
1楼 22:51&|
2楼 22:53&|
3楼 22:56&|
这些地图是我在网上偶然发现的我完全不懂韩文 无法判断其中的具体内容求翻译啊
4楼 22:58&|
5楼 23:02&|
日本——挑拨中美中俄中韩关系的幕后黑手近几年来,中国网络上总是不断这流传着“中美剑拔弩张要发起第三次世界大战”、“韩国将被中国吞食”、“朱元璋是韩国人”、“中国最讨厌的国家是韩国”、“八成韩国民众渴望与中国一战”、“中俄之间互不信任”一系列漏洞百出破绽四起的谣言,令人更加好奇的是,这些谣言中大量的语言文字都不符合中国人的文字习惯与语法标准充满了低级错误,许多论述中干脆出现了日本的语气,这不得不让人怀疑这些无中生有的谣言都出于中国一直以来最大的敌人——倭寇之手。 自民党党魁由于已经不在政府要害中枢部门供职,终于在接受美国媒体采访时不经意的暴露出了一个日本政府已经实施了十四年之久并至今仍在运作的惊天阴谋:日本政府自年以来的14年里已经陆续秘密的拨付了17.37亿美元用以支付一个名为“制造中国混乱联盟”组织的报酬以及活动经费。 [ 转自铁血社区
] 该组织主要由中国人士组成,日方人员不多,可能约有5、6个人,负责人是具有“外务省中国通”之称的前日本驻华使馆文化参赞小林多吉。该组织隶属于日本外务省特情科,主要负责指导、招募和联络工作。该联盟目前处于绝密状态,具体参加人数不清,但据估计其中中国人士的人数目前应该不会少于300人。 该组织的主要工作是在中国的网络论坛上发表甚至编造一些极具煽动性的文章和新闻,并通过各种手段抬高日本和唱衰中国,从而达到打击中国国民自信心、离间国民与政府的关系以及制造混乱而让日本可以从中渔利的目的。 该组织的具体运作方式目前并不清楚,但是有一点可以肯定的是:一是该组织成员所使用的网络名称均遵循某种特定的命名规则,在文中可能也留有该组织的某种暗中标记,以便于该组织的成员通过这些规律便可以很容易识别文章作者是否是本组织的成员,而外人则无从知晓;二是该组织成员的报酬则是根据所能成功发表出来的文章数量和文章质量来综合确定。一般一篇篇幅在1000个汉字左右且质量较好的文章报酬大约在50—300美元不等,一个中国的普通写手每月可以拿到的月薪一般为美元之间。 中美的友好,是在历史上就已经被定格,源远流长的友好。早在美国建国伊始抵抗英国人的独立战争爆发时,就有一大批华裔移民慷慨解囊主动为华盛顿的军队购买了大量枪支弹药,其贡献远远大于法国人为美国提供的一点微不足道的援助。中国又是美国在亚洲第一个贸易伙伴,美国与中国的正式接触可追朔至始于1784年美国商船"中国皇后"号的访华。美国人对华的印象一开始就很好,开国总统华盛顿直至弥留之际还坚信不疑的认为中国人是同美国人一样的白种人,美国民主的先驱杰弗逊干脆直接称中国为“咱们的兄弟”,中美之间的友好是历史的传统使然,更多的是一种十分厚重的亲切感与先天的互相认知感。 国际关系中,是谁最怕中美友好,是日本;是谁最恐惧中韩关系日益紧密,依旧是日本;是谁最不愿意看到中国与俄罗斯走在一起,还是日本;面对中国与世界各国关系屡屡取得圆满收获,日本眼红了,妒忌了,这条疯猪终于坐不住了,开始千方百计的用尽一切下三滥手段开始挑拨离间中美、中俄、中韩关系。 日本现在已经相当成功的大规模培养了职业网特渗透中国网络,中国各大主流网站论坛都能看到他们的身影,可以说是无孔不入无缝不钻。日本国内大学都开设《21世纪的中国》,名字虽好听,但课程内容却是讲授21世纪日本采取何种措施分裂中国瓦解中国。日本政府还大量拨款研究“对华政策”其实质就是如何从政治上、经济上、文化上渗透瓦解中国,如何从中国得利。 [ 转自铁血社区
] 日本的伎俩不外乎这几种:丑化中国、丑化政府;挑起夸大国内矛盾;挑拨中美中俄中韩中印矛盾;挑起中国地区与地区之间的争执---比如南方与北方;希望中国忘记历史和承认日本的“大东亚拯救论”。就是不能涉及违背日本利益,连南京大屠杀那天,故意只字不提日本杀戮中国无辜平民,来弱化历史罪行,同时居然把韩国人申请遗产来激化中韩矛盾,搞得比南京大屠杀还要显眼。其影响和破坏力是侵入人心的,隐晦的淡淡毒慢慢地渗入骨髓,日久则无药可久也。 日本人为处心积虑破坏中美关系,就大肆雇用网络写手在网上各大论坛造谣生事,说美国对中国怎么怎么使坏,美国怎么怎么不惜一切要把中国置于死地,而事实完全不是日本人编造的那样。上过美国论坛网站的都知道,美国一直保持着戒心时时警惕着日本的网民占压倒性多数,远远多于其他任何一个国家。美国与他的所有盟友关系中一直处于各怀鬼胎同床异梦的尴尬境地的惟有美日关系,同样是伙伴,美国情愿相信英国,也不愿相信日本。要了解真正的情况,就得看大方向看主流,美国至少有90%以上的民众对中国是友好的,中美之间的所谓剑拔弩张一触即发随时可能动用原子弹都是被日本这样的邪恶国家虚构出来的。
6楼 23:19&|
7楼 23:21&|
8楼 20:18&|
10楼 23:30&|
想了解更多关于 ”高句丽历史“的信息,请&或请问有人能翻译下这个表情图上的字w?或者能不能给我一个大图模板ww_百度知道
笑 害羞 焦急
出门在外也不愁我电脑有时候有提示如下图:不知是什么意思我看不懂? 有那位能帮我翻译、解释一下?求!!!!!_百度知道
我电脑有时候有提示如下图:不知是什么意思我看不懂? 有那位能帮我翻译、解释一下?求!!!!!
This “agreement” incorporates by reference the standards of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Paris, France, on Non-Disclosure, Non-Circumvention and Working Agreements – including Privacy, Confidentiality and Cooperation.
It shall bind each signatory (“Party”) for five (5) years after execution regardless of the success of any specific transaction, and shall automatically extend to a new term of five (5) years from the start of any roll, extension, renewal or additional transaction between the principals.
To achieve the mutual benefits of cooperation, each Party understands that:
Whereas, each Party recognizes the valuable proprietary rights which each has established, and that it is in the best interests of each to protect and preserve such rights as have been attained, maintained, developed, serviced and accomplished by each prior to this Agreement, and,
Whereas, the President of the United States, in signing HR 3723 on October 11, 1996, has authorized this Agreement by giving corporations the right to declare their contracts, clients, internal procedures and information and the transactions they engage in as corporate or trade secrets fully protected under the economic and industrial espionage laws of the U.S.A. and the International Economic Community.
Therefore, each Party signing this Agreement agrees to abide by the following terms and conditions:
Each Party agrees to not circumvent any other Party, e.g., to avoid proper payment of fees or returns to a Party or to exclude a Party from proper participation, even for a rational reason (to facilitate a deal or to avoid losing a deal).
Each Party agrees to not contact, or attempt to contact, directly or indirectly, any “Confidential Contact” of any other Party, or use any “Confidential Information” provided by any other Party, or disclose any of said information to anyone or entity, without a real need and the consent of said other Party for each such contact, use or disclosure, and then only after an agreement on fees.
Each Party agrees to keep private – and protect from leaks into the public domain – any and all privileged and other Confidential Information concerning any of the Parties or their activities.
Each Party agrees to be responsible for compliance with this paragraph by any “Sub-Party” (partner, subsidiary, agent, employee, etc.) of his or hers who has not signed this Agreement.
Each Party hereby agrees that the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and enforceable by his or her heirs, executors, administrators, trustees, wards, guardians, transferees and assigns in the event of his or her death or temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity. All documents and information provided by each principal Party shall be true and accurate representations of facts.
Each principal Party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless all other Parties and their transactions, intermediaries, financial sponsors, lenders, insurance companies, guarantors, borrowers, principals, clients, joint venture partners, stock share owners, business associates, officers, employees and assigns against all claims, demands, liabilities, causes or actions and expenses, including attorney fees and court costs incurred, relating to, arising out of or in connection with that Party’s negligence, omission, misrepresentation, malfeasance, fraud, breach of contract, default, willful misconduct, bad faith or violation of any city, state, county, province, federal or international law, regulation, ordinance or stature.
Each Party holding a Confidential information document owned by another Party agrees to promptly comply with a request by the owning Party to return or destroy the document and
国际商会(ICC 400 / 500 / 600工商) 非规避非披露及工作协议 这一“协议”纳入参照了国际商会(ICC)的,法国巴黎,非标准,包括保密,合作披露,非规避和工作协议- 。它应绑定每个签字(“党”)5(5)年后执行的,无论任何具体的交易成功,并应自动扩大到5个新的任期(5)从任何唱名,开始延长两年,重建或其他交易之间的校长。为了实现互利合作,各党明白: 虽然,各缔约方认识到,每个已建立宝贵的专有权利,而且在每个的最佳利益,保护和维护这些权利已经实现,维护,开发,服务和每本协议之前,并完成, 虽然,在美国总统签署了日人力资源3723,这已授权给予公司有权宣布合同,客户,内部程序和信息以及他们从事的交易协议的企业或商业秘密充分的保护下,美国和国际经济社会的经济和工业间谍活动的法律。 因此,各缔约方签署这项协议同意遵守以下条款和条件: 缔约各方同意不规避任何其他缔约方,例如,为避免收费或向党的回报或排除适当的参与,党的正确款项,即使是合理的理由,(为方便交易,以避免丢失或协议)。缔约各方同意不接触,或试图联系,直接或间接的任何“机密联系”的任何其他缔约方,或使用任何“机密信息”的任何其他缔约方,或披露所提供的任何资料,说任何人或实体,没有真正的需要和同意的表示,每个这样的接触,使用或披露的其他党,然后才就收费协议。缔约各方同意保密的-并进入公有领域防止泄漏-任何和所有特权和其他机密信息有关缔约方大会或其任何活动。缔约各方同意要与此受到任何“分段负责遵守党段”(合作伙伴,子公司,代理商,雇员等),他或她谁没有签署这项协议。 每一方在此同意的条款和条件,本协议应于收到并执行有约束力的他或她的继承人,遗嘱执行人,管理人,受托人,病房,监护人,受让人和他或她的死亡或暂时或永久的精神事件指派或身体伤残。所有文件和各主要当事方提供的资料应当真实,准确的事实的陈述。每个主要当事方同意赔偿,并不会追究所有其他缔约方及其交易,中介机构,金融赞助商,贷款人,保险公司,担保人,借款人,校长,客户,合资伙伴,股票所有者,商业伙伴,职员,雇员及分配对所有索赔,要求,负债,导致或行动和费用,包括律师费和法庭费用,涉及,所产生的或与该方的疏忽,遗漏,虚假陈述,渎职,欺诈,合同违约行为方面,故意行为,恶意或任何城市,州,县,省,联邦或国际法律,法规,条例或地位的行为。
Each Party holding a Confidential information document owned by another Party agrees to promptly comply with a request by the owning Party to return or destroy the document and agrees to not retain any part of it in any form or in any medium (computer or fax file, etc.) – and the owning Party shall be the final authority on the use and disclosure of said information and its removal from all media.
Parties violating this Agreement shall be liable for payment to the non-violating Parties all gains from the violation plus liquidated damages plus any additional amount required by a Settlement.
Any Party injured by a violation shall be entitled to compensation of at least the scheduled amount from each transaction involving the violating Party plus all costs and any liquidated damages agreed to or awarded.
In any proceeding under this Agreement, each injured Party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees in addition to any other entitled relief.
If any Party violates this Agreement, each party shall be entitled to injunctive relief to restrain the violations.
A waiver by a Party of a violation by a Party shall not change this Agreement or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent violation and shall not affect the rights or remedies of the Parties.
If any part of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall continue in full force and effect.
This Agreement shall be construed and enforced under the applicable laws and regulations of the Country and State where the respective Parties reside and the rules and regulations of the ICC.
Each Party agrees to participate in good faith negotiations toward resolution of any dispute, claim, controversy or other matter.
Each Party agrees that if a matter is not resolved within 30 calendar days by the Parties themselves, it shall be submitted for settlement by binding arbitration in accordance with the Non-Circumvention & Non-Disclosure and Working Agreement rules and regulations of the ICC.
The arbitration will comply with and be governed by the Reconciliation and Arbitration rules of the ICC for complex arbitration, in a venue – chosen by the plaintiff Party – where the ICC maintains a division for hearing complex arbitration.
This Agreement is subject to the Economic and Industrial Espionage Law of the International Economic Community. Any disclosure not authorized herein or under applicable law of the names, identities, bank coordinates or other key information regarding such transactions, or any of the details thereof, may be deemed to be a felony, making the violator subject to Criminal Prosecution.
Each Party affirms that he or she reads the English Language and understands the wording and content of this Agreement, and hereby represents and warrants that he or she or it has the full legal, Corporate, Trust and/or Individual authority necessary to enter into this Agreement, and is doing so with the intent to be legally bound hereby and to bind any involved entity via the applicable Corporate or Trust resolution, and that every Party hereto or any other interested party or entity may rely upon the representations in this paragraph without requiring further proof, unless requested.
Each Party warrants that there is no legal suit, action, investigation, arbitration, or legal, administrative or other proceeding pending or threatened against him or her as a Party which would affect his or her ability to perform his or her obligations under this Agreement.
Each Party affirms to be an independent contractor relative to each other Party and not an agent or employee of any other Party nor connected to any entity for monitoring, regulating, compliance or a related function.
Each Party affirms under penalty of perjury that all of his or her representations made herein are true.
A Party shall not be in violation of this Agreement due to 1) possessing Confidential Information and/or Confidential Contacts obtained independently of any other Party or 2) acts of God, natural disasters, civil disturbance, etc.
每一缔约方持有机密资料文件由另一缔约方同意立即拥有一个由拥有符合党的要求归还或销毁文件,并同意不保留任何形式的任何部分或任何介质(计算机或传真文件,等) -和所属缔约方应使用上的权威和最后说,信息披露和消除所有的媒体。 违反本协定的缔约方应承担支付给非违反加上由结算所需要的任何额外款项缔约方因违反所有涨幅加上违约金。违反行为受伤任何一方均有权获得赔偿,至少从每个涉及违反党加上所有费用,任何违约赔偿数额达成协议的交易计划或赔偿。在本协议下的任何程序,各受损方应有权在合理的律师费外的任何其他有资格的救济。如果任何一方违反本协议,每一方应有权禁止令救济,抑制违法行为。阿由违反党一党放弃不得变更本协议或作为任何其后的违反放弃解释,不得影响的权利或补救措施的缔约方。如果本协议的一部分被发现无效或无法执行,其余部分应继续充分有效。 本协议的解释和适用法律规定和国家的法规和国家有关缔约方在居住的规则和国际刑事法院的规定执行。缔约各方同意参加对任何争议,索赔,争议或其他问题的决议,真诚地进行谈判。缔约各方同意,如果事情没有在30个日历日内解决缔约方本身,应当由与非规避及非公开的工作协议的规则和国际刑事法院的法规规定提交的具有约束力的仲裁解决。仲裁将遵守并得到和解与国际刑事法院的仲裁规则复杂的仲裁管辖,在一个地点-由原告选择的党-在国际刑事法院审理维持复杂的仲裁表决。 本协议是受经济和工业间谍法国际经济共同体。任何未经授权的披露本或根据姓名,身份,银行坐标或其他重要资料,这些交易的细节或其任何适用的法律,可被视为重罪,使违法者受到刑事起诉。 每一缔约方申明,他或她读英语和理解的措辞和本协议的内容,特此声明并保证他或她或它具有充分的法律,公司,信托和/或个人必要的权力,签署本协定,并正在与意图,以便接受法律约束和约束特此通过信托适用的企业或实体,从事任何决议,而每一个党员函或任何其他利害关系人或实体可以根据本段的陈述,而无需依赖进一步证明,除非要求。每一缔约方认股权证是没有法律起诉,行动,调查,仲裁,或法律,行政或其他诉讼了结或对他或她作为一个党,会影响他或她有能力履行本协议履行义务的威胁。每一缔约方确认是一个相对独立承包商相互党,不是代理人或任何其他缔约方的雇员,也连接到任何实体进行监测,调节,规范或相关功能。 每个缔约方根据伪证罪,他的或她的交涉本处罚都作出肯定是正确的。阿方不得在本协议因违反一)有机密信息和/或秘密接触取得独立于任何其他缔约方或2)上帝,自然灾害,内乱等行为


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