在健身的这个人健身房穿的衣服服哪里有卖啊 求链接 衣服正面写着take no days off 背面是how bad do you want it

发布于: 16:40:28
H&M 还有 Zara 这些快时尚品牌,有个大卖点就是新东西来得快,而且每一季的新东西还都挺多。不过去逛过的人也应该都发现了,每一季到了末尾总会有衣服没卖完,那这些衣服都去了哪呢?
最近丹麦的电视节目 Operacion X 似乎给出了答案,他们给 H&M 扔了一个巨大的指控(accusation),说 H&M 违背自己“环境可持续”的理念、每年焚烧12吨未出售的衣服。
快时尚本来就是个污染力强劲的行业,这次更是被推上了风口浪尖,因为很多衣服在焚烧之后会产生有毒气体,这些气体会污染大气层,电视台和 H&M 对峙了好一阵子,最后以 H&M 承认定期烧衣服结束。其实销毁衣服这件事,早已是服装界公开的秘密,除了焚烧以外,常用的办法还有剪毁、填埋等等,不管是哪一种都会对环境造成污染。定期销毁是因为衣服一般都卖不完。
不过,现在对于快时尚行业来说还有一个新理由:避免诉讼(avoid accusation)。很多人都知道,不少快时尚品牌的商业模式就是“迅速抄袭大牌的秀场款”,然后卖给中低端的消费者;在这种模式里,品牌方能赚到快钱,而消费者能花便宜得多的价钱穿到大牌味儿,双方都很开心。不过那些大牌都不是闲着的,肯定会来起诉他们抄袭,但是走法律程序是要花很长时间的,而如果快时尚品牌在官司打来之前就把存货销毁了,那也就没有证据了。嗯,可以说是水非常深了。
OK,来讲讲今天的词 accusation。它的意思是“控告”、“指控”,其动词形式是 accuse。要表达“控告某人做了某事”时,应该用 accuse sb. of doing sth.
Do not cast away an honest man for a villain's accusation.不要因为坏人的指控而去疏远你身边的逆耳忠言。
为了帮助同学们在考前有效地对于大体思路有一个预先的准备。小编为大家准备了这份资料,十分贴心的将里面绝大多数的题目都给出了参考答案,方便大家模仿和练习。一起来看看吧! 1.杂志,小说,诗歌,喜欢哪个Personally speaking, I prefer magazines to fictions or poems. Cuz they are good in
为了帮助同学们在考前有效地对于大体思路有一个预先的准备。小编为大家准备了这份资料,十分贴心的将里面绝大多数的题目都给出了参考答案,方便大家模仿和练习。一起来看看吧! 1.老师的characterAs far as I am concerned, a good teacher should have the following qualities: confi
为了帮助同学们在考前有效地对于大体思路有一个预先的准备。小编为大家准备了这份资料,十分贴心的将里面绝大多数的题目都给出了参考答案,方便大家模仿和练习。一起来看看吧! 1. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?I bet no one co
为了帮助同学们在考前有效地对于大体思路有一个预先的准备。小编为大家准备了这份资料,十分贴心的将里面绝大多数的题目都给出了参考答案,方便大家模仿和练习。一起来看看吧! 1. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration或者moment。Speaking of celebrations, there is one day of the year that is
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take off Also found in: , , , , , , .
(tāk)v. took (to͝ok), tak·en (tā′kən), tak·ing, takes v.tr.1.
To get into one's hands, control, or possession, especially:a.
To grasp or grip: take your partner's hand.b.
T seize: take an enemy fortress.c.
To seize with authority or legal right: The town took the land by eminent domain.d.
To get possession of (fish or game, for example) by capturing or killing.e.
Sports To catch or receive (a ball or puck): The player took the pass on the fly.f.
Sports & Games To acquire in a win: took the crown in horse racing.g.
Sports & Games To defeat: Our team took the visitors three to one.h.
To engage in sex with.2.
To remove or cause to be absent, especially:a.
To remove with the hands or an instrument: I took the dishes from the sink. The dentist took two molars.b.
T kill or destroy: The blight took these tomatoes.c.
To subtract: If you take 10 from 30, you get 20.d.
To exact: The storm took its toll.3.
To affect in a strong or sudden manner as if by capturing, as:a.
T strike or hit: The boxer took his opponent a sharp jab to the ribs.b.
To delight or captivate: She was taken by the puppy.c.
To catch or affect with a particular action: Your remark took me by surprise.4. a.
To carry in one's possession: Don't forget to take your umbrella. See Usage Note at .b.
To convey by transportation: This bus will take you to Dallas.c.
To lead or cause to go along to another place: The guide took us to the waterfall.d.
provide a way for: The trail takes you to the lake.5.
To receive into or on the body, as:a.
To put (food or drink, for example) eat or drink: took a little soup for dinner.b.
T inhale: took a deep breath.c.
To expose one's body to (healthful or pleasurable treatment, for example):
take the waters at a spa.6.
To make use of or select for use, as:a.
To move into or assume occupancy of: She took a seat by the fireplace. The team took the field.b.
To choose for one' avail oneself of the use of: We took a room in the cheaper hotel.c.
To require the use of (something): It takes money to live in this town. This camera takes 35-millimeter film.d.
To use or require (time): It only takes a few minutes to wash the car.e.
To use (something) as a means of conveyance or transportation: take a train to Pittsburgh.f.
To use (something) as a means of safety or refuge: take shelter from the storm.g.
To choose and then adopt (a particular route or direction) while on foot or while operating a vehicle: Take a right at the next corner. I downshifted to take the corner.7. a.
To undertake, make, or perform:
take a decision.b.
To perceive or become aware of by one of the senses: took a q took a smell of the spices.c.
To commit and apply oneself to the study of:
take Spanish.d.
To study for with success: took a degree in law.8.
To accept, receive, or assume, as:a.
To accept (something owed, offered, or given) either reluctantly or willingly: take a bribe.b.
T give ac admit: The boat took a lot of water but remained afloat.c.
T accommodate: We can't take more than 100 guests.d.
To become saturated or impregnated with (dye, for example).e.
To submit to (something inflicted); undergo or suffer: didn't take his punishment well.f.
T endure or tolerate: I've had about all I can take from them.g.
To receive into a particular relation or association, as into one's care or keeping: They plan to take a new partner into the firm. We took the dog for a week.h.
To assume for oneself: take all the credit.i.
To agree to undertake or engage in (a task or duty, for example): She took the position of chair of the committee.j.
Baseball To refrain from swinging at (a pitched ball).k.
T catch: The child took the flu.l.
To be hit or penetrated by: t took a bullet in the leg.m.
To withstand: The dam took the heavy flood waters.n.
To require or have as a fitting or proper accompaniment: Transitive verbs take a direct object.9. a.
T believe: I'll take your word that he's telling the truth.b.
To subject oneself to: take a vow.c.
To follow or adhere to (advice or a suggestion, for example).d.
To accept or adopt as one's own: take take an interest in local history.e.
To regard or consider in a particular relation or from a particular viewpoint: We must take the bitter with the sweet. Take the matter as settled.f.
To understand or interpret: May I take your smile as an indication of approval?g.
To con reckon: We take their number at 1,000.h.
T experience: I took a dislike to my neighbor's intrusions.10. a.
derive or draw: This book takes its title from the Bible.b.
To obtain, as through measurement or a specified procedure: took the patient's temperature.c.
To write or make a record of, especially in shorthand or cursive writing:
take notes.d.
To create (an image, likeness, or representation), as by photography: took a picture of us.e.
To include or distribute (a charge) in a financial record.11.
Informal To swindle, defraud, or cheat: You've really been taken.v.intr.1. a.
To get something into one' acquire possession: The invaders took and took, until they had everything.b.
To accept or receive something: When it comes to advice, you take but you never give.2. a.
To have operate or work: The skin graft took.b.
T root or germinate: Have the seeds taken?c.
T catch, as gears or other mechanical parts.d.
To gain popularity or favor: The television series never took and was later canceled.e.
Regional To begin or engage in an activity: He took and threw the money in the river.3.
To become: He took sick.n.1. a.
A quantity collected at one time, especially the amount of profit or receipts taken on a business venture or from ticket sales at a sporting event.b.
The number of fish, game birds, or other animals killed or captured at one time.2. a.
A scene filmed without interrupting the run of the camera.b.
A recording made in a single session.3.
A performer's reaction, especially to a specific situation or remark, as part of a comedy routine. Often used in combination: a double-take.4. a.
A physical reaction, such as a rash, indicating a successful vaccination.b.
A successful graft.5. a.
An attempt or a try: He got the answer on the third take.b.
An interpretation or assessment, as of an event: The mayor was asked for her take on the judge's decision.Phrasal Verbs:
take after1.
To follow as an example: John takes after his grandfather.2.
To resemble in appearance, temperament, or character.3.
To pursue hastily: The store owner took after the thief. take apart1.
T disassemble or dismantle.2.
To dissect or analyze (a theory, for example), usually in an effort to discover hidden or innate flaws or weaknesses.3.
Slang To beat
thrash. take back To retract (something stated or written). take down1.
To bring to a lower position from a higher one.2.
T dismantle: take down the Christmas tree.3.
To lower the arrogance or the self-esteem of (a person): really took him down during the debate.4.
To put down in writing: take down a letter. take for1.
To regard as: Do you take me for a fool?2.
To consider mistakenly: Don't take silence for approval. take in1.
To receive (an amount of money), as from a business venture: The box office took in $30,000 in an hour.2.
To receive as a guest or an employee. To accept (work) to be done in one's house for pay: took in typing.3.
T make smaller or shorter: took in the waist on the pair of pants. To make (a garment) smaller by tailoring.Nautical To furl (a sail).4.
To include or encompass: The tour takes in every site worth seeing.5.
To attend or experience:
took in the sites. To understand: couldn't take in the meaning of the word.6.
To deceive or swindle: was taken in by a confidence artist.7.
To convey (a prisoner) to a police station. take off1.
To remove, as clothing: take one' take off one's shoes.2.
To release: took the brake off.3.
To deduct as a discount: took 20 percent off.4.
To discontinue: took off the commuter special.5.
To spend (time) away from work or an activity: I'm taking off three days in May. I took last week off and now I have a lot of work to do.6.
To go or leave: took off in pursuit of the robber. To rise into the air or begin flight: The plane took off on time. To achieve success or popularity: a new movie that really took off. take on1.
To undertake or begin to handle: took on extra responsibilities. To oppose in competition: a wrestler who took on all comers.2.
T engage: took on more workers during the harvest.3.
To assume or acquire as one's own: Over the years he has taken on a doleful look.4.
To display violent or passionate emotion: Don't take on so! take out1.
To extract or remove: took the splinter out.Slang To kill: gangsters plotting to take out their rivals.Slang To destroy, as in an armed attack: The bombers took out the radio station.2.
To secure by application to an authority:
take out a marriage license.3.
Informal To escort, as a date.4.
To give vent to: Don't take your frustration out in such an aggressive manner.5.
To obtain as an equivalent in a different form: took out the money owed in services.6.
Informal T set out: The police took out after the thieves.7.
Nautical To land a small boat and remove it from the water: The canoeists took out above the rapids. take over1.
To assume control, management, or responsibility: I'm taking over while the supervisor is on vacation.2.
To assume the control or management of or the responsibility for: She took over the job after he left.3.
To become dominant: Our defense took over in the second half of the game.4.
To do (an action or a play in a game) again when the first performance has been discounted or is under dispute. take to1.
T go to, as for safety: took to the woods.2.
To develop as a habit or a steady practice: take to drink.3.
To become fond of or attached to: "Two keen minds that they are, they took to each other" (Jack Kerouac). take up1.
T draw up or incorporate: crops taking up nutrients.3.
T resume: Let's take up where we left off. To develop an interest in or enter into: take
take up engineering. To accept (an option, bet, or challenge) as offered. To deal with: Let's take up each problem one at a time. To assume: took up a friendly attitude.4.
To use up, consume, or occupy: The extra duties took up most of my time. The bed took up half of the room. To establish (residence).5.
T shorten or tighten:
take up the slack.Idioms:
on the take Informal
Taking or seeking to take bribes or illegal income: "There were policemen on the take" (Scott Turow). take a bath Informal
To experience serious financial loss: "Small investors who latched on to hot new issues took a bath in Wall Street" (Paul A. Samuelson). take account of To take into consideration. take away from To detract from: Drab curtains took away from the otherwise lovely room. take care To be careful: Take care or you will slip on the ice. take care of To assume responsibility for the maintenance, support, or treatment of. take charge To assume control or command. take effect1.
To become operative, as under law or regulation: The curfew takes effect at midnight.2.
To produce the desired reaction: The antibiotics at last began to take effect. take exception To express op object to: took exception to the prosecutor's line of questioning. take five/ten Slang
To take a short rest or break, as of five or ten minutes. take for granted1.
To consider as true, real, anticipate correctly.2.
To underestimate the value of: a publisher who took the editors for granted. take heart To be confident or courageous. take hold1.
To seize, as by grasping.2.
To become established: The newly planted vines quickly took hold. take it1.
T assume: As I take it, they won't accept the proposal.2.
Informal To endure abuse, criticism, or other harsh treatment: If you can dish it out, you've got to learn to take it. take it on the chin Slang
To endure punishment, suffering, or defeat. take it or leave it To accept or reject unconditionally. take it out on Informal
To abuse (someone) in venting one's own anger. take kindly to1.
To be receptive to: take kindly to constructive criticism.2.
To be naturally at thrive on. take lying down Informal
To submit to harsh treatment with no resistance: refused to take the snub lying down. take notice of To pay attention to. take (one's) breath away To put into a state of awe or shock. take (one's) time To act slowly or at one's leisure. take place T occur. take root1.
To become established or fixed.2.
To become rooted. take shape To take on a distinctive form. take sick Chiefly Southern US To become ill. take sides To associate with and support a particular faction, group, cause, or person. take stock1.
To take an inventory.2.
To make an estimate or appraisal, as of resources or of oneself. take stock in To trust, believe in, or attach importance to. take the bench Law 1.
To become a judge.2.
To preside in court: The judge took the bench to hear the plaintiff's motion. take the cake1.
To be the most outrageous or disappointing.2.
T be outstanding. take the count1.
To be defeated.2.
Sports To be counted out in boxing.take the
fall/hit Slang
To incur blame or censure, either willingly or unwillingly: a senior official who took the fall for the failed intelligence operation. take the floor To rise to deliver a formal speech, as to an assembly. take the heat Slang
To incur and endure heavy censure or criticism: had a reputation for being able to take the heat in a crisis. take to the cleaners Slang
To take all the money or possessions of, especially by outsmarting or swindling. take up for To support (a person or group, for example) in an argument. take up the cudgels To join in a dispute, especially in defense of a participant. take up with Informal
To beg consort with: took up with a fast crowd.[Middle English taken, from Old English tacan, from Old Norse taka.]tak′a·ble adj.take off
vb (adverb) 1.
(tr) to remove or discard (a garment)2.
(Aeronautics) (intr) (of an aircraft) to become airborne3. informal to set out or cause to set out on a journey: they took off for Spain. 4.
(tr) (of a disease) kill5.
(tr) informal to mimic or imitate, esp in an amusing or satirical manner6.
(intr) informal to become successful or popular, esp suddenly
(Aeronautics) the act or process of making an aircraft airborne
(Economics) the stage of a country's economic development when rapid and sustained economic growth is first achieved
informal imitation
Switch to Verb1.take off - "The family took off for Florida", , , , , , , ,
"At what time does your train leave?"; "She didn't leave until midnight"; "The ship leaves at midnight",
- de "The plane took off two hours late" - "The car roared off into the fog",
- move rapid "The spaceship blazed out into space",
- set out in a sudden, energetic or violent manner2.take off - "Take that weight off me!", , , , , , ,
- "please don't undress in front of everybody!"; "She strips in front of strangers every night for a living", , ,
- remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remov "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment" - r "declaw a cat" - take the horns off (an animal)3.take off - de "The plane took off two hours late", , , , , , ,
- "The family took off for Florida"4.take off - tak stop working temporarily, , ,
- "We interrupt the program for the following messages"5.take off - mimic or imitate in an amusing "This song takes off from a famous aria", ,
- reproduce someone' "The mime imitated the passers-by"; "Children often copy their parents or older siblings"6.take off - "take off your shirt--it's very hot in here", , , , , , ,
- "please don't undress in front of everybody!"; "She strips in front of strangers every night for a living" - take off, as
"He peeled off his blood-soaked shirt" - take of "She slipped off her jacket" - remove a cloak from - "He doffed his hat"7.take off - get started or set in motion, "the project took a long time to get off the ground", ,
- be "I start at eight in the morning"; "Ready, set, go!"8.take off - "The disease took off" - put to death, usually intent "This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank"; "The farmer killed a pig for the holidays"9.take off - "subtract this amount from my paycheck",
- the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations, , , , , ,
- make a mathematical calculation or computation - deduct a loss or an unused credit from taxable income for a prior periodtakeverb1. To obtain possession or control of:, , , .Slang:
.2. To gain possession of, especially after a struggle or chase:, , , , .Informal:
.3. To become affected with a disease:, , , , .Idiom: .4. To come upon, especially suddenly or unexpectedly:,
(or upon), .Informal:
.5. To have a sudden overwhelming effect on:, , .6. To direct or impel to oneself by some quality or action:, , , , , , .Informal:
.7. To cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach:, .8. To admit to one's possession, presence, or awareness:, , .9. To engage in sexual relations with:, , , , , .Idioms: , , , .10. To receive (something given or offered) willingly and gladly.Also used with up:, , .11. To lay claim to for oneself or as one's right:, , , , , , .12. To go aboard (a means of transport):, .13. To have as a need or prerequisite:, , , , , , .14. To obtain from another source:, , .15. To put up with:, , , , , ,
(for), , , , , , , .Informal:
.Idioms: , take it lying down.16. To perform a function effectively:, , , , .17. To perceive and recognize the meaning of:, ,
(on), , , , , , , , , , , , , .Informal:
.Chiefly British:
.Idioms: , .18. To understand in a particular way:, , .19. To cause to come along with oneself:, , , , , .20. To move (something) from a position occupied:, , , , .21. To take away (a quantity) from another quantity.Also used with off:, , , , .Informal:
.22. Informal.
To get money or something else from by deceitful trickery:, , , , , , , , .Informal:
, , .Slang:
, , , , .phrasal verbtake afterTo be similar to, as in appearance:.Chiefly Regional:
.phrasal verbtake awayTo move (something) from a position occupied:, , , , .phrasal verbtake back1. To occupy or take again:, , , , , .2. To send, put, or carry back to a former location:, , .3. To disavow (something previously written or said) irrevocably and usually formally:, , , , .phrasal verbtake down1. To cause to descend:, , , .2. To take (something) apart:, , , .phrasal verbtake in1. To allow admittance, as to a group:, , .2. To have as a part:, , , , , , , , , .3. To perceive and recognize the meaning of:, ,
(on), , , , , , , , , , , , , .Informal:
.Chiefly British:
.Idioms: , .4. To cause to accept what is false, especially by trickery or misrepresentation:, , , , , , , , , , , , .Informal:
.Idioms: , , , , .phrasal verbtake off1. To take from one's own person:, .2. To move (something) from a position occupied:, , , , .3. Slang.
To move or proceed away from a place:, , , , , , , , , ,
(along), .Informal:
, , .Slang:
, .Idioms: , .4. To rise up in flight: (off).phrasal verbtake on1. To take upon oneself:, , , , , .2. To go about the initial step in doing (something):, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .Informal:
.Idioms: , , .3. To obtain the use or services of:, , , .Idiom: put on the payroll.4. To enter into conflict with:, , .Idiom: do battle with.5. Informal.
To worry over trifles:, , .6. To take, as another's idea, and make one's own:, , , .phrasal verbtake out1. To move (something) from a position occupied:, , , , .2. Informal.
To be with another person socially on a regular basis:, , .phrasal verbtake over1. To seize and move into by force:.2. To take upon oneself:, , , , , .3. To free from a specific duty by acting as a substitute:, .phrasal verbtake toTo find agreeable:, .Chiefly British:
.phrasal verbtake up1. To move (something) to a higher position:, , , , , , , , , , , .2. To begin or go on after an interruption:, , , , , .3. To be occupied or concerned with:, , .Idiom: .4. To go about the initial step in doing (something):, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .Informal:
.Idioms: , , .5. To take in (moisture or liquid):, , ,
(up), .6. To take in and incorporate, especially mentally:, , , .Informal:
(up).7. To take, as another's idea, and make one's own:, , , .noun1. The amount of money collected as admission, especially to a sporting event:, .2. Slang.
A trying to do or make something:, , , , , , , , , .Informal:
??????? ???????????????? ???????? ?? ???????????????? ?????????????????napodobitodstartovatsvlécivzít si volnovzlétnoutletteparodiereefterlignenousta ilmaanpoletjetifelszállkifigurázleveszlevetnem dolgozikfara úrhefja sig til flugsherma eftir, skopstaelataka frí脱ぐ????een vlucht nemenod?tartova?vzia? si vo?nok?ra iv?g???????havalanmakizin almakc?t cánhtake (teik)
verb – past tense took
(tuk) : past participle taken – 1.
(often with down, ~out etc) to reach out for and grasp, hold, lift, pull etc. H He took the book He opened the drawe I've had a tooth taken out. neem, vat
vzít, vyndat
gribe , sacar,
?????? ???????
???????, ?????????, ?????????
uzeti, hvatati
(kézbe) vesz
??, ?, ???, ?
mengambil , ,
vzia?, vybra?
ta, dra [ut en tand]
брати; захоплювати
?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ???????
拿(取) 2.
(often with away, ~in, ~off, ~out etc) to carry, conduct or lead to another place. I took the books (back) He' Tak The
I took th He took her out for dinner. neem
???????? ?????? ??????? ???
(od)nést, vzít, odvést
πηγα?νω κπ. ? κτ. κ?που ; ; ;
????? ??? ????
apporter/emporter, amener/emmener
???????? ????
odvesti, odnijeti
koma/fara me?, taka/hafa me? sér ;
(~??), ??? ??, ??? ??
ne?ti, ve?ti, vesti
membawa , , ,
a scoate ; ;
(od)nies?, vzia?, odvies?
nesti, peljati
?em ?i, l?y ?i
带去(带领) 3.
to do or perform some action. I think I' Will you take a look?; to take a bath neem
????? ?? ????????
se p?; g? en tur
tegema, sooritama
????? ????
tehd? jtk ;
???????, ???????, ??????????
izvoditi, vr?iti radnju
fá sér; fara í ;
atlikti (kok? nors veiksm?)
(not translated) ; ,
a arunca (o privire)
решиться сделать что-л.;
????? ????
làm, nhìn ng?m
(表示做一次动作)要做... 4.
to get, receive, buy, rent etc. I'm taking F I'll take three k We took a house in London. neem
???????? ?????? ????????? ?????????
brát, vzít
k? leje , , ;
?????? ????, ??????? ????, ??????? ????
fá; leigja
???, ??, ??, ????, ?
imti, gauti, pirkti, nuomoti
iegūt; sa?emt
mengambil ; ; ; ,
bra?; kúpi?
ta, hyra, k?pa
????? , , v.s.
???? ????? ??????? ????? ?? ????
nh?n, mua, bán 5.
(sometimes with back) He took my advice ; They refused to take responsibility ; I won't take that
(insult) from you! ; I'm afraid we can't take back goods bought in a sale .
neem, aanvaar
??????? ???? ???????
p?ijmout , ,
acceptere , ;
vastu v?tma
???????? ???? ????
ottaa vastaan ,
uzeti natrag, prihvatiti
taka (vi?), taka á móti, ?iggja ; ;
??, ?????, ?
imtis, priimti
pie?emt (padomu); uz?emties (atbildību)
menerima ; ; , ,
a(-?i) asuma ; брать обратно
?????? , katlanmak,
??ng ? nh?n 6.
to need or require. How long does it take you to go home?; It takes time to do a difficult job like this. neem
???????? ???????????
necesitarse, , ,
vajama, n?udma
?????? ??? ?????
iziskivati, tra?iti (vrijeme)
aiz?emt laiku
mengambil masa , , ,
potrebova?, vy?adova?
??????? , ,
????? ????? ????? ????
to travel by (bus etc). I'm taking the next train to L I took a taxi. neem
???????? ????? ??????? ?????
tage , ταξιδε?ω με ,
minema, s?itma
?? ...????
???????? ?-
?????? ????
uzeti (ukrcati se na vlak, brod, itd)
braukt ar vilcienu
menaiki , reise med ,
ís?, vzia? si
?????????? , binip ... ile gitmek
?? ??? ????
to have enough space for. The car takes five people. het plek vir
???????? ??
?????? ?????
????, ?? ????
fér (bele)
rúma, taka
(kur) tilpti
boleh memuatkan
plaats hebben voor ,
a avea o capacitate de
zmesti? sa
imati dovoljno mesta za
?? , yeri olmak
???? ????? ?????
ch?a ???c 9.
to make a note, record etc. He took a phot The nurse took the patient's temperature. neem, meet
????? ?????? ???????? ???????
udě změ?it ,
hacer/sacar (una foto); tomar/medir (la temperatura)
pildistama, m??tma
???????, ???????
?????, ????? ?????
zabilje?iti (fotografijom), izmjeriti (temperaturu)
megmér stb.
????, ????, ???? ?
padaryti, pamatuoti
mērīt; iemū?ināt; nofotogra-fēt
merekodkan , ; , odnotowa?
urobi?; odmera?
narediti, izmeriti
???????? ;
????? ????
ghi chép, ch?p ?nh
记录,拍摄 10.
to remove, use, occupy etc with or without permission. Someone' He took all my money. vat
?????? ???????? ????? ???? ????
fjerne , χρησιμοποι? με ? χωρ?? την ?δεια κπ. ,
?????? ??????? ????
uzeti, oduzeti
taka, stela
???, ???? ?
mengambil tanpa kebenaran ,
a lua (f?r? permisiunea cuiva)
vzia?, zobra?
??? , a??rmak
?????? ??????? ????? ???? ????
l?y, dùng
拿走,夺走 11.
to consider (as an example). Take John for example. kyk na, neem
????????? ???????? ??
πα?ρνω ω? παρ?δειγμα ;
n?iteks (v?tma)
razmatrati (uzeti kao primjer)
tekint, vesz
taka, líta á
?emt (kā piemēru, iespēju)
брать в качестве примера
??????? , ele almak
???? ?? ??? ?? ??????
l?y làm ví d? 12.
to capture or win. He took the first prize. kry, wen
??????? ???? ?????? ???????
získat, vyhrát
saavutama, saama
?????? ????
??????? ????, ??? ????
dobiti, pobijediti
hreppa, hljóta
izcīnīt; laimēt; iegūt
memenangi ; vinne, f? ,
a lua, a c??tiga
získa?, vyhra?
???? ????? ?????
??t ???c 13.
(often with away, ~from, ~off) to make less or smaller by a certain amount. Take (away) four from ten, and that leaves six. trek af
ode?íst, odejmout
traekke , ,
??? ????? ?????
v?hent?? ,
?? ????, ????? ????, ?????, ?? ????, ??? ????, ?????, ??? ????, ??? ????
draga frá
at? no?emt
membuang ,
odpo?íta?, odobra?
ta (dra) bort
tr? ?i 14.
to suppose or think (that something is the case). Do you take me for an idiot? dink
?????????? ?????????? ?????
(kellekski, millekski) pidama
pit?? jonakin
?????, ??? ????, ???? ?????
dr?ati za (smatrati)
tart vminek
uzskatīt/noturēt par
a lua (drept)
ma? za, pova?ova? za
sanmak, zannetmek
приймати за
??????? ??? ????
ngh? r?ng, cho r?ng 15.
to eat or drink. Take these pills. neem, gebruik
?????????? ?????? ???????
indtage , ,
sisse v?tma
???? ?? ????
(po)jesti, (po)piti
(magához) vesz (ételt, italt)
i?gerti, suvalgyti
ē ie?emt zāles
?????? ????
吃,喝,服用 16.
to conduct, to be in charge or control of. Will you take the class/lecture/meeting this evening? neem, oorneem
?????? ?????? ????? ??????? ???
encarregar-se de
vést, p?evzít
enda peale v?tma
?? ???? ?????
ottaa vastuulleen
taka vi? (stjórn), stjórna, sjá um
????, ???, ????
surengti, padaryti
uz? darīt; vadīt
mengadakan , ,
encarregar-se de
a conduce, a ?ine
брать на себя
vies?, prevzia?
ta, leda, sk?ta om
????????? , ,
???? ??????? ?????? ????? ????
h?c, ?ng x?
指导,履行 17.
to consider or react or behave to (something) in a certain way. He took the news calmly. aanvaar, aangehoor
????? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ??
tage , , ;
?????? ????
??????? ???-
???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??????????? ????
primiti, podnijeti
fogad vmit, reagál
breg?ast vi?, taka (e-u) á tiltekinn hátt
(~??) ????, ????
uz?emt (zi?u); rea?ēt
????? ????? ????? ????
ti?p nh?n, ph?n ?ng 18.
to feel. He took pleasure/pride / a delight / an interest in his work. neem
??????? ??
????? ????
pārdzī izjust
berasa , , odczuwa?
finna [n?je], k?nna [gl?dje]
????? ????
c?m th?y 19.
to go down or go into (a road). Take the second road on the left. neem
???????? ??????
minema, p??rama
?? ??? ?????
???? ???? ?? ????
krenuti, uputiti se (putom)
vmerre megy
taka, fara, beygja inn
izvēlēties (ce?u); nogriezties
membelok , ,
a (o) lua (la) ;
da? sa, ís?
???????? , takip etmek
?? ??? ????
the amount of money taken in a shop etc; takings. What was the take today? inkomste, wins
??????? ?????????
die Einnahmen (pl.)
indtaegt ,
sissetulek, tulud
???? ????? ??? ??????? ??????
prihod, zarada
gró?i, tekjur
hasil jualan
vinst, kassa, int?kter
??????? ???
s? ti?n thu ???c 2.
the filming of a single scene in a cinema film. After five takes, the director was satisfied. skote, probeerslae
??????? ???????
die Szenenaufnahme
γ?ρισμα μια? σκην??
???? ????? ??? ??? ????? ????????
sniamnje prizora
skot, taka
(filmas) dublis
??????????????????????????? ,
??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???
(电影拍摄中的)镜头 taker noun a person who takes (something) especially one who accepts an offer or takes a bet. I offered my friends my car, but there were no takers. nemer
der/die Abnehmer(in)
aftager , ;
vastuv?tja, soovija
??????? ??????
uzimalac, onaj koji prihva?a
(chi accetta)
??? ??? ??
asmuo, priimantis pasiūlym?
?ēmē pircē derību dalībnieks
en som tar imot et tilbud,
záujemca, zákazník
zainteresovana osoba
den som [an]tar
???????????? , bahse giren kimse
той, хто прийма? пар?
ng??i ?ánh cu?c
接受者,下赌注的人 takings noun plural the amount of money taken at a concert, in a shop etc. the day's takings. inkomste, wins
??????? ?????????
die Einnahmen(pl.)
sissetulek, tulud
??????? ??
prihod, dobitak
tekjur, inntekt
hasil jualan ,
?ncas?ri ;
??????? ???
s? ti?n thu ???c
进款,收入 'take-away noun (American 'carry-out or 'take-out). 1.
food prepared and bought in a restaurant but taken away and eaten somewhere else eg at home. I'll go and buy a take- (also adjective) a take-away meal. wegneem-ete
????? ????? ??????? ??? ???????
храна за дома
jídlo p?es ulici ;
toit kaasav?tmiseks
???? ?????
(plat) (préparé) à emporter
?????? ????????? ?????????
???????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???
obrok “za van”
ebéd, vacsora elvitelre
makanan yang dibeli dan dibawa pulang
matur sem tekinn er heim/út (af veitingasta?)
(cibo) da asporto
maistas i?sine?tinai
ēdiens promne?anai
bawa pulang ,
danie na wynos
m?ncare gata prepa-rat? de luat la pachet
(еда) на вынос
hotové jedlo doná?ané domov
pripravljena hrana, ki jo kupi? in odnese?
m?ltid f?r avh?mtning
“?жа на вин?с”
???????? ?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ?? ???? ????? ????
th?c ?n mang v?
外卖的(指供顾客外带的食品) 2.
a restaurant where such food is prepared and bought.
??????? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ???????
restaurante que fornece quentinha
restaurace, která podává jídla p?es ulici
das Take-away-Restaurant
εστιατ?ριο που πουλ?ει φαγητ? σε πακ?το
restaurante de comida para llevar
kaasamüügiga s??gikoht
???????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ????? ?? ???
restaurant qui fait des plats (préparés) à emporter
????? “???? ????”
??? ?????????
restoran koji priprema hranu “za van”
restoran yang menjual
veitingasta?ur sem selur mat til a? fara me? út/heim
(ristorante che prepara cibo da asporto)
??? ?? ??? ?? ???
restoranas, gaminantis maist? i?sine?tinai
restorāns, kur pārdod ēdienu promne?anai
bawa pulang
restauracja prowadz?ca sprzeda? na wynos
restaurante que cozinha para fora
fast-food , отпускающии еду на вынос
re?taurácia, z ktorej doná?ajú jedlá domov
restavracija s hrano, ki jo odnese? s seboj
restoran brze hrane
restaurang med mat f?r avh?mtning
paket yemek yeri
ресторан, що пропону? “?жу на вин?с”
???? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???
c?a hàng bán th?c ?n mang v? be taken up with to be busy or occupied with. He's very taken up with his new job. verdiep
???? ????????
зает съм с
estar ocupado
b?t pohlcen
in Anspruch genommen durch
vaere optaget af
ε?μαι δοσμ?νο?, απασχολημ?νο? με
estar muy ocupado/pillado
h?ivatud olema
????? ????
olla uppoutunut
????????? ???????-
?????? ????
(nagyon) lek?ti vmi
vera upptekinn (af)
(essere occupato da)
būti u?si?musiam
būt aiz?emtam/nodarbinātam
in beslag genomen worden door
by? zaabsorbowanym
estar ocupado
fi ocu-pat/prins cu
быть занятым
by? pohlten?
biti zaposlen z
biti zauzet
vara upptagen med
... ile me?gul olmak
бути повн?стю чимось; бути поглиненим у щось
????? ????
b?n r?n be taken with/by to find pleasing or attractive. He was very taken with the village. in sy skik
??????? ??? ???????? ?????????
очарован съм
simpatizar com
b?t okouzlen
angetan von
ξελογι?ζομαι, γοητε?ομαι με
gustar mucho algo a alguien
(kellestki, millestki) sisse v?etud olema
?????? ????
mielty? johonkin
être séduit/emballé par
?????? ??? ?????????-
?????? ????
,,beleszeretett” vmibe
vera hrifinn af
(essere attratto/affascinato da)
būti susi?av?jusiam
? būt sajūsmā par
in zijn schik zijn met
finne sjarmerende/nydelig
by? zachwyconym
simpatizar com
a fi fasci-nat de
by? okúzlen?
biti prevzet
biti odu?evljen
intagen, f?rtjust
?ok ho?una gitmek
бути захопленим
????? ????
thích thú take after to be like (someone, especially a parent or relation) in appearance or character. She takes after her father. aard na
parecer-se com
b?t po (kom)
ligne , tener parecido
(kellessegi) minema, sarnanema
????? ?????
tulla johonkin
(???) ??????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????
hasonlít vkire
būti pana?iam ?
līdzināties, būt līdzīgam
upodabnia? si? do, dziedziczy? cechy po
a sem?na cu
быть похожим на
poná?a? sa
biti podoben
...-e benzemek
бути схожим
?? ????? ????
(面貌、性格)像某人 take back1.
to make (someone) remember or think about (something). Meeting my old friends took me back to my childhood. weer herinner
?????? ???????
fazer voltar a
vrátit v duchu zpět
bringe tilbage
llevar de nuevo, ,
meelde tooma
?? ??? ?????
palauttaa mieleen
?????????? ?-
??? ??????
dozvati, vratiti u sje?anje
visszavisz (gondolatban) ( múltba)
láta hverfa aftur í tíma
(~) ???? ??
atgādināt; atsaukt atmi?ā
doen denken
fazer voltar a
a aminti de
vyvola? spomienku
spomniti (se)
f?ra (f?rflytta) tillbaka
???? ?? ??? ?? ????
giúp h?i t??ng l?i 2.
to admit that what one has said is not true. Take back what you said about my sister! terug trek
??????? ??????
връщам си думите назад
vzít zpět
tage i sig igen
πα?ρνω π?σω,
(oma s?nu) tagasi v?tma
perua puheensa
(???) ???? ????
povu?i (rije?i)
menarik kembali
draga tilbaka
atsiimti (?od?ius)
?emt atpaka? (vārdus)
tarik balik
брать обратно
vzia? sp??, odvola?
ta tillbaka
s?zünü geri almak
брати назад сво? слова
rút l?i take down to make a note or record of. He took down her name and address. neerskryf
????????? ????????
üles kirjutama
??????? ????
ottaa yl?s
skrifa/taka ni?ur
pierakstīt; atzīmēt
mencatatkan ,
zapísa? si
skriva ner, anteckna
???????? ,
????? ????
ghi chép take an examination/test to have one's knowledge or ability tested formally, often in writing.
neem, skryf
?????????? ??? ??????????
изпитван съм
fazer um exame
dělat zkou?ku
tage en eksamen
γρ?φω διαγ?νισμα, εξετ?ζομαι
hacer un examen,
eksamit tegema, kontrollt??d tegema
?????? ?????
osallistua kokeeseen
??????? ????
polagati ispit
mengikuti tes
taka/?reyta próf
dare/sostenere un esame/una prova
laikyti egzamin?, ra?yti kontrolin? darb?
likt eksā rakstīt kontroldarbu
mengambil peperiksaan
ta eksamen/pr?ve
przyst?pi? do egzaminu/testu itp.
fazer um exame
a sus?ine un examen
сдавать экзамен
zlo?i? skú?ku
delati izpit
polo?iti test
g?ra ett prov
s?nava girmek
здавати екзамен
?????? ????
thi take (someone) for to believe (mistakenly) that (someone) is (someone or something else). I took you for your brother. mee verwar
???????? ?????????
обърквам с
tage nogen for nogen
πα?ρνω κπ. για κπ. ?λλο
tomar a alguien por,
(kedagi) pidama (kellekski, millekski)
???????? ???? ????
erehty? henkil?st?
???????? ???????-
zamijeniti (koga s nekim drugim)
vminek hisz
fara mannavillt
prendere (qualcuno) per
noturēt par kādu citu
regne/ta for ? vaere,
bra? (kogo?) za
a lua (pe cineva) drept
принимать за
ta miste p?
(birine) benzetmek, zannetmek
прийняти за
???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????
nh?m take in1.
to include. Literature takes in drama, poetry and the novel. sluit in
???????? ?????
inkludere , ,
????? ????, ????? ????
uklju?iti, obuhvatiti
magába foglal
telja me? ,
termasuklah ,
omfatta, inkludera
i?ine almak, kapsamak
м?стити в соб?
bao g?m 2.
to give (someone) shelter. He had nowhere to go, so I took him in. skuiling bied, onderdak gee
??????? ?????? ??????
p?ijmout (k sobě)
give husly , παρ?χω κατ?λυμα , dar cobijo,
peavarju andma
??? ????? ????? ???
ottaa luokseen
????? ???? (???????? ??? ?? ???? ???)
primiti, uzeti (stanara)
memberi perlindungan
veita húsaskjól ,
dot naktsmājas/pajumti
memberi tmpt berteduh
in huis nemen ; leie ut til
przyjmowa? pod dach
давать приют
pozva? (k sebe)
primiti nekog u ku?u
ge tak ?ver huvudet
evine kabul etmek,
приймати гостя
che ch? 3.
to understand and remember. I didn't take in what he said. begryp, inneem
???????? ???????????
opfatte , , , ,
razumjeti, shvatiti
skilja, me?taka ,
mengingati , ,
a ?n?elege
??????? ??? ?????
hi?u, nh? 4.
to make (clothes) smaller. I lost a lot of weight, so I had to take all my clothes in. verklein, insoom
laegge ind
(riideid) sisse v?tma
???? ????? ?? ??????
????? ???? ????
suziti (odje?u)
bevesz (vmib?l)
?imti, susiaurinti
ie?emt, ie?ūt (ap?ērbu)
zú?i?, od?i?
ta (sy) in
????? ????
làm nh? ?i
(把衣服)改小 5.
to deceive or cheat. He took me in with his story. verneuk, verbluf
oklamat, nachytat (na)
forlede , , dar gato por liebre
alt t?mbama
???? ????, ????
prevariti, nasamariti
apmānīt; piekrāpt
menipu , ,
oklama?, nachyta? (na)
potegniti (za nos)
lura, dupera
??? , aldatmak
дурити, ошукувати
???? ????? ????? ????
l?a l?c take it from me (that) you can believe me when I say (that). Take it from me – it's true. glo my
повярвай ми
pode acreditar (que)
glaube mir(dass)
?κου που σου λ?ω
sano minun sanoneen
vous pouvez me croire
????????? ???-
???? ??? ?? ???? ???
vjerovati (vjeruj mi da)
nekem elhiheted
trú?u mér
? ?? ??, ????
tici man!; vari man ticēt
percayalah cakap saya
pode acreditar (que)
s? ?tii de la mine (c?)
поверьте мне
ver(te) mi
verjemite mi
du kan tro mig p? mitt ord n?r jag s?ger att ...
inan ki, s?züme inan
пов? мен?
???? ??? ????
h?y tin t?i take it into one's head (to) to decide (to). She took it into her head to go to Spain. het besluit
????????? ????????
meter-se na cabe?a
vzít si do hlavy
bestemme sig for , μου μπα?νει η ιδ?α
metérsele a alguien algo en la cabeza
p?he v?tma
????? ?????
saada p??h?ns?
se mettre dans la tête de
?????? ????, ?? ??? ????
fejébe vesz vmit
ákve?a, bíta í sig (a?)
mettersi in testa
?sikalti ? galv?, u?simanyti
ie?emt galvā
membuat keputusan
iets in het hoofd krijgen
upiera? si?
meter-se na cabe?a
a-?i pune ?n cap (s?)
вбить себе в голову
vzia? si do hlavy
zapi?iti si v glavo
best?mma sig f?r
kafas?na koymak
вбити в голову
????? ????
quy?t ??nh take off1.
to remove (clothes etc). He took off his coat. uittrek
??????? ?????????
(seljast, peast, jalast) v?tma
ottaa pois ,
skinuti, ukloniti
novilkt (drēbes)
menanggalkan , ,
sle?i, odlo?iti
зн?мати, скидати
?????? ??????
(of an aircraft) to leave the ground. The plane took off for Rome (noun 'take-off). vertrek, styg op
??????? ??????????
levantar voo
?hku t?usma
???? ??? ?? ????
nousta ilmaan ;
????? ?????
lepas landas
hefja sig til flugs
(????) ????
(par lidma?īnu) pacelties
a decola ;
starta, lyfta
??????? (??????????)
???? ?? ???? ??????
c?t cánh 3.
not to work during (a period of time). I'm taking tomorrow morning off. neem vakansie, neem 'n dag af
?????? ???????? ?? ?????????
взима мси отпуск
tirar uma folga
vzít si volno
sich freinehmen
?χω ρεπ?
tomarse libre
t??lt vabaks v?tma
???? ????? ????? ????
ottaa vapaaksi
??????? ??????
???? ??? ??? ???? ????
uzeti slobodan dan (dio radnog dana)
nem dolgozik
tidak bekerja
pa?emt brī nestrādāt
mengambil cuti
vrij nemen
bra? wolne
tirar uma folga
a-?i lua liber
брать отгул
vzia? si vo?no
vzeti dopust
uzeti slobodan dan
izin almak
не працювати
??? ?? ????? ???? ????
在(一段时间)不工作(请假) 4.
to imitate someone (often unkindly). He used to take off his teacher to make his friends laugh (noun 'take-off). na-aap
parodiere ,
j?rele ahvima
????? ????
?????????? ????
opona?ati, ismijavati
herma eftir, skopstaela
atdarināt, attēlot
mengajuk ,
h?rma, imitera
????? ????
(嘲弄地)学...的样子 take on1.
to agree to do (work etc); to undertake. He took on the job. aanvaar
??????????? ????? ??? ???????
захващам се
p?tage sig
vastu v?tma, ette v?tma
?? ???? ?????? ???? ????
ottaa tehd?kseen ,
preuzeti, prihvatiti
taka a? sér
sutikti k? daryti, apsiimti
stāties darbā
bersetuju menerima
a lua asupra sa
браться за
???? ????? ???? ????
to employ. They are taking on five hundred more men at the factory. in diens neem
t??le v?tma
??????? ????
??? ??? ?????
primiti, zaposliti
priimti ? darb?
pie?emt darbā
mengambil , , zatrudnia?
приймати на роботу
????? ?????
thuê, tuy?n nh?n viên 3.
(with at) to challenge (someone) to a game etc. I'll take you on at tennis. uitdaag
es aufnehmen mit
spille mod , τα β?ζω με κπ. σε παιχν?δι ; jugar contra
(v?istluseks) v?lja kutsuma
?? ?????? ??????
?????? ????
prihvatiti (koga kao takmaca)
skora á (e-n)
su?aisti (su kuo k?)
izaicināt (uz sacensību); saderēt
mencabar ,
zagra? przeciw (komu?)
a juca (cu) ,
stretnú? sa
izzvati na igro
utmana, st?lla upp mot
ma?a davet etmek
приймати виклик
???? ?? ????? ????
khi?u n?i 4.
to assume. His writing took on a completely new meaning. kry
f?; antage , ,
?? ??? ?????? ??? ?????
????? ????
dobiti, poprimiti
??last, taka á sig
iegūt; pie?emt
membawa , f? etter hvert
nadobudnú?, získa?
anta, b?rja f?
?????? ????? ????
mang ? ngh?a 5.
to allow (passengers) to get on or in. The bus only stops here to take on passengers. neem, inneem
??????? ???????????? ?????
качвам се
nechat nastoupit
(s?itjaid) peale v?tma
ottaa kyytiin
????????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????? ????
primiti (putnike)
hleypa inn
uz?emt (pasa?ierus)
aan boord nemen ,
necha? nastúpi?
ta upp (ombord)
yolcu almak
????? ?????
?ón khách
接纳(乘客) 6.
to be upset. Don't take on so! neem
разстройвам се
brát si to
blive vred
tujust ?ra olema
????? ????
?????? ????
uzimati ?to k srcu, ?alostiti se
felizgatja magát
taka (e-?) naerri sér
pārdzī uztraukties
ta p? vei,
a pune la inim?
bra? si to tak
razburjati se
uznemiriti se
ta illa vid sig, bli uppr?rd
al?nmak, gücenmek
?????? ????
(因发怒而)激动 take it out on to be angry with or unpleasant to because one is angry, disappointed etc oneself. You're upset, but there's no need to take it out on me! uithaal
??????? ???
изкарвам си го на
descarregar (a raiva, etc.) em cima de
svádět to na
lade det g? ud over (nogen)
ξεσπ? π?νω σε κπ.
tomarla con alguien,
viha v?lja valama
?? ??? ????? ????? ???????
purkaa vihaansa
s'en prendre à
????????? ?????? ???-
????? ????
iskaliti se
kit?lti vkin a haragját
taka óánaegju út á ??rum
(~??) ?????
i?lieti pykt? ant
izgāzt dusmas (uz kādu)
melepaskan geram
afreageren op
wy?ywa? si? na
descarregar (a raiva, etc.) em cima de
a-?i v?rsa n?duful pe
zvali? to na (koho)
stresati jezo na koga
istresti se
l?ta det g? ut ?ver
(ac?s?n?) birinden ??karmak
зганяти зл?сть на
??? ?? ?? ????? ??? ????
gi?n d? take over1.
to take control (of). He has taken the business over (noun 'take-over). oorneem
?????????? ????????? ???
tomar o controle
p?evzít vedení
αναλαμβ?νω τον ?λεγχο, αν?ληψη ελ?γχου
tomar las riendas,
entrar en funciones
üle v?tma
???? ???? ?? ???? ????
ottaa haltuunsa ;
???????? ??? ????
preuzeti (kontrolu, posao)
mengambil alih
taka vi? stjórn
(prendere il comando)
pār?emt vadību
mengambil alih ,
tomar o controle
a prelua ; овладение
prevzia? vedenie
ta ?ver, ?verta
y?netimi ele ge?irmek
?????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ????
(often with from) to do (something) after someone else stops doing it. He retired last year, and I took over (his job) from him. oorneem
????? ???? ?????? ???? ????????
tomar o lugar de
p?evzít po
αναλαμβ?νω κτ. μετ? απ? κπ. ?λλο
relevar a alguien, tomar el relevo de alguien
?? ???? ?????
?? ??? ????
preuzeti (slu?bu, du?nost)
felvált vkit
mengambil alih
taka vi? af (e-m) ;
pār?emt (no kāda)
mengambil alih ,
tomar o lugar de
a prelua (?ta-feta)
prevzia? po
ta ?ver, ?verta
devralmak, sorumlulu?unu üstlenmek
приймати в?д когось
?? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ????
ti?p nh?n 'take to1.
to find acceptable or pleasing. I soon took to her children/idea. hou van, leer hou van
?????? ???????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?????????
simpatizar com
oblíbit si, p?ijímat
komme til at synes om
simpatizar con, empezar a gustar
omaks v?tma, kiinduma
??? ????? ?? ?? ?????
tyk?sty? , sympathiser avec
???? ???? ????
zavoljeti koga, posvetiti se ?emu
(~?) ???? ??
pam?gti, susigyventi
pie? iepatikties
aardig vinden
komme til ? like/synes om
przekonywa? si? do
simpatizar com
a se ata? a ac-cepta
ob?úbi? si, zvyknú? si
vneti se za
b?rja tycka om, bli f?st vid
yêu, thích 2.
to begin to do (something) regularly. He took to smoking a pipe. leer hou van, leer doen
????????? ????? ??????? ??????????
става ми навик
dát se na
begynde p?
aficionarse a
(harjumust) omaks v?tma
??????? ??
ottaa tavaksi
se mettre à
?? ????? ??? ??? ????
odati se ?emu, po?eti ?initi
vmire rászokik
venja sig á (e-?)
(~?) ????? ?? ??
imti ?prasti
pasā nodoties
beginnen te ,
przyzwyczaja? si?
a se apuca de
b?rja med, l?gga sig till med
?det edinmek
удатися в
养成(...习惯) take up1.
to use or occupy (space, time etc). I won't take up much of your time. opneem, mors
laegge beslag p? , , ,
(aega, ruumi) v?tma, kasutama
?????? ????? ????
??? ?????? ????
zauzimati, zaokupiti (prostor, vrijeme)
elvesz, elfoglal
taka (r?mi/tíma)
(??, ?? ??) ????
aiz?emt (laiku, vietu u.tml.)
ta i anspr?k
??? (????, ??? ???)
????? ???? ????
m?t nhi?u th?i gian 2.
to begin doing, playing etc. He has taken up the violin/teaching. begin, begin speel
????? ???????? ??
захващам се с
dedicar-se a
za?ít se věnovat
begynde p?
αρχ?ζω να ασχολο?μαι με
empezar a,
se mettre à
po?eti (svirati, podu?avati, itd)
foglalkozni kezd vmivel
byrja (a? gera e-?/á e-u)
(~?) ?? ????
imtis, prad?ti
sākt (nodarboties ar)
menumpukan minat pd
begynne med/p?
zacz?? uprawia?, zabra? si? do
dedicar-se a
a se apuca de
za?a? sa venova?
po?eti se baviti
b?rja ?gna sig ?t, sl? sig p?
...-e ba?lamak
b?t ??u 3.
to shorten (clothes). My skirts were too long, so I had them taken up. verkort, kort maak
alt sisse v?tma, lühemaks tegema
????, ??? ????
skratiti, di?i
(??) ?? ???
(par ap?ērbu) pataisīt īsāku
korter maken
?? ????? ????? ????
làm cho ng?n l?i
(把衣服)缩短 4.
to pick up. He took up the book. optel, oplig
???????? ???????
üles v?tma
???? ????? ???? ????
di?i, podi?i (predmet)
taka/lyfta upp
mengangkat ,
ta (plocka) upp
nh?t lên take (something) upon oneself to take responsibility for. I took it upon myself to make sure she arrived safely. het besluit
????? ??? ???????? ??????????
поемам отговорност
tomar sobre si
vzít to na sebe
p?tage sig
αναλαμβ?νω την ευθ?νη
oma hooleks v?tma
??????? ???? ?? ???????
ottaa huolehtiakseen
???????? ??? ??????
?? ?????????? ????
uzeti na sebe, preuzeti odgovornost
magára vállal
bertanggung jawab
taka a? sér, taka ábyrg? á
przyj?? odpowiedzialno?? za,
tomar sobre si
a lua (ceva) asupra sa
брать на себя (ответственность)
vzia? to na seba
prevzeti odgovornost za
preuzeti odgovornost
?ta sig ngt
üstlenmek, üstüne almak
брати на себе
??? ???? ????
có trách nhi?m take (something) up with (someone) to discuss (especially a complaint). Take the matter up with your MP. verwys, opneem
???????? ???????
levar à considera??o de
projednat to s
diskutere , discutir sobre
arutusele v?tma, l?bi r??kima
??? ? ????? ????
ottaa jtn esille jnk kanssa
???? ????, ????? ?????
rae?a um (e-?) vi? (e-n)
aptarti (k?) su (kuo)
griezties (ar problēmu, sūdzību) pie
voorleggen aan
ta opp (noe) med (noen)
omawia? (co?) z (kim?)
levar à considera??o de
a discuta (despre ceva cu cineva)
обращаться к кому-л.,
prejedna? to s
pogovoriti se
ta upp ngt med ngn
????? ?? ????
see also bring. take off →
vzlétnout lette
nousta ilmaan
k?ra iv?g ???????
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It poured without ceasing, and the wind blew strong from the West, which is a wet quarter, so Ulysses thought he would see whether Eumaeus, in the excellent care he took of him, would take off his own cloak and give it him, or make one of his men give him one. Well, this is no time for talk," Davis snarled, proceeding to take off his coat. Pray, D'Artagnan," said Athos, after a minute, "either take off that ring or turn it recalls such cruel recollections that I shall have no head to converse with you.
▲take off▼
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