxed and without any pressure.我曾经段令我印象深刻友谊关系发我高我朋友亚洲功课我相同兴趣所变朋友我课业问题候帮助我候候我问绩候或者何提高绩何读书麼都太愿意告诉我几句打发我觉我所隐瞒让我觉舒服I once had a rather impressive friendly relationship when I was in senior high school. I had a good friend. She was also an Asian. She studied quite well. Forwe have the same interests so we have become friends. When I have encountered with difficulties with my school work, she would sometimes help me but sometimes she would not. Sometimes when I asked about her school work or how I could improve my grade that she was rather reluctant to tell me and would sent me away with just a few words. I felt that she was hiding something from me, making me feeling very uncomfortable.另外我朋友满情绪化情候句都跟说摆臭脸给我看所让我高兴情发洩我身後些做些行让我觉自私想自我後认我跟段关系其实算真友谊关系觉假友谊後高毕业後我少联络朋友让我觉友谊看稍微改变我认友谊关系候假真取决於交朋友麼On top of that, this friend of mine was rather emotional. When she was moody,she not just wouldn’t talk to me but also would put on a terrible face to me.Therefore, I was also feeling unhappy too because she was taking out all of her miseries onto me. Later, I discovered that she has done some very selfish things and only would think of herself. I realized that this relationship with her wasn’t a real friendship. I felt that was a fake friendship. After graduatedfrom form senior high school, we have rarely contacted with each other. Because of this so called friend, my view on friendship has been altered a little bit, making me believe that a friend can be false at times but it can be real, which depends on what kind of friends you have made. 真交朋友发展段友谊关系前我认必须要先解通些作试探性真乐於享任何事情并且没秘密合算段友谊关系酒肉朋友必交自私必交发展段友谊关系信任著想重要Before developing a real friendly relationship, I think we must first get to know each other well.
You can try to explore this person's personality through some of his/her petty actions. If the person is really treating you with sincere, sharing everything even secrets with you and would hit it off with you right away, then this can be called a good friendly relationship. Friends with benefits and selfish acquaintance can be ignored. To develop a friendly relationship, trust and care for the other party is very important. 我通说故事式用我故事改编物故事读给听後问问题例觉故事主角觉何麼等等类问题让孩点身历其境觉孩解真友谊重要Through the way of telling stories, I will tell them by using the adaptation of animals from my own stories. And then, I will ask them questions such as what do they think of the stories, why and so on other questions just let the children to have the feeling of a real adventure. In this way, children will understand the importance of a true friendship more. 1.
真友谊经住考验磨练管风吹雨打茁壮1. A true friendship is when you are happy, he/she will laugh with you, sharing2. A true friendship is when you are sad, he/she will cry with you, sharing your sorrows with you!3. A true friendship is when you are worried, he/she will be your listener, carefu4. A true friendship is that when you are lost, he/she will be your joy, cheering you up!5. A true friendship will have no such things as so-called jealousy and suspicion, because he/she bel6. A true friendship is always quarrelsome, because the most sincere advice will be given to each other, and the most honest comments will be expressed without any hesitation!7. A true friendship cannot be obtained by everyone, because only those who are truly willing to give can have it!8. A true friendship can stand any kind of test and knocking, it will still thrive regardless of whatever the situation is.
谢谢求助提问单且间几段没标点我先要替加句才能继续翻译於便确实花我间啊另外我已答案放其两道提问若满意起采纳? 【希望我答帮助明白再追问若满意请采纳谢谢并祝进步!】
excuse me, sir. Can I ask you a question?I have some question about translation. Could you do me a favour to explain?I really appreciate that!
i ci de mo,so ba ni i lu yo. 抹缩八撸哟
i ci de mo,so ba ni i lu yo. 抹缩八身边When, from expects from it by!
nang ji de mo, sao ba ni yi lu you~
根据拼音写出句子括号处应填入的词语。(1)何况事实上有多少良师益友在周围帮助你,fú yè(   )你。(2)这是ruì zhì(   )的微笑。这微笑,我再说一遍,就是伏尔泰。
字形:即指字的形状。指个别字元的外形、、写法。字是语意的最基本单位,即;字形是指为了表达这个意义的具体表达。例如「字」的字形,便是一个「宀」下有一个「子」;「形」的字形,则是一个「开」的右旁有三撇「彡」。由于两字的字形不同,我们不会把它们相混。同一字可以有不同的字形,而不影响其表达的意思。例如拉丁字母第一个字母,小楷时可以写作「a」或「a」;又如汉字中的「令」字,第三笔可以是一点或一撇,最末两笔可以作「ㄗ」或「マ」。汉字中的“強/强”、“戶/户/戸”。中华人民共和国GB/T16964《信息技术·字型信息交换》中定义字形为“一个可以辨认的抽象的图形符号,它不依赖于任何特定的设计”。形音义每个汉字均有三个属性:形状(形)、声韵(音)、逻辑(义),统称“形音义”。字形的演变:根据字体的构形及书写风格,汉字的字体演变主要经历了甲骨文、金文、小篆、隶书、楷书、草书、行书几个发展阶段。六书是汉字构字的基本原理:在《周礼》中就提到了六书,只是没有说明具体内容。到了东汉,许慎在《说文解字》中,详细阐述了“六书”构造原理:象形、指事、会意、形声、转注、假借。①象形。象形是描绘事物形状的造字法。象形字是独体字,不能再拆开分析。它在汉字中占得数量不多,但却是构成汉字的基础。&&②指示:指示就是用象征性符号或在象形字上加提示符号来表示某个字的造字法。指示字同象形字一样,也是独体字。& ③会意:会意是用两个或两个以上的独体字根据意义之间的关系合成一个字,综合表示这些构字成分合成的意义,这种造字法叫会意。出——出去一看,山外有山。明——日月齐照,大放光明。尖——上小下大,形似山尖。休——一人倚树,立足休息。采——手在树上,采摘东西。林——乔木丛生,成为树林。众——三人团结,众志成城。艳——色彩丰富,鲜艳美丽。尘——小土为尘,尘土飞扬。灾——室中失火,酿成火灾。裕——有衣有谷,富裕之家。苗——田间长草,植物幼苗。掰——用手分物,掰为两截。泪——眼睛流水,泪水汪汪。功——出工有力,就会成功。歪——不端不正,东倒西歪。 ④形声:由表示字义类属的偏旁和表示字音的偏旁组成新字,这种造字法叫形声。用形声法造出的字就是形声字,现代汉字大部分是形声字。大致有八种类型:左形右声(河、冻)、右形左声(功、期)、上形下声(芳、爸)、下行上声(货,贷)、外形内声(囤、匣)、内形外声(问、闻)、形占一角(栽、飓)、声占一角(厅、旗)。 ⑤转注:指同一部首内读音相近而且字义基本相同的字互相解释,互相借用。如:“老”和“考”。 ⑥假借:指本来没有这个字,按它的读音,借用一个同音字来代替。如“反”和“返”。对于字形的考察包括:根据拼音写汉字、仿写汉字、改正错别字等。易混易错:(1)易错字(括号内为正确字形)针贬(砭)&&烦锁(琐)&&寒喧(暄)&&松驰(弛)&& 暮蔼(霭)& 响午(晌)&&通谍(牒)&&蹩气(憋)&&脱化(蜕)&&震憾(撼)& 范筹(畴)&&秧然(怏)&&通辑(缉)&&防害(妨)&&慎密(缜)& 漫延(蔓)&&焕散(涣)&& 羁拌(绊)&&脑怒(恼)&&技俩(伎)& 脉膊(搏)&&接恰(洽)&&秘决(诀)&&真缔(谛)&&协从(胁)& 慢谈(漫)鼓惑(蛊)&&摧眠(催)&&尝罚(赏)&&挛生(孪)& &函养(涵)& 拖杳(沓)&&简漏(陋)&&垂弃(唾)&&膺品(赝)&&教梭(唆)& 游戈(弋)&&板面(版)&&伥然(怅)&&稠怅(惆)&&作崇(祟)&& 穿带(戴)&&装钉(订)&&复没(覆)&&急待(亟)&&刻簿(薄)& 闪铄(烁)&&渲泄(宣)&&茶毒(荼)&&妥贴(帖)&&幅射(辐)& 频临(濒)&&园满(圆)&& 毒棘(辣)&&座标(坐)&忘想(妄)&& 桥粱(梁)&&摄服(慑)&&弛骋(驰)&&按磨(摩)&&撕杀(厮)& 誉写(誊)&&欧打(殴)&&问侯(候)&&恢谐(诙)&&帐蓬(篷) &戊戍(戌)&&证卷(券)&&肆业(肄)&&污篾(蔑)&&挑畔(衅)&&钓杆(竿)&&招幕(募)&&消遥(逍)&&矍烁(铄)&&道谦(歉)&&竟赛(竞)&&枯躁(燥)&(2)易混字&弊&&作弊&&&弊端&&除弊&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&利&&&利害&&利害得失&敝&&敝衣&&&敝帚自珍&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&厉&&&厉害&&变本加厉&再接再厉&&厉行节约&蔽&&遮蔽&&掩蔽&&隐蔽&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&励&&&勉励&&奖励&&励精图治成语及其他短语中易错字:&&和霭可亲(蔼)&原物必还(璧)&天崩地折(坼)&&并行不背(悖)&&计日成功(程)&哀声叹气(唉)&民生凋蔽(敝)&&出类拔粹(萃)&&刚腹自用(愎)&暗然销魂(黯)&披星带月(戴)&&清彻见底(澈)&&明辩是非(辨)&鞭苔三百(笞)&撤消处分(销)&&遮天避日(蔽)&&飞扬拨扈(跋)&赤博上阵(膊)&大有稗益(裨)&&以逸代劳(待)和霭可亲(蔼)&原物必还(璧)&天崩地折(坼)&&并行不背(悖)&&计日成功(程)&哀声叹气(唉)&民生凋蔽(敝)&&出类拔粹(萃)&&刚腹自用(愎)&暗然销魂(黯)&披星带月(戴)&&清彻见底(澈)&&明辩是非(辨)&鞭苔三百(笞)&撤消处分(销)&&遮天避日(蔽)&&飞扬拨扈(跋)&赤博上阵(膊)&大有稗益(裨)&&以逸代劳(待)&&改正错别字:错别字顾名思义是指错字和别字。错字指写的不成字,规范字典查不到的字。别字,又叫“白字”,指把甲字写成乙字。错别字的出现,原因是多方面的,常见的如下: ①形似致误 例如:松弛——误做松驰;潦草——误做缭草;如火如荼——误做如火如茶; ②音近致误 例如:提纲——误做题纲;国籍——误做国藉;重叠——误做重迭;  ③义近致误 例如:擅长——误做善长;掠夺——误做略夺;鸠占鹊巢——误做鸠占雀巢; ④音、形两近致误 例如:急躁——误做急燥; 贪赃——误做贪脏; 九霄云外——误做九宵云外;    ⑤音、形、义三近致误 例如:摩擦——误做磨擦。解有关汉字的考题时,一要注意正确识记和理解常用汉字的音形义,二要注意区分同音字和多音多义字。纠正错别字一般有形旁分析法、声旁分析法、据义定形法、语境辨析法等。主考题型:字音方面的题型主要以选择题、填空题、改错题为主,还有写句子等类型。&


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